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M. Matsuo: Hydrophilic Antimutagens in Fermented Defatted Soybeans with Neurospora in- M. Matsuo: Serum cholesterol reduction by quinoa tempe, fermented quinoa with Rhizopus oligosporus in rats fed a cholesterol-free diet M. Matsuo: Enhancement of in vivo antioxidant activity of miso with vegetables, South Afri- Mochizuki Miyako, Hasegawa Noboru : Effects of green tea catechin-induced lipoolysis on cytosol glycerol content in differentiated T -L cells, Phytotherapy Research, Mochizuki Miyako, Hasegawa Noboru : Therapeutic efficacy of pycnogenol in experimental inflammatory bowel diseases, Phytotherapy Research Mochizuki Miyako, Hasegawa Noboru : Pycnogenol stimulates lipolysis in T -L cells via β-receptor mediated activity, Phytotherapy Research, Mochizuki Miyako, Hasegawa Noboru : Protective effect of acute experimental colitis, Journal of Health Science Yamanaka, Margaret: “English in the Classroom”, Aurora No Yamanaka, Margaret, “What English Do Nurses Need?”, JALT 2004 Proceedings, The Japan Association for Language Teaching, August Uchida M, Iida H, Iida M, Kumazawa M, Dohi S: Milrinone Attenuates the Sustained De- creases of Cerebral Blood Flow and Tissue Oxygen Tension after Unclamping of Abdominal Aortic Clamping in Rabbits, American Society of Anestesiolosist Iida M, Fujiwara H: Acute single cigarette smoking impairs endothelium dependent cerebral th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Japanese Circulation Iida M, Iida H, Takanaka M, Fujiwara H, Dohi S: Angiotensin II type prevents impairment of endothelium-dependent cerebral vasodilation by acute ciga- Cerebral Blood Flow, Metabolism, and Function &VIIth International Conference on Quantification of Brain Function with PET Amsterdam, Netherlands, Reiationship between food Habits and Stresses Sugawa-Katayama Yohko, Katayama Masayuki, Arikawa Yoko, Yamamoto Yuko, Sawada Rie and Nakano Yukihiro : Diminution of arsenic level in Hijiki, Sargassum fusi- th International Congress of Nutrition, Durban South Enhancement of in vivo antioxidant activity of miso with vegetables th International Congress of Nutrition, ICC Durban, South Africa Yamanaka, Margaret, “What English Do Nurses Need?” Exposicion De Arte Contemporaneo Japones Y Sho Palacio de Exposicio- Sami Ben Jamaa, Jamie Davis, Bayarpurev Mongul, Folinusz Ivett Yamanaka, Margaret: “Teaching Mature-Aged Students” Teaching Older Learners Forum

Source: http://libwww.gijodai.ac.jp/newhomepage/kiyo2006/kenkyu.pdf

Microsoft word - 6-les_hypnotiques.doc

LES HYPNOTIQUES A/ LE SOMMEIL ET SES TROUBLES I) LES ÉTATS DE VIGILANCE CHEZ L'HOMME 1) enregistrement polygraphique - L'étude polygraphique du sommeil chez l'homme est réalisée en enregistrant : + l'activité corticale par l'intermédiaire de l'électro-encéphalogramme (EEG), les électrodes + le tonus musculaire, au niveau de la houppe du menton. + les mouvements ocul

Newsletter 2009

(Published Quarterly and distributed free to members) New Delhi April 2011 Time to Treatment is Crucial If recently injured patients with serious bleeding were to President receive a cheap, widely available and easily administered drugto help their blood to clot, tens of thousands of lives could besaved every year. The CRASH-2 trial was a large, randomised President Elect tria

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