English translation of the Product Information
Hypersensitivity to estriol or any of the other constituents of Gynoflor; endometriosis
(manifest or suspected); manifest, previous or
Gynoflor® Vaginal Tablets
suspected hormone-dependent tumour of the breast, uterus or vagina; severely inflamed, suppurated, infiltrated vaginitis; bleeding of
unknown origin. Gynoflor should not be used
in girls who have not reached sexual maturity.
Lactobacillus acidophilus cryodesiccatus
Warnings and Precautions
Gynoflor contains only a small amount of
estriol, and of this, only very little is absorbed.
In addition, as this preparation is used for only
Galenical forms and amount of active
a short period of time, there is minimal risk in
substance per unit
the case of serious liver, heart and kidney
1 vaginal tablet contains at least 10 million
function disturbances, epilepsy or migraine
viable Lactobacillus acidophilus in lyophilised
hypertonia, Diabetes mellitus, porphyria and
hyperlipidemia. There is also minimal risk for patients with serious itching, rash or worsening otosclerosis during early pregnancy, and for
Indications / Possibilities for use
those with thrombophlebitis or thromboembolic
disorders in the anamnesis. However, during
Restoration of the physiological vaginal
long-term treatment with Gynoflor, regular
flora after local or systemic treatment with
clinical check-ups should be performed for
patients with the above disorders, as for
Vaginal infections caused by mixed flora
antibacterial or antimycotic treatment is
disorder, recurrence of the above symptoms or
Atrophic vaginitis, Fluor during post-
occurrence of thrombosis or jaundice, therapy
If bleeding takes place, therapy should be discontinued and the reason for the bleeding
Dosage / Application Fluor, vaginal infections, restoration
If Gynoflor is taken orally by mistake, no
Insert 1 - 2 vaginal tablets deeply into the
vagina in the evening before going to sleep. The treatment should take place for at least 6
days and generally should take not longer than 12 days. Treatment should be interrupted
Lactobacilli bacteria are sensitive to numerous
during menstruation and resumed afterwards.
anti-infective agents. Thus, simultaneous
treatment with anti-infectives (local or
Atrophic vaginitis, Fluor during post-
systemic) could lead to a reduction in the
Insert 1 vaginal tablet deeply into the vagina in
the evening before going to sleep, for 12 days.
hydantoins, carbamazepine, and rifampicin,
The use of Fluomizin is contraindicated in
can affect the activity of estrogens if used
metabolism. However, interactions of this type
are unlikely for Gynoflor due to the low dose
and primarily local effect of this estrogen, and
to the fact that the enterohepatic circulation is
No side effects are to be expected for vaginal overdosage. The number of lactobacilli in the
Pregnancy, Lactation
vaginal environment is simply increased, which
Data on a limited number of exposed pregnant
is in any case the desired effect of the
women did not indicate adverse effects on
preparation. With respect to estriol, a short-
pregnancy or on the health of the foetus or
new-born child. Experiences from epidemio-
expected. However, due to the low dose of
estriol per tablet and the fast elimination, no
estriol has an adverse effect on the fetus.
Properties / Effects
The physiological estriol-concentrations
measured in the blood of women are 100 until
The preparation contains components which
1000 times higher than during pregnancy.
physiologically provide a healthy vaginal
environment with important protection against
Due to the facts that Gynoflor contains a very
ascending infections. Lactobacillus acidophilus
low dose of estriol and that estriol is only
(Lactobacillus bacterium) is the indicator
minimally absorbed (see “pharmacokinetics”),
organism for a healthy vaginal flora. It ferments
adverse effects on the fetus or newborn when
glycogen from the vaginal epithelium to lactic
the preparation is used during pregnancy are
acid. The resulting acidic environment (pH 3.8
- 4.5) inhibits the growth of pathogenic
organisms and is the optimal medium for the
The most frequent causes of a disturbance or
The patient should be told to inform her doctor
destruction of the physiological vaginal flora,
if she becomes pregnant during therapy with
recognised by a shift in pH, are estrogen
deficiency conditions (e.g. during menopause),
local or systemic treatment with anti-infectives,
There is not enough data on the application of
improper hygienic measures, local infections
estriol during lactation to be able to estimate
and serious general infections. Through the
possible risks for the newborn infant. However,
it is known that estriol enters the mother's milk
Lactobacilli bacteria contained in Gynoflor,
and can reduce the production of milk, for
lactic acid and other antibiotically-effective
example. However, considering the low dose
metabolic products (e.g. hydrogen peroxide)
and the minimal absorption of this active
are produced. As a result, foreign organisms
ingredient after vaginal application, adverse
are inhibited in their growth and eventually
Effects on ability to drive and use machines
Not applicable.
especially at advanced age, there is a reduction in the number of glycogen-containing cells in the vaginal epithelium. Estriol, the
Adverse Effects General irritations and reactions on the
hormone, specifically stimulates the epithelium
of the vagina, cervix and vulva, and selectively
Temporary mild burning and itching may occur
after the first application. Rare cases of
epithelium, even at the very low dose of
intolerability reactions with redness and itching
0.03 mg contained in Gynoflor. In comparison
have been reported. In one such case, an
to other estrogens (e.g. estradiol), estriol has a
relatively short duration of action, as it is bound
to the target tissues for a short time only, has a
low affinity to plasma proteins, and is quickly metabolised and eliminated. Application of Gynoflor in cases of atrophic vaginitis demonstrated a considerable restitution of the
vaginal epithelium within one week. In this
biologically inactive forms (glucuronidisation,
manner, a long-term supply of substrate for the
lactobacilli is ensured. Since estriol has only a
weak endometriotrophic effect in contrast to other estrogens, proliferation of the
Preclinical data
endometrium is not to be expected at this dose
Preclinical studies with estriol on repeated-
dose toxicity, genotoxicity and carcinogenicity
provided no clear evidence regarding specific
Lactose, included in the vaginal tablets as a
risks for humans, even though epidemiological
filler, can also be fermented by Lactobacillus
studies as well as animal studies with estriol
acidophilus to lactic acid. This fermentation
demonstrated an increased carcinogenic risk.
colonisation in the physiological vaginal flora
Relevant preclinical studies considering the
begins already after the first application. The
low dose of estriol in Gynoflor and the topical
common symptoms of fluor, pruritus, burning
or dyspareunia improve within the first days of
treatment. Gynoflor is not suitable for the systemic or local treatment of estrogen deficiency conditions, e.g. during menopause.
Further Information Incompletely dissolved tablets Gynoflor contains tablet excipients which do
not dissolve completely, such that on occasion, the remains of the tablet can be
As soon as the tablet comes into contact with
found in the panties. This is of no importance
the vaginal fluid, it begins to disintegrate and
release the lyophilised bacteria. In vitro
experiments have shown that the lactobacilli resume their metabolism within a few hours and bring about a reduction in pH in cases
The absorption of estriol from Gynoflor has
During the normal period of treatment of 1 - 2
weeks, the opened package does not have to
After a single intravaginal application of
Marketing Authorisation Number
Gynoflor, the plasma concentrations of unconjugated and total estriol rose slightly and
reached a maximum after 3 hours. The plasma profile of unconjugated (biologically active)
Package Sizes
estriol rose from 19.2 pg/mL (basal level) to a maximum of 34.7 pg/mL. After 8 hours, the
plasma levels of unconjugated estriol were no
longer raised above the basal level. Estriol has a low affinity for plasma albumin, and in
Marketing Authorisation Holder
contrast to other estrogens, is only bound by
After a 12-day therapy with Gynoflor using a
Status of the information:
dose of 1 vaginal tablet daily, the estriol concentrations (unconjugated estriol)
measured were not raised above the level at
the start of therapy (basal level). Thus,
accumulation of estriol is not to be expected.
The plasma profiles of estrone and estradiol
are not changed due to therapy with estriol, as
estriol is their metabolic end-product. Estriol is quickly eliminated in the urine, primarily in
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