SCIENCE With Mrs Rabin
Read & plot coordinates; Understand and use the formula to Earth & Space: children will find our find the area of a rectangle; Understand, measure and calculate perimeter in rectangles; Classify events based on & Earth & develop an understanding of degrees of likelihood; Units of weight; Reflective symmetry; day & night, the four seasons & the cts of an author's style. Look at different will explore different Genres throughout BIG MATHS!
investigated, along with the other stars the r eading the book. These include: balanced Counting
Ordering numbers: Can I order numbers with 3 decimal non c hronological reports and recounts. PE Wednesday: Lacross- outdoor kit
Counting along: Can I count along any number line? Prime Learning Challenge: What can I learn
Learn Its
RE With Mrs Rabin
Most children will be working on their 8 times table- they WOW: Semaphore message and mystery
need to learn it like they know their own name! It’ s Nothing New
Jigsaw numbers: Do I know the missing piece decimal piece? Lear ning Challenge 1: What are oceans and
Multiply 10: Can I multiply decimals by 100? seas and where in the world are they located? Divide 10: Can I divide decimals by 100? Lear ning Challenge 2: What are the
Coin multiplication: Do I know when to add 3 multiples graphical features of oceans and what is a ning Challenge 3: What is life like in the
POMs words: Do I understand square numbers? Calculation
ning Challenge 4: What is climate change
ning Challenge 5 & 6: Is it safe at sea?. .
School Linking Network:
We hope to meet our friend at Cale Green at least once more before Easter- we will Happy New Year! I hope that you have had fantastic Christmas and that Santa was kind to you all! Thank either visit Cale Green or they will visit us- you for all your kind gifts and messages- they were all very much appreciated. Miss Lloyd has also asked me to pass on her thanks for your gifts and for making her feel so welcome. She had a brilliant teaching placement and I know the children enjoyed having her. Sadly (for us at least) she has now moved to Modern Foreign Language: French
another school where I know she will continue to thrive as a professional. Each child has a reading book which they are responsible for changing themselves. Children can read their book to themselves quietly or may prefer to read it to a family member; either approach is fine, but it is always valuable to discuss the book with your child to find out their opinions and to ascertain their level of understanding. In school each child will read during group guided reading sessions on a weekly basis and this will be noted in their planners if their planner is in school that day.
Mrs Rabin is working with the children on their spelling work- patterns and rules are following ‘Support for Spelling’ for year 5 or topic related words. Your child will have spellings in their planner, most weeks, along with a daily practise sheet for use at home. Tests will be done on a Thursday. parts. Look out for words & songs to Homework
Homework will be set each Wednesday for return by the Monday- Mrs Tittershill is running a homework club on Friday after school for anyone who would like to make use of this, the details of which are IMPORTANT DATES
available rom the office. I urge you to encourage your child to make use of this if you can- Mrs T is on hand to help the children and its all done and out of the way before the weekend starts!. Homework
Tuesday 11th March: Y3, 4, 5 visit to
should never be too onerous and will almost always be to reinforce the work we have done in class or to prepare for something we will be covering in class. Planners
Please encourage to have their planner in school each day. Please feel free to use the planner as a means of communication but if you have an urgent message, please ask your child to bring it to my attention or write a separate note, as I will only check the planners weekly during Guided Reading.


Electronic cigarette association - letter to industry

DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES Food and Drug Administration Silver Spring, MD 20993-0002 September 8, 2010 Mr. Matt Salmon President Electronic Cigarette Association 1401 K Street, N.W., Suite 600 Washington, DC 20005 Dear Mr. Salmon: FDA today has taken enforcement action against five distributors of electronic cigarettes and related components, for practices which violate vari

Biomarker associations - osteoporosis

Disease Report Osteoporosis Table of Contents Introduction Description Reduction of bone mass without alteration in the composition of bone, leading to fractures. primary osteoporosis can be of two major types: postmenopausalosteoporosis (osteoporosis, postmenopausal) and age-related or senile osteoporosis. Synonyms Post-Traumatic Osteoporosis; Age-Rela

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