Assignments 1. Annotate the reading passage. Put a BOX around the MAIN IDEA. Underline or circle details to support the main idea ( names, dates, important events…) Define words or people you do not know in the 2. Write down the MAIN IDEA and 3 DETAILS 20 points 3. You will write a MEL-Con paragraph based on the following prompt: Can a president eradicate racism? 100 points
Assuage – to lessen or alleviate
(Aleve Aspirin Lessens/ reduces headaches)
Mobile gas station automobile
Write down the Main Idea and 3 details in the
article, “Eradicating Racism Will Take More
How can we eradicate racism?
Why should racism be eradicated?
What has been done in the past to eradicate racism?
Assuage the fears of white voters
Limit struggles
All of these Do not challenge white privilege (laws,
Organize and mobilize social power of VERBS/ oppressed people ACTIONS Alter actions/ become activists
Empower the forces
Build a new independent Civil Rights In Evidence Detail #1
Use A.W.E A 2 sentence explanation of detail #1 Detail #2 A 2 sentence explanation of detail #2 Parenthetical Citation Detail #3 A 2 sentence explanation of detail #3
Views You Can Use Vol. III No. 7 In this monthly briefing memo that you have requested, my colleagues at the International Center and I share information on trends and technologies that will have an impact on education. Information Technology High-tech Speech Interpreter Advancements in technology and an ever-expanding global economy have made the world a smaller place. I
Pfizer annonce la mise à disposition en France de Celsentri® Paris, le 27 novembre 2008 --- Pfizer met à disposition Celsentri® (maraviroc), premier représentant d’une nouvelle classe d’antirétroviraux par voie orale pour les patients prétraités, infectés par le VIH-1 à tropisme uniquement CCR5. Les patients ayant déjà fait l’expérience d’un traitement contre le VIH p