A T T E N T I O N!!!! Final Examination of Behavioural Sicences 4th Years general medical students The final examination of behavioural sciences is the total examination which covers all the materials of psychology, bioethics, medical anthropology, medical sociology and behavioural medicine. In the written „A” exam 100 items in test form should be solved. All of the students must solve the psychological and bioethical items but only two subjects’ items should be chosen among anthropology, medical sociology and behavioural medicine. Evaluation of the final examination grade: 0-50% – fail, 51%-60% – pass, 61%-70% – satisfactory, 71%-80% – good, 81%-100% – excellent. In the case of „B” and „C” oral exams the students have to answer an item of questions’ list in presence of a teachers’ board. READINGS FOR FINAL EXAM ON MEDICAL SYCHOLOGY AND BEHAVIOUR MEDICINE: Compulsory reading: Csabai, M. and Molnar, P.: Health, Illness and Care. A textbook of medical psychology. Springer, Budapest, 2000. Communication chapter READINGS FOR FINAL EXAM ON MEDICAL ANTHROPOLOGY Chapters from the official textbook: Cecil G. Helman: Culture, Health and Illness, (different editions are available)
The body: cultural definitions of anatomy and physiology Doctor-patient interaction Gender and reproduction Pain and culture Culture and pharmacology: drugs, alcohol and tobacco Cross-cultural psychiatry (Titles of chapters can slightly differ in different editions.) + HANDOUTS Lectures BIOETHICS:
Required reading:
Handouts: in Microsoft word and Pdf format. Via web http://www.mti.deoec.hu Jay E. Kantor: Medical Ethics for Physicians-in-Training. Plenum, NY & London, 1989. MEDICAL SOCIOLOGY D. Amstrong: Sociology as applied to medicine, Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford, 1994. M. Senior and B. Viveash: Health and illness. Skills-based sociology. Macmillan, London,1997. Bowling, A.: Measuring Health. Measuring disease. Ballmoor, University Press, 1998.
PLENO ORDINARIO NÚM. 01 ACTA DE LA SESIÓN ORDINARIA DEL PLENO DEL EXCELENTÍSIMO AYUNTAMIENTO DE ESTA CIUDAD DE XÁTIVA CELEBRADA EL DÍA 20 DE ENERO DE DOS MIL CINCO, EN PRIMERA CONVOCATORIA.- En el Salón de Sesiones de la Casa de la Ciutat de Xàtiva, siendo lasdoce horas y cinco minutos del día veinte de enero de 2005, bajo laPresidencia de D. Alfonso Rus Terol, Alcalde de Xàtiva, a
Effect of Efavirenz on the Pharmacokinetics of Ethinyl Estradiol and Norgestimate in Healthy Female Subjects H. Sevinsky, T. Eley, B. He, A. Persson, D. Garner, C. Yones, R. Nettles, R. Bertz and J. Zhang Bristol-Myers Squibb Research and Development, Princeton, NJ USA Introducti Introducti on Results (Cont’d) Results (Cont’d) Results (Cont’d) Efavirenz (EFV) is