Licensees are required to use NIPR’s online update to change addresses. Only use this form when:
You are moving from/into a new state (NOT North Carolina) * You are an adjuster domiciled in a state other than your resident state * You are updating the address of a Business Entity ______________________________________________ ____________________________________
* List Domicile State _________________________ A domicile state is the state in which you qualified for a license by exam and continue to maintain an active license. The state listed above may be your resident state or an adopted home state. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City
E-Mail Address (N.C. GENERAL STATUTE REQUIREMENT FOR ALL LICENSEES) _________________________________________________________________________________________
New Business Address _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ New Mailing Address □ Residence Address Listed Above _________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ City
_____________________________________________ ___________________________________
Mail to: NC Licensing Office of Pearson Vue, PO Box 14209, Raleigh, NC, 27620 or fax to (888) 959-3010 or email to:
According to N.C.G.S. 58-2-69(b): Every licensee shal give written notification to the Commissioner of any change of the licensee's residential address within 10 business
days after the licensee moves into their new residence. Effective 01/01/2010, Every licensee shal provide a valid e-mail address and give written notification to the
Commissioner of any change to the licensee’s email address within 10 business days after the change. Failure to update resident address or e-mail within 10 business days shal result in a $50.00 fee.
III.- OTRAS DISPOSICIONES Y ACTOS Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha Resolución de 01/07/2013, de la Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha, por la que se aprueban las bases de la convocatoria de ayudas para la adquisición de plantas piloto con cargo al Programa Operativo Feder 2007-2013. [2013/8266] Este Rectorado, de conformidad con las competencias que tiene atribuidas en virtu
Many thanks to Julia Ross, the author of The Diet Cure , for her permission to place this questionnaire on the Total Fitness website. My goal in The Diet Cure is to stop your food cravings, address your eating and weight problems, and eliminate your mood swings and negative obsessions about your body. But first we have to determine what is causing these problems. Here is a mini-questionnai