SAVING KIDNEYS. SAVING LIVES. GABRIEL’S STORY The NephCure Foundation is currently the only organization dedicated to
What do you do when two very nice physicians sit you down
support research seeking the cause
and kindly tell you why your two-year-old son is pale, listless
of two debilitating kidney diseases,
and swollen throughout his body, when they call the condition
Nephrotic Syndrome, and when it is pretty clear that not a whole
Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS), lot is known about it?improve treatment and find a cure.
In my case, I went straight to church and cried my eyes out. But
I’m not here to make you reach for the tissue box. My purpose
is to tell the story about how our son Gabriel overcame that
miserable year of 1996 and how my husband Dominic and I found
a mission that we are hoping others will join.
Like so many other parents who have dealt with the Nephrotic
Syndrome, it came at us out of the blue. We noticed that Gabriel
was not himself, that he was swelling around the eyes and that
he had a low temperature. Then he stopped urinating completely.
We spent days as doctors tried to figure out what was wrong,
at first misdiagnosing him completely, then sending us to Mount
That first night in the hospital he was put on an IV line of Lasix,
a diuretic, and Gabriel went through one soaking diaper after
another. He was a bruised mess when the swelling went down,
but at least he was getting rid of toxins. The next morning we
felt fortunate to meet Dr. Isabelle Roberti and Dr. Lewis Reisman,
What in the world is Nephrotic Syndrome, I wondered. The
doctors explained what they could, but who can absorb anything
in that setting? I began looking for a support group to turn to,
for books and reference materials. There wasn’t much help or hope
and we began many years of relapses, hospital visits, peritonitis,
blood transfusions, dehydration and edema. We spent many a
week in the PICU at Hackensack University Medical Center and
St. Barnabas Hospital in Livingston, NJ.
Parents of children with this condition know the drill. It was
frustrating, tiring, and was a very long and lonely ride. I like to
call it “Neurotic” Syndrome because of what it does.
My son was nine when we met Dr. Kenneth Lieberman, of the
Hackensack Medical Center. He introduced Gabriel to cytoxan,
which is a drug usually used in chemotherapy. Thanks to that
treatment, Gabriel, now 15, has been in remission for some time.
But we were not about to forget about this condition or those
who suffer from it. I enlisted my name in an online support group
called, and realized that there were people out
there in our shoes and suffering more than us.
And then one day I came across the NephCure Foundation web
site. It is the only foundation dedicated solely to finding the cause,
There isn’t a day that goes by that I do not speak of NephCure.
I’ve been deeply involved in NephCure fund-raising events aimed
at supporting research for a cure. Since our son is in a medicine-
free remission, I feel the need to be thankful and know that
our lives have been blessed, for it has given me strength to help
those who have not been as lucky as our son, Gabriel.
If anyone would like to contact us, please feel free to do so at
The NephCure Foundation is currently the only organization dedicated to support research seeking the cause of two debilitating kidney diseases, Nephrotic Syndrome and Focal Segmental Glomerulosclerosis (FSGS),improve treatment and find a cure. 1.866 NephCure 15 Waterloo Ave Berwyn, PA 19312
Strategies for Preventing the Recurrence of Bipolar Disorder S. Nassir Ghaemi, M.D.; Tamara B. Pardo, A.B.; and Douglas J. Hsu, B.S. In interpreting the maintenance literature for bipolar disorder, attention needs to be paid to impor-tant methodological issues. In this article, we initially examine the methodological topics that need tobe considered, and we then examine the content of the e
Hum. Psychopharmacol Clin Exp 2007; 22: 217–222. Published online 13 April 2007 in Wiley InterScience( DOI: 10.1002/hup.842Metabolic differences between Asian and Caucasian patientson clozapine treatmentMythily Subramaniam1*, Chee Ng2, Siow-Ann Chong1, Rathi Mahendran1, Tim Lambert2,Elaine Pek1 and Chan Yiong Huak31Institute of Mental Health and Woodbridge Hospital,