PROGRAM SCHEDULE Seventh Annual SC Upstate Research Symposium
April 15, 2011 – held at Milliken & Company
Registration, Poster Set-up Opening Remarks: Sebastian van Delden Keynote Address: Dr. Nancy Trun, Duquesne University 9:30-11:05 Breakout Sessions 1,2,3,4,5 Education and Pedagogy Breakout Session 1, 9:30-10:15 Session Chair: Monika Shehi, Lander University 9:30-9:45 Improving Locus of Control in Recovering Addicts Receiving Art Therapy Amanda Cheek and Geri Hurlburt New Dance Moves: Perspectives on Integrating the Arts into Pre-Service Teacher Training Lee Vartanian and Amber Scates Teaching Movements in Literature in a Proper Timeline Jillian Wenberg and Celena Kusch Rationale for Teaching Mark Twain’s Huckleberry Finn Word-for-Word Jena Rowland and Celena Kusch How Do You Want Me To Write This Paper?: How First Year Writers Negotiate Their Entry in Academia Monika Shehi Wars of the Twentieth Century Breakout Session 2, 9:30-11:05 Session Chair: Gary C. Cheek, Spartanburg Methodist College Tiger Tanks used during “the Battle of the Bulge” Andrew King and Gary C. Cheek M-16 and AK-47: Performance in Vietnam Stokes Smith and Gary C. Cheek Nuclear Weapons and Socio-political Perceptions about Warfare in the 20th Century Joshua Holmes and Gary C. Cheek “Civilized Chaos:” The Seduction of Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Robert Gillian and Gary C. Cheek The Second Coming of Wrath: President Truman’s Decision to Drop the Atomic Bomb Jeffery Cook African American Studies Breakout Session 3, 9:30-11:05 Session Chair: John Hart, Sherman College Racial Disparities in the Risks for Cardiovascular Disease in the HIV Population Calvin Odhiambo Breast Cancer Fear, Fatalism and Spirituality in African-America Women Danielle Harris and Lynette Gibson Blood Pressure Changes in African American Patients Receiving Chiropractic Care from Chiropractic Interns: A Pilot Study Rochelle Delain and John Hart Metaphors of “Hearts Blood” and “Home:” Black Bourgeois Selfhood and the Transformation of the Laboring Body Colleen O’Brien Renee Stout: Connecting Reality and Ritual Sierra D’Amato and Rachel Snow Faith and Society Breakout Session 4, 9:30-11:05 Session Chair: Lee Kizer, Southern Wesleyan University Christian & Muslim Mystics: Points of Contact & Difference Craig Kubias Becoming like God through God’s Commandments: Plural Marriage as a Religious Principle Elizabeth Anthony Making Life and Death Decisions Richard Barnett and Lee Kizer Faith and Change Management Jeff Moffett and Lee Kizer Your Faith has Made You Well: An Examination of the Conflict between the State and Faith Healing Jan Enabore and Calvin Odhiambo “Authentic Pedagogy” Breakout Session 5, 9:30-11:05 Session Chair: Carmen Harris, USC Upstate Promoting Student Research through Authentic Historical Pedagogy From Africa’s ‘Happy Seat’: Phyllis Wheatley, Poet Jenny Moore-Snipes and Carmen Harris The Mother of Freedom: Elizabeth Freeman William Neely and Carmen Harris 1855 Massachusetts State Law Ends Racially Segregated Public Education Danny Lee Willard and Carmen Harris “You have libeled my state, and slandered my relation, … and I feel it to be my duty to punish you for it”: The Summer-Brooks Affair of 1856 Melissa Louzri and Carmen Harris 11:05-12:30 Poster Session, Coffee-Break The Changing Face of Hyla in the Piedmont
Chelsea Kross, Joel Price, Carl Alexander, and Melissa Pilgrim
Morphological Variation in Floral Traits between Co-occurring Interfertile Silene Species in Yunnan, China Morphological Variation in Leaf Traits between Co-occurring Interfertile Silene Species in Yunnan, China Southern Field Crickets (Gryllus rubens) do not Respond to the Chemical Cues of Wolf Spiders Small Mammal Community Structure in Urban Greenways Joshua Johnson, Rebecca Lever, and Jonathan Storm Cytotoxicity Studies of Carbon Nanoparticles
Pengju Luo, Ya-Ping Sun, June Luo, and Jia-Hui Liu
Acid Production in the Oral Cavity after Swirling Corn Oil
Jan Patton, Bryan Splawn, and David Pittman
Mathematics and A Robust Decision Support Model for Generating Clinical Knowledge of Patients Diagnosed with Chronic Diseases Analytical Solutions of Some Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations Finite Difference Solutions of Reaction Diffusion Equations The Study of Peristaltic Transport in a Non-Uniform Channel using Perturbation Technique Visual Detection of Objects in a Robotic Word-Area using Hand Gestures Resurrecting the Dead: The Decline of the Dead Sea as an Environmental A Comparison of Forgetting Curves in Humans and Rats
Spartanburg Day School, Converse College
Buspirone’s Effect on Licking Behavior to Tastants in Rats
Caroline Liddy, David Pittman, and Hunter Rackett
The Effect of Experimenter Attire and Perceived Personality on Performance
Katherine Howells, Kim Purdy, Stefanie Keen, Leigh Lehman, and Jan Griffin
BrailleSC: The Possibilities are Endless
Cory Bohon, Tina Herzberg, and George Williams
Help-Seeking Behavior by College Students: Effects of Type of Instructions and Difficulty of Task
Toni Puleo, Stefanie Keen, Leigh Lehman, Jan Griffin
Family Ties: The Mediating Role of Hostility in the Relationship Between Parental Attachment and Depression
Demetria White, Kayla Duncan, Teresa Herzog, and Crystal Hill-Chapman
Effects of Advertising Icons on Visual Memory Julie Tjhung, Crystal Hill-Chapman, Ronald Murphy, Brad Talbert, and Chancellar World Psychiatry The Benefits of Prior Exposure to Persons with Physical Disabilities
Sydney Brown, Stefanie M. Keen, Leigh A. Lehman, and Jan Griffin
Spartanburg in 1911: Crime and Punishment in the Community 11:45-12:30 Creative Performances, Converse Dance 12:30-1:15 1:15-2:30 Breakout Sessions 6,7,8,9,10 Breakout Session 6, 1:15-2:30 Session Chair: Ruth Morris, Greenville Technical College Henry Ossawa Tanner Kaysha Richardson and Rachel Snow The Outsider Art Project Gena Robinson, Jessie Stanion, Lorraine Urbina, Ashley Dunbar, Andrew Motter,
Clinton Keels, Joshua Riley, C. Dakotah Osborn, and Ruth Morris
Portrait as Process: Andy Warhol’s Polaroid to Silkscreen Method Visual Literacy in Graphic Design: Distilling the Visual Chaos
Justin Ryon, Erin West, and Lisa Anderson USC Upstate
Faith in History Breakout Session 7, 1:15-2:30 Session Chair: Mark Gibbs, Spartanburg Methodist College Clement of Rome’s Concept of “Canon” Mark Gibbs Perpetual Ascent and Universal Salvation: Presenting the Ideas of Epektasis and Apokatastasis in Gregory of Nyssa “Pre-existence:” Origin on the Manifestation of the Human Soul Ignatius’ View of the Role of the Bishop Women’s Studies Breakout Session 8, 1:15-2:30 Session Chair: Esther Godfrey, USC Upstate A Content Analysis of Sexual and Relational Health Messages for Women Who have Sex with Women Andrea Davis and Sandra Faulkner The Woman in White and Nineteenth-Century Asylum Reform Narrative Correction of the Atypical Female Role in The Woman in White The Married Women’s Property Act and The Woman in White Natural and Health Sciences Breakout Session 9, 1:15-2:30 Session Chair: Jonathan Storm, USC Upstate Subcellular Localization of Ryanodine Receptor 3 in the Skeletal Muscle of the Mouse Guangming Wu Temperature Readings of the Upper Neck and Health Perception What Stimulus Factors Influence Guided Skill Learning in Rats
Hannah Rapport, Thien-An Le, and Alliston K. Reid
Investigating the Effectiveness of Wormseed Oil in the Treatment and Suppression of Hymenolupis diminuta Infections in Rats
Kala Downey, Sarah Jones, and Edna Steele
Business and Technology Breakout Session 10, 1:15-2:30 Session Chair: Muhammad Hameed, USC Upstate Measuring Brand Development Effectiveness Lynn McGee Entrepreneurship Education: Attitudes, Workshops, and Internationalization Adding Innovation to the Spiral Software Development Model Quantifying the Tower of Hanoi Graphs 2:30-2:45 Coffee Break 2:50-3:45 Breakout Sessions 11, 12, 13, 14 Literature Breakout Session 11, 2:45-3:45 Session Chair: Susan Hodge, USC Upstate “Dinner with the Big Bad Wolf:” M.F.K. Fisher’s How to Cook a Wolf in Context Gillian Gurish and Erin Templeton “Living Literature” and the Little Magazine of the Twentieth Century Anatomy is Not Identity: Food, Eating, and Margaret Atwood’s The Handmaid’s Tale Truth and Fiction: Two Short Stories and a Memoir Breakout Session 12, 2:45-3:45 Session Chair: Marilyn Knight, USC Upstate On a Thursday Joe Bodie and Marilyn Knight Moments in Time Melting Pot Breakout Session 13, 2:45-3:45 Session Chair: Monika Shehi, Lander University Grits and Rice: Challenges & Experiences of Chinese Students in Upstate South Carolina Shunwen Cheng, Jiaxin Li, Yueshu Wu, Deryle Hope, and David Marlow South Carolina with a Spanish Accent: Hispanic Immigrants in Walhalla, South Carolina Hispanic Literature for Children and Young Adults: Don’t Think of Teaching Hispanic Culture without It Social and Domestic Issues Breakout Session 14, 2:45-3:45 Session Chair: Crystal Hill-Chapman, Francis Marion University Braille and the Brain David Pruitt, Tina Herzberg, and George Williams The Strength of Silence: Actualization within Depictions of Deafness in 19th Century Literature The Long-Term Effects of Childhood Exposure to Domestic Violence
Bobbi Jo Wilson, Stefanie Keen and Jennifer Parker
3:45-4:15 Student Awards, Closing
The emergency it represents in the clinical setting of : Hypertension Author : - Dr. Edward Tsang (registered Chinese Herbalist & Acupuncturist ) Wu Zhu Metaphysician Hypertension is quite common and popular for modern society nowadays due to people’s daily diet. Patients with the symptom of diastolic blood pressure over 120 mmHg is defined as hypertensive crisis (Cameron et al
TOM OTIENO ADMINISTRATIVE EXPERIENCE • Associate Dean , College of Arts and Sciences, Eastern Kentucky University, Responsible for various College activities related to the administration of the College including promotion and tenure, strategic planning, policies and procedures, and faculty development. Assists with faculty appointments, chairperson appointments and other administrat