Product insert_nikp-glimepiride 3mg_20120828

unconsciousness. The clinical picture of severe reduced blood sugar level Taking NIKP-GLIMEPIRIDE with food and drink
Tell your doctor immediately if you experience any of the following
Glimepiride 3mg
Alcohol intake may increase or decrease the blood sugar lowering action of symptoms:
NIKP-GLIMEPIRIDE in an unpredictable way.
Allergic reactions (including inflammation of blood vessels, often This package insert is continually updated: please read carefully before using a new Treating hypoglycaemia:
with skin rash) which may develop into serious reactions with pack. In case of any question, please contact your physician or pharmacist.
In most cases the signs of reduced blood sugar vanish very quickly when you Pregnancy and breast-feeding
difficulty in breathing, fall in blood pressure and sometimes consume some form of sugar, e.g. sugar cubes, sweet juice, sweetened tea.
In this leaflet:
You should therefore always take some form of sugar with you (e.g. sugar NIKP-GLIMEPIRIDE should not be taken during pregnancy. Tell your doctor Abnormal liver function including yellowing of the skin and eyes 1. What NIKP-GLIMEPIRIDE is and what it is used for cubes). Remember that artificial sweeteners are not effective. Please contact if you are, you think you might be or planning to become pregnant.
(jaundice), problems with the bile flow (cholestasis), inflammation your doctor or go to the hospital if taking sugar does not help or if the Breast feeding
of the liver (hepatitis) or liver failure NIKP-GLIMEPIRIDE may pass into breast milk. NIKP-GLIMEPIRIDE should Allergy (hypersensitivity) of the skin such as itching, rash, hives Laboratory Tests
and increased sensitivity to sun. Some mild allergic reaction may The level of sugar in your blood or urine should be checked regularly. Your Ask your pharmacist for advice before taking any medicine.
doctor may also take blood tests to monitor your blood cell levels and liver Severe hypoglycaemia including loss of consciousness, seizures 1. What NIKP-GLIMEPIRIDE is and what it is used for
Driving and using machines
Your ability to concentrate or react may be impaired if your blood sugar is NIKP-GLIMEPIRIDE is an orally active blood sugar lowering drug. This drug Taking other medicines
lowered (hypoglycaemia), or raised (hyperglycaemia) or if you develop visual Some patients experienced the following side effects whilst taking belongs to a blood sugar lowering group of medicines called sulfonylurea. Please tell you doctor or pharmacist if you are taking or have recently taken problems as a result of such conditions. Bear in mind that you could NIKP-GLIMEPIRIDE works by increasing the amount of insulin released from any other medicines, including medicines obtained without prescription.
endanger yourself or others (e.g. when driving in a car or using machines). the pancreas. The insulin then lowers your blood sugar levels.
Your doctor may wish to change your dose of NIKP-GLIMEPIRIDE if you are Please ask your doctor whether you can drive a car if you: Rare side effects (affects more than 1 patient in 10,000 and less than 1
taking other medicines, which may weaken or strengthen the effect of What NIKP-GLIMEPIRIDE is used for:
NIKP-GLIMEPIRIDE on the level of sugar in your blood.
Have fewer or no warning signals of hypoglycaemia Lower blood sugar than normal (hypoglycaemia) (see Section 2- NIKP-GLIMEPIRIDE is used to treat a certain form of diabetes (type 2 diabetes mellitus) when diet, physical exercise and weight The following medicines can increase the blood sugar lowering effect of Important information about some of the ingredients of
reduction alone have not been able to control your blood sugar NIKP-GLIMEPIRIDE. This can lead to a risk of hypoglycaemia (low blood NIKP-GLIMEPIRIDE
Blood platelets (which increases risk of bleeding or bruising) NIKP-GLIMEPIRIDE contains lactose. If you have been told by our doctor White blood cells (which makes infections more likely) Other medicinal products to treat diabetes mellitus (such as that you cannot tolerate some sugars, contact your doctor before taking this Red blood cells (which can make the skin pale and cause 2. Before you take NIKP-GLIMEPIRIDE
Medicinal products to treat pain and inflammation These problems generally get better after you stop taking Do not take NIKP-GLIMEPIRIDE and tell your doctor if:
(phenylbutazone, azopropazone, oxyphenbutazone, aspirin-like 3. How to take NIKP-GLIMEPIRIDE
You are allergic (hypersensitive) to: Glimepiride or other Always take NIKP-GLIMEPIRIDE exactly as your doctor has told you. You sulfonylureas (medicines used to lower your blood sugar such as Medicinal products to treat urinary infections (such as long acting should check with your doctor or pharmacist if you are not sure.
Very rare side effects (affects less than 1 patient in 10,000)
glibenclamide) or sulfonamides (medicines for bacterial infections Allergic reactions (including inflammation of blood vessels, often such as sulfamethoxazole) or any of the other ingredients of Medicinal products to treat bacterial and fungal infections Taking this medicine
with skin rash) which may develop into serious reactions with NIKP-GLIMEPIRIDE (listed in Section 6 What NIKP- (tetracyclines, chloramphenicol, fluconazole, miconazole, Take this medicine by mouth, just before or with the first main difficulty in breathing, fall in blood pressure and sometimes meal of the day (usually breakfast). If you do not have breakfast progressing to shock. If you experience any of these symptoms, You have insulin dependent diabetes (type 1 diabetes mellitus) Medicinal products to inhibit blood clotting (coumarin derivatives you should take the product on schedule as prescribed by your tell your doctor immediately
You have diabetic ketoacidosis (a complication of diabetes when doctor. It is important not to leave out any meal when you are on Feeling of being sick diarrhea, feeling full or bloated, and your acid level is raised in your body and you may have some of Medicinal products supporting muscle build up (anabolics) the following signs: fatigue, feeling sick (nausea), frequent Medicinal products used for male sex hormone replacement Swallow the tablets whole with at least half glass of water. Do not Decrease in the amount of sodium level in your blood (shown by Medicinal products to treat depression (fluoxetine, How much to take
The dose of NIKP-GLIMEPIRIDE depends on your needs, condition and Other side effects include:
Medicinal products lowering high cholesterol level (fibrates) results of blood and urine sugar tests and is determined by your doctor. Do Allergy (hypersensitivity) of the skin may occur such as itching, Do not take this medicine if any of the above apply to you. If you are not sure, Medicinal products lowering high blood pressure (ACE inhibitors) not take more tablets than your doctor has prescribed.
rash, hives and increased sensitivity to sun. Some mild allergic talk to your doctor or pharmacist before taking NIKP-GLIMEPIRIDE.
Medicinal products to treat gout (allopurinol, probenecid, The usual starting dose is one NIKP-GLIMEPIRIDE 1 mg tablet reactions may develop into serious reactions swallowing or Take special care with NIKP-GLIMEPIRIDE
breathing problems, swelling of your lips, throat or tongue. Check with your doctor or pharmacist before taking your medicine if:
Medicinal products to treat cancer (cyclophosphamide, If necessary, your doctor may increase the dose after each 1-2 Therefore in the vent of one of these side effects, tell your doctor
You are recovering from an injury, operation, infections with fever, immediately
or from other forms of stress, inform your doctor as temporary Medicinal products used to reduce weight (fenfluramine) The maximum recommended dose is 6 mg NIKP-GLIMEPIRIDE Allergic reactions with sulfonylureas, sulfonamides, or related Medicinal product to increase circulation when given in a high You have a severe liver or kidney disorder dose intravenous infusion (pentoxifylline) A combination therapy of glimepiride plus metformin or of Problems with your sight may occur when beginning treatment If you are not sure if any of these apply to you, talk to your doctor or Medicinal products to treat nasal allergies such as hay fever glimepiride plus insulin may be initiated. In such case your doctor with NIKP-GLIMEPIRIDE. This is due to changes in blood sugar pharmacist before taking NIKP-GLIMEPIRIDE.
will determine the proper doses of glimepiride, metformin or Medicinal products called sympatholytics to treat high blood Lowering of the haemoglobin level and breakdown of red blood cells pressure, heart failure, or prostate symptoms If your weight changes or if you change your lifestyle, or you are in (haemolytic anemia) can occur in patients missing the enzyme a stress situation this may require changed NIKP-GLIMEPIRIDE If any of these side effects gets serious, or if you notice any side effects
The following medicines may decrease the blood sugar lowering effect of not listed in this leaflet, please tell your doctor or pharmacist.
If you feel the effect of your medicine is too weak or too strong do The information available on the use of NIKP-GLIMEPIRIDE in people under NIKP-GLIMEPIRIDE. This can lead to a risk of hyperglycaemia (high blood not change the dose yourself, but ask your doctor 18 years of age is limited. Therefore, its use in these patients is not 5. How to store NIKP-GLIMEPIRIDE
Medicinal products containing female sex hormones (oestrogens, If you take more NIKP-GLIMEPIRIDE than you should
If you happen to have taken too much NIKP-GLIMEPIRIDE or an additional Keep out of reach and sight of children.
Important information about hypoglycaemia (low blood sugar)
Medicinal products used to stimulate the thyroid gland (such as dose there is a danger of hypoglycaemia (signs of hypoglycaemia see When you take NIKP-GLIMEPIRIDE, you may get hypoglycaemia (low blood Section 2- Take special care with NIKP-GLIMEPIRIDE) and therefore you Do not use NIKP-GLIMEPIRIDE after the expiry date which is stated after sugar). Please see below for additional information about hypoglycaemia, its Medicinal product to treat allergies and inflammation should instantly consume enough sugar (e.g. a small bar of sugar cubes, sweet juice, sweetened tea) and inform a doctor immediately. When treating Medicinal products to treat severe mental disorders hypoglycaemia due to accidental intake in children, the quantity of sugar Following factors could increase the risk of you getting
(chlorpromazine and other phenothiazine derivatives) given must be carefully controlled to avoid the possibility of producing hypoglycaemia:
Medicinal products used to raise heart beat, to treat asthma or dangerous hyperglycaemia. Persons in a state of unconsciousness must not Undernourishment, irregular meal time, missed or delayed meal nasal congestion, coughs and colds, used to reduce weight, or used in life-threatening emergencies (adrenaline and Do not use NIKP-GLIMEPIRIDE if you notice visible signs of deterioration.
Since the state of hypoglycaemia may last for some time it is very important Medicinal products to treat high cholesterol level (nicotinic acid) that the patient is carefully monitored until there is no more danger. Medicines should not be disposed of via wastewater or household waste. Ask Medicinal products to treat constipation when they are used long Admission into hospital may be necessary, also as a measure of precaution. your pharmacist how to dispose of medicines no longer required. These Show the doctor the package or remaining tablets, so the doctor knows what measures will help to protect the environment.
If you suffer from particular hormone-induced disorders Medicinal products to treat seizures (phenytoin) (disorders of the thyroid glands, of the pituitary gland or adrenal Medicinal products to treat nervousness and sleep problems 6. Further information
Severe cases of hypoglycaemia accompanied by loss of consciousness and Drinking alcohol (especially when you skip a meal) Medicinal products to treat increased pressure in the eye severe neurological failure are cases of medical emergency requiring What NIKP-GLIMEPIRIDE contains
Taking certain other medicines (See Taking other medicines immediate medical treatment and admission into hospital. It should be Medicinal products to treat high blood pressure or lowering blood ensured that there is always a pre-informed person that can call a doctor in Each NIKP-GLIMEPIRIDE TABLET contains, as active ingredient 3mg If you increase your body exercise and you do not eat enough or eat food containing less carbohydrate than normal) Medicinal products to treat infections, tuberculosis (rifampicin) If you forget to take NIKP-GLIMEPIRIDE
As inactive ingredients, it contains lactose, cellulose, sodium starch Signs of hypoglycaemia include:
Medicinal products to treat severe low blood sugar levels glycolate, povidone, magnesium stearate, ferric oxide (yellow).
If you forget to take a dose, do not take a double dose to make up for Hunger pangs, headache, nausea, vomiting, sluggishness, sleepiness, disordered sleep, restlessness, aggression, impaired The following medicinal products can increase or decrease the blood sugar concentration, reduced alertness and reaction time, depression, If you stop taking NIKP-GLIMEPIRIDE
Nichi-Iko Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Namerikawa Plant 1 confusion, speech and visual disorders, slurred speech, If you interrupt or stop the treatment you should be aware that the desired Medicinal products to treat stomach ulcers (called H2 antagonists) 205-1, Shimoumezawa Namerikawa-Shi 936-0857, Toyama, Japan shakiness, partial paralysis, sensory disturbances, dizziness, blood sugar lowering effect is not achieved or that the disease will deteriorate Medicinal products to treat high blood pressure or heart failure again. Keep taking NIKP-GLIMEPIRIDE until your doctor tells you to stop.
such as beta-blockers, clonidine, guanethidine and reserpine. Date of Issue
The following signs may also occur: sweating, clammy skin, These can also hide the signs of hypoglycaemia, so special care If you have any further questions on the use of this product, ask your doctor anxiety, accelerated heart beat, high blood pressure, palpitations, sudden strong pain in the breast that may radiate into neighbouring areas (angina pectoris and cardiac arrhythmias).
NIKP-GLIMEPIRIDE may either increase or weaken the effects of the 4. Possible side effects
If blood sugar levels continue to drop you may suffer from considerable Like all medicines, NIKP-GLIMEPIRIDE can cause side effects, although not confusion (delirium), develop convulsions, lose self control, breathing may be Medicinal products inhibiting blood clotting (coumarin derivatives shallow and your heart beat slowed down, you may fall into NIKP-GLIMEPIRIDE TABLET 3mg
unconsciousness. The clinical picture of severe reduced blood sugar level Taking NIKP-GLIMEPIRIDE with food and drink
Tell your doctor immediately if you experience any of the following
Glimepiride 3mg
Alcohol intake may increase or decrease the blood sugar lowering action of symptoms:
NIKP-GLIMEPIRIDE in an unpredictable way.
Allergic reactions (including inflammation of blood vessels, often This package insert is continually updated: please read carefully before using a new Treating hypoglycaemia:
with skin rash) which may develop into serious reactions with pack. In case of any question, please contact your physician or pharmacist.
In most cases the signs of reduced blood sugar vanish very quickly when you Pregnancy and breast-feeding
difficulty in breathing, fall in blood pressure and sometimes consume some form of sugar, e.g. sugar cubes, sweet juice, sweetened tea.
In this leaflet:
You should therefore always take some form of sugar with you (e.g. sugar NIKP-GLIMEPIRIDE should not be taken during pregnancy. Tell your doctor Abnormal liver function including yellowing of the skin and eyes 1. What NIKP-GLIMEPIRIDE is and what it is used for cubes). Remember that artificial sweeteners are not effective. Please contact if you are, you think you might be or planning to become pregnant.
(jaundice), problems with the bile flow (cholestasis), inflammation your doctor or go to the hospital if taking sugar does not help or if the Breast feeding
of the liver (hepatitis) or liver failure NIKP-GLIMEPIRIDE may pass into breast milk. NIKP-GLIMEPIRIDE should Allergy (hypersensitivity) of the skin such as itching, rash, hives Laboratory Tests
and increased sensitivity to sun. Some mild allergic reaction may The level of sugar in your blood or urine should be checked regularly. Your Ask your pharmacist for advice before taking any medicine.
doctor may also take blood tests to monitor your blood cell levels and liver Severe hypoglycaemia including loss of consciousness, seizures 1. What NIKP-GLIMEPIRIDE is and what it is used for
Driving and using machines
Your ability to concentrate or react may be impaired if your blood sugar is NIKP-GLIMEPIRIDE is an orally active blood sugar lowering drug. This drug Taking other medicines
lowered (hypoglycaemia), or raised (hyperglycaemia) or if you develop visual Some patients experienced the following side effects whilst taking belongs to a blood sugar lowering group of medicines called sulfonylurea. Please tell you doctor or pharmacist if you are taking or have recently taken problems as a result of such conditions. Bear in mind that you could NIKP-GLIMEPIRIDE works by increasing the amount of insulin released from any other medicines, including medicines obtained without prescription.
endanger yourself or others (e.g. when driving in a car or using machines). the pancreas. The insulin then lowers your blood sugar levels.
Your doctor may wish to change your dose of NIKP-GLIMEPIRIDE if you are Please ask your doctor whether you can drive a car if you: Rare side effects (affects more than 1 patient in 10,000 and less than 1
taking other medicines, which may weaken or strengthen the effect of What NIKP-GLIMEPIRIDE is used for:
NIKP-GLIMEPIRIDE on the level of sugar in your blood.
Have fewer or no warning signals of hypoglycaemia Lower blood sugar than normal (hypoglycaemia) (see Section 2- NIKP-GLIMEPIRIDE is used to treat a certain form of diabetes (type 2 diabetes mellitus) when diet, physical exercise and weight The following medicines can increase the blood sugar lowering effect of Important information about some of the ingredients of
reduction alone have not been able to control your blood sugar NIKP-GLIMEPIRIDE. This can lead to a risk of hypoglycaemia (low blood NIKP-GLIMEPIRIDE
Blood platelets (which increases risk of bleeding or bruising) NIKP-GLIMEPIRIDE contains lactose. If you have been told by our doctor White blood cells (which makes infections more likely) Other medicinal products to treat diabetes mellitus (such as that you cannot tolerate some sugars, contact your doctor before taking this Red blood cells (which can make the skin pale and cause 2. Before you take NIKP-GLIMEPIRIDE
Medicinal products to treat pain and inflammation These problems generally get better after you stop taking Do not take NIKP-GLIMEPIRIDE and tell your doctor if:
(phenylbutazone, azopropazone, oxyphenbutazone, aspirin-like 3. How to take NIKP-GLIMEPIRIDE
You are allergic (hypersensitive) to: Glimepiride or other Always take NIKP-GLIMEPIRIDE exactly as your doctor has told you. You sulfonylureas (medicines used to lower your blood sugar such as Medicinal products to treat urinary infections (such as long acting should check with your doctor or pharmacist if you are not sure.
Very rare side effects (affects less than 1 patient in 10,000)
glibenclamide) or sulfonamides (medicines for bacterial infections Allergic reactions (including inflammation of blood vessels, often such as sulfamethoxazole) or any of the other ingredients of Medicinal products to treat bacterial and fungal infections Taking this medicine
with skin rash) which may develop into serious reactions with NIKP-GLIMEPIRIDE (listed in Section 6 What NIKP- (tetracyclines, chloramphenicol, fluconazole, miconazole, Take this medicine by mouth, just before or with the first main difficulty in breathing, fall in blood pressure and sometimes meal of the day (usually breakfast). If you do not have breakfast progressing to shock. If you experience any of these symptoms, You have insulin dependent diabetes (type 1 diabetes mellitus) you should take the product on schedule as prescribed by your Medicinal products to inhibit blood clotting (coumarin derivatives tell your doctor immediately
You have diabetic ketoacidosis (a complication of diabetes when doctor. It is important not to leave out any meal when you are on Feeling of being sick diarrhea, feeling full or bloated, and your acid level is raised in your body and you may have some of Medicinal products supporting muscle build up (anabolics) the following signs: fatigue, feeling sick (nausea), frequent Medicinal products used for male sex hormone replacement Swallow the tablets whole with at least half glass of water. Do not Decrease in the amount of sodium level in your blood (shown by Medicinal products to treat depression (fluoxetine, How much to take
The dose of NIKP-GLIMEPIRIDE depends on your needs, condition and Other side effects include:
results of blood and urine sugar tests and is determined by your doctor. Do Medicinal products lowering high cholesterol level (fibrates) Allergy (hypersensitivity) of the skin may occur such as itching, Do not take this medicine if any of the above apply to you. If you are not sure, not take more tablets than your doctor has prescribed.
Medicinal products lowering high blood pressure (ACE inhibitors) rash, hives and increased sensitivity to sun. Some mild allergic talk to your doctor or pharmacist before taking NIKP-GLIMEPIRIDE.
Medicinal products to treat gout (allopurinol, probenecid, The usual starting dose is one NIKP-GLIMEPIRIDE 1 mg tablet reactions may develop into serious reactions swallowing or Take special care with NIKP-GLIMEPIRIDE
breathing problems, swelling of your lips, throat or tongue. Check with your doctor or pharmacist before taking your medicine if:
Medicinal products to treat cancer (cyclophosphamide, If necessary, your doctor may increase the dose after each 1-2 Therefore in the vent of one of these side effects, tell your doctor
You are recovering from an injury, operation, infections with fever, immediately
or from other forms of stress, inform your doctor as temporary Medicinal products used to reduce weight (fenfluramine) The maximum recommended dose is 6 mg NIKP-GLIMEPIRIDE Allergic reactions with sulfonylureas, sulfonamides, or related Medicinal product to increase circulation when given in a high You have a severe liver or kidney disorder dose intravenous infusion (pentoxifylline) A combination therapy of glimepiride plus metformin or of Problems with your sight may occur when beginning treatment If you are not sure if any of these apply to you, talk to your doctor or glimepiride plus insulin may be initiated. In such case your doctor Medicinal products to treat nasal allergies such as hay fever with NIKP-GLIMEPIRIDE. This is due to changes in blood sugar pharmacist before taking NIKP-GLIMEPIRIDE.
will determine the proper doses of glimepiride, metformin or Lowering of the haemoglobin level and breakdown of red blood cells Medicinal products called sympatholytics to treat high blood pressure, heart failure, or prostate symptoms If your weight changes or if you change your lifestyle, or you are in (haemolytic anemia) can occur in patients missing the enzyme a stress situation this may require changed NIKP-GLIMEPIRIDE If any of these side effects gets serious, or if you notice any side effects
The following medicines may decrease the blood sugar lowering effect of not listed in this leaflet, please tell your doctor or pharmacist.
If you feel the effect of your medicine is too weak or too strong do The information available on the use of NIKP-GLIMEPIRIDE in people under NIKP-GLIMEPIRIDE. This can lead to a risk of hyperglycaemia (high blood not change the dose yourself, but ask your doctor 18 years of age is limited. Therefore, its use in these patients is not 5. How to store NIKP-GLIMEPIRIDE
Medicinal products containing female sex hormones (oestrogens, If you take more NIKP-GLIMEPIRIDE than you should
If you happen to have taken too much NIKP-GLIMEPIRIDE or an additional Keep out of reach and sight of children.
Important information about hypoglycaemia (low blood sugar)
Medicinal products used to stimulate the thyroid gland (such as dose there is a danger of hypoglycaemia (signs of hypoglycaemia see When you take NIKP-GLIMEPIRIDE, you may get hypoglycaemia (low blood Section 2- Take special care with NIKP-GLIMEPIRIDE) and therefore you Do not use NIKP-GLIMEPIRIDE after the expiry date which is stated after sugar). Please see below for additional information about hypoglycaemia, its Medicinal product to treat allergies and inflammation should instantly consume enough sugar (e.g. a small bar of sugar cubes, sweet juice, sweetened tea) and inform a doctor immediately. When treating Medicinal products to treat severe mental disorders hypoglycaemia due to accidental intake in children, the quantity of sugar Following factors could increase the risk of you getting
(chlorpromazine and other phenothiazine derivatives) given must be carefully controlled to avoid the possibility of producing hypoglycaemia:
Medicinal products used to raise heart beat, to treat asthma or dangerous hyperglycaemia. Persons in a state of unconsciousness must not Undernourishment, irregular meal time, missed or delayed meal nasal congestion, coughs and colds, used to reduce weight, or used in life-threatening emergencies (adrenaline and Do not use NIKP-GLIMEPIRIDE if you notice visible signs of deterioration.
Since the state of hypoglycaemia may last for some time it is very important Medicinal products to treat high cholesterol level (nicotinic acid) that the patient is carefully monitored until there is no more danger. Medicines should not be disposed of via wastewater or household waste. Ask Medicinal products to treat constipation when they are used long Admission into hospital may be necessary, also as a measure of precaution. your pharmacist how to dispose of medicines no longer required. These Show the doctor the package or remaining tablets, so the doctor knows what measures will help to protect the environment.
If you suffer from particular hormone-induced disorders Medicinal products to treat seizures (phenytoin) (disorders of the thyroid glands, of the pituitary gland or adrenal Medicinal products to treat nervousness and sleep problems 6. Further information
Severe cases of hypoglycaemia accompanied by loss of consciousness and Drinking alcohol (especially when you skip a meal) Medicinal products to treat increased pressure in the eye severe neurological failure are cases of medical emergency requiring What NIKP-GLIMEPIRIDE contains
Taking certain other medicines (See Taking other medicines immediate medical treatment and admission into hospital. It should be Medicinal products to treat high blood pressure or lowering blood ensured that there is always a pre-informed person that can call a doctor in Each NIKP-GLIMEPIRIDE TABLET contains, as active ingredient 3mg If you increase your body exercise and you do not eat enough or eat food containing less carbohydrate than normal) Medicinal products to treat infections, tuberculosis (rifampicin) If you forget to take NIKP-GLIMEPIRIDE
As inactive ingredients, it contains lactose, cellulose, sodium starch Signs of hypoglycaemia include:
Medicinal products to treat severe low blood sugar levels glycolate, povidone, magnesium stearate, ferric oxide (yellow).
If you forget to take a dose, do not take a double dose to make up for Hunger pangs, headache, nausea, vomiting, sluggishness, sleepiness, disordered sleep, restlessness, aggression, impaired The following medicinal products can increase or decrease the blood sugar concentration, reduced alertness and reaction time, depression, If you stop taking NIKP-GLIMEPIRIDE
Nichi-Iko Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Namerikawa Plant 1 confusion, speech and visual disorders, slurred speech, If you interrupt or stop the treatment you should be aware that the desired 205-1, Shimoumezawa Namerikawa-Shi 936-0857, Toyama, Japan shakiness, partial paralysis, sensory disturbances, dizziness, Medicinal products to treat stomach ulcers (called H2 antagonists) blood sugar lowering effect is not achieved or that the disease will deteriorate Medicinal products to treat high blood pressure or heart failure again. Keep taking NIKP-GLIMEPIRIDE until your doctor tells you to stop.
such as beta-blockers, clonidine, guanethidine and reserpine. Date of Issue
The following signs may also occur: sweating, clammy skin, These can also hide the signs of hypoglycaemia, so special care If you have any further questions on the use of this product, ask your doctor anxiety, accelerated heart beat, high blood pressure, palpitations, sudden strong pain in the breast that may radiate into neighbouring areas (angina pectoris and cardiac arrhythmias).
NIKP-GLIMEPIRIDE may either increase or weaken the effects of the 4. Possible side effects
If blood sugar levels continue to drop you may suffer from considerable Like all medicines, NIKP-GLIMEPIRIDE can cause side effects, although not confusion (delirium), develop convulsions, lose self control, breathing may be Medicinal products inhibiting blood clotting (coumarin derivatives shallow and your heart beat slowed down, you may fall into


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KAELIN, Andrew J., III EXPERIENCE NARRATIVE: Mr. Kaelin has 28 years of international development consulting and commercial agribusiness experience. He has started up, owned, operated and advised private commercial agribusiness ventures in Africa, Asia, the former Soviet Union, and Latin America. In Panama, he served as Managing Director of a Panamanian seafood processing company emp

COMMISSION DE LA TRANSPARENCE L’avis de la Commission de la transparence du 6 juin 2012 a fait l’objet d’une audition le 19 septembre 2012 PROCORALAN 5 mg, comprimé pelliculé B/56 (CIP : 371 676-2) B/100 (CIP : 567 208-1) PROCORALAN 7,5 mg, comprimé pelliculé B/56 (CIP : 371 679-1) B/100 (CIP : 567 209-8) Laboratoires SERVIER ivabradine Code ATC : C01EB17 (

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