Microsoft word - train_meeting_minutes_2008-2009.doc

TRAIN – “Apprenticeship Training Program for the Health Care Sector”
Date of Meeting:
Minutes Prepared By:
1. Purpose of Meeting
First meeting of the project partners in Finland to go over the project. 2. Attendance at Meeting
2. Meeting Agenda
get acquainted with the project partners and the vocational curricula for care workers in the partner countries go over the project plan, work packages and budget get acquainted with Finnish apprenticeship training program for care workers: basis, execution, results, experiences visit a vocational school and work places 3. Meeting Notes, Decisions, Issues
curricula for care workers differ in every partner country, apprenticeship training can be adapted in all apprenticeship training needs vast arrangements in partners countries, legislation in Estonia already working on-the-job training supervisor has a crucial role – special course (Estonian model?) the employer benefits from apprenticeship training – marketing the idea to employers in partner countries the handbook will consist of the basis for apprenticeship training and especially for care workers an international seminar for care workers and introducing apprenticeship training will be held in Tartu on 11.05.2009 the next meeting will take place in Tartu, Estonia during 11.-14.05.2009 the project meeting in Jurmala, Latvia will take place during 07.-09.09.2009 the project meeting in Klaipeda, Lithuania will take place in May/June 2010 4. Action Items (add rows as necessary)
curriculum for care workers to apprenticeship training 5. Next Meeting
Experiences: positive and negative expectations, what has gone well and what could be done better, future activities. TRAIN – “Apprenticeship Training Program for the Health Care Sector”
Date of Meeting:
Minutes Prepared By:
1. Purpose of Meeting
To exchange ecperiences so far in the project. 2. Attendance at Meeting
2. Meeting Agenda
experiences so far: positive and negative, suggestions, questions activities: possible changes bbecause the Latvian partner withdrew from the project visit the Estonian partners (work places) 3. Meeting Notes, Decisions, Issues
no drastic changes are required because of the withdrawal of the Latvian partner from the project P0 will prepare the grant agreement ammendment after the interim report, all partners wish to keep the current budget basis (possibly project final meeting in Tartu in September 2010, instead of the meeting in Latvia) training course for on-the-job supervisors (Estonian model, 40 hours, financing from project?) P0 will prepare the basis for the project infomaterial to start to use moodle in communication between partners P0, P1, P5, P6 find and study materials on apprenticeship training P0 will support all the partners in preparing the interim report, consulting, materials etc. P2 and P3 will continue to consult the partners on apprenticeship training the next project meeting will take place in Klaipeda, Lithuania in the end of May 2010, just after the test group has started apprenticeship training in Estonia 4. Action Items (add rows as necessary)
curriculum for care workers to apprenticeship training curriculum for care workers to apprenticeship training 5. Next Meeting
To share the initial experiences of the starting group of apprenticeship training for care workers, visit the Lithuanian college and possible work places.


(microsoft word - citt\340.txt)

CITTA’ IMMAGINATE 1984 / George Orwell ; traduzione di Stefano Monferlotti. - Milano : A. Mondadori, 2004 823.91/ORW Cent'anni di solitudine / Gabriel Garcia Marquez ; traduzione di Enrico Cicogna. - Milano : A. Mondadori, c1988 863.6/GAR City / Alessandro Baricco. - Milano : Rizzoli, 1999 853.91/BAR Il mago della finanza : romanzo / R.K. Narayan ; postfazione di Enrico Reggiani. - Milano : Il

Microsoft word - ti-pulsar renova pilot-f-2009 07-ok.doc

Poudre de rénovation de la vaisselle en machine PULSAR RENOVA PILOT contient : Agents dégraissants alcalins,Agent de blanchiment chloré, Agent inhibiteur de corrosion, Systèmetensioactivé peu moussant. Corrosif- Dangereux pour l'environnement. Contient du métasilicate dedisodium, du sodium metasilicate, pentahydrate. Provoque des brûlure

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