Microsoft word - 5110-student attendance & truancy.doc
Students Student Attendance and Truancy
Regular and punctual student attendance in school is essential to the educational process. Connecticut state law places responsibility for assuring that students attend school with the parent or other person having control of the child. To assist parents and other persons in meeting this responsibility, the Board of Education, through its Superintendent, will adopt and maintain procedures to implement this policy.
Policy revised: 11/27/07 Policy revised: 2/14/12
ADMINISTRATIVE REGULATIONS Student Attendance - Unexcused Absence In accordance with Board Policy 5110 and Connecticut General Statute (CGS) 10-198a, the following procedures, shall be followed for monitoring, reporting, intervening and for the purpose of reporting truancy, pursuant to subsection (c) of Section 10-220 of the Connecticut General Statutes with regard to unexcused student absences. A. Definitions
1. "Student" - a student enrolled in the Norwich Public Schools.
2. Unexcused Absences
A student’s absence from school shall be considered unexcused unless they meet
A. the absence meets the definition for an excused absence (including
B. the absence meets the definition of a disciplinary absence.
3. Disciplinary Absences
Absences that are the result of school or district disciplinary action are excluded
4. Excused Absences
A student’s absence1 from school shall be considered excused if written
documentation2 of the reason for the absence has been submitted within ten school
days of the student’s return to school or in accordance with Section 10-210 of the
Connecticut General Statutes and meets the following criteria:
1 The Connecticut State Board of Education policy states that “A student is considered to be ‘in attendance’ if present at his/her assigned school, or an activity sponsored by the school (e.g. field trip), for at least half of the regular school day. A student who is serving an out-of-school suspension or expulsion should always be considered absent.” A student not meeting the definition of ‘in attendance’ is considered absent.
2 Such documentation should include a signed note from the student’s parent/guardian, a signed note from a school official or designee that spoke in person with the parent/guardian regarding the absence, or a note confirming the absence by the school nurse or by a licensed medical professional, as appropriate. Documentation should explain the nature of and the reason for the absence as well as the length of the absence. Separate documentation must be submitted for each incidence of absenteeism. For example, if a student is out sick two consecutive days, that student must submit the appropriate documentation covering both sick days. If a student is out sick two nonconsecutive days, that student must submit the appropriate documentation following each absence. Schools should take steps to allow non-English speaking parents/guardians to submit documentation in their native language.
Excused Absences (Continued)
A. For absences one through nine, a student’s absences from school are considered
excused when the student’s parent/guardian approves such absence and submits appropriate documentation; and
B. For the tenth absence and all absences thereafter, a student’s absences from school
are considered excused for the following reasons:
1. student illness (Note: all student illness absences must be verified by an
appropriately licensed medical professional to be deemed excused, regardless of the length of absence);
2. student’s observance of a religious holiday; 3. death in the student’s family or other emergency beyond the control of the
4. mandated court appearances (additional documentation required); 5. the lack of transportation that is normally provided by a district other than
the one the student attends (no parental documentation is required for this reason); or
6. extraordinary educational opportunities pre-approved by district
administrators and in accordance with Connecticut State Department of Education guidance.
5. Truant
Any student five to eighteen years of age, inclusive, who has four (4) unexcused
absences from school in any one month or ten (10) unexcused absences from
A student five or six years of age shall not be considered truant if the parent or person having control over such student has appeared personally at the school district office and exercised the option of not sending the child to school at five or six years of age.
A student seventeen years of age shall not be considered truant if the parent or person having control over such student consents to such student’s withdrawal from school. Such parent or person shall personally appear at the school district office and sign a withdrawal form indicating such consent.
If a parent or guardian of an expelled student chooses not to enroll the student in an alternative program, the student shall not be considered to be “truant.”
B. Procedures for students in grades K-8*
Annually at the beginning of the school year and upon the enrollment of any child during the school year, the administration shall notify the parent or
other person having control of the student enrolled in grades K - 8 in writing of the obligations pursuant to Conn. Gen. Stat. §10-184 to assure that such a student attends school regularly or to show that the child is elsewhere receiving equivalent instruction in the studies taught in the Norwich Public Schools.
Annually at the beginning of the school year and upon the enrollment of any child during the school year, the administration shall obtain from the parent or other person having control of the student in grades K-8 a telephone number or other means of contacting such parent or other person during the school day.
Each school shall implement a system of monitoring individual unexcused absences of students in grades K-8. Whenever such a student fails to report to school on a regularly scheduled school day, school personnel under the direction of the building principal or his/her designee shall make a reasonable effort to notify the parent or other person having control of such student by telephone of the student's absence, unless school personnel have received an indication that the parent or other person is aware of the student's absence. Reasonable efforts shall include two (2) attempts to reach the parent or other person at the telephone number provided by the parent or other person. Such attempts shall be recorded on a form provided by the Superintendent. Any person who, in good faith, gives or fails to give such notice shall be immune from liability, civil or criminal, which might otherwise be incurred or imposed and shall have the same immunity with respect to any judicial proceeding which results from such notice or failure to give notice.
C. Procedures applicable to students ages five to eighteen
When a student is truant, the building principal or his/her designee shall schedule a meeting with the parent or other person having control of such student and appropriate school personnel to review and evaluate the reasons for the student's truancy. This meeting shall be held no later than ten (10) days after the student becomes truant. If the parent or other person declines to attend the meeting, that fact shall be documented and the meeting shall proceed with school personnel in attendance.
If the parent or other person having control of a student who is truant fails to attend the meeting held pursuant to subsection a, above, or otherwise fails to cooperate with the school in attempting to solve the truancy problem, the Superintendent shall file for such truant a written complaint with the Superior Court pursuant to Conn. Gen. Stat. § 46b - 149 alleging the belief that the acts or omissions of the truant are such that his/her family is a family with service needs.
The Superintendent or his/her designee shall coordinate services with and referrals of students to community agencies providing child and family services, as appropriate.
In addition to the procedures specified in subsections a through c above, a regular education student who is experiencing attendance problems shall be referred to the building Student Study Team or other appropriate body for program review and assistance. The Team will review the student's need for referral for a planning and placement team (“PPT”) meeting to review the student's need and eligibility for special education. A special education student who is experiencing attendance problems shall be referred for a PPT meeting for program review.
Regulation revised: 2/14/12 Regulation revised: 12/11/12
Vomiting-2 or more times during the previous 24 hours. Diarrhea-2 or more times during the previous 24 hours or if the stool cannot be contained by toilet use or diapers.
Exclusion until 24 hours after the start of medication therapy.
If a student coughs constantly and disruptively, he/she should be at home until the cough is controllable.
100 degrees or greater, student to remain at home until he/she has 24 hours of no fever (afebrile).
Exclusion 1 week after onset of illness and/or resolution of jaundice (yellow skin color). Physician note required for school re-entry.
NO EXCLUSION unless unusually aggressive behavior is
NO EXCLUSION unless unusually aggressive behavior is
(Oral, cold sores, fever blisters) Herpes Zoster
NO EXCLUSION, areas are to be covered. If areas unable to be
covered, exclusion 7 days after onset of rash or until all areas
Exclusion until 24 hours after the start of medication therapy and until purulent drainage can be controlled.
Exclusion 7 days after onset of rash. Not from physician or
Primary care physician to determine if exclusion necessary for health and convalescence of individual student. Physician note required for activity limitations at school.
Exclusion until 9 days after onset of Parotitis (inflammation and swelling of parotid gland). Physician note required for re-entry to school.
Exclusion until after treatment and nit (egg) free. Parent/adult
must accompany student to school for re-entry. The school nurse must examine the student before school re-entry.
Exclusion 3 weeks after onset of disease or 5 days after start of
medication. Physician note required for re-entry to school.
Exclusion 7 days after onset of rash. Physician note or exam by
school nurse required for school re-entry.
Exclusion until treatment (usually 24 hours).
Exclusion until 24 hours after start of medication.
Exclusion 24 hours after start of medication.
Pharyngitis (Strep. Throat) Tinea Corporis
Areas must be covered during school hours. Exclusion until 24
hours after start of mediation. No contact sports (e.g., wrestling) until cleared.
Exclusion until 24 hours after start of medication.
Exclusion until primary care physician and/or health director
NO EXCLUSION. Situation will be re-evaluated if student does
not follow through the diagnostic procedures and prophylaxis, if ordered.
Exclusion 7 days after onset of rash and/or until all areas have
crusted. Physician note or exam by school nurse required for school re-entry. If treated with Zovirax (Acyclovir), physician note required for re-entry stating that Zovirax was ordered.
*Please note: Each step should be documented on the form provided to all administrators, teachers, nurses, social workers/counselors and secretaries. The form is necessary for documentation if a referral to community services is needed. If the problem is resolved, the student is moving, or at the end of the year, these forms will be placed in the student’s cumulative file. After the first attempts to contact the parent/guardian and their results are documented, the form is passed to the next person involved in the next step as follows:
The parent contacts the school or sends a note, or does not do either. The school will designate a person to be responsible to call home to those parents who have not called in to the school that morning.
The administrator or designee determines if each absence is excused or unexcused (per NPS policy), and this is logged onto the SIS. For excused absences, the person entering the information into the computer will also need to include a code for the reason given for the absence by the parent. The teachers are responsible for monthly monitoring their students’ attendance. When a student has reached TWO UNEXCUSED ABSENCES IN A MONTH, A TOTAL OF FIVE UNEXCUSED ABSENCES, OR FIFTEEN EXCUSED ABSENCES, the teacher will make a parent contact (i.e. Completed phone call, phone message or letter). The teacher will send home a copy of the Student Detail Report from the SIS and a copy of the NPS attendance policy. If a letter is sent, a copy of the letter must be attached to the attendance form prior to forwarding it to the next person. If the teacher believes that the absences may be related to educational concerns or that the student may be in need of academic or emotional support services, a Student Study Team Meeting (for regular education students) may be convened. A Planning and Placement Team meeting will be convened if necessary for special education students as determined by the student’s case manager or mainstream teacher.
After the teacher completes his/her intervention, the teacher forwards the forms with his/her documented attempt or completed contact with the parent to the administrator. At this time it is suggested that the administrator meet with the parent to discuss the reason for the attendance problem and to encourage regular, timely attendance. Should this occur, it should be documented. The teacher’s and administrator’s documented intervention should be forwarded to the school counselor/social worker. However:
After FIFTEEN(15) DAYS OF EXCUSED absences, the teacher should consult with the nurse to see if there is an underlying medical disorder that might explain the absences. The nurse should document whether the absences can or cannot be explained by an underlying illness by completing the attendance form. Information can be requested from the student’s doctor with permission from the parents to substantiate an underlying illness. A 504 meeting can be held to discuss missed instructional time due to health concerns. If the physician indicates that the illness or injury will lead to missed days in excess of two weeks, a meeting regarding homebound tutoring should be considered.
If the student accumulates FOUR UNEXCUSED ABSENCES IN ONE MONTH OR TEN IN ONE YEAR, a parent meeting with the administrator MUST be scheduled within ten days of the last unexcused absence to review and evaluate the reasons for the student’s being a truant. Should a parent or other person having control of such child decline to attend the meeting, that fact shall be documented and the meeting shall be held and documented in SIS. The information is then forwarded to the social worker/counselor to determine if a referral to community services should be made. ATTENDANCE PROCEDURE DOCUMENTATION FORM TEACHERS AND ADMINISTRATORS
Attempt #1: Staff member
____ Left phone message ____ Contact made ____ Sent Letter
____ Parent/teacher meeting Parent response: ____ Favorable outcome expected ____ Unable to resolve
Attempt #2: Staff member
____ Left phone message ____ Contact made ____ Sent Letter ____ Parent/teacher meeting Parent response: ____ Favorable outcome expected
If unresolved, please document date of intervention chosen: ____After five unexcused absences, referred to administrator. ____After 15 excused absences referred to school nurse. ____Administrator referral to social worker/counselor. ____504, SST or PPT meeting scheduled for another, possibly related, issue: Attendance will be reviewed as a part of the meeting
____Other: _________________________________________________________________________
Attempt #1: Staff member
____ Left phone message ____ Sent Letter ____ Parent/teacher meeting
Parent response: ____ Favorable outcome expected ____ Unable to resolve
Attempt #2: Staff member
____ Sent Letter ____ Parent/teacher meeting Parent response: ____ Favorable outcome expected ____ Unable to resolve
If unresolved: ___ The student has five or more unexcused absences. Referred to social worker or guidance Counselor (please list name of social worker/guidance counselor and date of referral):________________________________ The student has fifteen or more excused absences. Referred to school nurse (please list date referred): _______________________________________ ___Child Study Team meeting scheduled. ___ Planning and Placement Team meeting scheduled. ___ 504 meeting scheduled. ___Other ______________________________________________________________________________________
Attempt #1: Staff member
____ Left phone message ____ Sent Letter
____ Parent/teacher meeting Parent response: ____ Favorable outcome expected ____ Unable to resolve
Attempt #2: Staff member
____ Left phone message ____ Sent Letter ____ Parent/teacher meeting Parent response: ____ Favorable outcome expected ____ Unable to resolve
_____Medical documentation available to explain absences. _____504 meeting scheduled if appropriate. If unresolved, please document date of intervention chosen: _____Medical documentation is not available to explain absences. _____Nurse referral to counselor/social worker. _____Parent meeting scheduled. _____Student Study Team meeting scheduled. _____Planning and Placement Team meeting scheduled. _____Referral to community services. _____Other. Please explain:________________________________________________________.
Attempt #1: Staff member
____ Left phone message ____Contact made ____ Sent Letter ____ Parent/teacher meeting Parent response: ____ Favorable outcome expected ____ Unable to resolve
Attempt #2: Staff member
____ Left phone message ____Contact made ____ Sent Letter ____ Parent/teacher meeting
Parent response: ____ Favorable outcome expected ____ Unable to resolve
Outcome: ___Medical documentation available to excuse absences. If unresolved: ___ No medical documentation available to excuse absences. ____504, SST, or PPT meeting scheduled. ____Referral to community services. ____Other: ____________________________________________________________________________
Norwich Public Schools ATTENDANCE PROCEDURES Absenteeism and Tardiness Script for Phone Call
Hello, this is ------------------------------, your child’s teacher at ----------------------------------------------------------------
----------- School. I have noticed that your child has --------------- unexcused and ---------------
excused absences so far this year (month). I am concerned that he/she is missing critical
instruction needed to be successful in school (give examples of missed work/grades).
Consistent attendance is necessary for your child’s success in school.
Is there something we should know that is contributing to his/her absence from school? It
is important that you notify the school every morning if your child will be absent
explaining his/her absence. Our school handbook has a full explanation of unexcused vs.
excused absences and the school phone number.
If you have any questions, you may contact the school principal.
Förändring i kärnvapenarsenaler Även om det tar tid, så pågår en löpande nedrustning av kärnvapenstaternas arsenaler. Tyvärr pågår parallellt med minskningen i antal en utveckling av kapacitet och finess av existerande kärnvapen. Ett problem som uppmärksammats både av fredsrörelsen och av flera icke-kärnvapenstater är tendensen att utveckla taktiska kärnvapen, avsedda att anvä