The Use During Pregnancy of Prescription,
Jennifer Bercaw, MD, Bani Maheshwari, MD, and Haleh Sangi-Haghpeykar, PhD
Background: Despite lack of scientific evidence about the safety of comple-
mentary and alternative medicines, the reported use of such remedies during pregnancies hasincreased. This study was undertaken to investigate the use of herbs, vitamins, and over-the-counter and prescription medications among pregnant Hispanic women and reasons for use,and to assess physician–patient level of communication about women’s use. Methods: A totalof 485 Hispanic women were surveyed by means of a self-administered questionnaire immedi-ately postpartum in a public hospital in Houston, Texas. The primary outcome was use of alter-native therapies during the prenatal period. Results: During their pregnancies, 19 percent ofthe participants took herbs and 47 percent took vitamin supplements, other than prenatal vita-mins. The most common reason for using herbs and vitamins was to improve the woman’s gen-eral health and energy level (59%); a few women (12%) had used them for specific pregnancy-related problems. Overall, 77 percent took prenatal vitamins and 21 percent supplemented withfolic acid. The rates of use of over-the-counter and prescription medications were 23 and 29percent, respectively. The use of prescription medication was two-and-a-half times higheramong women with history of medical problems (adjusted OR = 2.59, 95% CI = 1.59–4.25,p = 0.0001). No other factor studied was independently associated with supplement or medica-tion use. One in five women (20%) believed that herbs and vitamins were safer to use than pre-scription medication or were better at treating medical problems than prescription medicine,and one-third had not disclosed information about supplement use to their physicians. Conclu-sions: Use of herbal remedies does not appear to be a replacement for conventional medicineamong most pregnant Hispanic women. Patient education about the risks of alternative thera-pies may lead to a reduction in intake of alternative medicines and greater disclosure to medi-cal practitioners among this ethnic group. (BIRTH 37:3 September 2010)
Key words: herbs, Hispanics, over-the-counter medications, pregnancy, prescription medica-tion, vitamins
Despite lack of scientific evidence concerning the safety
Previous studies suggest that 4 to 62 percent of pregnant
of complementary and alternative medicines and their
women use some form of herbal and alternative thera-
concomitant maternal and fetal effects, the reported use
pies and between 29 and 93 percent use over-the-counter
of such remedies during pregnancies has increased.
medication during their gestation (1–5). Variation exists
Jennifer Bercaw is a Clinical Postdoctoral Fellow at Department
Address correspondence to Haleh Sangi-Haghpeykar, PhD, Associate
of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Baylor College of Medicine, Hous-
Professor, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Baylor College
ton, Texas; Bani Maheshwari is a Resident in the Department of
of Medicine, 1709 Dryden Road, Houston, TX 77030, USA.
Obstetrics and Gynecology, Weill Cornell Medical College, NewYork Presbyterian Hospital, New York City, New York; and Haleh
Sangi-Haghpeykar is an Associate Professor at Department ofObstetrics and Gynecology, Baylor College of Medicine, Houston,
Journal compilation Ó 2010, Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
by population studied, and higher rates of use are seen
within 10 percent of the true value, we planned to survey
among older women of higher socioeconomic status and
490 women (13). Approximately, 10 percent of the eligi-
ble women who were approached declined to take part
Currently, all published research on the use of herbal
in the study. No information is available on nonpartici-
remedies, vitamins, and over-the-counter medications
during pregnancy has been conducted exclusively on
A three-page questionnaire obtained information on
non-Hispanic populations. Moreover, research is lacking
demographic and constitutional factors (e.g., age, coun-
about why Hispanic women may engage in alternative
try of birth, preferred language, education, and marital
medicine use during pregnancy and if they disclose such
status), reproductive history (gravidity, parity, and abor-
use to their health care practitioner. Data from National
tions), history of medical problems, obstetric factors
Health Interview Survey indicate that Hispanics have
(gestational age, pregnancy weight gain, and adequacy
the highest provider nondisclosure rates (68.5%), fol-
of prenatal care), and plans for breastfeeding.
lowed by non-Hispanic blacks (65.1%), and non-
A checklist of supplements and herbal preparations
Hispanic whites (58.1%) (9). Use of alternative
was included. Participants were also asked to provide
medicine during pregnancy and lack of disclosure to a
names for any other supplement or preparation they may
physician may predispose the developing fetus to sub-
have taken. The list of vitamin supplement included pre-
stantial risk for harmful effects. A recent review on the
natal vitamins, iron, folic acid, vitamins B6, B12, D, E,
topic concluded that lack of data on prenatal use of com-
C, and any other specified by the participant. The list of
plementary medicine among different ethnic groups
herbal remedies included chamomile, garlic, aloe vera,
within a particular country was a major research gap in
ginger, cat’s claw, Naielito, Echinacea, blue cohosh,
the literature (10). Overall, Hispanics are the fastest
black cohosh, cod liver oil, St John’s wort, Gingko
growing segment of the United States population (11),
biloba, and any other supplement specified by the partic-
primarily as a result of high fertility rates (12).
ipant. Use of over-the-counter medications was also
The objectives of this study were to investigate the
assessed, including acetaminophen, ibuprofen, aspirin,
prevalence of use of herbs and vitamins, over-the-coun-
Pepto Bismol, Maalox, Robitussin, Benadryl, Sudafed,
ter medications, and prescription medications among
Mucinex, laxatives, and any other medication specified
pregnant Hispanic women. We also investigated reasons
by the participant. To ascertain the use of prescription
for use, and physician–patient level of communication
medication, women were asked if a physician had pre-
scribed any medication during pregnancy, the type, andreason for doing so.
Questions were also asked about the place where
herbs and vitamins were purchased (drug store, healthfood store, grocery store, obtained from family or
A cross-sectional study was conducted among pregnant
friends), and reasons for using them. Views and attitudes
women planning to give birth in a public hospital in
about herb and vitamin use were assessed by the follow-
Houston, Texas. All postpartum women were invited by
ing questions: (a) I think herbs and vitamins are safer to
a bilingual staff member to participate in the survey dur-
use than prescription medications; (b) I think herbs and
ing their postpartum inpatient hospital stay. After pro-
vitamins are better at treating my medical problems than
viding their informed consent, each participant was
prescription medications; and (c) I would use herbs and
asked to complete a self-administered questionnaire,
vitamins if my doctor told me more about them.
available in English and Spanish. The questionnaire took
Response to each question was based on a five-point
approximately 15 minutes to complete. A Spanish-
Likert scale ranging from ‘‘strongly agree, somewhat
speaking clinic staff member was available to answer
agree, neutral, somewhat disagree, strongly disagree.’’
patients’ questions. To ensure confidentiality, the ques-
Finally, information was obtained on whether women
tionnaire did not include patient’s name or any other
had told their physician or not about any alternative
identifying information. Women were not paid for par-
medicine use and how their physician reacted to this
ticipating in the study. The study was approved by the
Institutional Review Board for Human Subject Research
Descriptive statistics (frequencies, percentages) were
used to summarize the data. Using separate models, we
Sample size calculation was based on the study’s pri-
compared herb and vitamin users and over-the-counter
mary objective, that is, to provide an estimate of herb
and prescription medication users with nonusers on vari-
and vitamin use among pregnant Hispanic women. We
ous constitutional and medical characteristics using Stu-
had hypothesized that this rate would be between 40 and
dent’s t test and chi-squared analysis. Finally, we
50 percent. Based on this assumption and to be 95 per-
examined predictors of use by multivariate analysis,
cent confident that the resulting estimate would fall
where influence of potential confounders was controlled
for by means of logistic regression analysis. A value of
p < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Allanalyses were performed using SAS System statistical
Of 485 Hispanic women who were surveyed, most were
young (mean age 26 yr), of low educational attainment
(68% had no high school diploma), and uninsured
(73%). Overall level of acculturation was low—93 per-
cent were born outside the United States (most com-
monly in Mexico), and most women (86%) considered
Spanish as their primary language. Approximately half
(49%) of the participants received early prenatal care,
defined as care received within the first 3 months of
pregnancy. Over 90 percent planned to breastfeed their
child, and the planned average time for breastfeeding
Two of three Hispanic women surveyed (64%) had
taken some form of herbal remedy or vitamin supple-
ment, other than prenatal vitamins, during their pregnan-
cies (Table 2). The most common reasons for using
herbs and vitamins included to improve general health
(38%) and to increase energy (21%). A few women
(12%) used herbs for specific problems, including ane-
mia, allergies, hypertension, and gastrointestinal symp-
toms. Most vitamins and herbs were purchased at a
pharmacy (78%). Two of three women (66%) told their
health care practitioner about their use of herbs and
vitamins; in most cases, the practitioner reacted posi-
The specific herbs and vitamins that women used are
shown in Table 2. The most common herbal supplement
used was chamomile; no one reported the use of blue
and black cohosh, Gingko biloba, St John’s wort, or
cat’s claw. With respect to vitamin supplements, 77
percent of women reported using prenatal vitamins
during pregnancy. Other commonly used supplementswere iron and folic acid, which were used by nearly one-third of respondents; all other vitamins were used by less
Pepcid, although two-thirds of the women were unable
than 5 percent of the women surveyed (Table 2).
to give the name of the medication they took.
Approximately one-fourth (23%) of the women had
Women were asked three questions to assess their
used over-the-counter medications during their preg-
views and attitudes about alternative medicine use.
nancy (Table 3). Acetaminophen was the most common
About one in five women agreed (strongly or somewhat
type (13%), followed by other nonsteroidal anti-
strongly) with the statement that ‘‘Herbs and drugs are
inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen and
safer to use than prescription medication’’ (22%) and
aspirin. Over-the-counter cold preparations, such as
‘‘Herbs and vitamins are better at treating medical prob-
Robitussin and Benadryl, were used by 6 and 3 percent
lems than prescription medication’’ (20%). In addition,
of participants, respectively. Nearly one in three women
reliance on the doctor’s advice was high—50 percent
(29%) was given some form of prescription medication
agreed with the statement: ‘‘I would use herbs and vita-
in their pregnancy, most commonly for urinary tract
mins if my doctor told me about these alternatives.’’
infections and diabetes. The most common prescriptions
Next, we examined the use of herbs and vitamins as
given were glyburide, insulin, Macrodantin, Sular, and
well as over-the-counter and prescription medication use
Table 2. Use of Herbs and Vitamins During Pregnancy
Table 3. Use of Over-the-Counter and PrescriptionMedications During Pregnancy
Took herbs ⁄ vitamins during pregnancy?
*A large percentage of respondents were unable to give the ‘‘actual’’name of prescription medication taken.
From where were herbs ⁄ vitamins purchased?
and early initiation of prenatal care. Prescription medi-
cation use was more prevalent among women with a his-
Multivariate modeling was performed in which we
systematically examined for variables that univariately
If you used herbs ⁄ vitamins, did you tell doctor?
were shown to be related to herbs and vitamins use and
over-the-counter or prescription medication use, control-
ling for any factor that was thought to be a potential con-
If you told doctor, how did he ⁄ she react?
founder. The variables that were included in the final
models were place of birth (U.S. born or not), education,
timely care, history of medical problems, age, and
parity. Results of this analysis showed that prescriptionmedication use was over twice as high among women
by various patient characteristics (Table 4). Women
with a history of medical problems as opposed to those
who took herbs and vitamins were slightly younger than
without such problems (adjusted OR = 2.59, 95% CI:
nonusers, although the two groups were similar with
1.59–4.25, p = 0.0001). No other factor studied was
respect to all other characteristics studied. Factors asso-
independently associated with herbal supplement, over-
ciated with over-the-counter medication use were high
the-counter, or prescription medication use in the multi-
level of education, having been born in United States,
Table 4. Use of Herbs and Vitamins, Over-the-Counter, and Prescription Medications During Pregnancy by HispanicWomen and Patient Characteristics
*Early care is defined as having started prenatal care within the first 3 months of pregnancy.
natal vitamins) during their pregnancy, most often forurinary tract infection and diabetes. The largest study of
This study is the first report of use of vitamins and herbal
this issue to date reported that of women enrolled in
supplements as well as over-the-counter medications
eight health maintenance organizations in the United
among pregnant Hispanic women. The harmful effects
States, during their pregnancy 64 percent were pre-
of over-the-counter medications to the developing fetus
scribed a medication, many of which had no evidence
are known. Salicylates, including aspirin, have been
of safety for use during pregnancy (19). Variations in
prescription drug use have been reported by patient
decreased birthweight, prolonged gestation, and pro-
characteristics (20), including ethnicity (21,22). In a
longed labor (15). Use of ibuprofen during pregnancy
longitudinal study of pregnant women in the San Fran-
may be a risk factor for premature closure of the fetal
cisco Bay area, prescription drugs were given to 47, 58,
ductus, persistent pulmonary hypertension of the new-
and 72 percent of white, Hispanic, and black women,
born, fetal nephrotoxicity, periventricular hemorrhage,
respectively (22). The lower rate of use of prescription
and gastroschisis (16–18). The rates of use of ibuprofen
drug in our sample (mostly non-U.S. born Hispanics)
and aspirin in this study were 4 and 3 percent, respec-
may be expected because it has been reported that for-
tively, both lower than those in non-Hispanic cohorts
eign-born women are less likely to be given a prescrip-
(3,4). Overall, one in four pregnant Hispanic women
tion medication than are their United States-born
(23%) in this study had taken some form of over-the-
counterparts (22). It is unknown if this finding is a result
counter medication. Higher use of over-the-counter
of less access to care, or whether, because of cultural dif-
medication has been reported among non-Hispanics, and
ference, foreign-born women are more likely to tolerate
rates as high as 63 percent among African-Americans
their pregnancy-related problems and not seek a pre-
(4), and 93 percent among whites (3).
scription medication. Overall, data from this study and
With respect to prescription medication, 29 percent of
others indicate that prescription medication is used dur-
our sample was prescribed a medication (other than pre-
ing pregnancy. As a result, the U.S. Food and Drug
Administration is revising its pregnancy labeling system
likely to take folic acid every day before pregnancy
to better reflect reproductive and developmental risks to
compared with non-Hispanic white and black women
the growing fetus associated with drug use (23,24).
(36). It is recommended that all women planning a preg-
The use of herbs in pregnancy is of significant impor-
nancy consume 0.4 mg of folic acid daily before preg-
tance for the medical community, not only because of
nancy and in the first trimester (37).
the potential toxicity of the herbs themselves, but also
Whether pregnant Hispanic women disclose their
because of possible herb-drug interactions. Overall, the
medication use to their health care practitioners or not is
prevalence of herb use among the Hispanic women in
not known. Our study showed that one-third of herb and
our study (19%) was higher than the available reports
vitamin users had not informed their physician about
for black pregnant women (4%) (3), but lower than Uni-
their supplement usage. This rate is lower than that
ted States whites (45%) (3) or the European cohorts
reported in past research among nonpregnant Hispanic
women, of whom 85 percent indicated not telling their
None of the women in our sample reported use of
doctor about all the remedies they used (38). Although
herbs linked to adverse affects in pregnancy, including
pregnant women may be more inclined to inform their
Gingko biloba, St John’s wort, or blue cohosh. Ginkgo
doctor about supplement use, at least one in three do not
biloba is suggested to have anti-platelet activities and,
do so. These data are consistent with past research show-
hence, may be unsafe in pregnancy, in particular during
ing that about 24 percent of obstetrician-gynecologists
labor (25). St John’s wort has been shown to affect the
do not always ask their patients about alternative medi-
CYP450 enzymes causing subtherapeutic serum levels
cation use (39). Because little data are available on the
of other medications being used simultaneously (26).
safety of most herbal supplements in pregnancy and the
Furthermore, a case report presented evidence of perina-
interaction among herbs and conventional medicines,
tal stroke in an infant born to a woman who had con-
health care practitioners need to be well informed about
risks associated with use of herbs and vitamin during
induction) (27). Our data provide evidence that the moti-
pregnancy, to be aware of such use by many pregnant
vation among Hispanic women to employ herbal reme-
women, and to incorporate ways to question women
dies and vitamin supplements does not appear to be a
about alternative medicine use during prenatal visits.
replacement for conventional medicine. Indeed, similar
Our data have some limitations. Participants were
to nonpregnant Hispanic women (28,29), most pregnant
seen in public clinics and were, therefore, economically
women in our study used herbs and vitamins to augment
disadvantaged. Most study participants were non-United
their general health. This notion is further confirmed by
States born, specifically from Mexico. Because health-
our observation that only a few women (one in five) in
related practices and attitudes may differ by national
our sample believed that herbs and vitamins were safer
origin (e.g., Mexico, Puerto Rica, and Spain), and socio-
to use or were more effective at treating medical prob-
economic status, broad generalizations to all Hispanic
women may not be possible. We did not ascertain which
Although vitamin use in the United States has steadily
trimester of pregnancy any herbs, vitamins, and various
increased over the past two decades (30), growing evi-
medications (prescription or over-the-counter) were
dence suggests that many vitamins may be unsafe for
taken—information that is needed to understand fully
use in pregnancy. A recent review showed that women
the spectrum of potential harm to fetus. In addition, our
supplemented with vitamin C compared with placebo
survey was based on self-reports and the assumption that
were at increased risk of giving preterm birth (31). Fur-
the participants fully understood the questions and were
thermore, lower birthweight has been observed among
unbiased in their reporting. To minimize the tendency of
infants of women supplemented with vitamins E (32),
false responses, the surveys were anonymous. Further-
C (33), or D (34) compared with those who were not
more, a bilingual nurse or staff member was available at
supplemented with these vitamins. The rate of supple-
the clinic to answer questions from respondents.
mentation with vitamins D, E, and C in this study was
It should be noted that ascertainment of information
small (<5%). With respect to prenatal vitamins, 77 per-
through self-report, as opposed to a medical chart, has
cent of the women in this study took prenatal vitamins, a
certain advantages. Some medications may be pre-
rate substantially lower than the reported rate of 92 per-
scribed, but not included in the medical charts, or be
cent for white subgroups in the United States (3). More-
prescribed (and included in the chart), but not used by
over, folic acid supplementation during pregnancy was
lower in our group (21%) than that described in the
Despite these limitations, this study presents valuable
available reports in other countries, including 79 percent
information about the extent of alternative therapy use
in Australia (5) and 69 percent in Hungary (35). Within
among Hispanic women. Future qualitative studies are
the United States, Hispanic women have been reported
needed to measure psychosocial and attitudinal domains,
to have a higher rate of neural tube defects and are less
including interaction between acculturation, familial,
and social networks, to truly understand the underlying
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