Letters from readers are welcome. They will be published at the edi- tor’s discretion as space permits and will be subject to editing. They should not exceed 500 words with no more than three authors and five references and should in- clude the writer’s telephone num- ber and e-mail address. Letters re- lated to material published in Psy- chiatric Services, which will be sent to the authors for possible re- ply, should be sent to Howard H. Hargrave decision may be a fresh be-
Goldman, M.D., Ph.D., Editor,
court’s decision, Hargrave allows per-
Psychiatric Services, American Psychiatric Association, 1000 Wil- son Boulevard, Suite 1825, MS#4 1906, Arlington, Virginia 22209- 3901; fax, 703-907-1095; e-mail, psjournal@psych. org. Letters re- porting the results of research should be submitted online for peer review (http://appi.manu scriptcentral.com).
that, at least in the Second Circuit. To the Editor: Paul S. Appelbaum’s
rectives in the July issue of Psychi-atric Services suggests that the sky is
of Appeals decision in the HargraveMichael Allen v. Vermont case. The court’s modest
“the sky is falling” suggests to me that
Mr. Allen is senior staff attorney at theBazelon Center for Mental Health Law inReferences
adopt Hargrave’s approach, and in
1. Appelbaum PS: Psychiatric advance direc-
tives and treatment of committed patients.
Psychiatric Services 55:751–752,763, 2004
2. Achieving the Promise: Transforming Men-
tal Health Care in America. Rockville, Md,
grave decision so potentially cata-
Health: A Practical Guide. New York, Nor-
calls “the profession of psychiatry[’s]
In Reply: Michael Allen’s letter is
as last year’s report of the President’s
illnesses they are attempting to treat. Hargrave, in actuality the Bazelon
PSYCHIATRIC SERVICES ♦ http://ps.psychiatryonline.org ♦ September 2004 Vol. 55 No. 9
2. Basan A, Leucth S: Valproate for schizo-
phrenia. Cochrane Database of SystematicReviews 2004(1):CD004028
3. Casey DE, Daniel DG, Wassef AA, et al:
Effect of divalproex combined with olanza-
“new vision for public mental health.”
Paul S. Appelbaum, M.D.
4. Citrome L, Jaffe A, Levine J, et al: Use of
mood stabilizers among patients with schiz-ophrenia, 1994–2001. Psychiatric Services
5. Schooler NR: The statistical comparison of
clinical trials. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry
To the Editor: In the March 2004 is- In Reply: Dr. Eilers makes the excel-
tation strategy in reducing hostility.”
this secondary analysis. PsychiatricServices rarely publishes the findings
similar settings across the country.
who treat patients in the public sector. Robert Eilers, M.D.
ically ill patients will be needed to test
Dr. Eilers is medical director of the divi-sion of mental health services of the NewJersey Department of Human Services inReferences
1. Citrome L, Casey DE, Daniel DG, et al:
review stated that there was “very lit-
Adjunctive divalproex and hostility among
patients with schizophrenia receiving olan-
PSYCHIATRIC SERVICES ♦ http://ps.psychiatryonline.org ♦ September 2004 Vol. 55 No. 9
Limits of the Therapy Relationship: What Clients Should Know Psychotherapy is a professional service I can provide to you. Because of the nature of therapy, our re-lationship has to be different from most relationships. It may differ in how long it lasts, in the topics wediscuss, or in the goals of our relationship. It must also be limited to the relationship of therapist andclient only. If we
Critical reading involves developing a deep understanding of the content of a text as wel as how the subject matter is developed. It involves analysing the text to identify the main ideas and perspectives, but it also interprets and evaluates the text. You can read a text on at least four different levels: Comprehension: Read to find out what the text says. Ask yourself: what are the main idea