Microsoft word - prostate cancer newsletter may 2012.doc

Okanagan Prostate Resource Centre
CCS Cancer Information Line – 1-888-939-3333
Publisher/Editor – Bren Witt
VOLUME 14 - ISSUE 17 - (NUMBER 173) - MAY 2012
After taking the month of March off so my wife Yvonne and I could be in Saskatoon, Sask. in order to welcome our first grandchild. We were back at it in April holding our regular Support Group Meeting on April 14th. At this meeting I gave those present a presentation on erectile dysfunction (ED), and brought out what I call my 'toy box' with vacuum pumps, implants, muse etc. While we were in Saskatoon I had the opportunity to attend one of their Prostate Cancer Support Group Meetings. I found this meeting very informative as they had a Pharmacist speaking on ED at this meeting. The pharmacist they had out to their meeting was an excellent presenter and well informed on the subject. She came out well prepared as she brought out her 'tickle trunk' that had vacuum pumps, models, and several other items that can be used to help treat ED. ED was measured using the Erectile Function domain score of the The following is from a press release by the U.S. Department of Health and on a patient' quality of life," said I use of Cialis (tadalafil) to treat the Products in the FDA's Centre for include difficulty in starting urination Editors Comment:
with prostate cancer, makes me feel that people are not as afraid to mention that heard actor Ryan O'Neal announced
recently that he has been diagnosed with prominent investor Warren Buffet
small radioactive seeds directly into cancer tumours). Our local cancer for our cancer centre. We also have a fully equipped chemotherapy area, M our local cancer treatment and available for the patient. as the BC Cancer Agency Centre for the Southern Interior the name was Including Dr. Juanita Crook a world
home in Kelowna is Dr. Rezwan
drug that targets advanced, difficult to treat prostate cancer The following is from an article that
appeared in the Spring 2012 issue of vim &
Vigour a publication by the BC Cancer
her doctor’s office. “Is it true,” ‘“Yes, I’m afraid so,”’ the doctor an individual's cancer, whether it's low- before the senior lady replied, “I’m aggressive. There is no one-size-fits-all approach. Here are a few advances the program did not experience a rise in the blood level of PSA new way to target the "engine" of aggressive prostate cancer. Her team has now developed a new partner is diagnosed with prostate cancer, your support is essential. here are a few ways you can help - The following was written by Colleen Ringer and appeared in the Spring 2012 AT DOCTOR APPOINTMENTS
issue of vim & Vigour - a publication by

Plan on accompanying your spouse
H perplexing. But you can get together and bring a notebook for AFTER THE DIAGNOSIS

Once you hear those two words –
prostate cancer – it’s anyone’s guess needs, it’s critical to keep the lines of thing is communication," says Clair what's happening," says Corsita Konantz was inspired by his father Don's cancer. At the time of his diagnosis Don energy," Edmonds says. "When you EDITOR'S NOTE:
try to get a close friend or relative to take up part of the role of a partner in The Kelowna Prostate Cancer Support & However, all information is fully shared and information contained in this newsletter is not intended to replace the services of The following is a short excerpt from an article that appeared in the North Shore


Microsoft word - selectedmedia.doc

University of Alberta Microfungus Collection & Herbarium (UAMH) 1 Mixed Cereal baby food (Pablum or Heinz) 25 g Used for promoting sporulation in many fungi including dark molds, dermatophytes and other hyphomycetes and for maintaining stock cultures. Not commercially available. Also known as Weitzman-Silva Hutner Agar. A Add cold water to dry ingredients in a 1 l flask. Mix medium to

Microsoft word - 2013 health form parts a & b.doc

St. Christopher Summer Camp Permission Form Complete Parts A, B & C and return by April 26, 2013 to: St Christopher Summer Camp Health Form, 2810 Seabrook Island Rd, Johns Island, SC 29455 Office (843)768-1337 Nurse: (843) 768-8519 Nurse Email: PART A Reasonable precaution is exercised to ensure that St. Christopher is a safe place for your child. It is possible

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