Microsoft word - panui tips -describing the soil 2 2005.doc
If you dig a hole about a metre deep in the soil, you will see the ‘soil profile’ has a number of layers. Called ‘horizons’, these layers are quite different to one another. Taking time to study the different horizons can provide you with important knowledge about your soil.
An important aspect of colour is mottling. As a soil weathers iron is released, and this forms rust
At the surface there is usually a layer of fresh
coloured iron oxides. Rusty mottles on a dark
organic material – dead leaves, and surface roots,
background indicate uneven weathering- that’s ok.
and organisms feeding on these. This is called the
Rusty mottles on a pale background indicate long
litter layer (scientists label it the L horizon).
term cycles of waterlogging and drying so beware
The top layer of soil (Topsoil) is called the A
horizon. This layer is richest in organic matter and
Another important colour feature is gleying. Gleyed
nutrients. It is usually very different to the
zones of soil have a grey-blue sheen on top of
original material from which it developed. You will
normal background colours. This means that the soil
find the soil is clumped into aggregates or peds.
has recently been waterlogged- unless rainfall has
Because it is rich in organic matter it is usually
been unusually heavy gleying tells you to be careful
The un-modified parent material (river silt or
volcanic material maybe) is called the C horizon.
Stones can have a big impact on what you use the
In between the topsoil and the parent material is a
soil for. Estimate the stone content visually- you
layer of partly modified soil called the B horizon.
want to know what percentage of the soil layer is
Being low in organic matter it is normally lighter
made up by stones. This figure can be very helpful,
than the A horizon. It may have some soil
especially if you are comparing your site with
In many parts of New Zealand you need to be
careful when inspecting soil profiles. Sometimes you will find ‘buried soils’ because flooding, volcanic
You should be looking for signs of a healthy living
activity or wind blown ‘loess’ has covered a soil that
soil. The sorts of questions to ask are:
was previously there. Also, we often have soil
Is it easy to find roots and do they look
developed from volcanic material that settled on
eroded rock. The rock itself is not the parent material at all!
Can you see earthworms (is that normal at this time of year)?
Horizons differ in depth, colour and smell, stone content, biological activity, structure, strength and
consistency and texture. These features can tell
you a lot about the health, history and even the future of your soil.
Soil texture is the amount of sand, silt and clay particles in the soil. Texture is different to
structure, but does affect your soil in a lot of
Deep brown colours come from organic matter and
ways. For example, the amount of clay in the soil
rusty colours come from iron. Very old or very
is important as clay helps the soil hold onto
nutrients such as potassium and magnesium.
crops and how easy it will be to use machinery in the paddock after rain.
Soil structure is the arrangement of the solids and spaces in the soil. It’s easiest to describe this by
Stony soil structure resists damage during
The “primary particles” in soil are organic matter,
cultivation and if the soil is driven on. This is usually
sand, silt and clay. These are usually joined into
good. If the soil has poor structure and is
bigger units called aggregates or “peds”. The size
compacted, problems can occur. It is important to
and shape of the aggregates is important- there
look for strongly compacted layers or pans in your
will be differences between the topsoil and
soil. They affect root growth and water movement
subsoils. For example, you wouldn’t want prismatic,
and can make your crop more susceptible to drought
(due to shallow root growth), waterlogging or diseases.
You can check how easy it is to penetrate the soil by pushing a pencil or welding rod into the soil from the side of your hole- if you can’t push a welding rod into the soil with your hand then roots won’t be able to grow through it either! In badly compacted layers the water may not drain well either - this can be recognised by a hard dry layer between two wet layers. Even one badly structured layer can affect your crop.
Below is a chart which may help in describing the
Soil structure affects how well your crops will
grow, how easy it will be to prepare the ground for
Take a small sample of the soil (remove particles >2 mm if you can), then Moisten it while rubbing between thumb and fingers (spit works fine!) Stop adding water and rubbing it when there is a thin surface film of moisture that reflects light How does it feel and sound when you rub the soil now? Work out the texture, as follows: Feel and sound Cohesion and plasticity Texture class Can’t be moulded into a ball Gritty and rasping Can almost be moulded into a ball - but Loamy sand falls apart if you flatten it Slight grittiness/rasping sound Moulds into a ball that cracks if you Sandy loam press it flat Smooth soapy feel Moulds into a ball that cracks if you Silt loam press it flat Very smooth, Plastic, moulds into a ball that you can Clay loam slightly sticky to sticky squash without it cracking Very smooth, Very plastic, moulds into a ball that you sticky to very sticky can squash without it cracking
Clay textures are rare for topsoils in New Zealand, but textures in the mid range are common. You will often find silty clay loams (between silt loam and clay loam) and fine sandy loams (usually these are silt loams but with the recognisable feel and sound of fine sand).
‘Te Pànui Tips’ are simple fact sheets that cover topics designing organic crop production systems on the East Coast.
Te Pànui is edited and produced by Page Bloomer Associates for Crop & Food Research under FRST Funded Project C02X0305 Science for
This information sheet is intended to provide accurate and adequate information relating to the subject matters contained in it. It has been prepared and made available to all persons and entities strictly on the basis that Page Bloomer Associates Limited, its researchers and authors are fully excluded from any liability for damages arising out of any reliance in part or in full upon any of the information for any purpose. No endorsement of named products is intended nor is any criticism of other alternative, but unnamed product.
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