Paper for all - burkina faso requirement - before leaving.doc

Major languages: French, indigenous languages Major religions: Indigenous beliefs, Islam, Christianity Life expectancy: 47 years (men), 48 years (women) (UN) Monetary unit: 1 CFA (Communaute Financiere Africaine) franc = 100 centimes Main exports: Cotton, animal products, gold GNI per capita: US $400 (World Bank, 2006) Direction du Tourisme et de lHôtellerie BP 624, Ouagadougou 01, Burkina Faso Tel: 5030 6396. Fax: 5033 0964. Ambassade du Burkina Faso 16 Place Guy dArezzo, 1180 Brussels, Belgium Tel: (2) 345 9912. Fax: (2) 345 0612. E-mail: Website: Since the Honorary Consulate of Burkina Faso in London closed in 2002, all enquiries should be directed here. British Honorary Consulate Hotel Yibi, 10 BP 13593, Ouagadougou 10, Burkina Faso Tel: 5030 7323. Fax: 5030 5900. E-mail: Provides only limited assistance. Passport/Visa Passports Valid passport required by all except nationals of ECOWAS countries, when holding national identity cards. Visas Required by all except: (a) those mentioned under passport exemptions above, for up to 90 days; (b) those persons continuing their journey within 24 hours to another country, provided holding onward tickets and the appropriate travel documents and not leaving the airport. Types of visa and cost Tourist, Business and Transit: 26 (three months); &Euro;48 (12 months). Visa costs vary with the exchange rate. Visitors should contact the nearest Embassy for up-to-date prices. Validity Visas are valid for three or 12 months from the date of entry and permit multiple entry. Application requirements (a) Valid passport. (b) Three application forms. (c) Three passport-size photos. (d) Fee, payable in cash or by postal order only. (e) For postal applications, arrangements must be made for the passport to be returned by a courier service. (f) Company letter if on business. Working days required Visas can be granted within one day if papers are in order. Health and Safety All travellers should visit either their personal physician or a travel health clinic 4-8 weeks before departure. Malaria: Prophylaxis with Lariam, Malarone, or doxycycline is recommended for all areas. Vaccinations Required for all travellers greater than one year of age One-time booster recommended for any adult traveller who completed the childhood series but never had polio vaccine as an adult For travellers who may have intimate contact with local residents, especially if visiting for more than 6 months For travellers who may have direct contact with animals and may not have access to medical care Two doses recommended for all travellers born after Revaccination recommended every 10 years Do not drink tap water unless it has been boiled, filtered, or chemically disinfected. Do not drink unbottled beverages or drinks with ice. Do not eat fruits or vegetables unless they have been peeled or cooked. Avoid cooked foods that are no longer piping hot. Cooked foods that have been left at room temperature are particularly hazardous. Avoid unpasteurized milk and any products that might have been made from unpasteurized milk, such as ice cream. Avoid food and beverages obtained from street vendors. Do not eat raw or undercooked meat or fish. All travelers should bring along an antibiotic and an antidiarrheal drug to be started promptly if significant diarrhea occurs, defined as three or more loose stools in an 8-hour period or five or more loose stools in a 24-hour period, especially if accompanied by nausea, vomiting, cramps, fever or blood in the stool. Antibiotics which have been shown to be effective include ciprofloxacin (Cipro), levofloxacin (Levaquin), rifaximin (Xifaxan), or azithromycin (Zithromax). Either loperamide (Imodium) or diphenoxylate (Lomotil) should be taken in addition to the antibiotic to reduce diarrhea and prevent dehydration. If diarrhea is severe or bloody, or if fever occurs with shaking chills, or if abdominal pain becomes marked, or if diarrhea persists for more than 72 hours, medical attention should be sought. In Ouagadougou : Centre Médico-social de l'Ambassade : Médecin de garde : (tél. cellulaire) Clinique Notre Dame de la Paix : / 55 - Clinique les Flamboyants : Clinique les Genets : à 83 / Clinique El Fateh Suka : à 01 Clinique de l'Est : In Bobo Dioulasso : Hôpital Sanou Souro : Burkina Secours : Education Education in Burkina Faso is divided into primary, secondary, and higher education. However, schooling is not free. Secondary school costs approximately $65 (33,000CFA) a year which is far above the means of most Burkinabe families. Boys receive preference in schooling; as such, girls' education and literacy rates are far lower. In order to pass from elementary to middle school, middle to high school, or high school to college, national exams must be passed to proceed. Institutions of higher education include the University of Ouagadougou, and The Polytechnical University in Bobo-Dioulasso. There is also an International School of Ouagadougou, which is an American based private school, which is situated in the capital city, Ouagadougou. The United Nations Development Program Report places Burkina Faso as the most illiterate country in the world, with only a 12.8% literacy rate. (See List of countries by literacy rate.) Paper4All Charity: Growing the seed into a tree sheltering the next generation Paper4All ( is a registered charity (No. 1116888) that aims to advance the education of children in Burkina Faso through the provision of academic resources. At Paper4All, we believe that education is one of the first steps leading to awareness and development. By providing paper and other academic resources, we are giving the children the power to contribute to the


Microsoft word - radiationmed researchoutput.doc

RADIATION MEDICINE Research Output Articles in peer-reviewed journals Abratt, R.P. 2005. Letter to the Editor: Rationing and decision making. Journal of Clinical Oncology, 23(10): 2437-2438. Abratt, R.P. and Hunter, A.J. 2005. Letter to the Editor: In response to Drs Metha and Fowler. International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics, 61(1): 301-302. Abratt, R.P., Reece,

Microsoft word - suspension trauma.doc

SUSPENSION TRAUMA Suspension trauma, or orthostatic intolerance, is a natural human reaction to being upright and immobile, where a complex combination of blood pooling in the legs and cardiorespiratory restriction leads to unconsciousness. It can be caused by suspension in a harness (deliberate or accidental), when trapped in a confined space, when secured to a vertical stretcher or litter -

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