Regular or Special Meeting of School Board
(Do not use this sheet for School District Meetings)
The regular meeting of the Pecatonica School Board was held on March 16, 2009 in the high school library. President Rick Rolfsmeyer called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m. Board Members present were Roy Ruegsegger, Steve Demler, Barb Cassidy, Ron Linder, Jodi Chandler, Amy Carr and Rick Rolfsmeyer. Irene Middlemas and Jubie Simonson were also in attendance. Public notice of this meeting was given in accordance with Wisconsin §19.84. Ruegsegger made a unified motion, seconded by Demler, to approve minutes of regular meeting on February 16, 2009, to approve the treasurer’s reports as read, to approve vouchers #21787 through #21863 for $148,561.15 and to approve March payroll #12590 through #12629, and #21780 through #21786 for A letter was read from Virchow & Krause & Co. abstaining from making an audit proposal bid. The BCPI sent a thank you card for attending the “After 5” gathering. Thanked the PTA for the Art & Science Fair on March 15th. Policy Committee will bring the 100 series for adoption. Curriculum Committee met on Wednesday, March 11th with Physical Education and Art. Phy-Ed talked about blending Special Ed and there may be some equipment needs for new class. Art Curriculum things are going well, talked about blending Special Ed, and suggested some field trips and compensation District Administrator Gary Neis reported the fuel and heating budget doing well below what was projected, Fund 50 is doing better, congratulations to FPS team, will have a technology presentation in April, consolidation study has some changes and should have something more solid by April or May, enrollment is holding and mill rate should hold for next year. Principal Dave McSherry reported he will have a report in April with numbers on extracurricular involvement, Solo & Ensemble in Juda, FFA week went well, the winter athletic banquet was held on March 12, math competition coming up, musical will be held March 20th through March 22nd, and spring Elementary Principal/ Special Education Director Jacque Goetzke reported the 4K did a construction unit and had tools and big equipment to see, Cindy Terrill had a Book Busters Club finished doing “Karaoke”, 2nd trimester just ended, working on scheduling with 6th grade move, having problems with technology in the elementary building, concerned with problems in drop off may have to change Board Meeting March 16, 2009 Page 2 where the bus drops off students, Summer School will be the week of June 15th, June 22nd, August 3rd and A motion was made by Cassidy, second by Linder, to add Leadership and Accounting II classes to Mr. Neis would like to have someone oversee curriculum with an extended contract and indicated there is a staff member interested. No action was taken on the Curricular Coordinator Position. Mr. Neis recommended continuing with TRICOR Insurance for the district insurance. A motion was made by Chandler, second by Carr, to approve TRICOR Insurance for a two year No action was taken on transportation bids. The Finance Committee will schedule a meeting and No action was taken on the Strategic Plan Survey. Board members will test survey online. A motion was made by Cassidy, second by Chandler to make June 4th a full day, June 5th an additional half day, and June 8th a teacher work day. No action was taken on the 2009-2010 open enrollment applications. A special board meeting is Carr moved, second by Demler, to suspend regular meeting and convene executive session. Motion carried on unanimous roll call vote. Discussion included Negotiations update and District Administrator evaluation. Motion by Ruegsegger to move out of executive session and reconvene regular meeting. Second by Demler. Motion carried on unanimous roll call vote. A motion was made by Cassidy, seconded by Demler, to adjourn meeting. President Rolfsmeyer adjourned the meeting at 10:10 p.m. __________________________________________________ Barb Cassidy, Clerk, Pecatonica Board of Education


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