This unit aims to develop learners’ personal creative potential for generating ideas in a relevant specialist discipline within the visual arts.
This unit extends and develops the generation of ideas. Learners are required to generate ideas to fulfil complex visual arts objectives involving social, cultural and commercial considerations.
Learners will evolve and adapt ideas to suit a range of different applications in their specialist areas. They will work independently and with others in generating and developing ideas.
Learners must also prepare ideas for professional presentation.
On successful completion of this unit a learner will:
Be able to independently generate ideas to fulfil complex visual arts objectives
Be able to devise complex ideas to suit specific art and design applications
Be able to work with others in generating, developing and communicating ideas
Be able to plan and design a presentation and communicate ideas effectively.
BH027165 – Edexcel BTEC Levels 4 and 5 Higher Nationals specification in Art and Design –
Issue 5 – June 2011 Edexcel Limited 2011
UNIT 8: IDEAS IN CONTEXT Be able to independently generate ideas to fulfil complex visual arts objectives Visual arts objectives: eg personal agenda, private, public and commercial commissions across the range of vocational specialisms
Social, cultural and commercial constraints: eg social and cultural sensitivities, budgets, codes of practice of regulatory bodies, legal requirements, clients’ requirements
Evaluation: eg fitness for purpose, originality, aesthetic appeal, social or commercial response
Be able to devise complex ideas to suit specific art and design applications Art and design applications: eg products produced which differ in terms of scale, media, materials, aesthetic, conceptual and functional imperatives, target audience
Techniques for sequentially adapting ideas: idea-generating techniques eg formal analysis, lateral thinking, transference from other applications; criteria for testing viability of ideas eg questionnaires, actuarial analysis
3 Be able to work with others in generating, developing and communicating ideas Thinking techniques used by teams: eg creative lateral thinking, structured team interaction, recording, evaluation
Creative teams: eg informal networks, formal structured studio or office peer groups, mixed professional teams, internet teamwork
4 Be able to plan and design a presentation and communicate ideas Visual presentation forms: eg freehand, digital and conventionalised visuals, storyboards, 3D mock-ups, audio-visual presentations
Visual presentation methods: eg portfolios, mounting, display, photocopies, transparencies, publications, digital presentation techniques
BH027165 – Edexcel BTEC Levels 4 and 5 Higher Nationals specification in Art and Design
Issue 5 – June 2011 Edexcel Limited 2011
Learning outcomes and assessment criteria
Learning outcomes Assessment criteria for pass On successful completion of The learner can: this unit a learner will:
1.1 Identify and evaluate visual arts objectives
1.2 Evaluate and quantify the social, cultural and
commercial agenda embedded in visual arts objectives
1.3 Identify and evaluate the overall efficacy of the art and
design proposals defined in the project or client brief
2.1 Evaluate and respond to the functional, conceptual and
aesthetic imperatives in the visual arts applications
to suit specific art and design applications
2.2 Determine and evaluate the appropriate techniques of
the specialist subject for developing and adapting ideas
3.1 Evaluate the structure, complexion and operation of
Be able to work with others in generating, developing and
3.2 Determine and apply the methods and strategies
involved in promoting an efficient creative team working environment
4.1 Work independently and within a visual arts team to
plan, develop, communicate and present ideas using
BH027165 – Edexcel BTEC Levels 4 and 5 Higher Nationals specification in Art and Design –
Issue 5 – June 2011 Edexcel Limited 2011
This unit forms part of the BTEC Art and Design sector suite. This unit has particular links with the following unit titles in the BTEC Art and Design suite:
- Unit 3: Ideas and Concepts in Art and Design
- Unit 2: Ideas Generation and Development in Art and Design
- Unit 3: Contextual and Cultural Referencing in Art and Design
- Unit 6: Critical Study in Art and Design
Links to National Occupational Standards
This unit provides development opportunities for some of the underpinning skills, knowledge and understanding of the following National Occupational Standards:
• CCSkills Sector Skills Council
• Skillset Sector Skills Council
Learners will need exposure to others work and ideas. They will also need time and a conducive environment for intellectual debate and personal reflection.
BH027165 – Edexcel BTEC Levels 4 and 5 Higher Nationals specification in Art and Design
Issue 5 – June 2011 Edexcel Limited 2011
Temporal Existentials and the Amount Perfect This paper examines new data concerning the Perfect aspect and its modification by since clauses. Past analyses of such adverbials have argued that the complement of since can be a clause expressing an event, but that the event must be unique (Iatridou 2003); and that the complement can be a Universal Perfect, but not an Existential Perfect (von Fin
Was verursacht den Tinnitus ? Als erstes die guten Nachrichten - wir wissen was den Tinnitus verursacht. Und jetzt die schlechten Nachrichten - konventionelle medizinische Wissenschaft kann ihn nicht heilen. Zumindest nicht auf die Dauer. Sicherlich wird Ihr Arzt ein paar Heilmittel vorschlagen, und es könnte Ihnen so vorkommen, als ob die von Ihnen gehörten Geräusche weniger werden. Darauf