for extending our interpretations and natu-
measurements with fatigue severity and blood
rally agree that bile duct loss, rather than
manganese levels. Gut 2004;53:587–92.
2 Taylor-Robinson SD, Oatridge A, Hajnal JV, et al.
liver fibrosis, governs the severity of choles-
MR imaging of the basal ganglia in chronic liver
magnetisation transfer contrast measurements
purposes of this study, we chose to examine
with liver dysfunction and neuropsychiatric status.
patients with stage I–II disease to remove the
clarify some of the points in response to the
possibility of hepatic encephalopathy or cirr-
3 Krieger D, Krieger S, Jansen O, et al. Manganese
recent leading article (Gut 2004;53:475–7)
hosis as a cause for the MTR findings. We
and chronic hepatic encephalopathy. Lancet1995;346:270–4.
believe that both this patient selection and
4 Rose C, Butterworth RF, Zayed J, et al.
globus pallidus (GP) magnetisation ratios
the demonstration of normal cerebral mag-
Manganese deposition in basal ganglia structures
(MTRs) in patients with fatigue and primary
netic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) in these
results from both portal-systemic shunting and
patients, compared with healthy volunteers,
As we stated in the paper, fatigue in PBC is
does indeed achieve this. We found reduced
a subjective multidimensional symptom with
GP MTRs in patients with stage I–II disease,
5 Maeda H, Sato M, Yoshikawa A, et al. Brain MR
many potential determinants, including sleep
imaging in patients with hepatic cirrhosis:
disturbance, depression, and personality, in
relationship between high intensity signal in basalganglia on T1-weighted images and elemental
addition to a potential central neurological
studied four patients with stage III–IV dis-
cause.1 We therefore wholeheartedly concur
ease and, as a group, there were no signifi-
cant differences in GP MTR indices compared
6 Taylor-Robinson SD, Sargentoni J, Marcus CD, et
they state that brain manganese (Mn) deposi-
with stage I–II patients. Although this may be
al. Regional variations in cerebral proton
tion is certainly not the cause of fatigue in all
spectroscopy in patients with chronic hepatic
patients with PBC. We certainly do not believe
studied, the lack of clear distinction between
that we drew this conclusion. However, we do
stage I–II and stage III–IV disease may
believe that our findings of reduced GP MTRs
also reflect a process that adversely affects
7 Taylor-Robinson SD, Sargentoni J, Oatridge A, et
in patients with stage I–II disease, which were
al. MR imaging and spectroscopy of the basalganglia in chronic liver disease: correlation of T1-
cirrhosis, owing to early bile duct loss.
measured fatigue, do open up a novel avenue
The commentators point out that the value
abnormalities in proton and phosphorus-31 MR
of research into a poorly understood symptom
of liver biopsy staging of PBC is limited owing
spectra. Metab Brain Dis 1996;11:249–68.
In order to control for inter-examination
system variability, it is necessary to normalise
stage I–II and III–IV groups. We accept the
the raw MTRs against an internal region of
possibility of sampling error but, in our view,
interest (ROI). Although it might initially
liver biopsy still remains the gold standard
appear easier to analyse the raw MTR data,
for diagnosing cirrhosis. We disagree with the
normalisation to an internal standard allows
A 54 year old man was treated with pegylated
external sources of variation, unrelated to the
been useful in supporting the histological
diagnoses as cerebral MRS abnormalities are
ribavirin 1000 mg daily for chronic hepatitis
viously published protocols to calculate GP
C genotype 3a (.56105 IU/ml). There was no
indices, normalised to the putamen and to
Child-Pugh A cirrhosis.6 7 We did not assume
history of gastrointestinal disease or morbid-
the frontal white matter,2 3 and these were
that MRS would be abnormal in stage III–IV
used to test associations with fatigue and
patients; in fact, there were no significant
differences between these patients and stage
chain reaction (HCV-PCR) was negative and
alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and aspar-
Fatigue in PBC merits further research. We
tate aminotransferase (AST) levels remained
chose two rather than one internal control
hope that we will be able to take further
elevated at 2–3 times above the upper limit.
ROI because, contrary to the assertion in the
‘‘steps in the right direction’’.
Continuation of this well tolerated therapy
editorial, there is evidence for Mn accumula-
tion in brain structures, other than the GP, in
However, at week 14, the patient reported a
patients with cirrhosis.4 5 Rose et al reported
Liver Unit, Faculty of Medicine, St Mary’s Hospital
Campus, Imperial College London, London, UK
significantly elevated Mn concentrations in
bloody diarrhoea. Colonoscopy showed con-
the frontal and occipital cortex, pallidum,
N Patel, A Oatridge, G Hamilton, J V Hajnal
tinuous pancolitis, macroscopically sugges-
Robert Steiner MR Unit, MRC Clinical Sciences Centre,
tive of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).
Hammersmith Hospital Campus, Imperial College
Histology revealed a severe highly active
GP, putamen, and frontal white matter.5 In
pancolitis with basal plasmocytosis, crypt
both series, the highest Mn concentration was
abscesses, and crypt distortion, as seen in
in the GP. Our choice of two standard ROIs
was made to maximise the interpretation of
the raw data although we accept that the a
priori assumption that pathology is absent
M Prince, J Goldblatt, M Bassendine, D E J Jones
(5-ASA) was initiated. Steroids were tapered
from these regions in this and all relevant
Centre for Liver Research, University of Newcastle,
magnetic resonance studies to date, which
with clinical remission. 5-ASA was continued
have used internal controls, may be false. This
at a dose of 3 g daily for eight weeks followed
Correspondence to: D M Forton, Hepatology Section,
may explain the unexpected trend towards a
Faculty of Medicine, Imperial College London at St
positive association between blood Mn and the
Mary’s Hospital, 10th floor QEQM Building, South
putaminal index normalised to white matter.
daily) there was complete clinical and endo-
scopic remission. Histology showed a mild
expressed concern about an apparent auto-
residual increase in mononuclear inflamma-
correlation in our data that did not equal 1.
Conflict of interest: None declared.
tory cells. PCR revealed a virological relapse
Table 2 in our paper1 shows the correlation
coefficients between individual MTR indices
an unchanged twofold elevation in ALT and
and blood Mn level. We did not compare the
normalised putamen index against the nor-
1 Forton DM, Patel N, Prince M, et al. Fatigue and
We suspect that the ulcerative colitis-like
primary biliary cirrhosis: association of globus
severe pancolitis in this patient with no
history of IBD was probably an adverse effect
beta has been used in a pilot study investi-
8 Tilg H, Vogelsang H, Ludwiczek O, et al. A
of the antiviral treatment with interferon/
randomized placebo controlled trial of pegylated
ribavirin rather than a concomitant disease.
refractory active UC.6 In this study, a high
interferon alpha in active ulcerative colitis. Gut2003;52:1728–33.
others.1–3 To our knowledge, the present case
is the fourth reported in the literature.
Another IFN beta study in ulcerative colitis
Interferon has immune stimulating proper-
has been presented recently.7 In this small,
ties4 and may trigger autoimmune diseases
placebo controlled, randomised, dose escalat-
ing study, clinical improvement was observed
in 50% of IFN beta treated patients compared
interferon treatment in active ulcerative
with 14% in the placebo group. We recently
colitis (Gut 2003;52:1728–33) seems interest-
presented data on the first placebo controlled
use of IFN alpha in the treatment of active
UC in patients with or without corticosteroid
observed no significant advantage of any IFN
It is with great interest that we read the paper
group over placebo but did not observe wor-
Correspondence to: Dr R Sprenger, Bahnhofstr 6c,
2004;53:987–92) in which they describe a
sening of disease in any IFN treated patient.
The mechanisms of action of IFN alpha are
novel association of the toll-like receptor 4(TLR4) +896 A.G polymorphism with both
Conflict of interest: None declared.
probably multiple but the possible interac-tions of IFN alpha with the cytokine cascade
Crohn’s disease (CD) and ulcerative colitis
and immune system are usually not consid-
(UC), supporting the genetic influence of
ered. Favouring Th1 responses and suppres-
pattern recognition receptors (PRRs) in trig-
sing Th2 type immune responses could imply
gering inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).
1 Awakawa T, Hirohashi S, Hasegawa K, et al. A
case of acute phase ulcerative colitis like colitis
molecular patterns of microorganisms in the
developed by the interferon-beta therapy for
diseases such as ulcerative colitis or allergic
intestinal flora. Independently, we performed
chronic hepatitis C. Nippon Shokakibyo Gakkai
disorders. We agree with the authors that IFN
alpha might have the potential to enhance
a similar study. However, special attention to
2 Mavrogiannis C, Papanikolaou IS, Elefsiniotis IS,
inflammatory reactions and alloreactivity in
the presence of anti-Saccharomyces cerevisiae
et al. Ulcerative colitis associated with interferon
certain situations but are also convinced that
treatment for chronic hepatitis C. J Hepatol
colleagues1 have recently reported that the
inflammatory properties. Larger controlled
S cerevisiae mannan-LBP complex is recog-
3 Niki T, Nishida K, Honsako Y, et al. A case of
nised by CD14 on monocytes and signalling
ulcerative colitis along with characteristic features
trials with IFN alpha in ulcerative colitis are
on computed tomography (CT), developed by the
treatment with interferon for chronic hepatitis C. Nippon Shokakibyo Gakkay Zasshi
similar to that induced by lipopolysaccharide
Department of Medicine, University Hospital
4 Tilg H. New insights into the mechanisms of
Patients and controls were recruited from
interferon alfa: An immunoregulatory and anti-
enterology, VU University Medical Centre,
Department of Gastroenterology, University Hospital
5 Baid S, Tolkoff-Rubin N, Saidman S, et al. Acute
humoral rejection in hepatitis C-infected renaltransplant recipients receiving antiviral therapy.
Correspondence to: Dr H Tilg, Internal Medicine 3,
Diagnosis of disease was based on clinical,
Department of Medicine, University Hospital
Innsbruck, Anichstrasse 35, 6020 Innsbruck, Austria;
histopathological, and endoscopic findings. CD patients were categorised using the
Vienna classification (general patient char-
As interferon alpha (IFN alpha) suppresses
Conflict of interest: None declared.
acteristics are described elsewhere2). ASCA
the synthesis of proinflammatory cytokines
and induces various anti-inflammatory cyto-
described previously.3 Genotyping for the
1 Fuss IJ, Heller F, Boirivant M, et al. Nonclassical
Crohn’s disease, lamina propria cells manifest
CD1d- restricted NK T cells that produce IL-13
formed as described previously by our group.4
The CD14-260 and TLR4+896 genotypes, allele,
ulcerative colitis lamina propria cells and
ulcerative colitis. J Clin Invest 2004;113:1490–7.
natural killer T cells demonstrate increased
2 Fuss IJ, Neurath MF, Boirivant M, et al. Disparate
between the different clinical patient groups
secretion of the Th2 cytokines interleukin 5
CD4+ lamina propria (LP) lymphokine secretion
and controls. In addition, synergism between
profiles in inflammatory bowel disease. Crohn’s
CD14 and TLR4 genotypes and alleles (carrier
LP cells manifest increased secretion of IFN-
trait analyses) was studied. Vienna classifica-
gamma, whereas ulcerative colitis LP cells
potently suppress synthesis of both IL-5 and
tion and ASCA status were included in the
manifest increased secretion of IL-5. J Immunol
attractive agent for the treatment of ulcera-
3 Gasche C, Reinisch W, Vogelsang H, et al.
tive colitis. IFN alpha therapy showed no
Prospective evaluation of interferon-alpha in
frequency of the G allele of TLR4+896 was
benefit in patients with Crohn’s disease.3 This
treatment of chronic active Crohn’s diseases. Dig
significantly increased in CD patients com-
may be explained by the fact that Crohn’s
pared with controls (19% v 10%; p = 0.049;
disease is thought to be a Th1 linked disease.
4 Sumer N, Palabiyikoglu M. Induction of remission
odds ratio (OR) 2.1 (95% confidence interval
IFN alpha therapy seems to be more success-
by interferon-alpha in patients with chronic active
ulcerative colitis. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol
ful in chronic active ulcerative colitis, a more
assessed in patients using the Vienna classi-
Th2 linked disorder. Sumer and Palabiyikoglu
fication. Carriage of TLR4 +896*G signifi-
Madsen SM, Schlichting P, Davidsen B, et al. An
reported that more than 80% of patients with
active ulcerative colitis responded to high
systemic interferon-alpha-2A and prednisolone
localisation of CD compared with non-colonic
dose IFN alpha therapy within two weeks of
enemas in the treatment of left-sided ulcerative
localisation (43% v 12%; p = 0.0017; OR 5.5
treatment and were in complete clinical and
colitis. Am J Gastroenterol 2001;96:1807–15.
(95% CI 1.9–15.4)). There was a clear trend
6 Musch E, Andus T, Malek M. Induction and
(test for trend: x2: 16, p,0.0001) when we
therapy.4 Madsen et al recently presented a
maintenance of clinical remission by interferon
compared the increasing frequency of the G
study comparing systemic IFN alpha therapy
beta in patients with steroid-refractory active
allele of TLR4 +896 in controls (10%) to CD
ulcerative colitis: an open long-term pilot trial.
and prednisolone enemas in the treatment of
Aliment Pharmacol Ther 2002;16:1233–9.
left sided ulcerative colitis.5 Ulcerative colitis
7 Nikolaus S, Rutgeerts P, Fedorak R, et al.
Interferon beta-1a in ulcerative colitis: a placebo
controlled, randomised, dose escalating study.
correlated with carriage of the TLR4 G allele.
suppresses IL-5 synthesis in leucocytes. IFN
6 Braat H, Dijkgraaf M, Curvers W, et al. A
Table 1 CD142260 and TLR4+896 genotype distribution in Crohn’s disease
functional single polymorphism of the TLR4 gene
is correlated with Crohn’s disease but not withulceratice colitis. Gastroenterology2004;124:A367.
7 Arnott IDR, Nimmo ER, Drummond HE, et al.
Scottish and Irish Crohn’s disease patients:
evidence for genetic heterogeneity within Europe?
England. Genes Immun 2004;5:417–25.
8 von Aulock S, Schro¨der NWJ, Gueinzius K, et al.
Heterozygous toll-like receptor 4 polymorphism
does not influence lipopolysaccharide-induced
cytokine release in human whole blood. United
States. J Infect Dis 2003;188:938–43.
9 Erridge C, Stewart J, Poxton IR. Monocytes
heterozygous for the Asp299Gly and Thr399Ile
mutations in the toll-like receptor 4 Gene show no
deficit in lipopolysaccharide signalling. UnitedStates. J Exp Med 16-6-, 2003;197:1787–91.
*TLR4*G was more frequent in CD patients compared with HC (19% v 10%; p = 0.0489; odds ratio (OR)
2.076 (95% confidence interval (CI) 1.041–4.142)).
ÀTLR4*G was significantly associated with colonic localisation compared with non-colonic localisation(43% v 12%, p = 0.0017; OR 5.455 (95% CI 1.931–15.410)).
Vienna Classification: (age) A1: age ,40 years; A2: age .40 years; (behaviour) B1: non-stricturing,
Just as the weakest link in a chain deter-
non-penetrating; B2: stricturing; B3: penetrating; (localisation) L1: ileal; L2: colonic; L3: ileocolonic; L4:
mines how much weight the chain will hold,
the weakest link in the data used by Fioricaet al will determine how much weight we asreaders should give to their findings and
TLR4 G allele carriage in ASCA positive and
ASCA negative patients (23% v 14%; p = 0.33)
interesting to know whether Franchimont et
(data not shown) and there was no difference
al tested for ASCA in their CD patients and
noma (Gut 2004;53:925–30). Clearly, the
whether or not an association between ASCA
weakest link in their data is the material by
colonic localisation (40% v 46%; p = 1.00)
while the frequency of G allele carriage was
et al, a careful assessment of the reliability
identical to that of CD patients with colonic
A A van Bodegraven, C J J Mulder, R Linskens,
of the Walsh data is imperative.1 Well known
localisation (43%) without correcting for
criticisms of the Walsh trial include the lack
Laboratory of Immunogenetics and Department of
Gastroenterology, VU University Medical Centre, De
graphy scanning that led to five patients
TLR4+896 A.G and CD14–260 C.T in CD.
undergoing surgery alone for stage 4 disease,
Klein et al have described a German popula-
the exclusion of a number of patients in the
neoadjuvant arm for ‘‘protocol violations’’
Correspondence to: Dr S A Morre´, VU University
when in fact several had evidence of pro-
Medical Centre, Faculty of Medicine, Laboratory of
gressive disease and should have been con-
Immunogenetics, Section Immunogenetics of Infectious
healthy controls.5 This association could not
sidered treatment failures, and the lack of a
Diseases, Room J396, Van der Boechorststraat 7,
be confirmed in our population. Preliminary
uniform surgical technique that led to five
data by Braat et al demonstrated an increased
different types of operations being performed
Conflict of interest: None declared.
reported in the literature. However, these
colleagues (Gut 2004;53:987–92) corrobo-
rated the results of Braat et al. In contrast
greater problem in the Walsh trial related to
internal inconsistencies in the survival data.
1 Tada H, Nemoto E, Shimauchi H, et al.
association between the G allele of TLR4+896
Saccharomyces cerevisiae-and Candida albicans-
and disease phenotype (colonic localisation).
derived mannan induced production of tumor
reveals that the survival data in the text of
In contrast with the aforementioned studies
necrosis factor alpha by human monocytes in a
the report does not match the data in the
Kaplan-Meier survival curves, but interest-
demonstrate an association between suscept-
ingly the discrepancy is only for the neoadju-
ibility to CD and the TLR4 and CD14 SNPs in a
vant arm.1 In all cases the survival data for
2 Linskens RK, Mallant-Hent RC, Murillo LS, et al.
the surgery alone arm matches up precisely.
Genetic and serological markers to identify
For example, in the text of the manuscript,
phenotypic subgroups in a Dutch Crohn’s disease
survival by intention to treat at three years in
the neoadjuvant arm is reported as 32%, yet
intention to treat in the neoadjuvant arm is
agonists, and as heterozygous carriership of
serological markers to differentiate between
approximately 48%.1 Similar discrepancies
the TLR4 +896 A.G does not seem to impair
ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease: pANCA,
occur at essentially every data point for both
LPS signalling,8 9 further agonist identifica-
ASCA and agglutinating antibodies to anaerobic
tion to elucidate the microorganisms involved
coccoid rods. England. Eur J Gastroenterol
actually received graphs, but only for the
in CD and especially in colonic localisation is
essential to obtain insight into both the
Koning MHMT, et al. No evidence for involvement
the data in the text. Importantly, the statis-
aspects of CD. This insight may be helpful
of the toll-like receptor 4 (TLR4) A896G and
tics for survival are calculated from the
CD14 C-260T polymorphisms in the susceptibility
in developing strategies for the prevention
Kaplan-Meier curves, raising concern that
to ankylosing spondylitis. Ann Rheum Dis 2005
the difference in survival between groups is
in fact not significant. This alarming discre-
TLR4 and CD is most likely not strongly based
polymorphism in the CD14 gene is associated
pancy has never been adequately addressed
despite a letter to the New England Journal of
Scand J Gastroenterol 2002;37:189–91.
Medicine and a subsequent reply by Dr Walsh.2
The response by Walsh was that the graphs
first day of treatment. This therapy was given
4 Peck CC, Wood JD. Brain-gut interactions in
were mislabelled, but even with a different
label the data points continue to be incon-
Devor M, Wall PD, Catalan N. Systemic lidocaine
silences ectopic neuroma and DRG discharges
In light of this, I would like to know how
Prednisolone was tapered without exacerba-
Fiorica et al handled the data from the Walsh
tion of colitis during this treatment, and the
trial. Did they use data from the Kaplan-
6 Chaplan SR, Bach FW, Shafer SL, et al. Prolonged
Meier survival curves or from the text and
Clinical reports by Kemler and colleagues,3
alleviation of tactile allodynia by intravenous
tables in the manuscript? Were they aware of
who reported on a patient with ulcerative
lidocaine in neuropathic rats. Anesthesiology
the discrepancy and if so why did they not
colitis exacerbated by spinal cord stimulation,
7 Sinnot CJ, Garfield JM, Strichartz GR. Differential
specify how they dealt with it in their meta-
complete remission of a patient with ulcera-
efficacy of intravenous lidocaine in alleviatingipsilateral versus contralateral neuropathic pain in
analysis? In light of these concerns, as well as
tive colitis after spinal cord injury, support
other issues regarding this trial, is it appro-
the involvement of neural control in ulcera-
8 Ramus GV, Cesano L, Barbalonga A. Different
priate to even include it in a meta-analysis
tive colitis. Systemic lidocaine, which has
concentrations of local anaesthetics have different
modes of action on human lymphocytes. Agents
reviewed and the statistics validated? This is
ectopic discharges without blocking nerve
an especially important issue as the Walsh
study is the only trial that included just
central and/or peripheral nerve function.
patients with adenocarcinoma, and as stated
Thus, in this case, the effectiveness of these
in the manuscript by Fiorica et al, robust
drugs could be attributed to modulation of
analysis showed that exclusion of the Walsh
Currently available binding resins used for
trial would lead to loss of statistical signifi-
using a 2% gel (400 mg lidocaine), maximum
cance for overall mortality (Gut 2004;53:925–
plasma levels were 0.5–1.9 mg/l in patients
generally poorly tolerated because of unpal-
30). This would leave us where we started,
with proctitis two hours after application of
atability and associated gastrointestinal side
lacking any significant evidence that neoad-
effects. We suggest that there is now a viable
juvant therapy improves survival for patients
concentrations of 1.2–2.1 mg/l of lidocaine
has been shown to be effective for neuro-
pathic pain.6 7 Therefore, it is possible that in
ulcerative colitis, lidocaine administered per
A 30 year old man presented with steator-
Correspondence to: Dr S R DeMeester, University of
effects after being absorbed into blood and
Southern California, Keck School of Medicine, Los
has an effect on central and/or peripheral
right hemicolectomy following a road traffic
nerves. Another possibility is direct anti-
Physical examination, relevant blood tests,
Conflict of interest: None declared.
whether systemic administration of lidocaine
microscopic examination of colonic biopsies
can achieve adequate concentrations in colo-
were normal. A trial of cholestyramine in
nic tissue to have a direct anti-inflammatory
preference to a SeCHAT scan caused cessation
1 Walsh TN, Noonan N, Hollywood D, et al. A
of diarrhoea on one sachet per day. However,
comparison of multimodal therapy and surgery
his abdominal bloating continued unabated
for esophageal adenocarcinoma. N Engl J Med
and he found the treatment unpalatable.
colesevelam 2.5 g/3.75 g on alternate days.
multimodal therapy and surgery for esophageal
adenocarcinoma. N Engl J Med 1999;341:384.
This was well tolerated, with complete cessa-
ulcerative colitis which was assessed by sig-
tion of his steatorrhoea and lethargy, and no
side effects. In addition, he rapidly gained
eters (data not shown), suggesting that pain
or pain inducing substances could be a cause
of exacerbation of ulcerative colitis as well as
symptomatic bile salt malabsorption resistant
to antidiarrhoeal agents and intolerant of
Lidocaine and mexiletine therapy could be
useful for the treatment of the subgroup of
ulcerative colitis has been shown.1 In clinical
menced on colesevelam (table 1). In all of
patients with ulcerative colitis that are
settings, local anaesthetics such as lidocaine
these cases colesevelam was well tolerated
refractory to conventional medical treat-
and ropivacaine were used, administered per
ments. While we do not know how to select
rectum, for the treatment of distal ulcerative
Colesevelam is a non-absorbed water insol-
responders to this treatment, pain could be
colitis with a response rate of 83% after long
uble polymer which sequesters bile.1 It has
treatment periods (6–34 weeks) for procto-
been approved for usage by the US FDA, and
sigmoiditis (n = 49).2 We report a patient
has been received as a valuable alternative for
with total ulcerative colitis that was amelio-
lowering cholesterol.2 Colesevelam has high
rated by continuous intravenous administra-
affinity for dihydroxy and trihydroxy bile
Correspondence to: Dr Y Yokoyama, Kochi Medical
acids in the intestine which causes increased
administration of mexiletine (a congener of
faecal bile acid secretion, reducing the enter-
ohepatic circulation of bile acids.2 This allows
7-hydroxylase, the rate limiting enzyme in
bation of ulcerative colitis was admitted to
bile acid synthesis, to increase the conversion
our hospital. Total ulcerative colitis had been
of hepatic cholesterol to bile acids.2 It has not
Conflict of interest: None declared.
abstract suggests that colesevelam may be
study to reveal a total type of colitis.
beneficial for patients with diarrhoea who
Conventional medical therapies, including
1 Neunlist M, Aubert P, Toquet C, et al. Changes in
Crohn’s disease.3 There are no other pub-
pulse therapy), 5-aminosalicylate, and leuco-
lished data to support its role in bile salt
cytapheresis were not effective. Abdominal
ulcerative colitis. Gut 2003;52:84–90.
induced diarrhoea. Colesevelam is reported to
2 Bjo¨rck S, Dahlstrom A, Ahlman H. Treatment of
be 4–6 times as potent as traditional bile salt
distal colitis with local anaesthetic agents.
severe at night. We administered continuous
sequestrants, possibly due to its greater
systemic lidocaine (1 mg/min on the first day
3 Kemler MA, Barendse GAM, Van Kleef M.
binding affinity for glycocholic acid.4 It is
and 1.3 mg/min on subsequent days) only at
Relapsing ulcerative colitis associated with spinal
administered in tablet form, and in one study
night, resulting in complete disappearance of
abdominal pain and bloody diarrhoea on the
Table 1 Characteristics of four patients with markedly symptomatic bile salt malabsorption resistant to antidiarrhoeal agentsand intolerant of cholestyramine given colesevelam
structure enables greater tolerability with less
Any researchers interested in applying for
potential drug interactions than with resins.1
hydrochloride: a novel bile acid-binding resin.
national register should contact Dr Helen
3 Knox JF, Rose D, Emmons J, et al. Colesevalam
clinical trial to date include flatulence,
Harris (Register Co-ordinator) or Ms Shirley
for the treatment of bile acid diarrhea induced
dyspepsia, and diarrhoea although the inci-
diarrhea in Crohn’s disease: patients intolerant of
dence of adverse events does differ signifi-
cantly from that observed with placebo, and
is lower than with cholestyramine.2 It is
4 Steinmetz KL. Colesevelam hydrochloride.
rarely associated with constipation, unlike
Am J Health Syst Pharm 2002;59:932–9.
5 Heller DP, Burke SK, Davidson DM, et al.
Friday) or ext. 7906 (Monday to Friday); fax:
Absorption of colesevelam hydrochloride in
absorbed and is excreted entirely via the
+44 (0)20 8200 7868; email: helen.harris@
gastrointestinal tract, preventing systemic or
side effects.5 Furthermore, there is little
No data will be released that could identify
6 Donovan JM, Stypinski D, Stiles MR, et al. Drug
evidence for clinically significant interactions
interactions with colesevelam hydrochloride, a
individual patients directly or via linkage to
novel, potent lipid-lowering agent. Cardiovasc
other data. Any study proposals should then
be submitted to the register co-ordinator for
clinically significant effects of absorption of
There is a theoretical risk of fat soluble
vitamin deficiency following such efficientbile acid sequestration. None of our patients
developed any significant change in fasting
triglycerides or fat soluble vitamin levels to
This symposium is co-sponsored by the Office
of Continuing Medical Education, University
Each film coated tablet contains coleseve-
lam 625 mg (active ingredient).2 The recom-
Gastrointestinal Disorders (IFFGD). It will
hypercholesteraemia is 3.75 g once a day or
take place on 7–10 April 2005 in Milwaukee,
1.875 g twice per day, although the optimal
Wisconsin, USA, at The Pfister Hotel, 424 E.
dose is 4.375 g in adults.2 The optimal dose
for bile salt malabsorption is not clear but an
effective dose has varied between two and six
In 1998, a national register of hepatitis C
tel: +1 800 558 8222; fax: +1 414 273 5025;
tablets/day in our series. Colesevelam was
virus (HCV) infections with a known date of
email:; web: http://
acquisition was established. The register was
set up to help inform the natural history of
binding resin in tablet form that maintains
the benefits of cholestyramine, yet is palat-
largest cohorts of individuals with known
effects, and has greater potency. It provides
date HCV infections, with over 1120 regis-
a very attractive alternative therapy for
tered patients. The majority of infections in
patients with bile salt malabsorption and
the register are those that were acquired
following transfusion of HCV infected blood
that was issued before the introduction of
Department of Medicine and Therapeutics, Imperial
routine screening of the blood supply for
College Faculty of Medicine, Chelsea and Westminster
In reference 38 of the paper by C Gasche and
In order to get maximum benefit from this
P Grundtner, published in the January issue
Correspondence to: Dr H J N Andreyev, Department
national resource, the register steering group
(Genotypes and phenotypes in Crohn’s dis-
of Medicine and Therapeutics, Imperial College
would like to invite clinical and epidemio-
ease: do they help in clinical management?
Faculty of Medicine, Chelsea and Westminster
logical researchers to submit proposals to
Gut 2005;54:162–7), the page span is incor-
Hospital, 369 Fulham Rd, London SW10 9NH, UK;
envisaged that a variety of studies might
benefit from linkage with or access to the
In the paper by Sheu et al in the July 2003
register, and proposals from all specialties
issue of Gut (B-S Sheu, S-M Sheu, H-B Yang,
Conflict of interest: None declared.
and institutions are welcomed. Such studies
A-H Huang, and J-J Wu. Host gastric Lewis
are urgently needed to help determine the
expression determines the bacterial density of
Helicobacter pylori in babA2 genopositive infec-
disease on healthcare services, and to assess
tion. Gut 2003;52:927–932), the B and C
1 Bays H, Dujovne C. Colesevelam HCl: a non-
the impact of currently available treatments
slides of figure 1 have been transposed and
systemic lipid-altering drug. Expert Opin
as well as those that may become available in
the arrow on D should be labelled LeX not
Administrative Appeals Tribunal DECISION AND REASONS FOR DECISION [2008] AATA 639 ADMINISTRATIVE APPEALS TRIBUNAL No NT2005/7, NT2005/56 to 65 TAXATION APPEALS DIVISION ROCHE PRODUCTS PTY LIMITED Applicant COMMISSIONER OF TAXATION Respondent DECISION Tribunal Place Sydney Decision The decision of the Commissioner of Taxation is
Gender matters V A N I T A N A Y A K M U K H E R J E E ‘The empowerment and autonomy of women and the improvement of their political, social, economic and health status is a highly important end in itself. In addition, it is essential for the achievement of sustainable development. The full participation and partnership of both women and men is required in productive and reproductive life,