Jean english


B.A., Psychology, Univ. of Mass., Boston M.S., Plant and Soil Sciences, Univ. of Mass., Amherst Ph.D., Plant and Soil Sciences, Univ. of Mass., Amherst

Teaching, Outreach, Research
Adjunct Instructor, Unity College, Unity, Maine Organic Gardening, Sustainable Landscape Horticulture, Soil Fertility, Fundamentals of Organic Horticulture, Environmental Journalism, Professional and Technical Writing, Environmental Taught many adult education classes in horticulture Lecturer in Horticulture, Smith College, Northampton, Mass. Extension Specialist in Horticulture, University of Kentucky Developed and presented educational programs in all phases of horticulture, especially vegetable gardening and home land- scaping, for residents of Eastern Kentucky. Conducted applied research on vegetables, herbs and ornamentals at the university substation, at county plots and on reclaimed strip mines. Instructor, Organic Gardening and Farming, School of Continuing Education, University of Massachusetts, Amherst Teaching Assistant, University of Massachusetts, Amherst Plant Propagation, Plant Nutrition, Principles of Vegetable Crops Production, Greenhouse Vegetable Crops Production, Organic Research Associate, Portage Family Counseling and Mental Health Collected and analyzed demographic and treatment data on clients from two mental health agencies; co-write reports and grant
Director, Undergraduate Affairs, Dept. of Plant and Soil Sciences, Maintained academic records on 350 undergraduates and provided Responsible for arranging and budgeting for and editing articles for The Maine Organic Farmer & Gardener
Writing and Editing
Editor, The Maine Organic Farmer & Gardener, Maine Organic Farmers and Gardeners Association (MOFGA). In this capacity I have also edited special reports and other publications and Reporter, The Republican Journal, Belfast, Maine Garden writer with articles in several Maine newspapers and in The Maine Organic Farmer & Gardener, Organic Gardening, Horticulture, The Christian Science Monitor, Mother Earth News, The Herb Quarterly and other publications. Many collected at Co-edited approximately 50 scientific papers for the American Edited Geotechnical Engineering, Pitman Publishing, Boston
Farming and Gardening

Own and operate Bayberry Gardens in Lincolnville, Maine, raising nursery stock and organic Christmas trees Caretaker, botany greenhouses, University of Akron, Ohio Maintained 1,000-square-foot range housing temperate and

Nutrient deficiency symptoms of vegetable crops. New England Small Farmers’
Conference, 1979; Natural Organic Farmers’ Assoc., 1980; Kentucky Vegetable
Growers’ Assoc., 1982
Ginseng research at Robinson Substation, Fifth National Ginseng Conference, Lexington,
Kentucky, 1983
Effects of nitrapyrin on cation concentrations in corn and tomato. Northeast meeting,
American Society of Agronomy, 1980; Annual meeting, American Society of Agronomy,
1980; Northeast meeting, American Society for Horticultural Science, 1981
Calcium efficiency among tomato lines. Northeast meeting, American Society for
Horticultural Science, 1979; Annual meeting, American Society for Horticultural
Science, 1981
I have made many presentations to garden clubs, environmental groups and growers on
the culture of fruits, vegetables, herbs and ornamentals, and about environmental impacts
of that culture. I have spoken to groups interested in health and the environment about
pesticides and health and about potential dangers of genetic engineering. I have testified
before Maine legislative committees regarding appointments and environmental
Maine Community Foundation, Waldo County Fund Committee Waldo County Trails Coalition – connecting trails from downtown MOFGA-El Salvador Sistering Committee – paired with organizations similar to MOFGA in El Salvador for mutual support Lincolnville Central School Capital Campaign – group raised $1 million toward a $10 million school building Save the Canaries – Camden, Maine-based group that organized workshops about environmental hormone disruptors, indoor Waldo County Sister City Project/Partners with San Nicolas, Robinson Substation Membership Coordinator, Assoc. of Board of Directors, Kentucky Vegetable Growers Association Plant and Soil Sciences Dept., Univ. of Mass.: One year each on Graduate Policy, Seminar, Undergraduate Affairs Committee.
Maine Press Association Young Writer of the Year Award Massachusetts Federation of Garden Clubs Scholarship
English, J.E. 1980. Calcium efficiency among tomato genotypes. M.S. thesis. University
of Massachusetts, Amherst
English, J.E. 1982. Chemical, genetic and organic methods for conserving fertilizers.
Ph.D. dissertation. University of Massachusetts, Amherst
English, J.E. and A.V. Barker. 1982. Water-soluble calcium in Ca-efficient and Ca-
inefficient tomato strains. HortScience 176, 929-931
English, J.E. and A.V. Barker. 1983. Growth and mineral composition of tomato under
various regimes of nitrogen nutrition. Journal of Plant Nutrition 6 (4), 339-347
English, J.E. and A.V. Barker. 1983. Calcium efficiency among tomato strains depends
on nitrogen regimes. Journal of Plant Nutrition 6 (8), 725-734
English, J.E. and D. Fox. 2011. Kitchen gardens: from the White House to your house.
Maine Policy Review 20 (1), 237
English, J.E. and D.N. Maynard. 1978. A key to nutrient disorders of vegetable plants.
HortScience 13, 28-29
English, J.E. and D.N. Maynard. 1979. Review of W.E. Splittstoesser’s Vegetable
Growing Handbook
. HortScience 14, 558
English, J.E. and D.N. Maynard. 1981. Calcium efficiency among tomato lines. Journal
of the American Society for Horticultural Science 106, 552-557
English, J.E., C.R. Roberts, J.H. Hartman and L. Townsend. 1983. Cultivating ginseng in
Kentucky. University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension publication
English, J.E., R. Rufner and A.V. Barker. 1980. Effects of fertilizer, N rate and nitrapyrin
on Ca and Mg nutrition of corn. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis 11,
McNeil, R.E., M.C. Witt, W.M. Fountain, W.C. Messner, W.C. Dunwell and J.E.
English. 1983. Trees, shrubs, vines and ground covers recommended for Kentucky
landscapes. University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service Publication HO-61
Roberts, C.R. and J.E. English, eds. 1982. Proceedings of the fourth national ginseng
conference, May 25-26, 1982. University of Kentucky
Witt, M.C., J.W. Buxton, S. Bale, J. English, J.R. Hartman and R.A. Scheibner. 1982.
Roses and their care. University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service Publication
Witt, M.C., J.E. English and S. Bale. 1982. Herb gardening in Kentucky. I. Propagation,
harvesting and uses. University of Kentucky Cooperative Extension Service Publication
Witt, M.C., J.E. English, J.R. Hartman, D.E. Knavel, C.R. Roberts, J.C. Strang and H.C.
Mhor. 1983. Vegetable cultivars for Kentucky gardens. University of Kentucky
Cooperative Extension Service Publication HO-58
Hundreds of other publications in the popular press.
Mother of two grown children


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