CANCERSMART • Wellspring Cancer Support Foundation • March 2011 • Issue 8 CANCER & ANXIETY
By Kimberley Miller, MD, FRCPC, Attending Psychiatrist, Psychosocial Oncology and Palliative Care, Princess Margaret Hospital,
This memory alone may contribute to feelings of
duration, frequency, number and intensity of anxiety
anxiety, which may be of a physical (e.g., nausea,
symptoms are significant enough to interfere with
headache, racing heart) or psychological (e.g., worried, scared) nature. Anxiety is a feeling of apprehension or worry, caused by anticipation of danger and
Anxiety disorders may present as panic attacks, social
uncertainty. It may include irritability, poor
anxiety, generalized anxiety, post traumatic stress,
concentration, fatigue, sleep disturbance, restlessness,
obsessions, compulsions, or phobias. Anxiety may also
occur with depression in up to 40% of individuals diagnosed with cancer.2
Anxiety is a normal response to a significant threat, and
Anxiety related to cancer maybe related to any of the
• Physical symptoms, such as pain, nausea, and
shortness of breath, metabolic abnormalities (e.g. (e.g. stemetil, decadron) and fatigue (ritalin), sudden discontinuation of regular alcohol use or
Cancer survivors may also experience anxiety, in
anti-anxiety medications (e.g. ativan)
contemplating returning to the workforce, coping
• Anticipating medical appointments, procedures,
with ongoing body image concerns and losses,
or chemotherapy, and receiving CT or MRI scan
such as fertility and sexual functioning, living with
results may contribute to anxiety in cancer
residual side effects of treatment, as well as coping
• Uncertainty about the future, loss of control and
with changes in physical, cognitive and emotional
independence, changes in relationships, roles,
physical appearance and life plans, and fear of future suffering and dying may add to anxiety
• Personal coping style and meaning attached to
cancer, history of anxiety, temperament, level
Most anxiety improves over time with support and
of social supports, stage of life, interpersonal
clarification of a treatment plan that offers hope
relationships, and spiritual beliefs are also
and/or symptomatic relief. Anxiety that becomes
important factors impacting the degree of anxiety
persistent or present “more often than not,” or is
intrusive and/or uncontrollable is much less common in cancer, occurring in 10-30% of people diagnosed
with cancer.1 An anxiety disorder develops when the
Copyright 2011 • All information in this newsletter is owned by or licensed to Wellspring and all rights are reserved.
Charitable Registration # 89272 8940 RR0001 •
CANCERSMART • Wellspring Cancer Support Foundation • March 2011 • Issue 8 CANCER & ANXIETY CONT’D
By Kimberley Miller, MD, FRCPC, Attending Psychiatrist, Psychosocial Oncology and Palliative Care, Princess Margaret Hospital,
Panic Disorder
When asked about coping, individuals with cancer
• Can often manifest as recurrent “panic attacks”, that may
report that “religion and prayer, living in the
have initially been triggered by an event such as having a
present, focusing on or strengthening relationships,
seizure, but then take on a life of their own and suddenly
controlling symptoms, controlling situations…
and focusing on positive memories”3 are strategies that are used. Improved coping may occur through
Post-traumatic Stress Disorder
setting meaningful and realistic goals, emphasizing
• Symptoms can often include intrusive flashbacks or
your personal strengths and reinforcing your sense
nightmares about initial cancer diagnosis or treatment,
of personal control. Relaxation strategies such
as progressive muscle relaxation, deep breathing
exercises, guided imagery, hypnosis, biofeedback, meditation and mindfulness-based stress reduction
Social Anxiety
can also alleviate anxiety. Expressing and processing
• Can be experienced as a fear of social situations; social
emotions about the illness experience can occur
anxiety in many cancer patients may occur due to change in body image from chemotherapy
through journaling, art or music therapy, yoga or other forms of aerobic and anaerobic exercise. If the above is not enough, or if personal supports
Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder
are inadequate or unavailable, or anxiety is more
• An example for some cancer patients could be that long
after treatment has ended, constant thoughts about
severe, professional psychosocial support may be
infection risk, washing hands in ritualized way multiple
needed. This will involve supporting you and your
family, while exploring and understanding the cause of your specific anxiety problem, correcting any
misperceptions about your cancer or its treatment, if
• Can be experienced for instance, as a persistent fear
present, educating you about psychological symptoms
of specific object or situation (e.g., needles, radiation,
and cancer and advocating by communicating with
your oncology professionals. Individual or (group psychotherapy) can help you adjust to various aspects
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
of your illness experience, through exploring your
• May be exemplified as uncontrollable excessive worry
relationship and thinking patterns, coping styles and
about many things (e.g. finances, safety of family), in
sense of personal meaning and purpose. Informing
your oncologist or nurse about any emotional distress that you are experiencing can facilitate a referral to a
social worker, psychologist or psychiatrist, as needed. Medications may also be recommended which are
Finding a trusted confidante may be the best place to
start. For those in the supportive or care giving role, bearing witness to, validating and normalizing distress
can be very powerful and help to relieve anxiety and the
Stark DP, House A: Anxiety in cancer patients. Br J Cancer 2000; 83:1261-1267.
related feelings of isolation. This may also occur more
Stark D, Kiely M, Smith A, et al. Anxiety disorders in cancer patients: their
formally through organized support groups.
nature, associations, and relation to quality of life. J Clin Oncol 2002; 20:3137-3148.Chi GC. The role of hope in patients with cancer. Oncol Nurs Forum 2007; 34:415-424.
Copyright 2011 • All information in this newsletter is owned by or licensed to Wellspring and all rights are reserved.
Charitable Registration # 89272 8940 RR0001 •
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