Protection of Lithium-Ion Batteries (for Double-Protect) MM1451 Protection of Lithium-Ion Batteries (for Double-Protect) Monolithic IC MM1451
This IC is used for double-protection of lithium-ion batteries with from one to three cells, and has an ultra-
compact package. Short-circuits between cells accommodate series connections of one to three cells. Features
1. Overcharge detection voltage accuracy (0°C to 50°C)
4. Pin I/O current between cells (Vcell=3.8V)
5. Delay time on overcharge voltage detection (Ct=0.22µF)
IC for double-protection of lithium-ion batteries with one to three cells. Pin Assignment Protection of Lithium-Ion Batteries (for Double-Protect) MM1451 Block Diagram Protection of Lithium-Ion Batteries (for Double-Protect) MM1451 Pin Description Functions Equivalent circuit diagram Protection of Lithium-Ion Batteries (for Double-Protect) MM1451 Absolute Maximun Ratings (Ta=25°C) Operating temparature Storage temparature VCC Input voltage V1 Input voltage *1 V2 Input voltage *1 V3 Input voltage *1 Ct pin voltage *2 VOUT pin voltage Allowable loss
Note 1 : *1 18V >= V3 >= V2 >= V1 >= -0.3
Note 2 : *2 Do not impress current of 300µA or more on the Ct pin. Electrical Characteristics 1 (Except where noted otherwise, Ta=25°C, VCEL=V3-V2=V2-V1=V1-GND, VCC=3 VCEL) Measurement conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit Current consumption 1 Current consumption 2 Pin I/O current between cells Overcharge detection voltage Hysterisis voltage Overcharge detection delay time Output current Electrical Characteristics 2 (Except where noted otherwise, Ta=25°C, VCEL=V3-V2=V2-V1=V1-GND, VCC=3 VCEL) Measurement conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit Current consumption 1 Current consumption 2 Pin I/O current between cells Overcharge detection voltage Hysterisis voltage Overcharge detection delay time Output current Output leakage current Protection of Lithium-Ion Batteries (for Double-Protect) MM1451 Electrical Characteristics 3 (Except where noted otherwise, Ta=25°C, VCEL=V3-V2=V2-V1=V1-GND, VCC=3 VCEL ) Measurement conditions Min. Typ. Max. Unit Current consumption 1 Current consumption 2 Current consumption 3 Current consumption 4 Pin I/O current between cells Overcharge detection voltage Hysterisis voltage Overcharge detection delay time Output current Output leakage current Measuring Circuit Protection of Lithium-Ion Batteries (for Double-Protect) MM1451 Application Circuit
Note 1: Can support 1, 2 or 3 cells by shorting each cell. However, be sure to connect a battery for V3 cell.
V3 cell may not operate correctly when shorted.
Note 2: When connecting batteries, be sure to connect in the following order: GND V3, and VCC
Note 3: Output may go ON momentarily when starting up power supply. If this error output during startup
becomes a problem, connect the VCC pin last.
Note 4: Operation can not be guaranteed for connections other than the above. Timing Chart OUT (at Ct short) (at Ct open)
Note: Output goes low simultaneously with overcharge detection at Ct pin short and open. Protection of Lithium-Ion Batteries (for Double-Protect) MM1451 Characteristics Detection voltage Output delay time Delay time (S) Output voltage (V) Input voltage (No delay) (V) Temperature (°C) Consumption current Pin I/O current between cells Consumption current ( Pin I/O current between cells ( -0.3 Cell voltage (V) Cell voltage (V)
SECTION 1: IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/MIXTURE AND OF THE COMPANY/UNDERTAKING1.2. Relevant identified uses of the substance or mixture and uses advised againstPreservation of exterior timber surfaces. Applied by brush. See container for details. Not recommended for interior use on large surface areas or in confined spaces without suitable respiratory protection. 1.3. Details of the s
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