Technical Information
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Chemical Resistance and Fluid Compatibility, Including All Chemicals Under the Clean Air Act
Kalrez® perfluoroelastomer parts combine the elasto-
Upper Service Temperature Limit
meric properties of Viton® fluoroelastomer with thechemical resistance of Teflon® fluoropolymer resins.
Due to its unique properties, Kalrez perfluoroelasto-
mer parts should be considered for service in all
applications and environments where dependable,
long-term service is desired, as well as in hot or
aggressive environments that are beyond the service-ability of common elastomers.
This guide is intended to provide assistance in deter-
mining the suitability of seven commercially availableelastomers—nitrile (NBR), ethylene propylene
(EPDM), silicone (VMQ), fluorosilicone (FVMQ),
vinylidene fluoride-based fluoroelastomer (FKM),
polysulfides (T), and Kalrez perfluoroelastomer—for
Note: These limits are based on air oxidative
service in over 1,600 chemicals and fluids. The criteria
stability; limits for specific chemicals are
used for these ratings included volume swell resistance
based on laboratory immersion testing, laboratory
elastomers are commercially available indifferent grades of polymer and can vary in
aging tests, actual field experience, and informed
judgments based on experience in similar chemical
have significantly different performancecharacteristics. 100°C (212°F) was chosen as
The ratings for the six common elastomers are based
the baseline comparison for the elastomersin this guide.
on published literature and are offered for generalcomparative purposes only—we cannot guarantee theiraccuracy nor assume responsibility for their use.
common chemical. However, immersion testing ofcommonly available FKM O-rings at a slightly el-
Thermal Stability
evated temperature of 50°C (122°F) for 168 hours
The ratings for these six common elastomers may be
shows a volume swell exceeding 24% and significant
overly optimistic for elevated temperature and/or high
loss of physical properties—surely warranting a “C”
concentration applications because many are based on
rating. Similar tests with Kalrez perfluoroelastomer
ambient temperature testing. Suitability of these
parts, however, show that Kalrez performs well up to
elastomers for service at elevated temperatures rapidly
diminishes because higher temperatures increase theeffects of chemicals on the base polymer as well as the
Chemical Resistance
cross-link systems. Serviceability is further limited by
Because Kalrez has outstanding chemical resistance, it
the upper service temperature limit of each polymer.
withstands nearly all classes of chemicals. With this
As an example, consider a specific case involving an
combination of high thermal stability and excellent
FKM with an upper service temperature limit of
chemical resistance, the Kalrez perfluoroelastomer
nominally 204°C (400°F). Many sources will show an“A” rating for FKM suitability in toluene service, a
parts rating may be conservative, as actual field
Rating System
experience and the example above have demonstrated.
Elastomer shows little or no effect (generally
In comparing the chemical and fluid resistance of
less than 10% swell) after exposure to the
Kalrez perfluoroelastomers to that of Teflon®
chemical; slight swelling or loss of properties
fluoropolymer resins, certain differences should be
may occur under severe conditions but this
• Kalrez is an amorphous low-modulus rubber
Elastomer may be affected by the chemical
whereas Teflon is a crystalline high-modulus plastic.
after exposure, as evidenced by slight visible
In fluid environments where high permeation occurs,
swelling (10%–30%) and/or loss of physical
Kalrez will probably swell to a greater extent than
properties; Kalrez parts will often perform
Teflon, even though the polymer is not chemically
satisfactorily long after other elastomers have
Environments in which this is most noticeable are
Elastomer is affected by the chemical after
fully halogenated solvents and Freon®. Serviceability
exposure, as evidenced by moderate to severe
of Kalrez® in these environments will be dependent
swelling and/or loss of physical properties;
upon the specifics of the application.
limited functionality is possible but must be
• As with all elastomers, it is necessary to compound
Kalrez perfluoroelastomers with fillers and curatives
Elastomer is not suitable for service in the
to gain desired mechanical properties for functional-
ity. In a limited number of environments, eventhough the polymer is stable, the fillers and curative
Where no rating is shown, insufficient information
systems may interact with the chemicals. However,
because the level of fillers in Kalrez perfluoro-
An asterisk (*) next to a Kalrez perfluoro-
elastomers is much lower than in most other elas-
elastomer rating indicates that differences may
tomers, such filler interactions are generally negli-
exist between Kalrez compounds in certain
gible with Kalrez parts. Where such interactions can
applications that could affect relative perfor-
occur, such as in highly oxidative environments,
mance. The compound numbers indicated are
service performance is dependent on the conditions
recommended for that application. If no com-
of the application and may be affected by compound
pound number appears beside the asterisk (*), contact your authorized distributor or DuPont
Because each application is unique, it is recommended
Dow Elastomers for the best compound. For such
that users of Kalrez perfluoroelastomer parts always
environments, other elastomers generally have
conduct their own evaluations to determine the suit-
very limited serviceability.
ability of Kalrez for their application. Because oflaboratory constraints and differences in field applica-tions, the results shown in this technical informationmay be based on conditions that may not necessarilyreflect actual operating environments for a specificapplication. Additionally, many elastomeric materialsmay show excellent chemical resistance to purereagents in relatively short-term laboratory tests. However, they may fail in actual service because ofchemical attack by additives and/or impurities. Kalrezperfluoroelastomer parts, with their near-universalchemical resistance, provide an extra degree of safetyagainst these unknown corrosive influences.
Case histories are available from your authorizedKalrez distributor detailing proven performance ofKalrez parts in over 100 specific chemical applica-tions. Information on test performance in a limitednumber of specific chemicals is also available throughyour authorized Kalrez distributor. Caution Kalrez perfluoroelastomer parts, like all fluorinated products, should not be exposed to molten or gaseous
alkali metals, such as sodium and potassium, because a
This chemical compatibility listing is based on using our standard compounds Kalrez® 4079 and 6375 for the vast majority of chemicals and fluids. When the rating does not note a compound, any Kalrez compound may be used. Mixtures with two or more different chemical types/classes should be reviewed with the Kalrez technical group or your authorized Kalrez distributor before proceeding. Testing is always recommended for each proposed use of Kalrez because actual application conditions may vary. Chemical Kalrez® NBR EPDM VMQ FVMQ FKM T Chemical Kalrez® NBR EPDM VMQ FVMQ FKM T Chemical Kalrez® NBR EPDM VMQ FVMQ FKM T Chemical Kalrez® NBR EPDM VMQ FVMQ FKM T Chemical Kalrez® NBR EPDM VMQ FVMQ FKM T Chemical Kalrez® NBR EPDM VMQ FVMQ FKM T Chemical Kalrez® NBR EPDM VMQ FVMQ FKM T Chemical Kalrez® NBR EPDM VMQ FVMQ FKM T Chemical Kalrez® NBR EPDM VMQ FVMQ FKM T Chemical Kalrez® NBR EPDM VMQ FVMQ FKM T Chemical Kalrez® NBR EPDM VMQ FVMQ FKM T Chemical Kalrez® NBR EPDM VMQ FVMQ FKM T Chemical Kalrez® NBR EPDM VMQ FVMQ FKM T Chemical Kalrez® NBR EPDM VMQ FVMQ FKM T Chemical Kalrez® NBR EPDM VMQ FVMQ FKM T Chemical Kalrez® NBR EPDM VMQ FVMQ FKM T Chemical Kalrez® NBR EPDM VMQ FVMQ FKM T Chemical Kalrez® NBR EPDM VMQ FVMQ FKM T Chemical Kalrez® NBR EPDM VMQ FVMQ FKM T Chemical Kalrez® NBR EPDM VMQ FVMQ FKM T Chemical Kalrez® NBR EPDM VMQ FVMQ FKM T Chemical Kalrez® NBR EPDM VMQ FVMQ FKM T Chemical Kalrez® NBR EPDM VMQ FVMQ FKM T Chemical Kalrez® NBR EPDM VMQ FVMQ FKM T Chemical Kalrez® NBR EPDM VMQ FVMQ FKM T Chemical Kalrez® NBR EPDM VMQ FVMQ FKM T Chemical Kalrez® NBR EPDM VMQ FVMQ FKM T Chemical Kalrez® NBR EPDM VMQ FVMQ FKM T
Trademark owners of superscripted names are:
9Occidental Chemical Company10Koppers Company
3American Society for Testing and Materials
Kalrez® KVSP™ chemical compatibility resists chemical attack from all chemicals listed under the Clean Air Act.
The Kalrez® valve stem packing systems (KVSP) are virtually unaffected by over 1800 chemicals and solvents . . . from acetone to sulfuricacid, from heat transfer fluids to steam service. The Kalrez valve stem packing systems are based on using component materials withchemical resistance similar to DuPont Teflon® and as such resist chemical attack and can handle temperatures to 288°C (550°F).
Kalrez is an elastomeric derivative of Teflon, using the same base monomer as Teflon TFE as part of its chemical structure. Kalrezprovides a unique balance of nearly universal chemical resistance and high temperature stability combined with the memory and sealingcharacteristics of a rubber.
The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations include the volatile hazardous air pollutants (VHAPs) under Appendix A andextend through the five production process category groups listed under Appendix B. Appendix A: Volatile Hazardous Air Pollutants Chemical Name CAS Number Chemical Name CAS Number Chemical Name CAS Number Appendix B: Hazardous Organic Chemical Production Processes Chemical Name CAS Number Chemical Name CAS Number Chemical Name CAS Number Chemical Name CAS Number Chemical Name CAS Number Chemical Name CAS Number Group III Chemical Name CAS Number Chemical Name CAS Number Chemical Name CAS Number For more information on Kalrez® (800) 853-5515 (U.S. & Canada) or other elastomers: (302) 792-4000 Global Headquarters European Regional Asia Pacific Regional South & Central Headquarters Headquarters America Regional Headquarters
São Paulo – SPBrazilTel. +55-11-816-0256Fax. +55-11-814-6845
Kalrez Asia Parts Kalrez Parts Marketing Kalrez European Parts Marketing Marketing
The information set forth herein is furnished free of charge and is based on technical data that DuPont Dow Elastomers believes to be reliable. It is intended for use by personshaving technical skill, at their own discretion and risk. The handling precaution information contained herein is given with the understanding that those using it will satisfythemselves that their particular conditions of use present no health or safety hazards. Because conditions of product use and disposal are outside our control, we make nowarranties, express or implied, and assume no liability in connection with any use of this information. As with any material, evaluation of any compound under end-use conditionsprior to specification is essential. Nothing herein is to be taken as a license to operate under or a recommendation to infringe on any patents. CAUTION: Do not use in medical applications involving permanent implantation in the human body. For other medical applications, discuss with your DuPont Dow Elastomers customer service representative, and read Medical Caution Statement, H69237.
Kalrez® and Viton® are registered trademarks of DuPont Dow Elastomers. Teflon®, Freon®, and Suva® are registered trademarks of DuPont Company.
Copyright 1997–1999 DuPont Dow Elastomers. All Rights Reserved.
[Replaces: H-68255-03]Reorder No.: H-85474
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