Microsoft word - 2009 equine progesterone instructions.doc

Quick Check™ Equine Progesterone Kit
Recommended For Use in Veterinary Clinics For the determination of the mare’s estrus cycle The mare’s reproductive cycle is subject to great variability. Measuring the progesterone concentration permits the most accurate determination of where the mare is in her cycle and allows planning the most effective reproductive program. Knowing the progesterone allows: • diagnosis of a functional or persistent corpus luteum; • the most effective use of prostaglandin and/or progestin treatment; • monitoring progesterone during the course of pregnancy

Progesterone, a natural hormone that circulates in the mare’s blood,
is produced by the corpus luteum (CL) and changes during a normal estrous cycle.
Progesterone levels in the blood accurately reflect the different stages of the estrous

No Cycling Occurs:

o Winter Anestrus: No ovulation occurs during this time and therefore there is no
progesterone. The test result is BRIGHT blue. o Transition Period: Developing follicles are detected by palpation. If ovulation
has not occurred for the season, test result is BRIGHT blue.
Cycling Begins After The First Ovulation:
o Estrus: The cycle begins. The normal cycle is 21-22 days.
ƒ Each heat (estrus) lasts 5-7 days. Progesterone levels are lowest ƒ during estrus (see figure). The test result is BRIGHT blue. o After Ovulation (Day 0): The CL forms on the ovary and begins
producing progesterone and the Progesterone levels rise. The test o Diestrus: The progesterone concentration is very high during the 14-15 days of
the diestrus period. The test result is WHITE. • In the un-bred mare, the CL regresses around day 16. The progesterone levels fall • In the pregnant mare, progesterone levels remain elevated beyond 17 days post
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 44 Days WHEN TO USE QUICK CHECK™ EQUINE PROGESTERONE TEST

For determining where the mare is in her cycle. In this way you can reduce or
eliminate the need for teasing the mare. A progesterone test is the most economical way to determine where the mare is in her reproductive cycle.
For determining whether there is a functional CL and thus, whether to use

• About 72 hours after a prostaglandin injection, in order to determine if the
treatment was effective or if a second treatment is needed.
For monitoring the progesterone level during pregnancy.
For early indication of pregnancy.
For monitoring progesterone for embryo transfer.

• Prostaglandin is used when the mare has a functional or persistent corpus luteum
(progesterone level is high) in order to induce heat (low level of progesterone). • In order for prostaglandin to be most effective, it is important to know where the
mare is in her cycle at the time of injection in order to predict the result.
• If a bright blue result is obtained on a first test, test again in 4 days to find out if your mare is approaching heat or is still in anestrus. • For an un-bred mare, a white result indicates that the mare is in diestrus or may have a persistent corpus luteum. Prostaglandin may be used at the time of a white
result to bring her into heat.
About 72 hours after prostaglandin administration, a
progesterone test will confirm heat (bright blue result). If the result is not bright blue,
the CL has not fully regressed and could recover. Another treatment of prostaglandin
is advisable in this case.
• For a mare that has been bred, a white result 17-23 days after breeding can indicate pregnancy. Prostaglandin should NOT be used at this time, since it lowers progesterone and will cause an abortion of the pregnancy.

Quick Check™ is designed to recognize only the natural progesterone hormone.

REGU-MATE is a synthetic hormone and will not be detected by QUICK CHECK™.
When using Quick Check™ to monitor pregnancy while REGU-MATE is being given, a
white result indicates the progesterone-deficient mare is producing enough progesterone
to be taken off therapy.

Low levels of progesterone at any stage of pregnancy are a major cause
of early embryo loss or late-term abortion
. To determine if progesterone levels are
adequate for pregnancy, test a sample 12-14 days after ovulation. Retest at various
intervals during pregnancy to insure adequate progesterone levels are being maintained.
• A white results indicates progesterone levels are adequate for pregnancy
maintenance. The minimum safe level to maintain pregnancy is 4ng/ml progesterone white.
• A bright blue (C1) or light blue (C2) result indicates a progesterone-deficient mare.

QUICK CHECK™ can be used for pregnancy detection. A white result obtained 21-23
days after breeding indicates pregnancy. Note: QUICK CHECK™ indicates the presence
of progesterone not specifically pregnancy. A positive indication of pregnancy should be
confirmed by palpation or ultrasound.

QUICK CHECK™ can be especially useful in embryo transfer programs where following
the estrous cycles closely is essential in synchronizing the donor with a recipient mare.
Serum, Plasma, or Whole Blood Sample

For a serum / plasma sample: Collect blood into a labeled Red (serum) or a Purple
(plasma) Top Tube. For serum, allow the tube to stand for 20-30 minutes at room
temperature or spin the sample down in a centrifuge. Pour the clear liquid into a clean
glass tube.
For a whole blood sample: Collect at least 6 drops of blood into a red or purple top
tube. Run the test within 5 minutes after taking the blood sample. Invert the tube several
times to mix before running the sample. After 5 minutes the blood sample may begin to
clot which may clog the test cup and cause invalid results.

• Store this kit in the refrigerator when not in use. Do not freeze.
Always reseal the plastic bag after removing a test cup.

Timing during Step 3 (Timing of the enzyme) IS VERY IMPORTANT: one (1)
• Do not exchange test cups or reagents between different kits. • The color results should be a full circle. A half moon or crescent shaped color result should be recorded as the darkest part of the color. Intended for veterinary use and not for human use
The manufacturer warrants the kit for its intended use
Liability is limited to the value of the kit
Allow kit to warm to room temperature, the kit can remain at room temperature overnight
1. Shake sample 2. Add 4 drops of serum (or fresh blood) sample to the center of the cup. 3. WAIT 2 MINUTES 2. Wait for liquid to drain into cup. 3. REPEAT this step 2 times or until the cup is white. 1. Add 3 drops enzyme from the RED CAP BOTTLE to the center of the cup and 2. WAIT ONE MINUTE - timing this step is important. 1. Fill cup with WASH - White Cap Bottle with WHITE LABEL 2. Fill solution to the top of the inner line. 3. Wait for liquid to drain through the cup. a. One of Substrate A b. One of Substrate B. substrate (BLUE CAP) to the center of the cup.* unused solution in the blue mixing bottle. Save blue mixing bottle for future tests.

Color and Progesterone
No progesterone is present and there is no • If the mare has not started her normal breeding cycle, a bright blue result indicates she is still in winter anestrus, or she may be entering the transitional phase, if developing follicles are present upon palpation. Bright Blue
• If the mare has started normal spring cycling, bright blue indicates she is 0 - 1 ng/ml
in heat or estrus. The duration of estrus is 5 to 7 days with ovulation occurring 24 to 48 hours before the end of estrus. Since the average lifespan of semen in the female reproductive tract is 48 hours, mares are usually inseminated every 2 days until ovulation is detected by the Progesterone is beginning to rise or fall (See Figure). • If the first test result is light blue, then test again in 2 days to determine if the mare is entering or leaving heat. • If a previous test was bright blue, then a light blue result indicates progesterone is rising. The mare has ovulated 1 to 2 days before. Light Blue
1 - 4 ng/ml
• If a previous test was white, then progesterone is dropping. The mare is approaching her estrus period and should be tested again in 2 days. • white result indicates a high progesterone level and a functional CL is present. This means the mare has ovulated and is in diestrus or in a non-fertile period. If the mare fails to exhibit signs of estrus during the breeding season, a • A persistent CL and prostaglandin treatment • Pregnancy if this white result is obtained 21-23 days after breeding. Intended for veterinary use and not for human use
The manufacturer warrants the kit for its intended use
Liability is limited to the value of the kit


Microsoft word - approved suppliers list final 2013.05.0

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Alfs reisecheckliste für die urlaubsvorbereitung

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