
Less Labor -- Higher Profits
When it comes to ginseng, successful growers have turned to GallenbergTechnologies for solutions. Our designssave both time and labor — translating intohigher profit. The Gallenberg Technologies'solution includes ginseng sprayers, diggers,washersand harvesters — all designed to pro-vide years of reliable, effective performance.
Ginseng Sprayer
HarvestAire® Ginseng Harvester
Ginseng Digger
Ginseng Washer with Rock Separator
Gallenberg Technologies'
In the battle for profitability, Gallenberg Technologies Ginseng equipment "digs in" against high labor costs.
Award Winning Design
Unit Specifications
Governor’s New Product Certificate of Merit The Gallenberg Technologies' research & development team is responsible for numerous equipment line is designed to provide you award-winning designs. The company's ded- Ginseng Washer
with a total solution for your growing and ication to R&D is strong — backing our commit- with Rock separator
Tractor PTO, tractor hydraulics orelectric drive.
The ginseng HarvestAire both digs and
Gallenberg Technologies is building on an AE50 & Governor’s New Product Certificate of Merit 18” X 12’. 2” finger flights. elevator picks up the ginseng roots at a 65% or more impressive tradition of innovation and developing tub door opens for easy cleanout.
Driven by washer. Discharge harvest recovery rate. The ginseng Digger
the next generation of agricultural and light (With elevator) Approximately5’6” (36” model), 6’6” (48” model) features rugged, extra-heavy formed steel in transport position andapproximately 7’6” when in use.
frame construction for two-bed digging. The Options:
Water Supply:
Sprayer maximizes spraying efficiency with
Tractor PTO and engine drive pumps also available.
its 300 gallon, stainless steel tank. And, the Washer with Rock Separator is portable
and sturdy featuring a cedar drum with baffles.
1998 AE50 Award Recipientfor Outstanding Innovationsin Product or SystemsTechnology by Resource:Engineering & Technology Ginseng Digger
Digging With:
1/2”X6”X67” heat treated steel (bolt-on) 7/16”X32”X1.56” hook chain tempered steel 540 RPM PTO drive line with Weasler slipclutch. 90o Durst or equivalent gear drive.
Ginseng Sprayer
80# tempered steel roller chain andsprockets with SnugulatorTM tensioners.
2” diameter primary drive shaft.
Combination of 5” polyurethane and 5” steelrollers. Sealed roller bearing cone rollers.
1/2X32”X1.56” hook chain or 7/16”X32 mm, Specifications:
All 5” steel roller bearing rollers.
AE50 & Governor’s New Product Award Model GSH232 HavestAire Ginseng Harvester
Combination of steel or polyurethane with For breaking up dirt clumps (bolt-on).
Variable speed, hydraulic driven shaker on digger section for sifting out heavier soils.
540 RPM PTO. mechanical drive with slip clutch (except for For rockpicking (bolt-on). Hydraulic drive.
7/16”X32”X32mm and 7/16”X32”X36mm belted chains Options:
included with each HarvestAire. Optional 40mm chain available.
Digger Chain: 7/16X21”X1.56”hook chain AE50 & Governor’s New Product Certificate of Merit with 8 steel flights or 7/16”X21”X32mm UHMW slider pan in primary digger section cylinders and 8.25-20 tire, tube and wheel 2 yard hopper has dumping height of 64” Rises to 80” Steerable axle. 10:00-20 tires. 12 ply rating. 72” tire centers.
Approximately 48” discharge height.
*Hydraulic drive requires 20 GPM/2500PSI load sense hydraulic system on 18”X9’ belt conveyor, hydraulic driven, minimum 75 HP tractor with creeper gear.


Jmedj dec-2012.pdf

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Chapter 17 Review 17.1 : Psychoanalysis At his friends’ urging, Barney has decided to seek help for the depression he has been struggling with ever since moving away from home and starting college two months ago. He’s heard a lot about Sigmund (1) Freud’s therapy, called (2) psychoanalysis , in which patients use (3) free association to express whatever comes to mind in order to un

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