
From: ()
To: Dien Tran
Date: Wed, December 30, 2009 6:11:03 PM
Subject: Fw: ICAN Spring 2010 newsletter - done with comments and changes
Pls keep hong's workshop article. Save tuan's article for next time then.
From: "Hong Hoang" <>
Date: Wed, 30 Dec 2009 16:54:19 -0800
To: Quyen N. Vuong<>
Subject: RE: ICAN Spring 2010 newsletter - done with comments and changes
Chi Quyen, I'm sad when my article cannot be use for the newsletter at this time when Im still at ICAN.cuz I havebeen putting my heart and thoughts to it. But anyway, nevermind. just want to let you know how I feel.
Hong HoangProject Coordinator, Happy 5 Program International Children Assistance Network (ICAN)Sobrato Center for Non-Profits, 532 Valley Way, Milpitas, CA 95035 Office 408.509.8788 | Fax 408.935.9657 | | From: Quyen N. Vuong []
Sent: Wed 12/30/2009 9:30 AM
To: 'Hoai Ta'; 'Ivy Vuong'
Cc: 'Phap Chon Thich'; 'Hung Truong'; Hanh Nguyen; Hong Hoang; Uyen Pham; Hope Nguyen; Janine Dao
Subject: RE: ICAN Spring 2010 newsletter - done with comments and changes
Hi Dien,I’ve finished reviewing and editing the newsletter. To follow the changes and addition, please refer to boththe marked document (see file attached), and the new/revised text on the writeboard below: so we are on the same page: 1) Add Thay’s letter titled Don Xuan Canh Dan (see writeboard). You may want to have the letterrunning on left (or right) side, with the pictures of Phat Dan, Vu Lan, Trung Thu, phat hoc bong, Cuu trobao lut on the other side. I’ve also done a shorter version of this letter in English, b/c we have nothingin English this time2) Add a page for HCTT 7 concert, with a short overview (see writeboard), and some pictures. Put thispage directly across the HCTT8 flyer page if it makes sense to you.
3) Hoc bong dai hoc: add title (see comments on page, and foreword in the new writeboard)4) Community forum (Hoi Thao Cong Dong): add a little blurb in English somewhere, preferablynear the pictures of volunteers. See notes on page and text on the writeboard5) Thong Ke Dan So: add the word Census to the title, go to writeboard to get the completely revisedtext. That will make it easier for you in replacing the old text6) Parenting workshop: there are so many articles on Happy 5 this time. I want to save Hong’s articlefor next time. We can just post the article “cam tuong cua phu huynh” for the parenting workshop thistime.
7) Trang bao Nuoi Day Tre Vui Manh: see comments on page; minor changes8) Nuoi Day Tre Vui Manh announcement: add date for the April series, remove Lucile and HealthyNeighborhood logos, move Child Abuse council and FIRST 5 logo up a bit9) Cam Nang Nuoi day tre vui manh: please add some text at the end of paragraph (see writeboard)10) Don xin duoc tro cap hoc bong: add foreword (see writeboard), add title “Mong uoc duoc len DaiHoc – College scholarship”11) Need to add the following sections: a. ICAN’s 2010 calendarb. Fundraising page showing SCRIP and donation form (take from older newsletter) 12) Last page with contact info: please see comments on page One last look after you are all done, and we are ready to go to print.
Thank you so so much chu Dien, and very sorry about the delay. I’ve been so swamped, it’s not humanlypossible to keep up with things.


Newsletter 2009

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