CPCC is a national leader in workforce development. inside.cpcc.edu Number 6 February 12, 2009
president for 23 years, who led the College froma trade school with 1200 students to the state’s
With the February 4 closing because of inclement
Nominations are being sought for individu-
weather, faculty are reminded that they are
obligated to make every effort to make up the
Making up missed class time should be com-
acquired scholastic and learning skills that
pleted in as nonstressful a way as possible for
have led to continued personal and educa-
our students. When it comes to make-up options,
one-size does not fit all because at CPCC the
enormous diversity in class locations and restric-
exemplified positive and significant life
The College position is that within the con-
fines of space limitations, course content, etc.,
The winner will be honored by having a one-
instructors should work with students to pro-
year scholarship granted to a CPCC student in
vide the maximum number of hours of instruc-
an area of study reflective of the winner’s back-
ground. Nomination forms are available on the
In some cases, instructors are able to add addi-
tional time to other classes; schedule an addi-
tional class sometime during the semester; hold
Completed nomination forms should be sub-
conferences with individual students; assign
mitted to Susan Oleson, executive assistant to
work to be completed online or in the library,
the president. The deadline for nominations is
April 6, 2009. For more information, contact
For auditing purposes, an instructor must note
Susan Oleson at susan.oleson@cpcc.edu or call 6022.
on the 10% roster the reason a class was not heldand what the students did to make up the time.
If you have questions, please call Mitchell
Hagler, 6576, or Richard Zollinger, 6730.
Career Fair 2009 Mar. 6The 2009 CPCC Career Fair will take place on
Friday, March 6, at the Grady Cole Center. The
2008 Career Fair was a great success due in largepart to the support we received from our vol-
Do you know a CPCC graduate who is making
unteers. Come be a part of one of the largest
a tremendous difference in the community?
Nominations are currently being sought for the
Our volunteers assist primarily in the areas of
2009 Richard H. Hagemeyer Educational Ad -
registration, evaluations and door prizes.
vancement Award. This award recognizes a for-
There are two shifts, but we really need the
mer CPCC student who has significantly bene-
efforts have helped the community. The award
is named after Dr. Richard H. Hagemeyer, CPCC
The Communicator February 12, 2009
For those who can devote their time for a com-
completed their Charge to Service Excellence
plete shift, we will thank you with a delicious
To sign up, please call Christy Curts in Career
You may have noticed Service Excellence as a
Services (6449) or email Christy.Curts@cpcc.edu.
required listing in your Learning Tracks and
Please be sure to indicate what area and time
searched for times to take it. In this case, employ-
ees complete the requirement by participating
Thank you in advance for your help and thank
in a session with their work team, instead of indi-
you to everyone who has already signed up!
vidually taking a workshop. After completingthe training, your supervisor will notify youwhen the session(s) for your area is/are sched-
uled. Then you may enroll in LearnerWeb for
the correct session for your department.
Change in coverage: The following name brand
If you have any questions, please contact the
heartburn medications will require a coverage
or Mary-lynn Mitchell at 6932. We look for-
ward to sharing this initiative for the College
Protonix® suspension and Zegerid® capsules and suspension
Read more at http://www.shpnc.org/hbr-updates/
This is a way for you to recognize your peers
Reminder: When a child age 19 or older grad-
for the outstanding job that they do! The four
uates from college and is no longer a full-time
award winners each receive $1,000. There are
student, the employee has 30 days to remove
this dependent from coverage with the StateHealth Plan. To remove coverage, please com-
All forms are online. http://www.cpcc.edu/pd/awards-and-recognition/
Just click on Employee Recognition Awards
Nomination. Please email the form and any sup-
porting documentation to Libby Vagnoni. Only
Providing excellent service to our students, vis-
electronic copies will be accepted. Letters of sup-
itors, and community is a top priority. As such,
port from other co-workers give the committee
Cabinet directed the Process Review Team to
develop college-wide standards for excellent
phone, email, and personal service for all CPCC
The deadline for spring nominations is March
employees. Approved standards were piloted
17. Spring award winners will be announced
among five college areas and will be imple-
mented college-wide by the end of June. To do
this, all supervisors complete training to lead
the Charge to Service Excellence for their work
ensure the success of our students and who sup-
teams. Supervisor training is offered every
port the efforts of all who work at this College!
month. They then choose the best dates and
Congratulations to fall winners Eddie How-
times for their staff to participate and post them
ell, Sylvia Nikopoulos, Laura Dunlap and Jane
in LearnerWeb for employees to enroll in their
Benson. Information and pictures of the fall win-
own department’s session. To date, about 75%
ners can be found on the Learning College web-
of college supervisors have completed the train-
ing, and half of all college departments have
The Communicator February 12, 2009
The area average high temperature for Febru-
The P-card limit of $2,500 per transaction is a
ary is 56 degrees and for March is 64 degrees.
state audit issue of particular importance and
The average low temperatures are 34 degrees
will be strictly enforced by CPCC Procurement.
and 42 degrees. This week has been unusually
Failure to adhere to this rule may cause imme-
warm, yet in the 10-day forecast we have a day
Transactions must not be split to avoid pro-
Your Facilities Services staff is doing what
curement guidelines and rules. Any such over-
can be done to bring in outside air to cool our
transaction limit charges with a transaction date
environments. This is also the time of year when
(the date you make the charge) on your P-Card
preventative maintenance is performed on the
after February 12, 2009, will result in a minimum
air-conditioning equipment and it is impracti-
of first Notice of Misuses to the cardholder,
cable to switch to air-conditioning for a few days
and then return to heating. Employees should
Please refer to the revocation policy athttp://inside.cpcc.edu/procurement/Pcardmanual/
dress in a manner that is also more comfortable
for details, or contact Milas McClain, P-CardAdministrator, at 4470.
New office supplies contractForms & Supply, Inc. is our new vendor on state
contract #615A, effective February 9, 2009. Thislocally owned and operated, national, minori-
ty-owned company has the best pricing, Char-
The annual Student Excellence Convocation rec-
lotte headquarters and warehouse, excellent cus-
ognizes the achievements of CPCC’s outstand-
tomer service, next day delivery, will-call
ing students. This year’s ceremony is Sunday,
April 26, at 4:30 p.m. in Halton Theater.
Faculty, please nominate from your depart-
ment one curriculum degree or diploma student
(click on 615A). Additional reduced current pric-
by completing the Student Excellence Nomina-
ing on top selling items, ordering and other FSI
tion form located on the Learning unit website.
Return the completed form electronically, by
mail to Nichole Patterson in Disher Building –
101, or fax 704.330.6225. The Office of the VP for
We will continue using P-Card when order-
Enrollment and Student Services will notify
ing online at www.fsioffice.com and you may request
selected students. Nominations will be accept-
your login and password at that site and begin
ordering both contract and non-contract sup-
For more information, contact Nichole Pat-
Please “Buy Recycled” whenever possible,
and help CPCC meet another state and collegegoal. Campus introductions will be announced
soon so you can meet our representatives, get
catalogs, free samples, and refreshments, evenwin a great door prize. Please contact your buy-
Instructors, are you in need of a quiet place to
er if you have questions about the new contract
work? Could you make use of a high-end PC or
Mac workstation with a large screen, or a placeto plug in a notebook and access wireless inter-net? Would you like an open workspace thatsupports collaboration with other instructors?
Would you appreciate an opportunity to dis-
cuss and address instructional technology needs
Your Professional Development portal
with available and knowledgeable staff in arelaxed environment? If so, please visit the
The Communicator February 12, 2009
Teaching Commons in the Learning Resources
from reaching your educational goals and what
resources area available. Further workshops will
follow in this series. This workshop does not
Commons Online at: www.cpcc.edu/teachingcommons.
qualify for professional development and isNOT listed in LearnerWeb.
week, Tuesday, February 17, at Central Campus,
The current issue of the Solutions newsletter has
an article about the importance of trust in the
workplace. Solutions is a resource of our Employ-
ee Assistance Program provided by ValueOptions. Read more about it at
The following openings are now available at CPCC. Detailsabout qualifications and a complete job description are avail-able on the Human Resources website. Please look underthe “Employment” section for a list of job openings, as
CPCC Television has partnered with the Col-
well as instructions on how to apply. Résumés cannot be
lege’s International Business program and the
substituted for an application. For faculty positions, copies
World Affairs Council of Charlotte to periodi-
of transcripts are required with applications; original tran-
cally feature on CPCC & You prominent speak-
scripts required at date of hire. A separate CPCC applica-
ers who come to Charlotte to share their inter-
tion is required for each position.
Recently, Sergei Khrushchev, a senior fellow
Division Director -Mathematics Position #3MATHEM-
at Brown University, was in Charlotte to speak
FEF-1. REQ, #481. The Math Division has an
to the World Affairs Council and during his vis-
immediate opening for a division director. We
it sat down with CPCC Television to discuss
are looking for a strong leader who will ensure
international business as part of the college’s
high quality instruction, provide instructional
Global Issues Series. You can view the show on
and administrative support to the dean and par-
Time Warner cable or the station’s web channel
ticipate in the administration of the divisional
at www.cpcc.edu/tv and click CPCC & You.
budget. The Math Division is one of the largest
academic departments of the largest communi-
the college’s Outreach and Recruitment Office
ty college in N.C. It offers cutting edge innova-
share timely information for high school stu-
tion Instruction, “fast track” math programs for
dents and parents as they prepare for college.
students and is at the forefront of the CPCC
Visit www.cpcc.edu/tv and click Snapshot under Fea-
core competencies initiative. The department is
actively involved in the American Mathemati-cal Association of Two-Year Colleges and the
state’s affiliate the N.C. Mathematical Associa-tion of Two-Year Colleges. Master’s degree from
an accredited college or university in math or a
master’s degree in a related discipline with18GSH in math and one (1) year of full-time
Have you been considering returning to school
experience in the math field is required. Stu-
to get a certificate, an associates or bachelor’s
dent copies of all transcripts are required with
degree or maybe a master’s degree? Have you
the CPCC application for faculty positions. Orig-
been making excuses or procrastinating, such
inals of all college transcripts are required at
as “I’m too old,” “I don’t have a babysitter,” or
the date of hire. Closing date: Open until filled.
“I’ll start next semester”? Are finances or time
Vice President for Learning #3INSTAD-FEE-2, REQ
#483. Vice President for Learning position avail-
If you answered yes to ANY of these ques-
able in the Learning Unit located on Central
tions, please participate in the first of a series of
Campus. The Vice-President for Learning is a
member of the President’s Cabinet with execu-
through expanded learning opportunities. The
tive responsibility for planning, managing, and
discussion will concentrate on what roadblocks
evaluating all curriculum, continuing education,
you may be encountering, what prevents you
and basic skills areas of the College. The VPL
The Communicator February 12, 2009
provides highly complex and responsible assis-
and French selections. Hours: 7 a.m.—2 p.m. and
tance to the College President and Board of
4–6 p.m. Monday–Thursday; and 7 a.m.–2 p.m.
Trustees and provides leadership as the Col-
lege seeks opportunities to better serve students,the community, and business. The VPL works
collaboratively with business and industry to
ensure that the College has innovative work-force training programs that respond to com-
munity labor market demands. Travel required
“Practical Advice and Information for Realtors®,
and frequently visits all CPCC campuses.
Attends various community functions and state
nies Who Do the Work” answers questions and
and national meetings. Master’s degree from a
gives important information and practical
regionally accredited institution of higher edu-
advice on “greening” from four N.C. Realtor
cation, an earned doctorate is preferred. Five
organizations who work every day to add val-
years of progressively responsible academic and
ue to homes by incorporating green features and
administrative experience, including experience
who add value to land by preserving its eco-
in teaching, supervising full-time faculty, and
administering exemplary academic programs,
Presenter Teddy Makarow has an AB degree in
with proven success in improving educational
English and a master’s in education with a spe-
outcomes and student retention. Closing Date:
cialty in writing. A licensed Realtor® for over 15
years in North and South Carolina, she is a cer-tified exclusive buyer agent and a member ofthe National Association of Exclusive Buyer
PARTNERS Agents (NAEBA). In addition, Teddy is a certi-
fied EcoBroker® and owner of Greenwise Home,a green options resource for homebuyers, home-owners, builders and developers who want toincorporate green features into home construc-
tion or renovation. With the housing marketdown, this is prime time to green your home!
Saturday, February 21, 8:30 a.m. to noon, Cen-
Do you LOVE good bread? Start your Valentine’s
weekend with a fresh-baked loaf from the CPCC
For more information and other speaker bios,
Culinary Club! This Friday, February 13, the Culi-
visit the Center for Sustainability Events page.
nary Club will be selling a variety of breads
including French bread (of course!) and dinnerrolls. They may also have some other sweet
Communications instructor Jenifer R. Daniels
The sale takes place in theCitizens Center on Cen-
has been appointed to the Information Services &
tral Campus and begins at 10 a.m. The sale ends
Technology Committee for Mecklenburg County for
when all loaves are purchased, so come early as
a three-year term expiring February 28, 2012.
supplies are limited! Your purchase will bene-
Join the Service-Learning Center in celebrating
fit the club’s trip to Paris, France.
the distinction of having CPCC named to the
President’s Higher Education Community Service HonorRoll announced during the American Council on Edu-
cation Annual Conference in Washington on Febru-
Launched in 2006, the honor roll recognizes
colleges and universities that support innova-
We still have international VHS movies (Eng-
tive and effective community service and ser-
lish subtitles), language learning and books for
sale in the Van Every 302 Language Lab. Most are 50
CPCC and the Service-Learning Center are a
cents. Come see! Proceeds go for Study Abroad
part of N.C. Campus Compact, a nonprofit organi-
Scholarship. We have English, Spanish, German
zation of colleges and universities that promote
The Communicator February 12, 2009
community service, civic engagement, and ser-vice-learning in higher education.
On Monday, March 2, CPCC will be co-spon-
soring an important event “Resources for Changing
Times” at the Harris Conference Center from 9:00a.m.–6:00 p.m. The purpose of the event is to
“Helix Tango,” quilt art by Angela Heath, will be
assist professionals in Mecklenburg County who
part of the 2009 NCCCS exhibition at the Caswell
have recently lost their jobs or are in danger of
Building in Raleigh. Retired system president
Martin Lancaster selected her work for the annual
Community, college and employer resources
show of the best of student and faculty art from
will be on hand to answer questions and pro-
vide resources to help with job searches, life cop-ing and new opportunities for personal and pro-
fessional growth. In addition, workshops willbe offered throughout the day.
As you can imagine, we are planning for max-
In the fine tradition of Bye, Bye Birdie, Grease
imum capacity and greatly need volunteers.
and Footloose!, Disney’s High School Musical
Three 3.5 hour volunteer shift options are avail-
defines a generation. A classic love story between
able to choose from 8:00–11:30 a.m., 11:30
star-crossed lovers and a unique look at con-
temporary American life, Disney’s High School
Please try to carve time out of your busy sched-
Musical weaves a tale of love for sports, love for
ule to assist with this important event and help
theatre and love of the family into an event that
February 13, 14, 20, 21, 2009, at 8 p.m. Febru-
Please call or email Lori Alexander with your
availability to volunteer on one of the three
Call the CPCC Box Office at 6534. Visit our
website at tix.cpcc.edu. Or get your tickets online
The Harris Conference Center was host to over
150 attendees at the third annual Charlotte Dental
Society meeting. Dentists from MecklenburgCounty were onsite to learn up-to-date best prac-
tices. For more information, please visit
The Communicator is the official newsletter of CPCC. Please direct Communicator copy via email to CPCC
Join Charlotte Cooks at Harris Campus on Sat-
Office of Community Relations Communicator (Internet
urdays for international food courses beginning
address is communicator@cpcc.edu) by 4:00 p.m. each Wed.
February 21. Basic Chinese Cooking and Authentic
Anonymous submissions will not be published, so if
Mexican Cooking are designed to bring restaurant
you are submitting email from a computer not on theCPCC network or from a CPCC webpage link, include
quality food into the kitchens of local residents
your name, department, and phone number or email
while exploring the flavors and ingredients of
Late items will be held for the following issue. All sub-
Basic Chinese Cooking (CKG 7000). Explore Chi-
missions are subject to editing. If you have questions,
nese cuisine with Alice Jenks, a native of Hong
contact Bill Perkins, 5090, or via email.
Kong who brings more than 25 years of culi-nary expertise to the classroom. During class,Jenks will differentiate the Chinese cooking
styles: Cantonese, Szechuan and Peking. Meetsat Harris Campus on Saturdays February
The Communicator February 12, 2009
21–April 4 from 9 a.m.–12 p.m. Fee: $150. Call704.330.4223.
Authentic Mexican Cooking (CKG 7011). Amer-
icans have fallen in love with the flavors of Mex-ican food. In this course, leave behind the tra-
CPCC does not endorse or sponsor events mentioned.
ditional tacos and burritos and feast on the tastyfavorites of our chef, Lucia Delgado, who will teachyou the differences between the various Mexi-
can chiles and how to prepare such signatureMexican dishes as pica de gallo and tinga de pol-
For many years a number of CPCC employees
lo. Meets at Harris Campus on Saturdays Feb-
have deliveredFriendship Trays to an eastside apart-
ruary 21–March 30 from 1–4 p.m. Fee: $135. Call
ment location on Tuesday, Thursday, and Fri-
day. It takes about an hour from Central Cam-pus to pick up the trays on Distribution Street(off South Boulevard), deliver them and returnto campus. Usually a volunteer has to deliver
only once e a month, and it is easy to exchangewith someone if an emergency comes up. TheFRIDAY group particularly needs a few new vol-unteers. If you can help, please call Libby Vagnoniat 4273. This is a great way to give back to the
“On behalf of the Early Childhood Education Club,
we thank you for supporting our fall peanut but-
If you have one or more favorite recipes that
ter drive. Through your generosity, the club was
you would like to see published in a cookbook
able to achieve its goal of collecting 500 jars of
composed entirely of CPCC employees, then
peanut butter for Loaves and Fishes. We’d like to
extend special thanks to the campus deans and
In hopes of being published by our very own
their designated “peanut butter contacts,” as
CPCC Press, Peggy Demaree is putting together a
well as those staff and faculty members who
cookbook with contributions exclusively from
donated peanut butter, other nonperishable
our college employees. If you would like to con-
foods and money. We’d also like to acknowledge
tribute, then look through the categories, down-
ECEC member Joy Parks for coordinating the pro-
load the form, read the instructions, and fill it
—Christine Sargeant and Zelma Goode, ECEC Advisors
Each recipe requires a separate form, and must
be submitted electronically to her email address. Acceptance of each recipe is conditional, and not
To the editor from Monica Gilbert and the Nurs-
ing/Human Services & Early Childhood Ed faculty and staff:
Deadline for submissions is February 27. The
“We would like to say ‘Thank you’ to Pamela
cookbook will be copyrighted, but not the indi-
Jordan in Facilities Services for all her hard work,
vidual recipes. Date of publication is not
time and effort. She always goes out of her way
yet known at this time. Please begin now sub-
making sure our department’s requests are com-
pleted in a timely manner. We truly appreciate
peggy.demaree@cpcc.edu in Community Develop-
The Communicator February 12, 2009
China study group formingCPCC is not a sponsor and does not endorse the follow-ing. This institute is a nonprofit venture between the UNCCharlotte and Xi’an Jiaotong University in China.
Comparative Education: China’s Preparation
for the 21st Century, a Summer Institute (SixHours of College Credit)
When: June 12 to 26, 2009Where: Beijing & Xi’an, China
Selling a pair of IN-Style curling irons (new,
never used) advertised on TV info-mercial for$39.99 @ three payments each. I will sell my pairfor $75 still in box with directions. Call Arlene,6478.
Providence Café, 110 Perrin Place—15% dis-
count on food purchases to CPCC employees. Please wear badge or bring CPCC ID to receivediscount. Offer valid through March 31, 2009. Not valid with any other offer or discount. Dis-count available to CPCC employees only.
Time Management in a Connected World Making a Telephone Call 1993 Look up Number in Rolladex Call Person Send person email that you want to call them Person sends days and times that work for them Create calendar entry in Outlook for call, including When the day and time arrives, hopefully you Why Time Management ? Lack of time causes stress Life satisfaction Mon