Studienliste_alle studien_20121201.xls

Studienübersicht Onkologie Dezember 2012 Preoperative chemoradiotherapy versus chemotherapy alone in NSCLC patients with mediastinal lymph node Bevacicumab, pemetrexed and cisplatin, or erlotinib and bevacizumab, non-squamous NSCLC stratified by EGFR-mutation status. phase II including biopsy at A Randomized, Double-Blind, Phase 3 Study of Docetaxel and Ramucirumab versus Docetaxel and Placebo in the Treatment of Stage IV Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Following Disease Progression after One Randomisierte, offene Phase-III-Studie zur Beurteilung der Wirksamkeit und Sicherheit von Crizotinib im Pemetrexed/Carboplatin bei nicht vorbehandelten Patienten mit Nicht-Plattenepithelkarzinom der Lunge mit einer Translokation oder Inversion im Genlokus der BELIEF: Eine Phase-II-Studie mit Erlotinib und Bevacizumab bei Patientinnen und Patienten mit einem fortgeschrittenen nichtkleinzelligen Lungenkarzinom A randomized phase III trial of erlotinib versus docetaxel in patients with advanced squamous cell non- small lung cancer who failed fist line platium based doubelt chemotherapy stratified by VeriStrat Goos vs 1.PI: PD Dr. O. Gautschi, 2 PI: Prof. Dr. S. Aebi, 3 PI: Dr. R. Winterhalder, 4.PI: Dr. T. Zander Studienübersicht Onkologie Dezember 2012 Randomisierter, multizentrischer, doppelblinder, Placebo-kontrollierter Vergleich von Chemotherapie plus Trastuzumab plus Placebo versus Chemotherapie plus Trastuzumab plus Pertuzumab als adjuvante Therapie bei Patientinnen mit operablem, HER2-positivem, primärem Brustkrebs A PHASE III RANDOMIZED TRIAL OF METFORMIN VERSUS PLACEBO ON RECURRENCE AND SURVIVAL IN EARLY STAGE BREAST CANCER 1.PI: PD Dr. O. Gautschi, 2 PI: Prof. Dr. S. Aebi, 3 PI: Dr. R. Winterhalder, 4.PI: Dr. T. Zander Studienübersicht Onkologie Dezember 2012 Cetuximab monotherapy and cetuximab plus capecitabine as first-line treatment in elderly patients with KRAS- and BRAF wild-type metastatic colorectal cancer. A multicenter phase II trial A randomized phase II study of bevacizumab / m FOLFOX6 vs bevacizumab / FOLFIRI with biomarker stratification in patients with previously untreted metastatic colorectal cancer Clinical function after total mesorectal excision and rectal replacement. A prospective randomized trial comparing side-to-end anastomosis, colon-J-pouch and Neoadjuvant radiotherapy combined with Capecitabine and Sorafenib, K-ras mutated rectal cancer. phase I/IIa.
Neoadjuvant radiochemotherapy with and without Eine randomisierte, multizentrische, doppelblinde, placebokontrollierte Phase-III-Studie zur Untersuchung der Wirksamkeit und Sicherheit von Onartuzumab (MetMAb) in Kombination mit 5-FluorouracilL, Folinsäure und Oxaliplatin (mFOLFOX6) bei Patienten mit metastasiertem, HER2-negativem, MET-positiviem gastroösophagealem Karzinom A prospective non-interventional evaluation of epidermal growth factor inhibitor skin toxicity management and adherence to epidermal growth factor inhibitor treatment in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer 1.PI: PD Dr. O. Gautschi, 2 PI: Prof. Dr. S. Aebi, 3 PI: Dr. R. Winterhalder, 4.PI: Dr. T. Zander Studienübersicht Onkologie Dezember 2012 Dose intensified salvage radiotherapy in biochemically relapsed prostate cancer without macroscopic disease. Orteronel maintenance therapy in patients with metastatic castration resistant prostate cancer and non- progressive disease after first line chemotherapy with docetaxel: a multicenter randomized double-blind Offene, multizentrische, randomisierte Phase-II-Studie mit Rituximab plus Lenalidomid beziehungsweise Rituximab als Monotherapie bei behandlungsnaiven Patienten mit behandlungsbedürftigem follikulärem A randomized phase III study to compare Bortezomib, Melphalan, Prednisone (VMP) with High Dose Melphalan followed by Bortezomib, Lenalidomide, Dexamethasone (VRD) consolidation and Lenalidomide maintenance in patients with newly diagnosed multiple An open, multicentric phase II trial to evaluate the efficacy and safety of Bendamustine, Lenalidomide (Revlimid®) and Dexamethasone (BRd) as 2nd-line therapy for patients with relapsed or refractory multiple A Randomized Evaluation of Molecular Guided Therapy for Diffuse Large B-cell Lymphoma with Bortezomib Studienübersicht Onkologie Dezember 2012 Studienübersicht Onkologie Dezember 2012 Telefon-Follow-up bezüglich neuen Symptomen bei Nachweis von Mutationen im Blut von Patienten mit EGFR Analyse im Rahmen des Gefitinib-Expanded Studienübersicht Onkologie Dezember 2012 Tam vs. Ana in postmenopausal women with DCIS Study (IBIS) of anastrozole vs. placebo in postmenopausal women at increased risk of breast reviewing Supportive Care Management of NHL Patients treated with CHOP-14 or 21 (with or without A Prospective Observational Study reviewing neutropenia and anemia risk management in subjects with Solid Tumors receiving Myelotoxic Chemotherapy Everolimus first-line therapy in non-rapidly progressive castration resistant prostate cancer (CRPC) Docetaxel and cetuximab in patients with docetaxelresistant hormone-refractory prostate cancer Neoadjuvant radiotherapy and capecitabine with or without panitumumab in patients with advanced, K-ras Fulvestrant with or without AZD6244 MEK-inhibitor, after AI. randomized phase II, placebo-controlled Studienübersicht Onkologie Dezember 2012 Dose intensified salvage radiotherapy in biochemically relapsed prostate cancer without macroscopic disease Bevacizumab maintenance versus no maintenance after bevacizumab-containing first line chemotherapy. Bevacizumab plus paclitaxel vs. bevacizumab plus metronomic cyclophosphamide and capecitabine. A randomized, multicenter, phase iii open-label study of the efficacy and safety of trastuzumab-mcc-dm1 vs. Capecitabine + lapatinib in patients with her2-positive locally advanced or metastatic breast cancer who have


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