Marks are indicated against each question.
A semi-solid fluid present around the nucleus is :
(ii) Urinary bladder, rectum and parts of reproduction system
Personal hygine means cleanliness of our
(iii) is free from tension anxieties & worries (iv) All of the above
(a) Muscles store.which is as energy during movement of the
(b) Vein carried .blood except the.vein.
(c) Regular moderate exercise will.up the muscle.
(d) Lymph glands and spleen in maintaining.of the body.
(e) Plasma consists 91% of water and.%of solutes.
Write whether the following statements are True or False :
(a) Alwyas ear injured damaged and cut fruits, kept open for long time.
(b) Yogic exercise means twisting and turning of limbs
(c) Pranayama keeps the lungs pure by increasing the flow of fresh blood.
(d) Vitamin K help in the process of blood cloting.
(e) Calcium is important for us as it is needed for making red blood cells in
Answer the following questions within 50 words :
(a) Write down the differance between involunatary and voluntary muscles.
Also write the main functios of the muscle.
(b) What are the main functions of blood?
(c) Why should we not use mud to our hands? Write down correct way of
(f) Briefly explain the main causes of abdominal pain of infant.
(g) How can you treat a child at home who is suffering from ear ache?
(h) What is malnutrition? Write down the full from of PEM and explain it in
(i) Write down the essential functions of fibre in the human body.
(j) List the main four requirements needed before starting yoga practice.
(a) What is the difference between exocrine and endocrine glands? Write
(b) Define hygiene. Explane briefly the types of hygiene.
(c) Write down the home reedy for sore throat.
(d) Explain in detail the symptoms of kwashiorkor and mearasmus.
Marks are indicated against each question.
Choose the correct answer among the option given below and write it in your
(a) Cell membrane is the thin covering which surrounds the :
(d) The manner in which one walks or is:
(iv) physically, mentally and socially healthy
(b) Arteries carries.blood except.artery.
(d) in maintaining of the body.
Write whether the following statements are True or False :
(a) Exercise does not improve blood circulation burning away the toxicity of
(b) Pranayama makes the respiratory system worked at its best.
(c) Vitamin B and vitamin C are water-soluble vitamins.
(d) Do not wash the fruit and vegitables before eating which protect
(e) Green leafy vegitable are richest source of iron.
Answer the following questions within 50 words :
(a) Name of basic function unit of kidney. Also down the main function of
(b) "Blood is a connective tissue" Is the statement true or false? Also write
(c) Why is it important to maintain fluid and electrolyte in the human body ?.
(d) Why is exercise important to keep our body healthy?
(e) Is it true that a person is mentally healthy if he/she relaxed from worries?
(f) Explain how unhealthy dite leads to throat infection
(g) What are the major precautions that should be taken while preparing
(h) Give dietary treatment to a patient suffering from anemia.
(i) Write down the main sources and functions of vitamin E and K
(j) Asanas can be divided into three categories Explain.
Answer the following questions within 150 words each :
(a) What is the function of endocrine glands ? Also write names of endocrine
glands and their functions associated with.
(b) Define health according to Worlds Health Organization. Explain all factors
(c) Write down the points to remember in order to check the infection of
disease being caused by water, insects, pest, parasites or fungus.
(d) List different nutrients that food contain and also give their food sources.
Note : Attempt all questions are compulsory and carry marks as indicated against
Answer the following multiple questions :
(a) Cytoplasm is a semi-solid substance found in
(c) Hydrochloric cid is excreted in the :
(d) Clotting of blood occurs due to presence of blood cells, named :
(e) Pregnancy anaemia occurs due to deficiency of :
(c) Spermatozoa in male is produced in the .
(d) Iodine is obtained in our body from.
(e) .is the only Asana that can be after a full meal
Indicate in your answer-book, whether the following statements are
(b) RBC and WBC are manufactured at the bone marrow
(c) Insulin is secreted by the pancreas. .
(d) Vitamin C provides energy to the body
(e) Fever is one the measure body adopts to combat infection.
Answer the following question is not more than 50 words each :
(a) What is meant by tissue and how many types are there? Give a very brief
(b) Explain external and internal respiration of lung and tisssues.
(c) Describe a neuron and its different parts.
(d) Name the disease which occurs in children due to lack of protein in food.
(e) Outline the home treatment of earache in children.
(f) What is the importance of vitamin D in human life? What is its main
source? What diseases lack of vitamin D produce?
(g) Pituitary is called the master gland in the body. Explain.
(h) Outline the home treatment of diarrhoea and the role of ORS in home
(i) Explain the importance of personal hygiene in maintaining perfect health.
(j) Describe the posture of Vajrasana and its beneficial effects.
Answer the following question in minimum of 150 words each :
(a) Name the areas where blood cells are manufactured and where they are
destroyed. Describe the functions of bone.
(b) Describe the male reproductive system and explain why the testes are
(c) A man is repeatedly suffering from diarrhoea. What may be the possible
sources of infection ? What are the means of purifying water.
(d) What is Gomukhasana ? What are its advantages?
Note : Attempt all questions are compulsory and carry marks as indicated against
Choose the correct answer and writ it in your answer-book :
(a) Minimum legal age of marriage girls is
(b) Stop breast-fedding of child if mother has :
Medroxyprogesterone protects from pregnancy for :
(e) Breast feeding to a newborn should be done:
Mach the item of Column-A with the items of Column-B following :
(a) Menopause usually starts after the age of.
(b) When all types of birth control methods are offered, the approach is
(c) Dose of paracetamol liquid given to a child in the age group of 1-3 year(s)
(d) Modern method of domiciliary treatment of tuberculosis is given through
(e) Breast-milk in addition to nutrition protects child from.and .
State whether the following statements are True or False in your answer-
(a) Tuberculosis has been eradicated from india.
(b) Poliomyelitics immunissation is given after three months of birth of a
(c) Supplementary feeding to a newborn child can be started in the fourth
(d) A newborn child has ten milk-teeth in the first month.
Answer the following questions in minimum 50 words each :
(a) Mention the presumptive symptoms of pregnancy.
(b) What and whom should a health worker visit before of his duties?
(c) Calculate the infant mortality rate of a village with 60 live births. out of
which six children die within on year of birth.
(e) Describe the importance of family planning programe.
(g) What are the essential laboratory test done during pregnancy and why ?
(h) What are the presenting symptoms during first stage of labour ?
(i) Just mention the common breast-problems in a feeding mother.
(j) What is the importance of preparing a field map by a health worker?
Answer the following questions in minimum 150 words each :
(a) Give the classification of contraceptives.
(b) What are the signs and symptoms of pregnancy.
(c) What is pulse-polio programme ? When was it started and what are its
(d) Enumerate the guidelines for a health worker in the field of family
Note : Attempt all questions are compulsory and carry marks as indicated against
Choose the correct answer and writ it in your answer-book :
(c) Measles immunization is given children at :
(d) suplementry food to baby can be given at the age of :
(e) Pulse Polio Programme was launched on :
Mach the item of Column-A with the items of Column-B following :
(a) Average height of newborn baby is .cm to .cm.
(b) At 14 weeks of pregnancy the height of uterus is .cm above
(c) National Sexually Transmitted Disease Control Programme was launched
(d) Giving og first breast milk to baby reduces chances of eye infection
(e) Cervix full dialated to delivery of baby is known as.of labour
State whether the following statements are True or False in your answer-
(a) Morning sickness is positive sign of pregnancy.
(b) A mother with short height and weight less than 40 kg is at high health
(c) After 3 days newborn baby losses weight but regains by 10th day.
(d) Breast feeding should not be given to baby is sick.
(e) Tubectomy is a temporary method of contraception
Answer the following questions in minimum 50 words each :
(a) Explain change in breast during pregnancy.
(b) Describe the lab investigation you carry out during pregnancy.?
(c) List the assessments you will make when mother comes to labour room
(d) Explain the observations you will make on second postnatal day for a
(e) List of important points you will tell mother when she is breast feeding.
(f) Explain the activities of Revised National Tuberculosis control
(g) List the activities of National Diabetes Control Programme.
(h) Explain the importance of family welfare Programme.
(i) Explain the role of health personnel in medical termination of pregnancy.
(j) Describe the criteria of trained health worker.?
Answer the following questions in minimum 150 words each :
(a) Describe the care of woman immediately after delivery.
(b) Explain how will guide a woman to correctly breast feed the baby.
(c) Explain the activities of National Leprosy Eradication Programme.
(d) Explain preventive and curative duties of health worker.?
(Prevention and Management of Disease and Emergency)
Note : Attempt all questions are compulsory and carry marks as indicated against
Choose the correct answer and writ it in your answer-book :
(iv) physical social and spiritual well-being
(d) ORS (oral rehydration solution) is given in cases of :
(e) Incubation period of poliomyelitis is :
Mach the item of Column-A with the items of Column-B following :
(a) HbA 1c level in diabetes should be lower than.
(b) MMR (Mumps, Measles, Rubella) vaccination is given at the age of .
(c) Rehabilitation is a process by which a patient.
Indicate in the answer-book whether the follwing statement are True (T) or
(a) Malaria is caused by anopheles mosquito.
(b) Widal test is done to diagnose typhoid.
(e) Node of spread of AIDS is only through sexual contact.
Answer the following questions in minimum 50 words each :
(a) Name the sexually transmitted diseases and the risk factors for these
(b) Describe the Directly Observed Treatment of a case of tuberculosis ?
(c) Name some of the diseases caused by viruses. Write in brief the
preventive measures for eradication of poliomyelitis.
(d) If a 10-year-old child who has not been given any immunisation, is
brought to you, what immunisation will you suggest for this child?
(e) Briefly mention the role of a health worker to reduce the occurrence of
(f) What will you do for a case of high fever (103° temperature) ?
(g) Give the life-history and prevention of tapeworm.
(h) Mention the modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors for hypertension.
(i) How will you manage a case of drowing ?
(j) Give the tips for a healthy life-style.
Answer the following questions in minimum 150 words each :
(a) What will you suggest in the contents of a health education programme to
reduce the occurrence of worm infection in a rural area.
(b) Discuss the role of a health worker in a slum community.
(c) Discuss the role of environmental control in the eradication of malaria
(d) What are the clinical features of dengue? Mention the complications and
the action to be taken by a health worker to prevent this disease.
Note : All questions are compulsory and carry marks as indicated against each
Choose the correct answer and writ it in your answer-book :
(a) Physiological changes during adolescence in girls are :
(iii) growth of public and auxiliary hair all of the above.
(b) Uterus fondues during pregnancy at 24 week is :
(i) at the level of umbilicus (ii) 4 cm below umbilicus
(c) A woman who is pregnant is at higher health risk, when
(d) National Leprosy Eradication Programme was launched in :
Mach the following. Write the correct answer in your answer book : 1x5=5
(a) Mother with Rh-ve blood group should be .to hospital for.
(b) First does of DPT vaccine should be given at .weeks.
(c) Kangaroo care means skin to .contact of mother and baby.
(e) Tubectomy is a .method of family planning.
Indicate in the answer-book whether the following statement are True (T) or
(a) Basal baby temperature is higher in post-ovulatory period
(b) Abdominal palpation is done to assess fetal condition.
(c) Third stage of labour is around 15 to 20 minutes
(d) Breast-feeding cannot be continued when mother is having malaria or
(e) Iodine deficiency in endemic areas can cause goiter.
Answer the following questions in minimum 50 words each :
(a) Explain how frequently antenatal visit should be done for regular
(b) Explain the difference between true and false labour pain.
(c) Describe immediate of newborn after birth.
(d) Discrbe advantage of breast-feeding.
(e) Explain the activities of Revised National Tuberculosis Control
(f) Describe importance of Family Welfare Programme.
(g) Explain the role of health-worker in cancelling eligible couples.
(h) Describe components of RCH programme in relation to reproductive
(i) Describe criteria for trained health worker.
(j) Explain the duties of health worker before starting her/his work in the
Answer the following questions in minimum 150 words each :
(a) Describe the advices you will give to woman during pregnancy.
(b) Explain how you will prepare a woman for delivery.
(c) Describe the importance of colostrums and important points to remember
(d) Explain preventive and curative duties health worker.
IN THE SUPREME COURT OF INDIA CIVIL APPELLATE JURISDICTION CIVIL APPEAL NO. 2681 OF 2007 KRANTI APPELLANT VERSUS UNION OF INDIA & ORS. RESPONDENTS O R D E R 1. Learned counsel for the appellant has brought to our notice that the Central Government, in spite of our earlier order and directions, have not complied with the same fully. The learned senior counsel for the appellant, Shri Colin Gons