Edr v11-5

publications and education since 1980.
September/October 2000 • Volume 11, Number 5
Bone Loss in Anorexia Nervosa:
Mechanisms and Treatment Options Looking at Temperament
Steven K. Grinspoon, MD and Elizabeth R. Thomas, NP
in Anorexia Nervosa
Neuroendocrine Unit Massachusetts General Hospital
Boston, Massachusetts
can be used as a potential predictor ofbinge eating and purging in persons with ric Institute and Clinic evaluated tempera- significantly higher on harm avoidance and significantly lower on cooperativeness than Estrogen therapy: Still a major
with restricting-type AN scored the highest question
differences among groups, suggesting thatsubtle temperamental differences occur Mechanisms of anorexia-related
bone loss
Nutrition Notes: Motivational Interviewing . 4 Long-term Prognosis in Anorexia Nervosa . 5 Book Reviews:Contending with Slimmist Propaganda . 6 Bulimia Nervosa: When Psychotherapy Fails, Fluoxetine is Worth a Try . 7 Hypophosphatemia in Severely Malnourished Anorectic Patients . 7 Predicting Outcome in Bulimia Nervosa . 7 Q&A: Topiramate: Can It Be Used for Binge Eating and Obesity? . 8 Patient Information Sheet: Osteoporosis.INSERT Current Clinical Information for the Professional Treating Eating Disorders Editor-in-Chief
Managing Editor
Associate Editor
The overall inadequacy of
Princeton Medical Center Eating Disorders Program, NJ estrogen therapy in anorexia
Editorial Board
nervosa stands in marked
contrast to its efficacy in
preventing bone loss in post-
menopausal women.
George Washington School of Medicine, Washington, DC Bone formation and resorption
Western Psychiatric Institute, Pittsburgh University of North Dakota School of Medicine, Fargo Bone is in a continuous state ofturnover, with new bone formed by Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons, Although patients with anorexianervosa demonstrate elevated University of North Dakota School of Medicine, Fargo University of Hawaii School of Medicine, Honolulu Publisher
Copyright 2000 by Gürze Books. All rights
reserved. Reproduction, photocopying, storage or transmission by electronic means without permission from Gürze Books is strictly prohibited by law. Violation of copy- right will result in legal action, including civil and/or crimi- nal penalites, and suspension of service.
Eating Disorders Review® (ISSN 1048-6984) is pub-
lished bimonthly by Gürze Books, PO Box 2238, Carlsbad CA 92018. 760/434-7533, fax 760/434-5476, emailgurze@aol.com. Prior indexes and more information at Missing issues will be replaced without charge if the
publisher is notified within 60 days of publication. Otherwise, replacement and back issues are available for $10.00 by Poor nutrition
Editorial questions should be addressed to Joel Yager, MD
or Mary K. Stein c/o MD Communications, 302 S. Pinto Place, Insulin-like growth factor deficiency
Tucson AZ 85748-6902, 520/296-6400, fax 520/296-6464; Subscriptions—see page 8.
rhea. J Clin Endocrinol Metab1999; estrogen administration on trabecularbone loss in young women with anorexia nervosa. J Clin Endocrinol human insulin-like growth factoradministration on bone turnover in References
1. Lucas AR, Beard, CM, O’Fallon, et al.
evaluation. J Nucl Med 1990;31:325.
populations. Int J Eat Disord 1984; Recommendations
nervosa. Pediatrics 1990;86:440.
18. Grinspoon S, Baum H, Kim V, et al.
anorexia nervosa. J Clin Endocrinol Clin Endocrinol Metab 1995;80:3628.
with anorexia nervosa. N Engl J Med 19. Hock JM, Centrella M, Canalis E.
6. Bachrach L, Katzman D, Litt I, et al.
20. McCarthy TL, Centrella M, Canalis E.
of hyperprolactinemic amenorrhea. N binding proteins. J Clin Endocrinol bone loss. J Clin Endocrinol Metab weight recovery. J Clin Endocrinol action. J Clin Invest 1996;97:2692.
Motivational Interviewing
creates and the possibility ofchanging some eating behaviors. At Why Use MI as a Counseling
An Interview with Eileen
Stellefson, MPH, RD, FADA
LW: Why do you recommend
the Preparation stage, the client has ES: Motivational interviewing is
Motivational interviewing
helps patients overcome
the conflict between getting
better and maintaining
their eating disorder.
ES: The most appropriate
Determining Readiness to
of change are: 1) pre-contemplation LW: How do you assess a client’s
change); 2) contemplation (seriously and physical and nutritional status.
thinking about change); 3) prepara- tion (inconsistently taking action); 4) ES: I use open-ended questions
counseling strategies in the Prepa- ration stage. This stage is a good In the Action stage, the nutrition LW: How can the nutrition
Linda M. Watts, MA, RD
ES: When a client is medically
and eating disorders since 1981. Currently counsels clients with eating disorders in a small private practice. Ms. Stellefson’s Linda Watts, MA, RD, is our
new “Nutrition Notes” columnist.
LW: I have noticed that a client’s
Long-term Prognosis in
Anorexia Nervosa
Reverting to an Earlier Stage of
for patients with anorexia nervosa (AN).
LW: In your experience, have
ES: You are absolutely correct.
A polarization of patients. At the 21-
recovered, 10.4% still met full diagnostic ES: Clients almost always revert
less when first referred. Other factors that Osteoporosis, renal failure. Low
the client on what’s different now.
action plans for those who “don’t want to take it any more.” In a very chatty style, Contending with
messages to which we’re subjected.
And, the advertising is targeted at us in Slimmist Propaganda
negative self-images and self-destructive Deadly Persuasion: Why Women
designed to appeal to each of our private and Girls Must Fight the Addic-
egos. Her chapter titles tell the story.
tive Power of Advertising
are the product”; “In Your Face All over Body Wars: Making Peace with
Women’s Bodies
corruption of relationship,” and so on. In means of liberally sprinkled, well-placed “Please, Please, You’re Driving Me Wild: detailed lists of resources are presented advertising’s attempts to foster sexual chapter by chapter, offered as tools that relations between men and their cars.
those interested in fighting back. We’re daily battles. Dislike your body? See the list of “25 Ways to Love Your Body” — “Obesity Quiz: Fact or Fiction,” and a down to size.” Subtle acts of “clique” their ways into contemporary advertising.
part of a “systems approach” to reverse successful coping over the long haul.
Many other themes are covered as well.
perfection. This is all in hopes of being loved, admired, supported and accepted.
women and other major social problems.
Stone Center circle at Wellesley College, change zeitgeists and social climates.
Teachers.” There’s even a chapter for needed. Let’s face it: we’re fighting Women.” All in all, this is an extremely comes in, oriented toward the lay reader, Both are available from Gürze Books: hypnotic effects of advertising, so subtle Bulimia Nervosa:
When Psychotherapy
Fails, Fluoxetine Is
Characteristics of dropouts
Worth a Try
malnourished patients, either asinpatients or outpatients, to be alert anorexia nervosa (Int J Eat Disord patients and 1.7 mg/dl in the third.
(Am J Psychiatry 2000;8:1332). The Calendar
Sixth Annual Coordinators Training Predicting Outcome in
Bulimia Nervosa
2nd Annual Professional Symposium for Watch for Hypophos-
phatemia in Severely
Healing In Eating Disorders: Biological, Malnourished Anorec-
Psychological, Humanistic and Spiritual tic Patients
criteria for bulimia nervosa (Am J Questions & Answers
In the Next Issue
effects (J Clin Psychiatry 2000;61:368).
Assessing Readiness and
Topiramate: Can It Be
According to the Physician’s Desk Motivation for Change
Used for Binge Eating
By Josie Geller, PhD, St. Paul’s
Hospital • University of British
and Obesity?
Q: One of my patients recently read
any information on this? (J.S., Seattle) A:Your patient may be referring to
• Weight-related Behaviors
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Osteoporosis and Eating Disorders
If you have an eating disorder, you may be at increased risk of developing bone loss. Although it is very easy to think of osteoporosis as a disease that only affects older persons, about half of young female patients with anorexianervosa have osteoporosis. Further, about 85% of partially recovered anorexia nervosa patients have bone mineraldeficiencies, even if they have regained their periods and are within 10% of ideal body weight.
Patients with bulimia nervosa or eating disorders not otherwise specified (EDNOS) are also at risk of osteoporo- sis, especially if they have had anorexia nervosa in the past or have had episodes of amenorrhea or significantweight loss. Female athletes who restrict their eating or who have amenorrhea may also be at increased risk ofdeveloping bone loss. Also, not only women develop osteoporosis, men with anorexia nervosa are also at risk .
The damage caused by osteoporosis is often silent. Hip fractures are painful and easily detected, but fractures of the lumbar spine may initially be painless. Osteoporosis is, for the most part, a silent, ongoing disorder, discoveredonly after fractures occur.
What is Osteoporosis?
In osteoporosis, the bones are weakened by loss of bone tissue (a condition called osteopenia, pronounced os- te-o-peen-ia), making a person much more susceptible to fractures. Osteoporosis is defined by the World HealthOrganization as bone mineral deficiency that is 2.5 standard deviations (SD) below the mean peak value in youngadults (T score). Osteopenia is a T score between 1 and 2.5 SD below the mean peak value.
Although we think of bone as solid and stable, in reality our bones are constantly being remodeled as bone is reabsorbed and new bone is laid down. In fact, about 10% of the bone in our bodies is replaced each year. Bonemineral mass increases during childhood and adolescence, and near peak bone mass is reached by about age 15.
A smaller amount is produced until about age 30; after this, we lose about 1% of our bone mass per year. Bone losscan accelerate at any age, and can do so with excessive weight loss (as in anorexia nervosa) and excessive exercise.
Throughout our lives, there is a dynamic balance between bone formation and bone resorption. This balance canbe upset by many factors, including lack of adequate nutrition and hormonal influences.
Exercise can also influence bone mineral density. Moderate weight-bearing aerobic exercises, such as walking, can slow bone loss, but very strenuous exercise can speed bone loss.
Diagnosing Osteoporosis
Several diagnostic aids are now available to diagnose osteoporosis. Certain chemicals act as markers of bone formation and bone resorption and can be measured with blood tests. Markers that indicate lower-than-normallevels of bone formation include calcitonin, a hormone secreted by the thyroid gland, and type-1 procollagencarboxy terminal propeptide. Markers of bone resorption that have been found to be increased in women withanorexia nervosa include serum type-1collagen carboxy terminal telopeptiode.
Another helpful blood test measures serumestradiol levels; estradiol is the strongest of Calcium Content of Some Common Foods
Serving size
Calcium (mg)
clearly show bone loss. Dual energy x-ray examine two areas at greatest risk, the hip little more expensive than regular x-rays, and less expensive than CAT scans, but is much lower levels of radiation. The test is quick, easy, and painless, and involves a Treatment
Tip: Read labels! Many foods are now fortified and it is easy to composition (particularly fat content), and find high-calcium foods in most supermarkets.
use of calcium and vitamin D supple-ments. Estrogen supplementation (without Source: Adapted from The Medical Letter, vol. 42, Issue 1075, Eating Disorders Review • (800) 756-7533 • www.bulimia.com This handout may be reproduced. #EDRPH115A
loss or correct low bone mineral density.
Restoring weight. For young teens, body fat content should be at least 17%; adult women should aim for a
body fat composition between 22% and 25%. Gaining weight helps, but may not fully restore bone mass.
Calcium intake. The average American consumes less than 800 mg of calcium per day. The National Academy
of Sciences recommends 1300 mg of calcium/day for children 9 to 18, 1000 mg per day for adults 19 to 50, includ-ing pregnant and lactating women, and 1200 mg/day for everyone over 50 years of age.
Although it hasn’t been proved that calcium can help restore bone in patients with anorexia nervosa, the current recommendation is that patients eat 1,500 mg per day of calcium, preferably in calcium-rich foods such as milk (seeTable 1, “Calcium Content of Some Common Foods”). Also, many non-dairy foods are now fortified with calcium.
If it isn’t possible to get the full requirement from food alone, oral calcium supplements may be the answer.
Vitamin D, 400 international units (IU)/day, is also recommended because it helps the body absorb calcium. Cal-cium tablets are usually easy to take and cause few symptoms. Sometimes calcium carbonate tablets may causeconstipation, bloating, and excess gas. If this is the case, individuals should switch to a different brand and increaseyour fluid intake. People who have a tendency to form calcium stones in the urinary tract are usually advised notto take calcium supplements.
Calcium supplements come in a variety of forms. Some come from natural products such as oyster shell or bone.
Others are marketed mainly as antacids (like Tums, for example). Calcium carbonate and phosphate preparationshave the highest amount of elemental calcium, about 40%. Calcium citrate contains 21% elemental calcium; calciumlactate and calcium gluconate contain 13 and 9% elemental calcium, respectively. There is little evidence that onetype of calcium is more effective than another in preventing osteoporotic fractures; calcium citrate may be betterabsorbed, however.
Moderate exercise. Moderate exercise, such as walking or yoga may be helpful—once your weight is restored.
Strength training may also be useful. It is a real challenge: exercise may lessen appetite and slow continuingweight gain in a person recovering from anorexia. Also, some patients may become compulsive about exercise.
Is there any good news about osteoporosis? The good news is that increased awareness can lead to earlier diagnosis and treatment. Media campaigns promoting getting adequate calcium in the diet and the importance ofmoderate exercise are helping raise awareness of this devastating disease.
(Note: Dr. Pauline Powers contributed to this patient information sheet.) Bone Disease Websites
NIH Osteoporosis and Related Bone Diseases-National Resource Center
Try http://www.osteo.org/ , the official website of the NIH-ORBD-NRC. This website gives
information about many aspects of osteoporosis and offers links to other bone-disease-related
websites. It also provides a “Bibliographies” page, which offers a selection of references related
to subjects such as eating disorders and bone density, sodium fluoride and osteoporosis, and
men and osteoporosis.
The National Osteoporosis Foundation (NOF)
The official website of the NOF is http://www.nof.org. This easy-to-use website is designed
more for patients than clinicians, and offers advice on a wide range of topics, including mainte-
nance of a healthy diet, patient support groups, and ways of preventing or slowing the progress
of osteoporosis. This site is specially geared to health-care professionals, and offers information
on many aspects of osteoporosis, including an online version of “Osteoporosis Clinical Practice
American Society for Bone and Mineral Research
This website, http://www.asbmr.org/, is the official website for the American Society for Bone
and Mineral Research, and is aimed at researchers. The website lists future conferences, grants
and awards, employment opportunities as well as online access to abstracts of the latest issues
and back issues of the Society’s journals. (Full access requires membership in the Society.)
Eating Disorders Review • (800) 756-7533 • www.bulimia.com This handout may be reproduced. #EDRPH115B

Source: http://www.mineralmed.com.pt/documentos/pdf/a18f679c-a642-422c-beca-c89958650edc.pdf

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