
The ECMM/CEMM Mycology Newsletter is mailedto the members of the national societies affiliatedto the European Confederation of Medical newsletter Mycology (about 3000 in 23 different countries)
European Confederation of Medical Mycology
Confédération Européenne de Mycologie Médicale
Our 13th anniversary Contents
Last year a voting round among the Council membership for the new presi- dent of ECMM ended up with a close finish between several candidates. I 1 Our 13th anniversary
have the honour of serving the Confederation for the next 3 years.
2 ECMM Council
The road has been paved and widened by my three excellent predecessors 3 Affiliated Societies
Profs. Bertrand Dupont (1993-1999), Rod Hay (1999-2002) and Frank Odds(2002-2005). I congratulate them with the 13th birthday of ECMM and thank ECMM Working Groups
them for the creation of our confederation as it stands now. I see it as my task for 05 ECMM Working Group on Candida
the next years to come to construct side roads and connections to other areas of infectious diseases in Europe and bring basic mycology together with clinical my- 06 ECMM Epidemiological Survey on
Congress is the starting point of the latter 07 ECMM Working Group on
ternational Society for Human and Ani-mal Mycology Congress. Profs. Markus Special report on 2nd Trends in
Medical Mycology
8 Conference summary
10 Candida biofilms: what have we
last fall in Berlin and Prof. Dupont, one of 11 Infections in intensive care unit
12 Update on antifungal resistance
13 New antifungal drugs and treatment
October 2007 in Torino, Italy have started 14 Dermatomycology
16 ECMM Young Investigators
coli, as national organizers, distributed the Special report on 2nd Advances
fectious Diseases meeting in Nice and you will hear more about Torino in the Against Aspergillosis
coming months. This year it is time to plan our first Educational meeting for 2008 18 Conference summary
and I urge National Societies to express their interest in hosting TIMM4 in 2009, 20 Clinical issues with aspergillosis
to contact the secretary of ECMM via their Council Member.
21 Pathogenesis
The Council meeting in Berlin appointed Dr. Maiken Cavling Arendrup, Pres- 22 Laboratory diagnosis of invasive
ident of the Nordic Society for Medical Mycology, in the Executive Committee for organizing the next two TIMM conferences together with Prof. Thierry Calandra 24 Host-response and immunity:
as representative of the EORTC-Infectious Diseases Group. Everybody recog- nizes the necessity of a well designed and smoothly running website to enhance 25 Fungi and allergy
ECMM Council
Dr. Jacques F.G.M. Meis (President)
Dr. Elizabeth M. Johnson
Tel +31 24 365 7514 - Fax +31 24 365 7516 E-mail: Prof. Cornelia Lass-Flörl
Prof. Emmanuel Roilides (General Secretary)
Department für Hygiene, Mikrobiologie und Mycology Newsletter
Tel +43 512 507 3425 - Fax +43 512 507 2870 Dr. Karel Mencl
Dr. Martin Schaller (Treasurer)
Tel +420 466 013 202 - Fax +420 466 013 202 Tel +49 7071 2984555 - Fax +49 7071 295113 E-mail: Dr. Michel Monod
Prof. Maria Anna Viviani
(Mycology Newsletter Editor)
CH-1011 Lausanne, SwitzerlandTel +41 21 314 0376 - Fax +41 21 314 0378 Microbiologia, VirologiaSezione di Sanità Pubblica Dr. Nicole Nolard
Scientific Institute of Public Health L. Pasteur Dr. Maiken Cavling Arendrup
Prof. Ladislav Ozegovic
Tel +45 32 68 32 23 - Fax +45 32 68 81 80 Dr. Israela Berdicevsky
Prof. Javier Pemán García
Tel +972 4 829 5293 - Fax +972 4 829 5225 Prof. Alexey Y. Sergeev
Dr. Laura Rosado
Tel +7 095 5046506 - Fax +7 095 2592165E-mail: Prof. Bertrand Dupont
Dr. Juha Salonen
Tel +33 1 4438 1742 - Fax +33 1 4219 2622 Prof. Todor Kantardjiev
Dr. Gyula Simon
Reference Laboratory of Dermato-Mycology, Semmelweis University, Faculty of Medicine, Dr. Lena Klingspor
Department of Dermatology, Venereology and Karolinska University Laboratory, Huddinge Mycology newsletter - June 2006
Dr. Jørgen Stenderup
Mycology Group of Bosnia Hercegovina
President: L. Ozegovic (ECMM delegate) Membership 2005: 19National meeting: twice a year Prof. Emel Tümbay
Netherland Society for Medical Mycology
Prof. Jacek C. Szepietowski
President: J.F.G.M. Meis (ECMM delegate) Tel +90 232 3886623 - Fax +90 232 3422142 Scientific Secretary: G. S. de Hoog Membership 2006: 120 National meetings: October 2006, NijmegenNewsletter: NVMy Newsletter ECMM Affiliated Societies
(Information provided by the member Societies) Nordic Society for Medical Mycology (NSMM)
President: M.C. Arendrup (ECMM delegate)
All-Russian National Academy of Mycology
Vicepresident, Head of Medical Section: Danish Society for Mycopathologia
Secretary: A.Y. Sergeev (ECMM delegate) President: J. Stenderup (ECMM delegate) Polish Dermatologic Society
Associação Portuguesa de Micologia Médica
Mycology Section
Newsletter: Report from the Danish Society for Vicepresident: Z. Adamski, R. Maleszka Secretary: J.C. Szepietowski (ECMM delegate) Secretary: M.L. Rosado (ECMM delegate) Deutschsprachige Mykologische
Gesellschaft e.V. (DMykG)
National meeting: 20-24 September 2006, Asociación Española de Micología (AEM)
Sección de Micología Médica
Journal: Mikologia Lekarska (Medical President: J. Pontón San Emeterio Société Belge de Mycologie Humaine et
Treasurer: F.L. Hernando Echevarría National meeting: September 7-9, 2006, Innsbruck Animale/Belgische Vereniging Voor Menselijke
President Medical Mycology Section: en Dierlijke Mycologie
Newsletter: Mykologie Forum (4 issues/year) National meeting: Every two years.
Federazione Italiana di Micopatologia Umana e
Secretary: M. Van Esbroeck, K. Lagrou A workshop meeting (“Forum Micológico”) is Animale (FIMUA)
scheduled the years between National Meetings Journal: Revista Iberoamericana de Micología Secrétaire des Séances: K. Lagrou Website:: Austrian Society for Medical Mycology
(ASMM)/Österreichische Gesellschaft für
National meeting: 28 October 2006, Leuven Medizinische Mykologie (ÖGMM)
Société Française de Mycologie Médicale
Vicepresident: G. Ginter-Hanselmayer, National meeting: November 9-11, 2006, Firenze President: B. Dupont (ECMM delegate) Vicepresident: N. Contet-Audonneau, Secretary: C. Lass-Flörl (ECMM delegate) Finnish Society for Medical Mycology
Vicepresident: J. Salonen(ECMM delegate) National meeting: November 24-25, 2006, Paris Newsletter: Sienet ia Terveys (Fungi and Health) Journal: Journal de Mycologie Médicale British Society for Medical Mycology (BSMM)
Hellenic Society of Medical Mycology
Website: President: E. M. Johnson (ECMM delegate) Swedish Society for Clinical Mycology
Secretary: L. Klingspor (ECMM delegate) National meeting: March 18-20, 2007, Leeds National meeting: Autumn 2006, Linköping Bulgarian Mycological Society (BMS)
Hungarian Dermatological Society
Swiss Mycological Group
President: T. Kantardjiev (ECMM delegate) Mycology Section
President: G. Simon (ECMM delegate) Turkish Microbiological Society
Mycology Section
Israel Society for Medical Mycology
Committee for Medical Mycology of
Czechoslovak Society for Microbiology (CSSM)
Secretary: I. Berdicevsky (ECMM delegate) President: K. Mencl (ECMM delegate) Newsletter: Bulletin of the Turkish Mycology newsletter - June 2006
Our 13th anniversary
communication in mycology in Europe.
ture for our specialty looks bright.
proach for Europe? The future will tell.
clinical microbiology? Although muchhas changed for the better, mycology isstill a minor player in infectious dis-eases in Europe. Bacteriology and vi-rology are dominating the scene, also inmedia attention for example with re-gard to the avian flu. Although all of usknow that there are far more casualtiesdue to invasive fungal infections thanto any of the sexy new diseases, mycol-ogy is hampered with much less publicnotice. How can we change this for thebetter? The German Society for Mycol-ogy already had a tradition of invitingthe press for an update in fungal infec-tions during their yearly meeting. Sucha press conference was also arrangedduring the last TIMM in Berlin. Jour-nalists appeared to be very interestedin the field of mycology especially re-garding the resistance development offungi against existing drugs and the in-troduction of new generations of anti-fungals. But also the presentations ofnew findings at this meeting on the in-troduction of new emerging fungal in-fections into Europe such as Crypto-coccus gattii from Vancouver Islandand rare zygomycetes after the repatri-ation of European victims of theTsunami disaster attracted attention.
medical mycology are expanding, thedemand for appropriately trained per-sonnel must be met to deal with thesenew mycoses appearing in our hospi- The 3rd international congress on Trends in Medical tals. There appears to be a diminishingnumber of clinical mycologists avail- Mycology (TIMM-3) will be held in Torino, Italy, from 28th to 31st October 2007. As usual, TIMM-3 will be organised proper diagnostic mycological facilities.
jointly by the European Confederation of Medical Mycology and the Infectious Diseases Group of the European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer. TIMM and therefore the British Society forMedical Mycology under the leader- has become an important reality in the field of fungal infections, a forum in which investigators from almost everywhere in the world can exchange research and opinions and gather to learn the most important advances in basic science and clinical research in mycology. is an integral part of the course and thisgives opportunities for sister organiza- Mycology newsletter - June 2006
Special report
Candida spp and the drug is not ac- pathogens, Prof. Kullberg explained.
tient enters the “risk” situation. If a superior in preventing both as-pergillosis (3 cases vs 17 cases,P=0.001) and invasive fungal infec- 2nd Trends in Medical Mycology
tions overall (7 cases vs 22 cases,P=0.004). Mortality due to invasivefungal infections was lower withposaconazole. Both drugs were welltolerated.
the first randomised trial showingefficacy of antifungal prophylaxis in This symposium, chaired by of pitiryasis versicolor and a possi- coses: dermatophytosis, Malas-sezia way in species of Malassezia, agents Mycology newsletter - June 2006
Special report
M. canis infection), bioavailability faciei vary from Microsporum canis to antropophylic Trychophyton spp., initially.Thus, the possibility of facial related basidiomycete Ustilago may- dis and ascomycetous yeasts, species standing of Malassezia species and The Congress Dinner was held at the Schlüterhof, in the Berliner Castle, the oldest and biggest antique courtyard in Berlin Mycology newsletter - June 2006


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