Psychophysical therapy training course

Northern College for Body Psychotherapy Directors: Training Consultant: Bill Cornell MA TSTA Jamie McDowell BA MSTAT Steff Oates BA TSTA Fellside Centre, Low Fellside, Kendal, Cumbria LA9 4NH Psychophysical Therapy Training Course – to begin October 2011
Running over six two-day trainings the course will appeal to practitioners wanting to incorporate attention to psychophysical aspects of development into their current practice. The trainers, John Heath, Lis Heath, Jamie McDowell and Steff Oates will cover the following:- Friday /Saturday 18/19 May 2012 Friday /Saturday 22/23 June 2012 Early Booking Price (until 31 July): £960 Full Price (after 31 July) : £1140

I understand that the full fee is payable once I enroll on this course and that refunds are not possible in any circumstances.
Signature ……………………………………………………
Payment Options:
I enclose/have paid the full fee of £960
I enclose/have paid the deposit of £320 and will pay the balance by installments: £320 by October 14th 2011,
£320 by February 10th 2012
Payment methods: Cheque payee NCBP, bank transfer (please request bank details) or PayPal via NCBP website
Send to: Lis Heath, 24 Wordsworth Street, Penrith, CA11 7QY 01768 899941 Course outline
At the end of the six module course outlined below participant will have been
provided with the opportunity to: -
Develop a basic knowledge of body psychotherapy, theory and practice.
Have developed and practised skills in observation
Understand the notion of the body mind fragment.
Mind/Body Unity
A brief review of mind/body theories the Cartesian split of mental and physical. Husserl and phenomenology. Working with polarities, learning to watch and wait. Working with different realms of experience. Grounding and intuition. The issue of touch. The Healthy Body/Mind
Existing notions of health in psychological and psychophysical terms. The Vasomotoric cycle. Developing skills to aid body mind integration in both client and therapist. Breathing, body awareness, realms of experience. The Traumatised Body/Mind
A brief theory of trauma, the difference between shock and strain trauma. Dissociation and realms of experience. Working with the Sibam model. The development of Character in response to trauma . Psychophysical Development
Primitive reflexes, Moro, Placing, Stepping, Rooting, Grasping. Winnicott’s development of the psyche in the soma and the Psychosomatic partnership. Communicative musicality. The spontaneous and interrupted gesture. Bioenergetic and Biodynamic approaches
Triad of mind body and relationship (Siegel). Contrasting styles of the Bioenergetic approach and Biodynamic approach in terms of Paternal and Maternal styles of engagement. Working with the Body/Mind fragment
The wound enters the room. The repeating location of the wound or conflict. The fractal nature of this phenomenon. Skills practice in mindfulness and noticing the psychophysical fragment. An integration of theory and practice over the six modules.


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