Microsoft word - vng instructions.rtf

Piedmont Ear, Nose & Throat Associates, P.A.
110 Charlois Blvd • Winston-Salem, NC 27103 VNG INSTRUCTIONS
Patient's Name: _______________________________________________________________________________ Date of Test: _____________________________________________________________________________________ Time of Test: ____________________________________________________________________________________ Your doctor has ordered this special test which is designed to help determine the nature of your dizziness. This is primarily a test of the inner ear and will assist us in determining the cause of your dizziness. The test causes no pain; however, it may cause a short dizzy episode following a particular portion of the test. Please be prompt. A two (2) hour block of time has been reserved specifically for you. If you are unable to keep this appointment, please give us 24 hours notice. Please wear comfortable clothing such as pants or slacks. The test is performed with the patient in a lying or sitting position. 1. Accurate inner ear function testing requires any medications that act on your central nervous system or that suppress your
inner ear function to be stopped a full 48 hours prior to the testing appointment. This would include any medications you
take for dizziness, including Antivert, meclizine, Valium, Dramamine, or scopolamine patches. If you forget and take any of
the above medications in the 48 hours prior to your testing appointment, we may be unable to perform your test.
2 Other medications that may need to be stopped 48 hours prior to your appointment include: anti-depressants (Zoloft,
Prozac, Wellbutrin), sleeping pills, tranquilizers, anti-anxiety medications, sedatives, prescription pain killers that contain
narcotics (Tylenol #3, etc), any cold or allergy medications that make you sleepy such as benadryl, Nyquil, etc. However,
some medications should not be stopped abruptly. Please check with your pharmacist or the physician who wrote the
prescription regarding any questions or concerns regarding stopping these medications.

3. Do not drink any alcohol for 48 hours prior to this appointment. This includes: liquor, wine, or beer.
4. Please CONTINUE all medications for the following conditions: heart & kidney problems, high blood pressure, circu
latory disorders, breathing disorders, diabetes, cancer, arthritis (non-narcotics), seizures, or hormone imbalance. You may
also continue vitamins, steroids, antibiotics, water pills. You may take over-the-counter painkillers such as Tylenol, Advil,
ibuprofen, asprin, and acetaminophen.
5. Please eat lightly the morning of the test. Avoid greasy foods such as bacon, eggs, etc. Toast or cereal are good choices. 6. Please do not wear any moisturizer, cream, lotion, foundation make-up, or Vaseline on your face. Please do not
wear ANY eye make-up and make sure any residual make-up is completely removed.
7. Some patients experience a slight increase in symptoms immediately after testing. You may wish to have someone
available to call if you do not feel comfortable driving home.


Kurier 1/00-int

Hľadajme OM) NEPOZNÁME O ICH (CELK Aké pocity má psychiater v slovenskom parlamente, ale tieÏ: ako diagnostikuje a lieãi svojich pacientov poslanec Národnej rady SR? O Ïivotnej dráhe, o procese sebapoznania i spoznávania deviácií v psychike ná‰ho súãasníka v ‰ir‰om spoloãenskom kontexte sa s doc. MUDr. Alojzom RAKÚSOM, poslancom Národnej rady SR za SD

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