Rheological Properties of Carbomer Dispersions
University of Bahrain, Isa Town, Bahrain
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at hand. It can be used in cosmetic products,
Rheological properties of carbomer like lotions, gels, and hair products.
solutions were investigated as a function of
carbomer concentration. Carbomer is an polymers like carbomer for ocular drug emulsion stabilizer. The shear stress was
delivery was the subject of several studies
measured as a function of shear rate and
published during the last decade and several
shearing time. Both dynamic and static yield
review articles are available1. Carbomer, a
stress, τo, values were also measured. It was
polyacrylic acid polymer, is available in a
wide range of molecular weights and either
content, carbomer dispersion behave as a
being linear, branched or cross-linked2. The
Newtonian fluid, whereas at or above 0.45
acidic carboxyl groups partially dissociate in
thinning and rheopectic behaviour. The thought, upon the addition of alkaline yield stress results are in harmony with the
compounds, solvation, salt formation and
shear stress- rate experiments that below
electrostatic repulsion between the anionic
reported and a non-zero value at or above
surfactant, with the aim of achieving better
used in hair gels, and other gels, lotions, and
creams. It is suitable for formulating containing various amounts of surfactant sparkling and clear gels as well as (from 0.01 to 1.0% w/w) was used stabilizing emulsions. The typical use level
throughout their study. For the hydrophobic,
is 0.1-0.5% depending on the type of modified carbomer, they reported an formulation and final desired viscosity. It is
increase in viscosity and texture profile
a cost effective thickener and is pH parameters with increasing Polysorbate 80 sensitive. Carbomer is a water and alcohol
concentration up to 0.3% w/w, followed by
soluble polymer. It is a mildly acidic and
a decrease in the gel network strength at
forms a loose network when partially higher surfactant concentrations. On the neutralized to pH 5-8. Carbomer requires a
long time to swell properly for use. It is best
to make a pre-gel before beginning the batch
changes in the network structure with the
increasing concentration of surfactant; of AMP, 1.5g of TEA). It is advisable to add hence the interactions between emulsifier
strong bases previously diluted into water at
and surfactant are of a hydrophobic nature,
properly for use. It is best to make a pre-gel
dependent release or the bioavailability of
the active ingredient being used in drug
delivery systems. For example, Esposito et
al.5 investigated the influence of liposomal
distilled water at room temperature. The
formulations on the in vitro absorption of
methyl nicotinate (MN), which was taken as
temperature. The next day, the sample was
model drug. Their results indicated that MN
stirred to assure homogeneity and dispersity
permeability was directly related to soybean
of carbomer in the aqueous solution. The
phosphatidylcholine concentration and following concentrations of carbomer were inversely related to liposome size and to
used: 0.15, 0.30, 0.45, 0.6, and 0.90 wt %.
In this research, the rheological Accuracy of Viscosity Measurements
varied concentration, will be examined. The
shear stress vs. shear rate and vs. shearing
measure fluid parameters of shear stress and
time, in addition to the yield stress viscosity at given shear rates. The principle measurement will be exploited. Viscosity
of operation of the LDV-III Ultra is to drive
and yield stress measurements are useful in
a spindle (which is immersed in the test
telling the effects of processing, formulation
viscous drag of the fluid against the spindle
is measured by the spring deflection. Spring
range of the LDV-III Ultra (in centipoises or
Carbomer, type 940, carboxyvinyl cP) is determined by the rotational speed of
polymer; average equivalent weight: ca.76;
spindle, the container the spindle is rotating
water dispersion): 2.7-3.5 was used. It was
in, and the full scale torque of the calibrated
spring. The LDV-III Ultra can also measure
Wyoming; U.S.A. Carbomer must be measurement of viscosity of carbomer thoroughly mixed and hydrated. Increasing
dispersions: LV#1, with an entry code of 61,
the pH to 7.0, gives a gel structure. and LV#2, with an entry code of 62. For Neutralization can be carried out with LV#1 spindle, the spindle range coefficient inorganic bases (such as NaOH, KOH, is 6,000 while for LV#2 spindle it is 30,000. NH4OH) or with organic amines, such as
Such numbers are used to evaluate the full
rheometer/spindle/speed combination. The
Propane-Diol (AMPD). To neutralize 1 g of
accuracy of viscosity measurement for the
Carbomer to pH 7, ca. 0.01 equivalent of
LDV-III Ultra rheometer is ±1.0% of its full
base are required (e.g. 0.4g of NaOH, 0.9g
scale range for a specific spindle running at
rate (i.e., different RPM) both in the forward (increasing) and backward
IA is subscripted by γ& to indicate that the
instrument accuracy is a function of the
spindle speed, RPM (i.e., γ& ). The higher
stepwise decrement in RPM value till the
starting point is reached. At each step 30 seconds was allowed for the sample to
reach its steady value at the given RPM.
concerned, the sample was subjected to a
accuracy of measurement will be ±0.01*600=±6 cP (mPa.s). For LV#2,
constant shear rate for 4 minutes to see if
there is a time-dependent flow behavior. The measurement was taken for each 30
second elapsing period. If the torque reading is beyond the upper limit (i.e.,
spindle is replaced by a smaller spindle
size to assure that the torque reading lies
According to the operating 100% torque reading, in general).
number M/98-211-B0104, Appendix D1, pages 94-97, Table 1 shows the results for
III is equipped to measure yield stress vs.
values and the shear rate constant (SRC)
yield strain. The yield point is the point at
which is used to calculate shear rate and
associated properties are the yield stress and
yield strain. The yield stress is the critical
shear stress, applied to the sample at which
the material begin to flow as a liquid. The
spindle LV1 with entry code 61 which has
material, resulting from the applied stress
prior to the start of flow. The operating
given as 0.09373 (Table D2 of Brookfield
principle is to drive a vane spindle through
the calibrated spiral spring connected to a
Laboratories, has n value of 4940 cP. The
spindles are suitable for most fluids and are ideal for paste-like materials, gels, fluids
with suspended solids, and a variety of so-
called “soft solid” materials (puddings, material due to the increasing force imparted sauces). The primary benefit of the vane
spindle is that it imparts minimal disruption
value is the yield point. An algorithm in the
to the sample during spindle immersion. The
resistance of the material to movement is
value into a yield stress value, expressed in
values as the LDV-III Ultra motor rotates. The amount of shaft rotation is measured by
the deflection of the calibrated spiral spring
inside the instrument. Spring deflection is
measured with a rotary transducer. There is
Table1: Calculation of SMC and SRC for a particular set of spindle/container.
Spindle LV#1 with entry code of 61 was used in a plastic cylinder with a radius of 22.175 mm
Note: η = n for a standard solution.
Table 2: Spindle codes used in yield stress
yield stress values is defined as follows:
Note: If the secondary immersion mark is
For example, if spindle V-71 is used while the spindle is completely immersed up to
constant which is given in Table 2. Thus:
experiment, IAγ varied between 0.67 and
1.2 cP, with a mean IA value of 0.95 cP.
In this case, carbomer dispersion up to this concentration and within the instrumental
fluid. Figure 2 shows the plot of η vs. γ& at
apparent viscosity value was found to be
such a level of carbomer content. Again,
one can see how the distribution of data
standard deviation for η under the variable
falls within the margin of the instrumental
shear rate, γ& , experiment. The smallest
value of IAγ is 0.32 cP. This simply
0.30 wt % Carbomer Dispersion
implies that within the instrument accuracy
essentially constant with γ& . Figure 1
η, ( 14.75
shows the plot of η vs. γ& at such a level of
distribution of data falls within the margin
γ′, (1/s)
Figure 2: The apparent viscosity, η, as a
0.15 wt % Carbomer Dispersion
function of shearing rate, γ& , (s-1) for 0.30
are the same as those of Fig. 1. The IA
apparent viscosity has an average value of 107.7±28.5 cP. For the variable shear rate
experiment, IAγ varied between 2.8 and
Figure 1: The apparent viscosity, η, as a
12.0 cP, with a mean IAγ value of 7.4 cP.
function of shearing rate, γ& , (s-1) for 0.15
In this case, the variation in viscosity with
γ& is significant at this stage and it is about
cylinder with a radius of 22.175 mm. The
IAγ margin is bounded between the two
can argue that the viscosity is no longer a
constant with γ& and the carbomer dispersion started to behave as a non-
Newtonian fluid. Thus, there is a necessity
apparent viscosity has an average value of
to analyze the data in the light of this
15.06±0.51 cP. For the variable shear rate
function of γ& for 0.60 wt% carbomer
η, as a function of shearing rate, γ& , for
dispersion. η decreases with increasing γ& ;
an indication of a pseudo-plastic or shear-
seen that η decreases with increasing γ& ;
this type of behaviour is referred to as a
0.45 wt% Carbomer Dispersion
emulsions, and dispersions of many types.
Such a behaviour may be attributed to the
.s 125 Backward
carbomer molecules in a way they will be
destroyed and the molecule formation will
be oriented more parallel to the spindle
surface. So, the hindering of the spindle
structure damage is done and the less the
γ′, s-1
structure of molecules slide in together, the
Figure 3: The apparent viscosity, η, as a
function of shearing rate, γ& , (s-1) for 0.45
are the same as those of Fig. 1 The IAγ
concentration or less there is no significant rheopectic (an increase of η with shearing
time) or thixotropic (a decrease of η with
0.6 wt% Carbomer Dispersion
some kind of a hysteresis loop; i.e., the
exactly coincide, nevertheless, this can be
P 2000 Forward
η, m 1000
accuracy. Here, the largest difference in η
directions ∆η = 5.94 cP which is definitely
less than the mean value of IAγ under the
Figure 4: The apparent viscosity, η, as a
function of shearing rate, γ& , (s-1) for 0.60
cP. For the variable shear rate experiment,
IAγ varied between 11.65 and 171.40 cP
implies that the variation in η with γ& is
obvious than that in Figure 3. and the viscosity difference between the forward
very significant. Figure 4 shows η as a
than the corresponding value of IA
backward direction values is larger than
evaluated at the same RPM (or γ& ). For
the corresponding value of IA evaluated
at the same RPM (or γ& ). For example, ∆η
RPM=0.35 (γ& =0.09 sec-1) is equal to
evaluated at RPM=8 (γ& =2.04 sec-1) is
3257.77-2850.55=407.22 cP which is about
2.4 larger than the corresponding IA
pseudo-plastic effect is prominent at such
obviously larger than IAγ =30 cP,
same time, the rheopectic behaviour which
LV#2 at this time, unlike previous cases
can be expressed in terms of the viscosity
difference between shear rate forward and
0.9 wt% Carbomer Dispersion Spindle : LV#2
regarding the effect of shearing time on η are not presented here, simply to make the
increased with shearing time; an indication
η, m 1800
breakdown/alignment of polymer chains or segments, whereas rheopectic behaviour
Figure 5: The apparent viscosity, η, as a
segments6. Shear-thinning and rheopectic
function of shearing rate, γ& , (s-1) for 0.90
(or, non-thixotropic) behaviour of the pharmaceutical properties of estradiol gels
has an average value of The Yield Stress, τo, Results
shear rate experiment, IAγ varied between
found for such dispersions, which is in line
25 and 37.5 cP with a mean value of 31.2
apparent viscosity measurements. Figure 6
η with γ& is very significant. Figure 5
shows a typical plot for the shear stress
shows η as a function of γ& for 0.90 wt%
versus strain for 0.45 wt% carbomer dispersion, where the sample was pre-
shorn for 30 s at RPM=10 and the test was
increasing γ& ; an indication of a pseudo-
plastic or shear-thinning behaviour. The
hysteresis loop is wide and extends over
the entire range of γ& . The viscosity
o, with pre-shearing is 0.17±0.009 Pa.
without a pre-shearing step and the yield
step of zeroing the torque reading which is
usually done as a priori for the sake of
comparison and treating samples equally.
yields properties. This process beaks down
means moving or rotating the shaft clock-
the sample’s structure. It is particularly
or counter-clock wise in a way to diminish
the torque reading and is usually carried
out at a specified constant speed (i.e.,
RPM) which of course results in a shearing
before testing and observe the structural
effect in addition to the pre-shearing step.
rebuilding of the sample. The yield stress
Table 3: The yield stress, τo, value for
“dynamic yield”, while the yield stress
0.45 wt% Carbomer Dispersion pre-Shear RPM=10 for 30 s Run Speed RPM=5; Secondary Mark
τ, ( 0.075 Strain (rad)
Figure 6: The stress vs. strain for 0.45
wt% carbomer dispersion, pre-shorn for 30
s at RPM=10 and the test was carried out at RPM=5, using spindle LV#71. The
dispersion at different concentrations. One
behave as a Newtonian fluid, whereas for a
dispersions start to exhibit a shear-thinning
behavior with shear rate and a rheopectic
with the highest concentration, the yield
behavior with shear time. Finally, the yield
stress did not change with pre-shearing. At
stress results are in harmony with the shear
high concentration of carbomer (i.e. 0.9 wt
stress shear rate experiments in a way that
below 0.45 wt%, a zero-yield stress value
higher value of yield stress; an indication
above 0.45 wt% of carbomer content. As a
(entanglement/build-up of polymer result of shearing, the yield stress segments) took place. It should be noticed
“dynamic yield”, was found to be larger
dispersions”, Food Hydrocolloids, 14,
originally un-disturbed material, the “static
head”; an indication of network stiffening
estradiol gels”, Arzneim Forsch, 48,
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MEDICAL TERMINOLOGY WORD ROOTS/COMBINING FORM COMBINING FORM (ROOT +VOWEL) abdomin/o abdomen ablat/o to remove, take away abrad/o, abras/o to scrape off acanth/o thorny, acar/o mites acid/o acid, acous/o, acoust/o acr/o extremities acromi/o acromion actin/o ray, radiation acu/o, acut/o sharp, severe aden/o glands adenoid/o adenoid