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Jerawat (acne) merupakan kondisi abnormal kulit dengan pembengkakan folikel sebaseous yang umumnya sering timbul di wajah, namun dapat pula timbul didada, punggung, atau lengan atas, akibat gangguan produksi kelenjar minyak berlebih yang menyebabkan penyumbatan saluran folikel rambut dan pori-pori kulit. Peradangan pada kulit terjadi jika kelenjar minyak memproduksi minyak kulit (sebum) secara berlebihan sehingga terjadi penyumbatan pada saluran kelenjar minyak dan pembentukan komedo (whiteheads). Apabila sumbatan membesar, komedo terbuka (blackheads) muncul sehingga terjadi interaksi dengan bakteri jerawat. Kurangnya penanganan yang baik dalam tindakan terapi atau efektivitas pengobatan serta tindakan yang diperlukan seperti pemberian terapi obat baik dalam bentuk sediaan oral atau topikal, bahkan termasuk pemberian antibiotik yang tidak tepat, dapat memperburuk kondisi dari pasien karena tidak tercapainya efektivitas pengobatan penderita jerawat. Oleh karena itu dilakukan penelitian ini dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui jenis terapi akne papulopustulosa dan mengetahui efektivitas terapinya selama tahun 2005. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan metode retrospektif dan analisis hasil data menggunakan metode deskriptif non analitik dimana akan dibandingkan antara terapi atau pengobatan yang diberikan dengan yang seharusnya diberikan untuk mengetahui efektivitasnya. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa jenis terapi yang paling banyak diberikan baik dalam bentuk tunggal dan kombinasi adalah antibiotik sistemik (doksisiklin 1x50 mg/hari, 1x100 mg/hari dan 2x100/hari), komedolitik (tretinoin 0,025-0,05%), antibiotik topikal (klindamisin gel 1%). Hal ini telah sesuai dengan standar pelayanan medis RSUP Dr. Sardjito tahun 2005 dan Guideline The American Journal of Managed Care vol. 6 tahun 2000. Efektivitas terapi pasien akne papulopustulosa di RSUP Dr. Sardjito diperoleh hasil prosentase sebesar 76% dari seluruh kasus yang diteliti. Kata kunci : akne papulopustulosa, efektivitas terapi, rumah sakit. THE EFFECTIVENESS THERAPHY OF SKIN DISEASE
Acne is an abnormal skin condition with expansion of cebaceous follicle that generally often appears in face, but it also could appears on chest, back or arm because of offer disorder of cebaceous glandules over production which can causes obstruction on skin pores and hair follicles channel. Inflammation on skin can occured because of over production of cebaceous glandules sebum which can causes an obstruction and formed whiteheads. If the obstruction going bigger, the blackheads appears and than interact with acne bacteria. The lack of theraphy and medical effectiveness of drugs theraphy given by oral or topical included the unproperly of antibiotic present could made condition of patient become worthy because the medical effectiveness of patient was unreachable. The aim of this research was to know kind of the acne papulopustulosa theraphy and its effectiveness during 2005. Data was collected by retrospective methode and analyzed by non analytical descriptive methode and then compared with an actual theraphy that suppose to do to see the theraphy effectivity. The result showed that the most kind of drugs theraphy that given by single or combination form were systemic antibiotic (50 mg daily, 100 mg daily and 100 mg two times daily of Doxycycline), comedolitics (0.025-0.05% of Tretinoin), and topical antibiotic (1% of Clindamycine gel). This results were appropriate with the standard of medical treatment at Dr. Sardjito Public Hospital in 2005 and guideline The American Journal of Managed Care vol. 6 in 2000. The result showed that the effectiveness theraphy was 76% from all case that occurred at Dr. Sardjito Public Hospital for acne papulopustulosas patient. Keywords : acne, effectiveness of theraphy, hospital.

Source: http://repository.uii.ac.id/610/SK/I/0/00/001/001106/uii-skripsi-efektivitas%20terapi%20p-02613209-LUTFI%20CHABIB-4553786390-abstract.pdf


MINUTES OF SCHOOL BOARD MEETINGS Regular or Special Meeting of School Board (Do not use this sheet for School District Meetings) The regular meeting of the Pecatonica School Board was held on March 16, 2009 in the high school library. President Rick Rolfsmeyer called the meeting to order at 7:35 p.m. Board Members present were Roy Ruegsegger, Steve Demler, Barb Cassidy, Ron Linde


Case: 10-10956 Document: 00511764779 Page: 1 Date Filed: 02/22/2012 IN THE UNITED STATES COURT OF APPEALS FOR THE FIFTH CIRCUIT United States Court of Appeals Fifth Circuit CHRISTOPHER TYLER LOFTON, Individually and on behalf of the Estateof Christopher M. Lofton, deceased; TEGAN NICOLE LOFTON, individuallyand on behalf of the Estate of Christopher M. Lofton, deceased; LAURENLOFTON,MC

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