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6.xiv. SULPHUR.
Sulphur is another word for brimstone.
Sulphur is a nonmetallic, combustible, smoky, acid, fitful volcanicelement that occurs in beds of clay, also in combination with certainmetals forming sulphates and sulphides, and usually occurs in thevicinity of volcanoes.
Sulphuric acid is the king of all acids.
Most Sulphur comes from vegetables and volcanoes.
Sulphur is almost lemon coloured, although the colour varies somewhatin different countries, season and temperatures.
Sulphur is a nonconductor of electricity.
It becomes a liquid between 111 degrees and 137 degrees centigrade.
It solidifies again at 160 degrees and becomes a fluid, for the secondtime at 208 degrees and boils at 420 degrees.
It becomes a vapour at 422 degrees centigrade.
Sulphur is sensitive to air currents, to atmospheric gases, electricityand is changed chemically when subjected to heat, cold, moisture, andother conditions. It is tasteless, but has a peculiar odour whenmelted, or when subjected to friction. It is remarkable for itsallotropic character, or for its ability to unite with all the metalsand nearly all the nonmetals, for its tendency to form crystals and forits capacity to exist in many forms and manifestations. Sulphur isinsoluble in water, but is easily taken up by spirits of turpentine andby certain oils.
Sulphur is used in the manufacture of gunpowder, in vulcanising, in themanufacture of metals and of sulphuric and sulphurous acids. It is usedin industry as a Sulphur gas; and is used in many forms as a medicine.
Sulphur is a strong disinfectant, it purifies.
Sulphur is not an element of strength.
Sulphur is contained in living tissue, being especially utilised in theconstruction of protoplasm. It is absorbed by plants as a sulphate.
Sulphur promotes the flow of bile, but cannot alleviate pain. It has aparticular effect upon the liver by promoting the secretion of bile.
A diet that is rich in Sulphur reduces the liver in a patient whosuffers from enlargement of the liver. Sulphur food for that samereason is very valuable to stimulate the secretion of bile, and for thepurpose of overcoming enlargement of the liver.
Sulphur foods act upon the cerebrum as a mild hypnotic, although itsaction is slow, for it requires from one to ten days for such a diet toact vigorously upon the brain. A man who eats Sulphur food to excesscan, over a period of time, become sedated by its effect.
Sulphur is found in hair, nails and horny tissue. Keratin is asubstance that is found in all horny tissue such as nails, hair andfeathers. It is found in the epidermis of the skin. It is a mixture ofmany complex proteinous substances. It yields tyrosine and leucine whenanalysed in the laboratory. Keratin is found in the cornea of the eye.
Keratin differs from proteins in general in the sense that it containsa high percentage of Sulphur.
Sulphur is present in the form of Sodium sulphate in many of thetissues and body fluids. Sodium sulphate is needed in the tissues as adetoxifier.
The human body contains nearly four ounces (115 grams) of Sulphur.
Free Sulphur is utilised by the physiological functions almost everyhour of the day, although the amount that is used is not accuratelyknown to science.
A Sulphur diet has a radical effect on the physiological and otherfunctions causing certain bodily taints and impurities to be thrown tothe surface of the skin for elimination. A Sulphur diet acts stronglyupon the skin. The nature of Sulphur is such that it exerts a powerfulinfluence on the internal organs, throwing taints, miasms, impuritiesetc. to the surface of the body. This results in congestion of thecapillaries, veins, skin and nerve tissue at the surface of the body.
Sulphur is an uproarious element, agitative, expulsive and convulsive.
It acts as an angry undercurrent wherever it is present, producingexplosions at the surface, as may be seen in volcanoes, beneath whichthe Sulphur element is at work. Sulphur assists evaporation and surfaceradiation of bodily heat, but it increases internal heat and organicgases in the liver, nerves, and sex areas of the brain and genitalia.
Sulphur heat and organic gases escape readily through the skin whenSulphur is abundant in the body, and when cold winds, cold water orcold moisture strike the surface of the body, but not otherwise.
A Sulphur diet has the power to force impurity to the surface of theskin, resulting in pimples and eruptions. Sulphur has a warming effectupon the skin, producing travelling waves of heat accompanied withruddiness of the skin and greater action in nerve function.
Sulphur intensifies nerve action. It acts on every cell in the body.
It acts upon every drop of blood, and upon every nerve fibre andcerebral neuron, and yet its effect is like an angry undercurrent and ahypnotic sleep combined. It acts as an explosive and yet a hypnotic onnerve action, through the nerves, upon the nerve cells and upon thenerve endings. It acts slowly and cumulatively. It is a stirringdynamic element, acting like a volcano and compelling the expulsion ofdisease organisms.
About four percent of Sulphur is found in hair. Red hair has moreSulphur than golden hair. Golden hair has more Sulphur than sandy hair.
Sandy hair has more Sulphur than light brown hair. Light brown hair hasmore Sulphur than dark brown hair. Black hair has the least proportionof Sulphur. It is possible to affect the hair colour through eating aSulphur diet and certain Nitrogen or vegetable pigments.
A normal supply of Sulphur is necessary to regulate nerve impulses andto maintain a uniform temperature in the nerves, in the brain centre ofthe senses, in the nerves and plexuses of the sexual organs, in thespinal reflexes, in the optic centres, in the heat centres of the body,in the Median glands, in the oily secretions, such as the perilymph,endolymph, cerebrospinal fluid, neurolin in nerve and brain matter, thegonoblastic fluid, and others.
The mental outlook and nerve tension is high in Sulphur patients. Greatsulphur consumption favours versatility, emotionality, adaptability,purification, but not strength.
Sulphur and Carbon, if used as a large percentage of additives in steeltools and instruments, makes them brittle and useless. Sulphur andCarbon have the same effect upon the human organisation and upon thebrain. The diffusion of cells, the strength and durability of tissue,the power of brain for continued activity, the hardness, wiriness,endurance of bone and muscle are, qualitatively, not as great whenSulphur is excessive in the human organism.
But the qualities of nerve heat, of nerve tension, of the tone of thenerve impulses, of idealistic and romantic feelings, of the deeperemotions, impressionability, responsiveness and emotional tone, aregreater when Sulphur is abundantly assimilated and utilised.
Sulphur is formative and life sustaining. It is the agent of emotionalexpression. It surrounds, supports, and enters into life and nerveprocesses. The ovum and the egg yolk are supplied with a liberalquantity of this life supporting, heat producing, neurolinic andformative element in an organised form. Dead Sulphur or inorganicSulphur is of no value to an ovum, nor to an egg yolk. The ovum pays noattention to drug Sulphur. The Sulphur in the ovum could be calledliving Sulphur, which is also the case with the Sulphur found in theegg yolk.
Sulphur enters into and supports life in the budding protoplasm of themale and female reproductive principles. Without Sulphur the ovum wouldbe useless, and so would the egg-yolk. Without Sulphur, no chick wouldbe hatched, no infant would be born. "No Phosphorus, no thought", saysthe German philosopher. He might as well have added, "No Sulphur, nosensation, no communication of our inner feelings with body and matter,no sense, no life and soul expression". Without Sulphur, Phosphoruswould soon burn out our brain, so that we would all end our lives in aninstitution.
Sulphur, however, is transformed, converted and completely reorganisedbefore it enters into the workshop of thought and emotion, as asupporter and medium of expression of emotion and of nerve life.
Sulphur moreover, has a great deal to do with the phosphoropsychicalprocesses and serves as the communicating medium between inner mentallife and sensory physical states. Sulphur is the communicativeregulative and magnetic medium of thought action, nerve impulses,psychical capacity, nerve conduction of the senses, and emotivetransmission.
Lack of sulphur affects the life, the nerve and the expression of innerfeelings and results in a peculiar kind of neurasthenia,psychoneurosis, enfeeblement of the mind, or psychocoma, which is verydifficult to cure.
The lady with her ovoid shaped head, oval face, soft, velvety, warm anddelicately rosy skin, with her elastic, wiry, wavy luxuriant, golden orlight brown hair, her warm, glittering magnetic, intelligent, blue-grayor light hazel, soulful eyes; whose complexion changes with the varyingweather conditions as readily as the Sulphur element, or like thechameleon changes its colours; who is electrical in touch, responsive,emotional, moody, intense, fond of luxuries, versatile, fanciful, talland proportionate, beautiful, highly keyed, volcanic in feelings;elastic and firm, yet soft in tissue; graceful in movements, firm injoints, harmonious in build, graceful and stately in form, neat, tidyand particular; who among ladies, is the queen of beauty, proportionand youth - is like a harp with a thousand strings, and rules thehearts of men, has abundant Sulphur.
Sulphur is a poor conductor of muscular electricity, which is why itretains acid in the body.
Sulphur produces nerve, brain, skin and liver heat, and hence causesnervousness.
Sulphur causes sluggishness; people who have much Sulphur, rise late inthe morning.
Exesthesic people cannot bear hardships, nor a rough life, they sufferfirst with cold hands, then warm hands; they suffer from heat, etc. Sothey must have pleasant environment.
Sulphur is an enhancer of subconscious activity, therefore Sulphurpeople worry without realising it.
Sulphur increases: Sulphur creates alertness and activity of the emotions.
Sulphur people like cold water baths (for the oxygen), to cool thenerves and to overcome sluggishness that accumulates overnight. Theydesire and need abundant fresh air.
Sulphur throws impurities to the surface, hence Sulphur people do notcontact diseases easily.
The joints of Sulphur people are nearly always weak.
Sulphur helps to construct protoplasm, promotes bile secretion andfacilitates the growth of hair and nails.
Sulphur favours surface heat radiation.
Sulphur increases the beauty of the complexion.
Sulphur regulates nerve impulses, and transmission of temperature.
Sulphur is found in the life substance, in the neurolin, and incerebrospinal fluid.
Sulphur assists the tone of the psychical functions.
Calciferic, Carboferic, Nitropheric, Pargenic;also Exesthesic, because of excessive Sulphurconsumption.
Sulphur excess makes the disposition volcanic, feelings moody,temperament spasmodic, desires paroxysmal. The person becomes similarto the source of Sulphur - volcanic. Now she is well and happy, thenfeverish, ugly, morbid and excitable. Now life is a poetic dream; laterthe mental horizon darkens and nothing pleases her. Complaint,hopefulness, temper, love, fear, stubbornness, peace, health,depression, joy, pessimism, optimism, planning, wishes, fright,courage, self-condemnation, distrust, pride, faith, carelessness,independence, dependence, exclusiveness, charity, selfishness, economy,stinginess, liberality, serenity, abuse, kindness, emotionalexcitement, sociability, geniality, hatred, cheerfulness, friendship,hostility, forgiveness, regret, doubt, trust and many othercontradictory qualities fuse, mingle and melt and separate in thecrucible of the inner feelings, brain and body in such persons.
They are born domestic actresses who play the leading role in aconstantly changing drama. From a gentle lamb or a cooing pigeon, theychange to an angry spitfire.
The love of a man in whom Sulphur consumption is excessive is ardent,intense, romantic, even with an excess of feeling, but his love ischangeable. For today his sweetheart is a goddess, tomorrow he may notcare for her, or for marriage, home, friends, studies, or even lifeitself. The Sulphur patient is sulky in the morning but happier towardsevening.
The functions are torpid in the morning. The real day begins abouteleven o'clock with a Sulphur patient. Before that time she is onlyhalf-awake, possibly angry, irritable and hard to please. Emotionalchanges and changes in the complexion are peculiar to Sulphur patients.
They are fitful, capricious, acid, touchy, particular, fastidious andsometimes volcanic.
They are subject to spasmodic moods. She changes quickly from happy tosad, from lively to indolent, from repose to impulse, from alacrity tolassitude. They have their spells of ill humour, are cranky andpleasant in turns, and are easily thrown into a panic.
Obsessive counting is a Sulphur symptom. Dry hair, trembling pupils,dependent pride and a metallic taste in the mouth are prominent excessSulphur symptoms.
Excessive Sulphur consumption results in the generation of Hydrogensulphide gas, which destroys the Iron in the red corpuscles of theblood. The iron in the haemoglobin of the blood is metamorphosed andits ferric essence gives rise to this Iron taste in the mouth.
The Sulphur patient craves high Sodium foods: chocolate, juicy food,tart beverages, sour cooling mucilaginous drinks or tonics, greens,vegetables, strong tea. They may even long for beer in hot sultryweather, or for vinegar, because of internal ferments and gas pressure.
Eating alleviates her symptoms for the time being, but aggravates herailments in a few hours. She may say that her head feels as if it hasbeen lifted off. This is due to brain tension.
She has a craze for frosty air, nightly room breezes, storm andelemental commotion. She is a fresh air enthusiast. She wants the coldwind to play upon her face in her bedroom. Intense cold has a pleasingeffect of her.
The menstrual cycles are often spasmodic. She is very forgetful. She issometimes as peevish as a petulant baby. A warm room smothers her.
Lying on the back in bed irritates the sensory nerves. Lying prone inbed is resting. Sitting results in tension and flatus. Talking weakensthe brain, producing lassitude and provoking temper outburst. Erectstatic positions urge the blood to the liver, spleen and heart,producing pain in these organs. Climbing results in dizziness.
Fresh, breezy air, or looking at cool, heaving clouds billowing, orseeing thunderbolts, or being out in the rain and storm, always soothenerves and pacify emotions.
The Sulphur person is a puzzle to doctors. He does things in fits andstarts. He is unequable, spleeny, whimsical, captious, and fitful. Nowhe is well, and then he is sick. He is a good soul but impossible tohis marriage partner. He dislikes cooking odours, fumes and heat.
Pressure, tension, fitfulness, fussiness, impatience, weak ankles, latehours, prominent emotional irritability fondness for change andvariety, tendency to hysterical outbursts, volcanic outpourings ofemotion with extreme impatience and touchiness. Intentions may benoble, but they are spasmodic. The disposition is affected. Thisaffects accomplishments. The finger muscles are jerky.
The transmission of nerve impulses from the brain is increased, whichaffects the blood vessels. Dizziness, dislike for prolonged talking andreasoning, weakness of the throat are Sulphur deficiency symptoms. Thepatient craves vigorous pressure or massage, but dislikes gentletouches or massage movements. He may be ambitious but lacks infortitude. Swallowing is difficult. The pulse is short and quick. Hesleeps late in the morning and is up late at night. The appetite ispoor in the morning. The skin pigment is similar to the colour ofSulphur. His complexion changes many times during the day.
Like Sulphur, he is sensitive to temperature changes, or atmosphericgases and fumes. The epigastric region is sore. Gas is generated in thealimentary tract, and red corpuscles are broken down in great numbers.
He suffers from stuffiness, dyspnoea, acid formation, gas generation,and lack of Magnesium and blood salts.
The vocal organs are in a state of dryness, and the throat is filledwith mucus. She feels faint and seeks a dark, quiet, cool room. Shefeels stuffy in head, feet, liver and spleen. She gets out of breatheasily in sultry places or in warm rooms.
The disposition is peevish, the moods fitful, and the wisheschangeable. In the morning they are always tired and the eyelids are soweak, that they can hardy open them.
The nervous system, the sensory nerves, the portal system of the liver,the colon, the spleen and the male sexual organs are usually the seatof the trouble.
Hydrogen sulphide is the main cause of the ailments for the followingreasons:a.
Sulphur food are not properly combined in the diet withMagnesium, Sodium and Iron; The alimentary canal, the tissues and the secretions are alwaysin a state of acidity so that unless an acid neutralising food isalso taken, Sulphur forms more acid and more gas; Because of Sulphur acid and gas and also because of loweredoxidation, destroyed blood salts and not enough Sodium in thediet, carbon dioxide is not properly excreted; Irritability, emotionality, petulance, pains, discomfort, so muchPhosphorus is broken down in the brain that Phosphorus productsbecome another source of acidity, destroying the Magnesiumsupply, leaving the eliminative avenues filled with waste matterin which germs and germ toxins thrive, only to further aggravateailments.
She suffers from anaemia and lack of blood oxygen in the system. Themenses are spasmodic, as are many of the physical functions.
She dislikes small towns, crude people, stingy men, literaryplatitudes. She needs intermissions and rest.
10. She is an excellent judge of art and culture, refinement, classics, 11. She is often cross in behaviour, touchy in disposition, captious in moods, irritable in temper, freakish in wishes, fitful in love, oftenrepellent to others in word and action, although she does not mean anyharm. She is proud yet sensitive.
12. The complexion may be pale pink, or delicately ruddy, because of capillary congestion and nerve irritation on the surface of the skin.
13. Impetuosity is her greatest fault.
14. Her mind works faster than her tongue. Hence when her tongue refuses to act as fast as her mind or emotions, she gets tongue-tied orhysterical.
15. She is stubborn from sentiment, but not from reason. Kindness soothes 16. She has many wavering, moody, variable, fitful haughty moods, but she is never fickle. She wants to be humoured. She is gloomy, moody,careless, tired, dull, happy, jealous, playful, quarrelsome, loving,sympathetic, restless, nervous, lonely, sad, timid, weary and faint inturns.
17. She dislikes foreigners and other races. She also dislikes long sermons. She has an instinctive fear of snakes and wars.
18. She is a poor judge of motion, distance, time balance, efficiency, real values, speed, momentum, mechanics, kinetics and physical events.
19. Direct questions irritate her. Her sense of balance is disturbed.
20. She worries much about her good looks.
21. She is a patient for a high altitude, frosty air and moisture. She has 22. It is Sulphur gas or Sulphur products that are at the root of all of those symptoms; they are Sulphur symptoms. She is not herself whenSulphur is very active in her.
Live in a high altitude in the hills, where the airis fresh and the climate is cold and dry.
Mental exercise: Do not use the emotional mind or brain any more than
necessary. In other words avoid temper, passion,fretting, nervousness, irritability, and otherunfavorable emotions.
Physical Exercise: Spend much time in the cold, dry, fresh, open air.
Do plenty of horse riding, rowing and walking.
Take in addition, very cold sponge or shower baths.
Never take Turkish baths or any other hot or warmbaths, whether sick or well.
Eat raw foods rich in Sulphur. Cooked Sulphur foodsgenerate gas.
Live in a low altitude where the atmosphere is warmand stuffy.
Mental Exercise: Be emotional as much and as often as possible.
Physical Exercise: Stay indoors much, and be lazy.
In abundance:
Phlegmatic people, mentally dull people, people whouse their brain much. Exesthesic, Calciferic,Carboferic, Nitropheric, Atrophic, and Pargenicpeople. Exesthesic people require raw Sulphur foodsbecause of excess Sulphur consumption.
Very little:
Healthy Exesthesic and healthy Nervi-Motive people;also Myogenic, Oxypheric and Lipopheric people.
Disposition becomes temperamental or emotional.
Fevers become intermittent; disposition varies, symptoms change,diagnosis becomes difficult.
Sulphur acts on the cells, skin and sexual function, but when eaten toexcess, digestion is disturbed, assimilation suffers, Hydrogen sulphideis generated which destroys the red corpuscles of the blood.
It results in bloating, congesting, skin affections, acrid discharges,tension, constriction, pityriasis, headache, psoriasis, burning in thesoles of the feet, sudden prostration, spasmodic symptoms, hysteria,menstrual disorders, dizziness, drowsiness, muscular weakness,formation of tumours, autointoxication, de-oxidation, bloodlessness,paraesthesia, erotic habits, temper, boils and pustules.
One fifteen hundreds percent of Hydrogen sulphide in the airkills a bird; One eight hundreds percent of this gas in the atmosphere isfatal to a dog; One two hundred and fiftieth percent kills a horse.
Phenard says that a man can withstand from one to three percent of thisgas in the atmosphere for a brief time, but lastly the man suffers fromfaintness, vertigo trembling, convulsions, de-oxidation of the blood,because this gas unites with the iron in the haemoglobin in the redblood corpuscles and destroys the power of the blood to carry oxygen.
This is also the case with the Sulphur person, when there is Sulphurgas generation, Sulphur acids, gases and products are dangerous to theblood, to the blood salts and to oxidation.
Foods containing: Magnesium, Manganese, Sodium,Potassium, Iron, raw vegetable Sulphur. Inhale freshair in abundance. Live in a cold climate, highaltitude.
Carbohydrates, cooked Sulphur foods, all gasproducing foods.
Sulphur acid and gas products lessen the blood salts and reduceoxidation. A blood test does not reveal the trouble, for even if thenumber of red corpuscles is normal, the condition of the haemoglobin issuch that the red corpuscles cannot carry oxygen - not even when theiron is present in the haemoglobin, nor when the haemoglobin is normal.
This is the reason why every Sulphur patient is more or lessanoxyaemic, and this is also the reason why the person is a fresh airfanatic.
Under the influence of Sulphuric acid the tissues suffer, especiallythe mucous membranes. It neutralises alkalis, removes water andprecipitates albumin. It burns the stomach, the throat, and producesintense thirst. It leads to collapse and suffocation.
Sulphuric acid is known by the black stain that it leaves on lemons. Itovercomes alkalinity of the blood, causes acidity of secretions and thesystem, and interferes with carbon dioxide removal from the tissues.
Sulphuric acid produces ammonia in the tissues and fluids ofcarnivorous animals and thus protects the blood salts.
When foods that are treated with various kinds of Sulphuric acid orSulphur preparations are eaten, they lead to doctor bills, operations,sickness, loss in efficiency and a great deal of suffering. Never eatfoods treated with Sulphur.
Sulphur is cumulative. It is retained day by day until autointoxicationin all its forms develops.
When they are peevish and irritated by little things; When are repentant after outbursts of temper and displeasure; When the skin is dry, soft, velvety and Sulphur-like in pigment, yetanaemic; When there is a tendency to sensations of numbness, stuffiness andsuffocation.
When there is a strong desire for sensationalism.
When patients retire late and rise late.
When the appetite is poor from the morning until almost noon.
10. When love is morbid or perverted.
When there is a great fondness for travel, or pleasure in the hills orwoods, stormy water scenery, storms, cold showers.
When there is a dryness in the tissues, walls of the body canals orchannels of elimination, capillaries, glands, eyelids, liver, kidneys,colon, veins, heart, cerebellum and heart walls.
When there is a tendency to sexual perversion.
When there is a great pain during the periods, but not before or after.
When there is a strong dislike of cooking smells, fumes, and smoke orof staying in the kitchen.
When moods, wishes, plans, love, fear, will, physical functions, heart,digestion, liver, spleen, eyes, bladder, kidneys, voice, are spasmodicin action.
When there is an excess of emotional irritation and outbursts of temperthat are nothing more than juvenile theatricals.
When the mind acts faster than the tongue and there is a tendency tohysterical outbursts, screaming, crying, and complaining.
When there is a great demand for pauses for rest, air, motion andpleasure during working hours, which indicate that the functions arespasmodic.
When sentimentality or stubbornness prevails over rules, regulations,laws, duty, discipline, reason and love.
When there is a strong Sulphur-acid odour to the perspiration,excretions, and expectoration or in the body or on the breath or indischarges, pustules or eruptions.
When discharges are corrosive and likely to produce brown or yellow-brown or dark yellow stains on the linen.
When there is a wavering stubbornness one minute and repentance thenext.
When there is rush of blood to the brain.
When the hair falls or is dry and the scalp itches in sultry weather,in heat or in the evening.
When there is a granulation of the eyelids, irritation of the eyes.
When the tip of the nose is red and shiny.
When there is a dryness, with swelling of some parts of the body suchas the skin, gums, eyelids, inner throat, liver, spleen, uterus,accompanied with pulsations in that dry anaemic part.
When the saliva is fetid, the throat burns and there is a partialclosure of the respiratory tract, causing distress, redness withinflammation of the face accompanied with much irritation and atendency to hysteria.
When the patient appears healthy, rosy skinned and yet is miserable andfull of pain, congested, plethoric, or full of tough mucus.
When the patient is sleepy, dull, torpid in the morning, inclined tosleep late; or if the patient rises early, she is morose, miserable,fussy, angry, dull, torpid and hard to please.
When there is a burning sensation in the membranes.
When there is an almost manic desire for open doors and windows.
When there is continual trouble with the throat, stomach and colon.
When the stomach is acid, resulting in gas generation, withintermittent indigestion.
When the feet feel hot and the patient craves very cold water over thefeet and perhaps throws off the covers from the foot end of the bed atnight.
When motion, walking, working, severe emotion and excitement produce aflow of blood to the neck and back, resulting in stiffness of thoseareas.
When there is a tendency to read sensational, trashy news.
When the patient quarrels quickly and afterwards cries and pleads.
When a patient rearranges her furniture often.
When a milk diet gives rise to nausea, acidity and eructations withtension in the abdominal muscles.
When the patient feels that she must absolutely eat or collapse, andshe feels worse about an hour after eating.
When chills travel upward; when pain travels downward.
When there is internal pressure towards the body surface.
When the feet burn and the nerves are irritable.
When the patient feels neglected by their spouse or others.
When mental states vary like the weather in spring.
When ailments, symptoms and diseases are difficult to comprehend.
When the symptoms continually change.
When there is a great dislike for strangers, foreigners, heat, sultryweather, noise, vibration, disturbances, car motion, balance, gravity.
When there is a sense of great weariness, weakness, and lassitude,which compels the patient to lie down often.
When the patient misplaces things and can't find them.
When there is indifference to the condition of others.
When there are tingling, chiming, humming, or warbling noises in theears.
When there is a numbness and pain from vibratory motion in cars, trainsor otherwise.
When the heart palpitates when a patient climbs a hill, or walks up astairway, because of a greater demand for Oxygen.
When there is a dropsical tendency with cold knees.
When there is nightly nervous perspiration on the chest.
When the doctor thinks that the patient's illness is nothing but aproduct of the imagination.
When the patient makes noble resolutions but violates their ownresolutions as fast as they make them.
When odours and noise cause nausea; when fumes cause suffocation.
When moisture sooths and rush confuses.
When the patient retires in a cool dark room, bundles up their body,applies cold applications to their face and neck and hot applicationsto the stomach.
Horseradish is very stimulating to the vital organs, skin function andto the brain. It acts as a fire, and can lead to excessive brain andnerve irritation, with extreme Sulphur symptoms. Hence, horseradishshould be consumed sparingly, unless there is considerable dullness ofthe mind or senses.
The mineral Sulphur is very high in Ash Content, but is not containedin vitamins; care should therefore be taken in its consumption in drugform or as a food preservative, because in this form it is harmful tothe liver, and to a great many other vital functions.
Magnesium is one of the metals of the alkaline earths, and is widelydistributed in organic matter. It is also a constituent of animal andvegetable tissue. Magnesium is found in many rocks, such as soapstone,talc, dolomite, augite, and others. The bitter taste of seawater and ofsome mineral waters is due to the Magnesium salts.
Dolomite is composed of Magnesium carbonate and Calcium carbonate, andof these compounds a cement is made that hardens and sets under water.
The fusing point of Magnesium is 230 degrees centigrade. It is a grey-white metal having a silvery lustre, and is malleable and ductile.
It is light in weight, alkaline and flexible and confers the samequalities to human tissue, thus imparting alkalinity, suppleness,elasticity, leanness and pliability to tissues. It also impartselasticity and leanness to vegetables.
It is a white, earthy, insoluble, absorbent, antacid, mildly catharticand tasteless as a powder; it occurs in a free state in nature, butusually extracted from ores.
When Magnesium combines with Oxygen it becomes Magnesium oxide, alsocalled Magnesia. Hydrated Magnesium carbonate is called Magnesia alba;this is used a great deal in medicine. Magnesium is the metallic baseof Magnesia.
Magnesium is tart or pungent in taste.
Magnesium imparts the pungent bitterness that is peculiar to Epsomsalts and the combined action of Magnesium and Sulphur that providesthe laxative and purgative properties to Epsom salts. In whatever foodMagnesium is present, that food becomes a laxative. Magnesium is foundin abundance in certain natural mineral waters such as: Pullna,Rubinat, Carlsbad, Friederickshal and Hunyadi Janos. These waters arehighly laxative and purgative if taken in large quantities. Thesewaters can affect some patients adversely. It is much better forpatients to utilise laxative Magnesium containing foods if there isconstipation, as inorganic Magnesium inhibits absorption in thealimentary canal, than to use mineral waters that contain inorganicMagnesium.
Normally about three ounces (85 grams) of Magnesium, or a little more,is present in the tissues of the body, but Magnesium is usedfunctionally from birth to death by every human being. Physicalfunction cannot be maintained very long without this alkaline,laxative, flexibility producing and nerve-calming element.
Magnesium makes the body fluids more alkaline and the tissues, tendons,muscles and nerve function more elastic. It produces flexibility tolimbs and joints. It has a beneficial affect upon the bowels. It actsupon glands, serous and mucous membranes, on the nerves which controldigestion and nutritional uptake, nerves of excretion and elimination,upon the generative function and indeed upon the processes of life ingeneral.
Magnesium food is purifying, cool, alkaline, laxative, nerve calmingand sleep producing. It is not sleep producing because of anaestheticproperties, but because it strengthens the nerve function, bycounteracting body gases, toxins and acids, and autointoxicationproducts. It is purifying to the intestines.
In case of poisoning from aluminium, barium, ferrous sulphate,phosphorus, muriatic acid, antimony, chloride, all sorts of Magnesiumfoods and even Magnesium drugs, are very efficacious. They are equallyessential in cases of ptomaine poisoning. Magnesium foods preventphosphatic deposits from forming in the joints and the solidstructures, which otherwise could result in gout, arthritis and boneailments, especially when uric acid and urea are present in tissues andfluids, when there are products of past, improperly eliminatedinfectious processes, or when the eliminative avenues are partly closedup, obstructed or slow.
Magnesium indirectly promotes brain action, by neutralising phosphoruscompounds generated by strenuous brain action, which generatesexcessive Phosphorus consumption. It has a cooling effect upon thenervous system and upon the brain. It prevents sleeplessness because itprevents noxious acids, gases and toxins from affecting the body.
A Magnesium diet is preferable to the taking of hypnotics. Magnesium issedative to the nerves. It helps in filtration, osmosis and most of theeliminative functions. It prevents congestion and the hardeningprocesses from taking place. It increases magnetisation, alkalisation,as well as the electrical processes that take place in the muscles.
Magnesium produces a beneficial effect in highly sensitive,sympathetic, yet excitable natures, in highly sentimental, hightempered people, upon erratic natures, upon highly pathetic andromantic ladies, upon all people in whom motor impulses, brain ganglia,the nervous system and the sensory nerves are overactive, hot,irritated and inflamed, or in whom the whole neurological machineryacts under high nerve tension. One of its greatest spheres of action isits ability to counter the effects of Phosphorus breakdown products.
Magnesium phosphate, together with Calcium phosphate, is found in smallquantities in almost all tissues. Magnesium carbonate is found in smalltraces in the blood. Magnesium acts favourably upon pain sensation,upon the channels, organs and functions of elimination, upon certainacids, toxins, germs and gases, but not upon all aspects of these.
Magnesium helps to construct the white muscle and nerve fibers, whichis an important functional sphere of Magnesium. Magnesium uses waterand albumin to assist in the construction of these white muscle andnerve fibers.
Magnesia is converted by the acids in the stomach into soluble salts,which are highly laxative. Magnesia is an antidote to arsenicpoisoning. Magnesium carbonate stirs up the abdominal contents, which,when the stomach is acid, results in the generation of gas andconsequent disagreeable eructations, but removes indigestible productsfrom the stomach and intestines; therefore, in times of a very acidstomach, it is a valuable vehicle to remove autointoxication productscaused by a wrong diet.
Magnesium, like chlorine, is a cleansing, laxative, germicidal element,only in a different capacity. It is cooling to the nerves and nervoussystem, to the sensitive linings in cells, and to the function ofperception of pain in the cerebrum.
Magnesium foods should be eaten liberally by all people who are highlyimpulsive, excitable, nervous, emotional, sensitive and hyperaesthetic.
Magnesium food relaxes the brain, promotes sleep, cools the liver,settles down fevers, calms nerve endings and the nervous networks,stops a certain kind of heat, soothes the generative system, stopsspasmodic action of motor nerves, relieves nerve generated cramps,reduces temper, relieves pain in perineural and periosteal structuresand in linings containing fine nerves capable of intense painsensations, mainly through the neutralisation of certain acids, bydestroying infection and by speeding corruptive matter out of thesystem.
Magnesium food is important when the cerebrospinal fluid has been madeless viscous through the drying up effects of excessive passion,exhausting healing practices, overwork of the brain, hypnotic and othertrance states, by the poison of snakes, or otherwise, thus leavingnerve and brain matter hot, dry and irritated.
It is important when the mind wanders, or when the patient indulges inexcesses, or when he is clairvoyant, or when he is possessed byirrational moods.
It is important for neural and cerebral functioning, not directly butindirectly. An intense nervous system, keen perceptions of pain, greatPhosphorus and Sulphur consumption, which results in large quantitiesof Phosphorus and Sulphur products in the body, require Magnesium food.
It makes the tissues flexible, supple, and alkaline; the dispositionquiet, the mind serene, the temper placid, the nerves restful, and thedeportment sedate, principally by its laxative, neutralising andgermicidal properties.
Magnesium is the most relaxing and cooling of all chemical elements.
Too much Magnesium over-sedates and makes the brain and the bodysluggish, it also irritates the mucous membranes and deranges sexualfunction.
Magnesium is required for the following functions:a. To clear up a pale, muddy complexion.
To provide building materials for the brain.
Almost all Constitutions, but especially:Exesthesic, Nervi-Motive, Neurogenic, Pathetic,Desmogenic, Marasmic, Calciferic, Isogenic,Sillevitic, Carboferic, Oxypheric, Atrophic,Medeic and Pargenic, in fact, all Constitutionswhere there is a great deal of excitement andbrain activity.
1. If Magnesium is introduced in excessive quantities in drug form or perhaps even in food form, it takes vitality away from nerve matter andproduces semi-anaesthetic states of the nervous system, which results inthe following:1. Deadening of the nerves and perception, which results in weakmindedness; Great drowsiness in working hours and terrifying dreams whensleeping; Affects the brain and generates fear and anxiety; Blunts the perception of quantity, place, duration, distance andtime; Partially loses the power of recognition and identification ofpeople and objects; Lack of judgment and perception of the objective world or of place,duration, distance, time, quantity, form, shape and constituency; 10. The place perception is unreliable, as are almost all perceptive 11. Life is like a lethargic dream;12. He abhors teasing;13. Gives foolish answers, lack of awareness of his own answers and actions, and of the answers and actions of other people; 14. Lack of interest in life and business;15. He warns people of future evils;16. He imagines that fate is against him;17. Delusions in regard to people who do not exist anymore, dead 18. Day dreams accompanied by horrible fears;19. Affects the nerves in the small intestines and the nerves in the 20. Phosphorus and Sulphur by-products are not eliminated or possibly Magnesium has a bad effect upon the Sulphur and Phosphorusconstituents of the body; 21. He complains of pressure over the orbits of the eyes;22. He cannot study in the evening;23. He retires early and cannot keep awake at any social gathering or 24. He becomes sleepy as soon as the sun passes the noon meridian;25. He falls asleep over his work;26. He suffers from a feverish appetite, continually changes the subject in conversation, changes his preoccupation and generally actsspasmodically; 27. He has periods of gluttony and periods of aversion to food;28. Brain work aggravates his ailment;29. He is discontented with life;30. He is drowsy in the afternoons, after sunset, in the morning and 31. Concentration is impossible;32. He is restless at night, not in nerve but in muscle;33. He wakes up and falls asleep again and again;34. His urinary system is very active during sleep but urination is 35. Public opinion does not bother him, but teasing embitters him;36. The communication fibers of the brain and the white muscle fibers 37. Most of the functions are dulled.
The nervous system is in a state of dynamic intensity; The patient is very restless, full of eagerness to work andindustriousness; He is too energetic and sees new possibilities in every enterprise; Exhaustion in physical and mental activities, cerebral neurasthenia,perhaps cerebellar exhaustion; The nervous system and brain are in a state of excessive nervoustension; Near-sightedness, due to brain dysfunction, glasses do not correct thedeficiency in sight; She forgets details about books, accounts, notes; Wild thunderstorms, the rush of water, the cry of a baby are soothingto her; She says she feels as though her skull is broken and that the top ofher head has pain like a tooth ache; She is subject to haemorrhages and develops freckles even in winter; White has a soothing affect upon the eyes and nerves; The skin is like it is electrically charged, and appears to be used inbreathing; She cannot wear woolen or heavy clothes, or she feels like she issuffocating even in cold weather; Her head gets so hot she wants her hair cut short, or she splashes coldwater on her head or applies a cold compress; She is sensitive to electrical currents and batteries; If she goes near an electric heater, or a generator or electric motor,she feels worse; Her teeth are affected by the electric current of the telephone; If she lives or lingers near strong electrical currents, she suffersfrom toothache and growths under the teeth; She feels as though something terrible, harmful, or fatal is going tohappen; Her tissues and blood become acid during a storm; It feels as though the mental machinery is so tight that the wheelscannot move; As the evening approaches she becomes thirsty and she craves acid foodsand drinks; Nerve and brain matter is dry in the Magnesium deficient patient; The Magnesium deficient patient may be forced to suddenly leave thedinner table because of nausea, and vomit; The shoulder muscles are charges with blood so that they become stiff; Vibratory motion of trains, cars, vehicles produces an accumulation ofblood at the base of the brain.
Thoughts vanish, intentions fade away, wishes and desires arespasmodic, love is capricious, purposes are impermanent, habits arewavering, appetite is fitful, the mind is full of imagination, thedisposition is unstable, character mutable, conduct fickle, wishesabnormal, attention volatile, inclinations inconstant, thoughtsfanciful, sentiments captious, feelings whimsical, nerve transitionfitful; She is fearful, fastidious, easily offended, premonitory, full ofomens, full of wants but does not know what these wants are; Anger appears rapidly and disappears just as quickly; She complains of an earthy taste in the mouth; A very typical Magnesium deficiency symptom is that strong pressure tothe painful nerve eases the pain and quiets the pain centres in thebrain, and may stop the pain completely for some time, even when stronganalgesics fail.
Omit food and drugs rich in Magnesium. No food andchemicals counteract Magnesium in the body exceptalbumin, and albumin cannot be efficiently utilisedexcept by heavy labourers.
No special affect. Hot, dry climate may possiblyreduce an excess of Magnesium.
Mental Exercise: Use the intellect and the emotions very actively,
Physical Exercise: No special affect.
Eat Magnesium rich foods. Omit high albumin foods.
Live in a cool, soothing, high ozone climate in thehills at a medium altitude.
Mental Exercise:
Stop using the intellect and the emotions and thepassions.
Physical Exercise: No special affect, except perhaps by light and easy
In abundance:
All Constitutions, especially all excitable people,hot-headed people, highly strung people, nervous andemotional people, all hard brain workers, all intensetemperaments.
Very little:
Nitropheric people, also easygoing Isogenic peoplewho are very dark in complexion.
Irritation of the mucous membranes, derangement ofmetabolism, disturbance of menstruation, colic,spasmodic functions. It is almost impossible to eatMagnesium food to excess except where Magnesium foodis selected and eaten in combination with foods richin no other chemicals.
Drowsy, dreamy, lethargic, listless, full of inertia,ill-humoured.
The disposition becomes fussy, nervous, irritated;the nerve centres erratic, nerves irritated; theemotions hypersensitive, the digestive tract full ofdisease organisms, linings become inflamed, angrypimples appear, urine becomes hot, red, turbid,smoky, and loaded with Phosphorus; it results indarting pains, colic, membranous contraction, nervouscramps, psychosomatic problems; hysterical,sensational, nervous tendencies; irrational actions,carbonic or acid nerves like those seen in Dementiaor Paranoia, which are caused by defectivecommunication in the white fibers in the brain.
Nervous tissue becomes unsettled almost to the point of having nerveaction blocked, because the white nerve fibers are not able to transmitmental, motor and sensory impulses and sensations.
White brain matter becomes affected, and leaves the patient in a weakminded condition with many delusions, which may result in Paranoia.
It may develop into atrophy of the brain, shrinking of the cerebralmeninges, loss of perception, reason, sequence of expression, self-direction and control.
It may result in hypertrophy, intestinal adhesions and gas generationthat results in unpleasant eructations.
The whole digestive tract may become irritated and phlegmatic, which atfirst causes abdominal obesity and later in great emaciation.
Fluids and blood may be drawn from the tissues, resulting in thedrinking excess fluids and in the rushing of vital nutritionalsubstances through the intestines.
It results in weakness and relaxation of the digestive tract andmuscles, and in sluggishness of cell activity and the generalfunctions.
It may irritate and deaden the menstrual process.
It may result in paralysis of mental function, nausea, excessive beerdrinking, alcoholic hypertrophy, disturbance of brain function and evenDementia.
Any kind of food that has a constipating, overheatingaffect.
Foods containing Magnesium and also drugs containingMagnesium.
Epsom salts is another name for Magnesium sulphate; it has a powerfuleffect upon accumulated autointoxication products in the intestines.
Epsom salts increase the action of the intestines by attracting fluidsfrom the intestinal structure and contents, and by the speedy expulsionof fluids, germs, autotoxic products and excreta from the intestines.
Perhaps no other salts have a more beneficial affect upon the colon ifused in a warm water enema and injected into the colon for purposes ofcolonic irrigation. If people will eat those foods that are rich inMagnesium they do not need to take Epsom salts, nor Citrate ofMagnesia.
If too large an amount of Citrate of Magnesia is drunk at a time whenthe digestive tract is not acid, it is very likely to coat the entiredigestive tract with an earthy coating; but if the digestive tract isin an acid condition, it has no such effect.
Excess of Magnesium results in deficient communication between cerebralimpulses.
Patients who are obese become more obese under the influence ofMagnesium foods and drugs, and patients who are lean become leanerunder the influence of an excessive intake of Magnesium foods anddrinks.
People who drink beer or liquor to excess always suffer from alcoholichypertrophy and from intestinal adhesions.
Vibratory motion as that in a train produces neuralgia, trembling ofthe nerves, toothache and other pains in a Magnesium deficient patient.
Temperature changes, great excitement, outbursts of temper, gases inthe atmosphere or in the room, smoke, fumes, drafts or artificialheating will eventually always cause severe neuralgia.
The whole nervous system is in a state of excess tension.
Walking results weakness of the back and in back pain.
When the patient is jarred or lies in one position or stretches orbends down to lift something heavy, it irritates the nerves and nervecentres in the viscera.
Magnesium deficiency is closely related to the generation of vicious,ill-tempered and defective children, with a strong neurotic andpsychotic tendency.
When the digestive tract has been inflated by an army of abnormalbacteria and accumulated waste matter; When the flatus or the stool has a sour odour; When the complexion is pale, muddy and sickly; When jaundice weakens the ambitious brain worker; When phosphatic products and body gases block the intestines and formgas pockets; When sleeplessness is caused by bacterial toxins at work in theintestinal tract; When young girls suffer from fainting, nervous conditions andheadaches; When ladies faint in cars, trains, or public places, or are subject toemotional outbursts; When boys suffer from St. Vitus Dance, or dysentery, especially duringthe sultry months of July and August.
When heat plays havoc with nerve and brain matter; When large quantities of Phosphorus by-products are released; When the blood becomes overheated so that the cells of the spinal cordand brain tissue become overheated, resulting in heatstroke orsunstroke; When there is a tendency to peritonitis, intestinal stasis or cholera; When nerves and brains are in a feverish condition; When nerves are erratic when a large amount of mental work is done,during passion, fear or grief; When there is a craving for earthy, metallic substances; When there is an earthy taste in the throat; When the neck and the shoulder muscles ache; When rest and recuperation are needed after becoming overexcited; When details about the house, books, systems, orders, notes or musicare constantly forgotten; When the menstruation is late, with a scanty flow, accompanied by sorethroat, backache, chills, weakness, and coryza; When there is a tendency to hardening of the liver; When there is weakness of the abdominal muscles; When there is a strong tendency to infection or a fear of snakes. Whenthere is sensitivity to heat, electric currents, batteries, electricalequipment, heaters, metals, artificial heat, animals and people, or tothe electrical tension in the atmosphere; When gas is generated mostly in the evening; When there is a swimming sensation in the head; When there are aching sensations all over; When the patient goes to sleep over his work, or when he sees visionsbefore falling asleep; When he is very sensitive to static electricity; When there is intolerance to the pressure from clothes; When there is much anticipation of events; When the complexion alternates between red, pale and earthy; When ordinary summer heat creates great distress; When there is sudden increase in blood pressure on rising from arecumbent position; When there are burning vesicles in the mouth; When there is a tendency to vomiting at meals or when riding in a caror train; When the patient feels chilly after relaxing into a warm bed or into awarm room; When the patient appears to fall, or feels like he may fall when he isstanding still; When creepy feelings or tired feelings creep over the patient when heis sitting still; When symptoms and ailments are aggravated at night; When symptoms and ailments, or pain sensations, reach a climax aboutonce every six weeks; When there is a craving for strong coffee, motion, pleasing work,exercise, breezy air, cold sponge baths, ducking the head into coldwater or placing the head on the cool ground, or a liking for severethunderstorms, or fondness for running water, or when the cry ofbabies, bright surroundings, light colours, or perhaps magneticmassage, are pleasurable to the patient; When strong pressure has a soothing, resting, relieving affect upon thepatient; When there is intolerance to woolen clothes, fur or heavy fabrics; When there is a strong desire for tart fruits or foods; When the patient must become physically fit before they can feelbetter; When there is a tendency to diarrhoea in autumn and in spring; When the pain is relieved by walking in the fresh air; When there is a strong tendency to neuralgia; When the baby clenches his fist when breathing in and pushes his fistforward and upward, or perhaps inserts the whole fist into the mouth; When a patient feels he must protect himself against electricalcurrents; When there is a tendency to frequent urination with a burning sensationafter urination; When the urine has a yellow paleness and there is indican in the urine; When the patient faints after he eats because of gas pressure in thestomach; When the patient sleeps with his eyes half open, and there are jerkymovements in his muscles; AT ALL SUCH TIMES A MAGNESIUM DIET IS IMPERATIVE xvi. PRINCIPAL MAGNESIUM FOODS (ALPHABETICALLY ARRANGED).
Do not use Mineral water or Sea Water, as the Magnesium in these isinorganic; Eat these foods without sugar, as sugar leaches Magnesium, and developsacid and gas.
Nuts should not be eaten by themselves, but should be ground andsprinkled on other foods and eaten at meals.
Meat: Frogs legs,lambs shoulder,tender chicken THIRD BEST
Phosphorus is common in some rocks, in fertile soil, in animal andvegetable tissues and in guano. Phosphates have an important functionin mineral formation and plant growth. The most important Phosphates inlife processes are: Sodium phosphate and magnesium phosphate.
Phosphatic manures are often used to replenish soils and consist ofbone phosphate mixed with other phosphates. Metallic Phosphoruscompounds are often called phosphides.
Phosphate of lime, a type of calcareous earth is used for improving andfertilising the soil for crops and plants. Phosphoric acid is presentin the soil, primarily in combination with lime and phosphate of limein the form of phosphates; these phosphates are in turn mainly found inthose plant parts that are rich in protoplasm.
A good phosphate supply is needed to promote Nitrogen assimilation inplants. Phosphorus is found in the casein of milk, in egg yolk, in thehulls of wheat, corn, barley, oats and buckwheat, which hulls areusually discarded by the miller, to be fed to pigs and horses, whichparadoxically need less Phosphorus than man.
It is difficult for a weak stomach to digest oatmeal, wheat bread madeof whole wheat, and other heavy foods, but for people whose digestionis poor, it is easier to digest and extract Phosphorus from some easilydigestible grains and vegetables, from fish and from properly preparedfish broths.
Phosphorus is found in decayed wood, which changes to soil, rocks, etc;then into the vegetable kingdom, then through the food chain into braintissue.
Chemical studies in the laboratory have discovered that Phosphorus is anonmetallic, highly poisonous, yellowish white and somewhat waxyelement; that its melting point is between 42 and 44 degreescentigrade; that it vaporises at 288 degrees centigrade; and that itdoes not conduct electricity. It is flammable and burns with a whiteflame. It undergoes slow combustion when exposed to air in an ordinaryroom temperature. It emits a white vapour and appears luminous in thedark.
Phosphorus must be stored under water to prevent its combustion in theair. It is insoluble in water and slightly soluble in alcohol.
Through medical studies we learn that it is one of the most powerfulstimulants known; that it is one of the most diffusible substances andalso that it is extremely poisonous. Phosphorus is allotropic; bykeeping Phosphorus for a long time below its boiling point, it can beprecipitated in another form.
There is another form called red Phosphorus. This form of Phosphorushas very different properties to ordinary Phosphorus, being red,brittle, hard, non-poisonous, and not easily combustible. If redPhosphorus is heated to 260 degrees centigrade, it changes back intothe ordinary form of Phosphorus and burns with a brilliant flame.
Phosphorus was called Lucifer in the past, which is a Latin word whichmeans Light Bearer. The word Phosphorus is the Greek word for thiselement and also means bearer of light.
Many Phosphorus containing objects have a property calledphosphorescence, which is a luminosity produced by Phosphorus.
Putrefying fish often contain such quantities of Phosphorus that theyappear luminous at night. The glowworm is so deeply laden withPhosphorus that it produces a beautiful light in the dark.
Chemists tell us that the fireflies of the West Indies produce a glowbright enough to enable one to read at night by their light because oftheir high charge of Phosphorus. Multitudes of microscopic organismswhich inhabit the seas, swamps, rivers and bogs contain so muchPhosphorus that it often appears that they seem to be on fire withlurid flames which leap to and fro. In graveyards and on some boats,where Phosphorus bearing organisms and fungi are plentiful, manystrange light effects occur.
This luminosity of Phosphorus is seen in animals, some of which possessmore phosphorescence than others, such as for example the jellyfish,fungi, glowworms, earthworms, fresh water worms and marine worms; andalso fish in the ocean depths, some of which appear as strings ofphosphorescent lights in their watery home.
Phosphorus is the element of intelligent life.
Phosphorus has an affinity for Sulphur and readily combines with it; itis used with Sulphur in matches.
The use and function of Phosphorus in the human body is more importantthan the study of the chemistry of Phosphorus as manifested in mineraland vegetable kingdoms. Phosphorus is normally present in the body in aquantity of about two pounds (about one kilogram); almost enough tocause fatal poisoning of one quarter of all the people in Chicago (pop.
1921 approx. 1.5 million). And yet, although one single man has thatmuch poison in his brain and body, he lives and thrives. Phosphorus isdirectly associated with the cell nucleus. It is present in the fluidand solid tissues in the form of Potassium phosphate. In the bones itis found as Calcium phosphate.
Phosphorus is especially important in the nutrition of nerve tissue andhelps to increase bone density. It acts upon the sensory nerves, thesensory areas in the brain, the nerve centres, the sympathetic nervoussystem, the nerves and nerve distribution and ganglia in general andespecially upon the nerves of the heart. It has, when present inadequate amounts, a stimulating effect upon the generative organs andupon the bone production.
Phosphorus is essential to the higher intellectual functions, for theidealistic, altruistic, religious and psychic feelings, for the brain'ssubjective functions, for the physical senses, especially taste andtouch.
Phosphorus, when associated with the stronger elements, stimulates thetissues to greater metabolic action.
Phosphorus is the element of thought, emotion and intelligence. ThePhosphorus element belongs to the studious man. When we think weconsume Phosphorus. The more we think the more Phosphorus we consumeand the more work we throw upon the liver.
After an orator has captivated his audience by his display of metaphor;after a philosopher has used his brain in reasoning, writing, thinkingand teaching, and investigation; after a musician has fascinated hisaudience with the art of his music; after any intellectual effort, anyemotion, sentiment, passion, appetite, or all brain action, there aregreater quantities of Phosphorus in the urine. This indicates thatPhosphorus consumption in the brain has been greater during processesof cerebration. Phosphorus is a bone and brain worker. It helps tobuild bone, to repair bone, to nourish the brain and to feed nerves.
It stimulates bone production. When there is a lack of Phosphorus inthe bones, bone tissue becomes soft and gelatinous, instead of beinghard, dense, compact and elastic. Phosphorus increases the number ofthe red blood corpuscles. This does not mean that the red corpusclesare made of Phosphorus. It simply means that Phosphorus has an indirecteffect upon the manufacture of the red blood corpuscles.
Phosphorus improves tissue nutrition at large.
If there is a lack of Phosphorus in the body, the metabolism suffersand health cannot be maintained for very long.
When bone tissues become soft, and there is a tendency to rickets; itis an indication that Phosphorus is needed in the body, as well asCalcium and other mineral salts. Phosphorus performs an importantfunction in the mucous membranes by its tonic action upon these.
Without Phosphorus the brain decays and intelligence leaves. Lack ofPhosphorus leads to sterility, brain softening, neuralgia and pusproduction. The intelligence soon leaves and the patient slips into astate of unconsciousness. Nor can Phosphorus be withheld from the dietfor any length of time and subsequently be supplied without seriousconsequences.
A child who is going to school is utilising brain Phosphorus verystrongly. If adequate Phosphorus is not supplied, that child will soonsuffer from brain weakness. No amount of tuition can help such a child.
Ammonio-magnesium phosphate appears in the urine when a patient suffersfrom dyspepsia, alkaline fermentation, or cystitis. One can be sure,that if a child is supplied an inadequate amount of Phosphorus, or ifthe child's system cannot assimilate Phosphorus, that disorders of somekind will appear.
Leucine and Tyrosine always appear in the urine when a patient suffersfrom Phosphorus poisoning, or from yellow atrophy of the liver, or fromfeverish (hot) degeneration of liver tissue.
Lecithin is a main constituent of egg yolk. Lecithin is a complex lipidthat is widely distributed throughout the human body and in someanimals. It is found mainly in bile, milk, semen, egg yolk, nerveissue, red blood corpuscles, serous fluids, lymph and pus. It is one ofthe constituents of bile that holds bile salts and fats in solution.
Lecithin is composed of Carbon, Hydrogen and Nitrogen, but containsalso Oxygen, Fluorine, Iron, Sulphur, Calcium, Phosphorus and a nervelipid called neurol or glycerophosphoric acid, and also a vitamincalled Choline. If the diet is lacking in the vitamins, neurol,Phosphorus, Oxygen, Sulphur and certain essential nerve salts, thenlecithin cannot be manufactured.
Lack of the lecithin in body tissues causes impotence, atrophy of thenerves, degeneration of brain function, intellectual decline, pusformation and general physical degeneration. If adequate Phosphorus isnot present in body tissues, lecithin cannot be formed. If Phosphorusis withheld from the diet, lecithin is not manufactured for the brainand nerves. This results in neurasthenia, mental degeneration andwasting of the body.
The egg yolk contains the vital principle essential for the creation oflife, sometimes called the "vitellus". The vitellus is a nucleoprotein,a considerable proportion of which is composed of Phosphorus.
If the phosphorus part of the egg yolk is absent, or if the Phosphoruspart in the vitellus is lacking, either in the egg yolk or in thecreative principle of man, a chick could not hatch nor could a baby beborn. Phosphorus has a great deal to do with generative life andgrowth. Phosphorus stimulates life to unfoldment in and through theformative life processes.
The chemical composition of white blood cells has been inferred from ananalysis of pus cells that are identical and also from lymphocytes fromthe lymph glands. White blood cells are about ninety percent water,while the remainder consists mainly of proteins, of whichnucleoproteins and cell globulins are the most abundant. These two arecharacterised by the presence of a considerable quantity of Phosphorus,amounting to as much as ten percent.
Lecithin, fat, glycogen and also various phosphates are moreoverpresent in white blood cells. Phosphorus is here in demand aselsewhere, and if not supplied results in lowered metabolism and poorimmune function.
Phosphorus is the agent of life and growth. It is the element ofluminosity. Phosphorus affects the vital functions and is essential inplant growth. It is an important element in fish and it is thereforefound in large amounts in their flesh; it increases the generation ofmuscular electricity in animals. In man Phosphorus favours the sameprocesses and also the higher cerebral functions. When it acts mainlyin a person's muscles, he becomes more electrical.
In some types of people the electrical quality of phosphorus actsprincipally in the brain and nerves and less in the tissues and theybecome more magnetic. As long as a man is alive, his fingers appearluminous when held against strong light; but when life has gone, thebones of the fingers appear dark.
Phosphorus evidently helps to keep a man's body and soul together, theanimals' life and body together, and plants' life force and mattertogether.
Phosphorus has much to do with intuition, dreams, mental activity, thegeneration of mental images, physical sense perception, sensoryperception, the ability to generate inventive ideas, obsession,delusion, and many parapsychological phenomena.
If Phosphorus were low, life would be operating under low pressure.
Life could not organise substance for material growth and feeling.
Phosphorus is one of the essential elements of organogenesis.
The higher forms of organic life would be impossible without normalquantities of Phosphorus and Sulphur.
Every thought and emotion breaks down phosphorus. Some mental(Phosphorus) people are unusual; many of them have bad habits, are notnormal, and not practical.
Phosphorus acts on the higher qualities of man. A person dies or goesinsane if temperature of brain reaches 44 degrees, because Phosphorussubstances in the body change their composition. Sunstroke is theresult of overheating of the brain, hence, Mental PrimaryConstitutional types should avoid heat, especially a hot sun.
Phosphorus is electricity at work in the muscles and in the world.
Phosphorus works on the brain and nerves, and with the subjective andunconscious mind.
Carboferic, especially in a physical sense;Atrophic, because Phosphorus is used in excessin the brain, therefore it is deficient in alarge number of functions. Phosphorus isdeficient in all children and adults whosemental functions appear deficient.
It is excessive in Neurogenic people, hence they always craveexcitement. They are extravagant and spend money foolishly. They lackjudgment in economics and the practical aspects of life.
They argue that thoughts are things. They take a great interest inmental suggestion and in religious and mystical healing. Suggestion hasa remarkable effect upon their physique, disorders, symptoms andhabits. They say, "Talk health and health is yours", "Talk success andit comes to you", "Think of disease and it overtakes you".
They are interested in speculative philosophy. Their imagination islively. They are enthusiastic idealists. They have faith in the future,in divine assistance and in mental suggestion, but have no faith inwork, effort, diet, etc.
They are idealistic fanatics and enthusiasts. They have more ambitionand optimism than strength and power. They become somnambulists orsleep walkers.
Their brains work in Latin, Greek and mathematics when their eyes areasleep. Their subjective minds seem to be awake, while their muscles,nerves and objective mind is locked in slumber.
They imagine themselves to be under the influence of invisible forces.
Their foreheads are hot; feet and hands cold and their nerves areirritated. Their minds are overactive, but their will power, power ofdecision, practical judgement and ability to concentrate are weak andunreliable.
They are excitable. Their excitable moods are followed by faintness.
Their mental attitudes are extreme, varying, sudden, and spasmodic.
Hope and expectation are excessive. Laughter, hilarity, optimism andspeculation are also excessive.
They think they know more than anyone else, and they argue about it,especially when it is a question of theory, doctrines, creeds,philosophy, mystical ideas, esoteric philosophies, religion and strangeand outlandish beliefs.
Their religion is dogmatism and idealism.
They may imagine that everything around them is false, insignificantand inferior.
They talk about "The Great Unknown", about "The magnetism in things"and about "The Spirit Essence".
They despise a practical life, money matters and purposeful pursuits.
They are lively, remarkably responsive, wide-awake, quick to understandand to learn, but equally quick to forget.
Their feet, eyes, arms, fingers, head and senses are restless and thetongue is busy.
They sigh for other worlds, and would be perfectly willing to go beyondthe clouds and live in the ether, clouds and moonshine.
They would rather build a house with thoughts than with mortar, bricks,stones and wood or steel.
When they are children, they grow rapidly upward, but never outward.
They are restless in movement, spasmodic in tendencies.
They think that work is degrading, and that the development ofdoctrines and theories is the loftiest calling in life.
They take deep interest in the sky, in supernatural beings, celestialphenomena, in the habits of migratory birds, in airships, aircraft,space travel, aeronautic apparatus, submarines, speed and motion,altitude and space; aviation, invention, modernism, revelation,adventure, parapsychology and idealistic philosophy.
They imagine that they can think themselves wealthy, that they can heala broken bone by thought, that they can cure themselves by faith, thatthey can make prosperity walk into their homes by mere thinking.
They have more faith in thought than in science, work, business andeffort.
Stimulates the generation of strong intuitive impulses.
Get angry, crazy, or excitable if aroused.
Oxidation is slow in Phosphorus people. The greater the consumption ofPhosphorus, the lower the oxidation.
Low oxidation in the tissues; chilliness produces hunger; When they come to the breakfast table, their appetite leaves them; They have strong desires for cold, icy, stimulating and refreshingthings; Poor appetite alternates with great hunger; They feel as though they cannot use their brain without getting aheadache; Excitement, or use of the brain, results in anxiety and uneasysensations in the epigastric region; They lack will power, self direction, power of control, executivepower; Their excitable moods are followed by faintness and nervous collapse; They are so involved with their own ailments that they manifest greatindifference towards others, they always talk and think aboutthemselves; Their mental attitudes vary, changing from tears to laughter, frompessimism to talkativeness, from optimism to great despondency; They imagine danger to themselves from things below them, above them,or fear that something is hidden somewhere; The heart, the disposition, the nerves and the brain cells areadversely affected by lightning displays in the sky; every Phosphorusdeficient person prefers to hide away at such a time and the heartthumps and pulse races; They have no courage, no will power, no power of decision, no desirefor action, no spirit of enterprise; They grope for ideas, but their minds cannot act; They sink into a mental chaos from which they cannot easily emerge; They look into the mirror and see a hundred little creases in theirface; They appear aged beyond their years.
They are drowsy, mentally dull and wakeful during the day, and afraidin the dark.
They are as timid as a child, prone to take a gloomy view of themselvesand their own condition.
They are helpless prey to an awful fear, which seems to fill theirbrains, nerves and blood; They cannot tolerate the clamour of trains, the rush and noise of cars,the din of machinery, the clank of metals, the noise of aircraft, thefuss of children, babies crying, customers rushing or the scuffle ofpassengers; They may take a notion to live in the forest away from society and livelike a hermit; although they may be high society celebrities when theyfeel well and things are going well for them; They are extremely sensitive of their own imperfections; The mind is sick, nerves are starved, brain matter is toxic and nervesubstance acid; The nerves seem to deflate when criticised, blamed or scolded, and thiscauses further exhaustion; She cries easily; she is weak, timid and unable to provide her ownneeds; They feel that they are the weakest of the weak, and yet they areproud; Some parts of the body may seem half paralysed; If the physician asks them to put out the tongue, they may not have thepower to do so; Anything unfavorable, dark, troublesome or noisy, has a bad effect onthem; Morbidity takes possession of the Phosphorus deficient; They feel as though their limbs have been dismembered; The mind and nerves are in a state of morbidity, caused by Phosphorusby-products, acidity in the nerves and toxic substances in brain andtissues; Phosphorus by-products are evidently retained because of the lack ofrenewable Phosphorus in the system, the resulting acidity andautointoxication makes a Phosphorus patient so morbid and forlorn whensick; The hair becomes grey at the roots; the person becomes impatient,nervous and filled with fear and may collapse; Intellectual people are liable to become scrofulous because they areunable to take up oxygen; Phosphorus people like to go up in the air, while of the Osseous andVital primary constitutions like to stay on solid ground or even godown into basements; A HEALTHY NEUROGENIC PERSON DOES NOT HAVE SUCH SYMPTOMS ANDCHARACTERISTICS, EXCEPT IN A MODIFIED FORM, BUT DELICACY ALWAYSCHARACTERISES THE NEUROGENIC PERSON.
Live in a warm, moist climate and at a low altitude.
Mental Exercise: Do not cultivate idealistic emotions.
Physical Exercise: Participate in physical and pleasing exercises, i.e.
use the body, but not the brain, nor stimulate theemotions.
Live in the hills where the climate is cool andrefreshing, and where there is plenty of ozone in theatmosphere.
Mental Exercise: Cultivate normal but not excessive idealistic
Physical Exercise: Will not increase Phosphorus consumption in the
body, unless the exercises are slow and prolonged sothat they flex and affect the bones.
In abundance:
Intellectually slow and deficient people, Atrophicpeople, people who suffer from sterility orimpotence, people who are low in vitality, people whoare using their emotions or their brains excessively,students, lawyers, preachers, musicians, orators; infact all intellectual and idealistic people, becausethey use their brains and burn up Phosphorus in thebrain, and thus rob the blood and the body ofPhosphorus which is needed in body tissue.
Very little:
Nearly all people are in need of Phosphorus, evenNeurogenic people who tend to have an excessivePhosphorus consumption. In them the Phosphorus isburned up in the brain and nerves rather than in thetissues. This robs the tissues of phosphorus andweakens them.
The influence is favourable until excessive, when itresults in disease.
The disposition becomes morbid, the nerves depressed,and the mind impractical.
It results in Atrophic states of brain, nerves andbody, perhaps even in pus formation, tuberculosis, orsome pus generating disease.
The mind is too intellectual, bright and genius-like;the nerves are excessively sensitive; there is anervous and emotionally sensitive disposition.
Neurological, vital and spasmodic: This may result in fattydegeneration of the liver, fatty degeneration in the tissues, in themuscles, heart, kidneys, intestines, glands of the stomach; or inprogressive emaciation, degenerative changes in connective tissue,disturbed metabolism, great tendency to paralysis, sleepwalking,neurasthenia, bronchitis, nervous diseases, haemorrhages, albuminuria,jaundice, exhaustion, neuralgia, heart disease, the withdrawal fromreality, hypersensitivity of the sexual glands, delusions anddelusional speech.
Foods that are rich in Magnesium, Calcium, Fluorine,Silicon, Potassium, or in the essential salts.
They should avoid starches, fats, sweets, and meat.
The Neurogenic needs a diet that is rich in lecithin, in nerve lipids,Calcium and vitamins.
The Neurogenic needs a cool climate, a high altitude and ozone richair.
The Neurogenic needs plenty of sleep and rest.
The Neurogenic needs pleasurable recreation.
The Neurogenic needs a Magnesium diet to break down Phosphorus by-products.
The Neurogenic needs the association with Calciferic people, whether helikes them or not and he should not accuse them of being"Materialistic", as he always does.
When there is a dislike for exertion and work.
When the patient makes an effort only when excited and stimulated andcollapses when the excitement is over; When the patient feels that there is something that is gnawing at hisvitals, or undermining his life; When he appears healthy, yet feels and acts like a dying man, orappears to be the victim of his own imagination, always dreading hisfuture and deeply concerned about his ailments.
When there is depression with a tendency to nightly discharges; When there is prostration during the menstrual period; When there is numbness in some part of the body, or in areas of theskin; When there is insensibility to pain, heat or cold, or when there is aloss of control of some finger or a hand, an arm, or perhaps thetongue.
When there is a twitching in the muscles of the eyelids; When there is a great variability in the symptoms, one follows theother, so that as one ceases the other starts; When there is a dislike for the opposite sex; When there is a constant tendency to be scornful; When there is a dislike for consecutive brain work; When there is a hardening of wax of the ears; When the skin is wax-grey or waxy and blue; When sores have a dark blue, or dark green colour; When there is a delicacy and weakness, perhaps an alabaster complexionin young girls or boys; When there are degenerative changes taking place in bones and jointswith emaciation of the tissues of the arms and the legs, or evencomplete mental and physical decay; When there is slowness in learning how to walk; When the child awakens and screams with pain at night.
When some of the bones are enlarged and swollen; When bean sized hardnesses form in the glands of the neck and otherglands; When the face flushes easily from excitement; When the head is too large and the body is frail; When the disposition is very sensitive, and the mind is too mystical; AT ALL SUCH TIMES A DIET RICH IN PHOSPHORUS IS IMPERATIVE.
Fish, viz: Clams,crabs, haddock,herring, lobster,oysters, salmon,trout, whiting COLLEGE OF NATURAL THERAPIES (S.A.)
Elizabeth, South Australia.
c.1996. The following material has been written by: Susan Hysen R.N.,N.D.,T.W.M.,M.D.(Trad.Med.). And has been published by: The College of NaturalTherapies (S.A.) for the sole purpose of tuition within this College.
This material may not be copied, stored in a retrieval system or used for anyother purpose without the express written permission of the publisher.
Although it would be difficult to give due credit to all those authorities and researches who, by their writings have contributed eitherdirectly or indirectly to the information in these notes, I would like tomake special mention of V. C. Rocine D.Sc. as I was most fortunate to gainaccess to the original notes of his teachings and therefore was able toformat the information presented below in the same concise manner as thatused by him.
These notes are the result of combining my own and others' more recent studies in the area of trace minerals and have been prepared as a companionto lectures and existing text to mineral therapy. These notes are notintended to comprise a concise textbook on Mineral Therapy, but are intendedas a basic study guide to augment the information given in relation to theother minerals in V.C. Rocine's notes.
Food provides energy and materials called nutrients needed for growth and renewal of tissues. Protein, carbohydrate, and fat are the three majorcomponents of food. Vitamins and minerals are found in small amounts in food,but are just as important for normal function of the body. Fibre, found onlyin foods from plants, is needed for a healthy digestive system.
During digestion, large molecules of food are broken down into smaller molecules, releasing nutrients that can be absorbed into the blood stream.
Carbohydrates and fat are then metabolised by the body cells to produceenergy. They may also be incorporated with protein into the cell structure.
Each metabolic process inside the cells is promoted by a specific enzyme andoften requires the presence of a particular vitamin or mineral.
Dietary deficiency of essential nutrients can lead to illness. In poorer countries, where there is a shortage of food, marasmus resulting fromlack of food energy and kwashiorkor from lack of protein are common. In thedeveloped world, however, excessive food intake, which leads to obesity, ismore common. Nutritional deficiencies in developed countries result from poorfood choices and usually stem from the lack of a specific vitamin or mineralsuch as that seen in iron deficiency anaemia.
Some nutritional deficiencies may also be caused by an inability of the body to absorb nutrients from the food (malabsorption) or to utilise themonce they have been absorbed. Malabsorption may be caused by a lack of anenzyme or an abnormality of the digestive system. Errors of metabolism areoften inborn and are not yet fully understood. They may be caused by failureof the body to produce the chemicals required to process nutrients for use.

Deficiencies of the kwashiorkor/marasmus type are not usually treated by drugs, but by dietary improvement, and perhaps with food supplements.
Vitamin and mineral deficiencies are usually treated with appropriatesupplements. Malabsorption disorders may require continued use of supplementsor changes in diet. Metabolic errors are not easily treated with supplementsor drugs. Dietary changes may be tried.
Obesity has been treated with appetite suppressants or low energy bulk substances. The preferred treatment includes reduction of food intake,altered eating patterns and increased exercise.
Minerals are elements, which represent the simplest form of matter.
Many minerals are essential in trace amounts for normal bodily processes. Thebody is unable to manufacture these substances itself and therefore we needto take them in through the diet. Most of the minerals are required inextremely small amounts and each individual mineral is present in one or morefoods.
A balanced diet that includes a variety of different types of food is likely to contain adequate amounts of all the minerals. Inadequate intake ofany mineral over an extended period can lead to symptoms of deficiency. Thenature of these symptoms depends on the mineral concerned.
Recommending supplements of one or more minerals maybe due to a variety of circumstances: to prevent mineral deficiency from occurring in peopleconsidered at special risk; to treat symptoms of deficiency; and in thetreatment of certain medical conditions.
Most people in Australia obtain sufficient quantities of minerals in their diet, and mineral supplementation is, therefore, unnecessary in mostcases. People who are unsure about whether their present diet is adequate mayassess a week's diet with a list of foods that are rich in minerals, andcompare this with their intake. Mineral intake can often be boosted simply byincreasing the quantities of fresh foods and raw fruit and vegetables in thediet.
Mineral therapy is most commonly medically prescribed for people with intestinal diseases that reduce the absorption of minerals from the diet.
Certain groups in the population are, however, at an increased risk of mineral deficiency. These include those who have an increased need forcertain minerals that may not be met by dietary sources - in particular,women who are pregnant or nursing often are recommended to supplement theirdiet with iron. Iron enriched cereals are recommended for infants over theage of six months. The elderly who may not be eating a varied enough diet mayalso be at risk of mineral deficiencies. Strict vegetarians and others onrestricted diets may not receive adequate amounts of all the minerals.
In addition, those fed intravenously or by stomach tube and are on artificial nutrients for prolonged periods, those suffering from disorders inwhich absorption of nutrients from the bowel is impaired, and those who takedrugs (for example, lipid lowering drugs) which reduce mineral absorption,are usually given additional minerals.
Most mineral preparations are available without a prescription, however, it is important to seek professional advice before starting a courseof mineral supplementation so that a proper assessment can be made of theindividual requirements.
Mineral supplements should not be used as a general tonic to improve wellbeing - as they do not do so - nor should they be used as a substitutefor a balanced diet.
It is rare for a diet to be completely lacking in a particular mineral.
But if intake of a particular mineral is regularly lower than the body'srequirements, over a period of time, the body's stores of minerals may becomedepleted and symptoms of a deficiency may begin to appear. In Australia grossmineral deficiency disorders are most common among vagrants, alcoholics andthose on low incomes who fail to eat an adequate diet.
Minerals are natural substances. Supplements containing these can be taken without risk by most people. It is however important to be careful notto exceed the recommended dose, as some minerals may accumulate in the body.
Dosage needs to be carefully calculated, taking account of the degree ofdeficiency. Overdosage at best has no therapeutic value and at worst mayincur the risk of seriously harmful effects. Preparations containing severaltimes the recommended daily intake are best avoided. Fortunately, the amountsof each mineral contained in a given tablet are usually not large and are notlikely to be harmful unless the recommended dose is greatly exceeded. Singlemineral supplements can be harmful because minerals complete for absorptiontherefore an excess of one mineral may increase the requirements for others.
Minerals are inorganic chemical elements that are not attached to a carbon atom. They participate in many biochemical and physiological processesnecessary for optimum growth, development and health. There is a clear andimportant distinction between the two terms mineral and trace element.
If the body requires more than 100 milligrams of a mineral each day, the substance is labeled a "mineral". If the body requires less than 100milligrams of a mineral each day, the substance is labeled a "trace element".
Many minerals are essential parts of enzymes. They also participate actively in regulation of many physiological functions, includingtransportation of oxygen to each of the body's 60 trillion cells, providingthe stimulus for muscles to contract and in many ways guaranteeing normalfunction of the central nervous system. Minerals are required for growth,maintenance, repair and health of tissues and bones.
Most minerals are widely distributed in foods. Severe mineral deficiency is unusual in the Western world. Of all the essential minerals,only a few may be deficient in a typical diet. Even so, there are exceptions.
Iron deficiency is common in infants, children and pregnant women. Zinc andcopper deficiencies occur fairly frequently.
Name: Chromium.
Symbol: CrAtomic number: 24 Most countries have adequate levels of Chromium in there soil.
Generally American farming soils are deficient in Chromium.
Chromium toxicity can result from industrial overexposure, such astanning, electroplating, steel making, abrasives manufacturing, cementmanufacturing, diesel locomotive repairs, furniture polishing, furprocessing, glass making, jewelry making, metal cleaning, oil drilling,photography, textile dyeing, wood preservative manufacturing.
A small organic essential compound called the glucose tolerance factorcomprises Chromium; it is required to enhance the action of insulinwithin the body.
Although the above has been extracted from brewer's yeast, its completestructure and function still eludes researches.
Chromium, like iron, is highly electrical.
When Chromium is highly positively charged, it is best absorbed andmost effective in the living system.
Chromium is widely distributed in the tissues, although in extremelysmall amounts.
An estimated safe and adequate dietary intake for Chromium is between50 and 200 micrograms per day.
Chromium exists in the blood in very minute amounts.
The daily average amount of Chromium absorbed by adults is between 80to 100 micrograms.
NOTE: Nutritional science has yet to quantify the exact amount ofChromium present in foods; that is why there are varying amounts shownin different food source tables.
About one third of the population in Western society gets less than theessential intake.
Chromium is almost entirely removed in the refining of foods.
The total Chromium content of the adult human body is estimated at lessthan 6 milligrams.
Chromium is mainly stored in the kidneys, the spleen and the testes.
Trace amounts of Chromium are also found in the heart, the lungs, thepancreas and the brain.
Chromium is readily excreted via the kidneys.
Chromium is necessary for the utilisation of carbohydrate.
Chromium is necessary for the utilisation of fats.
Chromium is necessary for the formation of protein.
Chromium facilitates the uptake of glucose into the cell and thusreleases metabolic energy.
When Chromium is lacking, blood glucose levels increase.
The body retains about 3% of the dietary intake, so very littleaccumulation of Chromium occurs within the body.
If the diet is too low in Chromium, the human body will adapt byabsorbing as much Chromium as possible from the food eaten.
If the diet is too high in Chromium, the human body will adapt byabsorbing less Chromium from the food eaten.
If the diet is too low in protein then the level of Chromium present inthe body will be low.
Chromium stores will be depleted if there is an excessive amount ofiron in the diet.
If the diet is high in processed foods, then the body's stores ofChromium will be depleted.
If the diet is high in refined carbohydrates then the amount ofChromium present in the body will be depleted.
Chromium normally decreases as pregnancy progresses.
If Chromium remains too high during pregnancy then the child will betoo small.
Chromium stores are depleted by repeated pregnancies.
When Chromium is lacking, coronary artery disease occurs.
If the Chromium levels are adequate then wound healing is enhanced.
Chromium improves the frequency of conception.
The body's ability to store Chromium decreases with age.
Older people are more likely to have slight Chromium deficienciesbecause many lack an appetite or the desire to prepare and eat propermeals.
If the diet is poor then an increase in Chromium is essential.
People who drink alcohol to excess deplete their Chromium stores.
Individuals who abuse drugs will lack Chromium.
If there is a chronic wasting illness then Chromium is lacking.
Patients, who have had recent surgery, will be low in Chromium.
If a portion of the gastrointestinal tract is surgically removed, thanthe absorption of Chromium may be diminished.
Chromium is essential for those who have recently suffered severe burnsor injuries.

Chromium is required for the following functions: For a properly functioning immunity.
For the formation of healthy white blood cells.
Chromium excess is rare and is usually due to secondary factors such asimpaired liver and kidney function.
Chromium toxicity can result from industrial overexposure, such astanning, electroplating, steel making, abrasives manufacturing, cementmanufacturing, diesel locomotive repairs, furniture polishing, furprocessing, glass making, jewelry making, metal cleaning, oil drilling,photography, textile dyeing, wood preservative manufacturing.
Long term exposure to Chromium may lead to skin problems.
Perforation of the nasal septum and lung cancer may result fromexcessive Chromium.
Chromium is lacking if tumors occur in the back of the nasal passages.
If there is uneasiness in the limbs.
If there is pain in the shoulder blades and at the back of the neck.
If there is pain in the knees and in the balls of the feet.
If there is a drawing pain in the soles of the feet when walking.
If there are frequent, watery, stools with nausea and vertigo.
If there is a tendency towards haemorrhoids that bleed.
If there is a weakness in the small of the back.
10. If there is a chronic wasting illness and poor immunity.
11. If there is poor growth and development.
12. If there is heart weakness from arterial hardening.
13. If there is paleness and poor quality of blood.
14. If there are symptoms that come and go suddenly, and return


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