
Take Control
Eat Well. Stay Active. Reduce Your Risks.
The Season Between the
Sloppy Snow and Mud Takes Take Control
Creativity to Enjoy
If you cringe at the thought of outdoor activities during
the transition season between the end of winter and
beginning of spring you're not alone. This time of year,
commonly referred to as "break-up," owes its bad
reputation to mushy, posthole-to-your-knees, rotten snow
and sock-soaking wet and muddy conditions. Fortunately,
getting fresh air and exercise during spring break-up
April 2010
doesn't have to involve messy forays through slop.

I live in the valley and usually pursue other outdoor
activities. I seek out snow-free environments for hiking
such as sunny south-facing slopes and windswept hills.

Low elevation forests can be great places to tromp around
with little or no snow. Hiking cross country through the
woods, rather than on established trails, makes it easier to

avoid mud.

Spring is the time of year I'm looking for recently shed
deer antlers, and the best places to look for them are off-
trail. "Horn hunting" is a fun activity and reminder that
exercising doesn't have to be boring. Hiking up and down

ridges gets you in shape.
On days when I'm in town for business I often take
advantage of local trails and parks before heading home.
They're a great change of scenery from many of my usual

Take Control
haunts and spring seems to arrive even sooner in some of
these places. A significant part of my outside time is to

connect with the natural environment.

Spring outings don't just work your muscles and prepare

you for an active summer. They also offer opportunities to
reawaken your senses. Take notice of the earthy smell of

plowed fields or first hint of pine scents. Listen to the
Take Control will be
songs of birds. Watch for the leafing out of trees and
attending the UM-
shrubs, and the first flowers to bloom. Awareness of the
Missoula WellCheck on
seasonal changes taking place is a great exercise for
April 20 and 21. During
improving your power of observation. What you see along
this time we will be
the way can turn a routine walk into an extraordinary
available to do A1C
checks and answer
your diabetes related
As the days get longer I like to walk before breakfast or
questions. We hope to
after dinner. Walking or biking the roads close to home
see you there!
provides some of the easiest options for a workout. And
don't let a little rain or drizzle keep you from going. Wear
a raincoat. If you suspect it might be muddy, put on

gaiters to keep the bottom of your pants clean and dry. A
walk in the rain is exhilarating if you're dressed for it.
Wearing the right clothes for the conditions provides the

key to enjoying outdoor time.
All conference calls
So, no more excuses. Go out. When summer finally arrives
you'll be glad you started breaking in during break-up.
- Written by: Ellen Horowitz, freelance writer for the
Conference ID
Healthy MT magazine.
We want to know what creative activities you enjoy
Try This!
during the sprinto email us your responses
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Story of the
April 28 (Wednesday) 5:30pm
May 5 (Tuesday) Noon
program participant is chosen by our team that Please PRE-REGISTER for all classes to ensure you receive handouts by calling 800-746-2970 or Dona M. She has shown tremendous strength in overcoming the death of her husband, and has "I'm getting better and better at counting carbs and reading food labels but how can a person count carbs for a meal eaten in a restaurant? So far it's been nothing but a poor guess. " While carbohydrate counting can be a useful tool in controlling blood glucose and dosing insulin, it can be frustrating to correctly count carbohydrates while eating out. When eating out try to portion your food into standard portions to determine the total carbohydrate content. For instance a meal at Chili's Restaurant including a classic sirloin steak, French Fries (4oz), and a house side salad could be counted as follows: Steak 0 grams, fries 47 grams, and salad 12 grams for at total of 59 grams. There are several references that may help as well. Many restaurants now have web sites which include nutrition information. Visit the site prior to eating out and jot down the carbohydrate counts of a few of your favorite dishes. Books can also help determine the carbohydrates as well. My favorites are The Diabetes Carbohydrate and Fat Gram Guide by Lea Ann Holzmeister, happy and spend time doing it every day." RD, CDE and The Calorie King: Calorie, Fat, and Carbohydrate Counter. Both of these references contain a Do you have a question you'd like answered?us your nutrition, medication, fitness, or diabetes related questions. We'll answer your question and post it in our next newsletter. Don't let an unanswered question stand in the way of your Avandia and Risk of Heart Attack
what to do, please consult your health care Information for Patients
If you or a loved one has diabetes and uses a medication Important
called Avandia (rosiglitazone), you have probably heard about several studies that question its safety. Some of these studies Reminder
suggest that Avandia increases the risk of heart attacks, but About the At-
they don't prove it. Most experts recommended not jumping to conclusions based on this initial research. But now concern is increasing. Additional evidence is coming to light. It still does not prove there is a problem but it suggests that there might be. The American Diabetes Association strongly encourages patients taking Avandia to consult their healthcare provider to reevaluate whether the benefit of the drug is worth the 0.5% off the reported result. For example if Below are answers to common questions that will
help you discuss this with your doctor.
home kit is 8.0% it would correct to 7.5% What is Avandia?
Avandia (rosiglitazone) is a medicine used to treat people with type 2 diabetes. It helps the body use its own natural insulin better, which lowers blood sugar. Avandia can be used alone, or with other medicines to treat diabetes. Rosiglitazone, the drug in Avandia, is also in Avandaryl and Avandamet. A1C test, results tend to be 0.5% higher Does Avandia really increase my chances of having a heart
Counting Made
Some studies hint that there might be an increased risk, but they don't prove it. The FDA is gathering additional Should I stop taking Avandia?
No, not without discussing it with your healthcare provider first. However, the American Diabetes Association strongly encourages patients taking Avandia to consult their healthcare provider to decide if the benefits of the drug outweigh the Are there other options for me?
Yes. There is a medicine that is similar to Avandia called Actos (pioglitazone). Plus there are many other diabetes medicines. Be sure to follow your diet and exercise instructions too. What should I watch for if I'm taking Avandia?
Avandia and Actos both can worsen symptoms of heart failure. If you are taking either of these medicines and have swelling (fluid retention), breathing trouble, or sudden weight gain, contact your healthcare provider immediately. Avandia and Actos can very rarely cause other problems. If you are taking either of these medicines and have unexplained nausea and vomiting, stomach pain, tiredness, appetite loss, or if you notice that your skin or eyes look yellow, contact your healthcare provider. Also make sure your pharmacist and your prescriber know about any natural supplements, energy drinks, over-the-counter drugs, or any other remedies you may be taking. These can sometimes affect your blood sugar. You are encouraged to discuss any of your medications with
your pharmacist.

1. Avandia and cardiovascular safety: ongoing review. Pharmacist's Letter/Prescriber's
Letter 2010;26(3):260314.

Source: http://wellness.mus.edu/disease%20management%20files%20from%20CHOICES%20site/documents/Take%20Control%20newsletters/TC/April2010_TakeControlNewletter.pdf

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