Thomson Reuters Company in Context ReportUpdated January 4, 2011
The Gradient Opinion, provided by Gradient Analytics
Inc, is an empirically-derived and historically back-tested
stock rating system with buy, sell, and hold opinions. To
develop a rating the quantitative system analyzes a firm’s
earnings quality, balance sheet, and income statement,
conducts technical and valuation analysis and evaluates
the transactions made by the company’s managementand directors (i.e. insiders).
Gradient Analytics, Inc is a private independent research
firm specializing in engineering institutional stock ratingsystems.
First Call Mean (FC) is the mean recommendation of allanalysts covering the stock. Independent Mean (IM) is themean recommendation of only independent analysts, whichincludes quantitative firms that are not included in the FCmean. Key Information 1-Year Price Chart 5-Year Price Chart Business Description
InterDigital, Inc. (InterDigital) designs and develops advanced digital wireless
technologies for use in digital cellular and wireless IEEE 802-related products and
networks. The Company is developing technologies that may be utilized to extend
the life of the current generation of products, may be applicable to multiple
generational standards, such as third generation (3G), long term evolution (LTE),
and LTE-Advanced (LTE-A) cellular standards, as well as Institute of Electrical
and Electronic Engineers (IEEE) 802 wireless standards. InterDigital offers
licenses to its patents to equipment producers that manufacture, use and sell
digital cellular and IEEE 802-related products. In addition, it offers for license orsale its mobile broadband modem solutions (modem Internet protocol (IP), know-how, and reference platforms) to mobile device manufacturers, semiconductorcompanies, and other equipment producers that manufacture, use and sell digitalcellular products. Please refer to the last page for important disclaimer and certification information
2011 Thomson Reuters. All rights reserved.
Thomson Reuters Company in Context ReportUpdated January 4, 2011 for IDCC
Peer Analysis Peer Group Earnings Highlights
- IDCC's current quarter consensus estimate has increased over the
past 90 days from 0.74 to 0.79, a rise of 7.6%. Consensus
estimates for the Semiconductors Subsector have moved an
average 0.0% during the same time period.
- Over the past 90 days, the consensus price target for IDCC has
increased notably from 33.50 to 41.30, a gain of 23.3%.
- There have been no upward or downward broker recommendation
changes for INTERDIGITAL INC PA over the past 120 days. Analyst Recommendations Price Target
The chart below indicates where analysts predict the stockprice will be within the next 12 months, as compared to the
current price. The high, low, and mean price targets arepresented.
Analysts typically rate a stock based on a five-tier scale ranging
from 'Strong Buy' to 'Sell'. The chart below displays the number
Mean Estimate Trend
2011 Thomson Reuters. All rights reserved.
Thomson Reuters Company in Context ReportUpdated January 4, 2011 for IDCC
Earnings Per Share Earnings per share (EPS) is calculated by dividing a company's earnings
a sign of weakness. The charts below provide a comparison between
by the number of shares outstanding. Analysts tend to interpret a pattern
a company's actual and estimated EPS, including the high and low
of increasing earnings as a sign of strength and flat or falling earnings as
Earnings Surprise Investors frequently compare a company's actual earnings
The difference between the two is referred to as a "positive" or "negative" surprise.
to the mean expectation of professional analysts.
Academic research has shown that when a company reports a surprise, it is often followedby more of the same surprise type. Annual Revenue A pattern of increasing sales in conjunction with a rising EPS may influence a buy
recommendation, while flat or falling sales
and faltering earnings may explain a sell
recommendation. A rising EPS with flat or
falling sales may result from increased cost
efficiency and margins, rather than market
forecast trend of all analysts and the highest 360M
and lowest projections for the current andnext fiscal year. Fundamental Highlights -
INTERDIGITAL INC PA's days sales in receivables of 151.4 is
- INTERDIGITAL INC PA's net margin (trailing 4 quarters) of 38.6% is
substantially longer than the Semiconductors Subsector average of
substantially above the Semiconductors Subsector average of 9.1%.
INTERDIGITAL INC PA's debt-to-capital of 0.3% is substantiallyabove the Semiconductors Subsector average of 0.1%.
2011 Thomson Reuters. All rights reserved.
Thomson Reuters Company in Context ReportUpdated January 4, 2011 for IDCC
Fundamental Metrics Profitability Dividend Revenue Growth Current Ratio Div. Growth Rate Gross Margin Debt-to-Capital Dividend Funding Return on Equity Interest Funding Dividend Coverage Net Margin Interest Coverage Current Div. Yield
The time period stated applies to the company-level data only. The Sector Average is a simple average of the most recent data from companies whosebusinesses most closely match each other. Risk Highlights -
On days when the market is up, IDCC shares tends to outperform
- In the short term, IDCC has shown high correlation (>0.4) with the
the S&P 500 index. However, on days when the market is down, the
S&P 500 index. The stock has, however, shown low correlation (>=-
shares generally decrease by more than the S&P 500 index.
0.1 and 0.2) with the market in the long term.
Over the last 90 days, IDCC's Standard Deviation has been 2.2 whilethat of the S&P 500 index has been 1.7. Risk Metrics Standard Deviation Beta vs. S&P Correlation vs. S&P Intra-Day Swing Beta vs. Sector Correlation vs. Sector Price Analysis: Risk and Reward Price Performance Daily closing pricing data is used to calculate the price performance of a
stock over five periods. The performance of the S&P 500 is also
On 01/03/11, IDCC closed at 42.55, 1.8% below its 52-week high
IDCC shares are currently trading 16.2% above their 50-day moving
average of 36.62, and 44.6% above their 200-day moving average
The S&P 500 is currently trading at its 52-week high of 1272.
2011 Thomson Reuters. All rights reserved.
Thomson Reuters Company in Context ReportUpdated January 4, 2011 for IDCC
Valuation Multiples Trailing PE Forward PE Forward PEG
Trailing P/E is calculated using the most recent
Forward P/E is calculated using the most recent
Forward PEG is calculated by dividing the
closing price (updated weekly) divided by the
closing price (updated weekly) divided by the
sum of the four most recently reported quarterly
sum of the four upcoming quarterly consensus
Insider Purchases and Sells
(Most recent transactions within the past 90 days)
Seasonal Sells - Quarterly & Yearly Seasonal Buys - Quarterly & Yearly
Time-series data for each quarter over the past three years allows you
Time-series data for each quarter over the past three years allows you
to easily analyze the longer-term trend in open-market insider selling.
to easily analyze the longer-term trend in open-market insider buying. Institutional Holders Top Executive Holders
The top five institutional holders are presented based on the total
The top five insider holders are presented based on the total number of
direct holdings. Indirect holdings are excluded. *Please see last pagefor role code legend.
2011 Thomson Reuters. All rights reserved.
Thomson Reuters Company in Context ReportUpdated January 4, 2011 for IDCC
Distribution of Investment Ratings Investment Methodology
As of 12/31/2010, Gradient Analytics covered 4360
Gradient Analytics, Inc (Gradient) is a private firm
companies, with 21.0% rated Buy, 65.5% rated Hold, and
specializing in engineering stock rating systems and in
13.5% rated Sell. Gradient Analytics does not engage in
providing independent specialized research to
institutional clients. Gradient's exhaustive list of ratingsinclude MSN/CNBC Money's StockScouter, and
numerous institutional stock rating systems. Gradient
All information in this report is assumed to be accurate to
also provides proprietary ratings of earnings quality,
the best of our ability. Past performance is not a
fundamental and valuation elements directly to
guarantee of future results. The information contained in
institutional clients. Gradient was founded in 1996 by
this report is not to be construed as advice and should
two former tenured professors, Dr. Carr Bettis and Dr.
not be confused as any sort of advice. Thomson
Donn Vickrey. Today the team consists of more than 30
Reuters, its employees, officers or affiliates, in some
financial engineers, research and business analysts and
instances, have long or short positions or holdings in the
securities or other related investments of companiesmentioned herein. Investors should consider this report
The Gradient Opinion is an empirically-derived and
as only a single factor in making their investment
historically backtested stock rating system with buy, sell
and hold opinions. To develop a rating, the quantitativesystem analyzes a firm's earnings quality, balance sheet,
Role Legend
and income statement, conducts technical and valuationanalysis, and evaluates the transactions made by the
company's management and directors (i.e. insiders).
2011 Thomson Reuters. All rights reserved.
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