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Use of recyclable packing materials

USE OF RECYCLABLE PACKING MATERIALS MOCHIZUKI Masahiko*1 WADA Yasushi*2 KAKU Kunio*3 TOSHIMA Takeaki*1 Environmentally improved packaging can increase customer satisfaction significantly. We have been striving to develop creative packaging and distribution methods that safeguard product quality while reducing the impact on the environment. We replaced approximately 50% (in gross weigh

Microsoft word - yerba mate – healthy energy beverage07-11.doc

Yerba Mate – Healthy Energy Beverage 100% Organic Energy Fueled by Vitamins and Nutrients – Higher Antioxidant Levels than even Green Tea Yerba Mate Defined. Yerba Mate (Ilex paraguariensis) is a small tree native to the subtropical Atlantic forests of Brazil, Paraguay, and Argentina. This evergreen member of the holly family was introduced to modern civilizations by the indigenous

Microsoft word - nomanzland.knowntopolice.release.doc

Allen MacInnis Hugh Neilson FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: May 8 to June 17 MEDIA CONTACT: Sandi Flores-Holz | 416.565.4548 | sandi@duranleau.com YPT PRESENTS POWERFUL NEW PLAY BY NOMANZLAND: KNOWN TO POLICE Young People’s Theatre (YPT) is proud to present a powerful new play by Nomanzland : KNOWN TO POLICE , developed in partnership with YPT and presented on t


Q U I N T E S S E N C E I N T E R N AT I O N A L Needle-less local anesthesia: Clinical evaluation of the effectiveness of the jet anesthesia Injex in local anesthesia in dentistry Nikolaos N. Dabarakis, DDS, PhD1/Veis Alexander, DDS, PhD1/Anastasios T. Tsirlis, DDS, PhD2/Nikolaos A. Parissis, DDS, PhD2/ Objectives: To clinically evaluate the jet injection Injex (Rösch AG Medizintechnik) us


scored and the calculated dosage should beprovided to the nearest half tablet increment. Vetmedin® Contraindications: Vetmedin should not be given in cases of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, aorticstenosis, or any other clinical condition where an Caution: Federal law restricts this drug to use by augmentation of cardiac output is inappropriateor on the order of a licensed veterinarian.

Hypothyroidism & synthroid

What Every Hypothyroid Patient Should Know about Synthroid Written & Researched by Ronald J. GrisantiSynthroid, a brand of thyroid hormone, is the third most prescribed drug in the United States. Back in the 1980's, Synthroid was the only brand of thyroid hormone that mainstream physicians would prescribe. Most physicians refused to prescribe other brands of thyroid medication. This


Film Lions Shortlist - Cannes Lions 2013 Entry No Title Entrant Company Production Company A01 (Savoury Foods) BARTON F. GRAF 9000 New York @radical.media New YorkBARTON F. GRAF 9000 New York @radical.media New YorkBARTON F. GRAF 9000 New York @radical.media New YorkTRY/APT ADVERTISING AGENCY BACON OSL OsloHUNGRY MAN New York / CUT + RUN Santa Monica / JSM MUSIC New YorkANIMATI


Traveller’s Diarrhea This fact sheet provides basic information only. It must not take the place of medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always talk to a healthcare professional about any health concerns you have, and before you make any changes to your diet, lifestyle or treatment. What is traveller's diarrhea? Traveller's diarrhea is frequent, loose, or watery bowel movements resulti


Yorkshire and Humber Children’s and Young People’s Cancer Network Guidelines for Suspected Spinal Cord Compression in Children and Young People <18yr old *** VALID ON DATE OF PRINTING ONLY - all guidelines available at http://www.ycn.nhs.uk/ *** i Document Control Suspected Spinal Cord Compression in Children and Young People <18y Author(s) Version Contro

2009 membership current

YOGA ASSOCIATION OF ALBERTA TEACHER DIRECTORY 11759 GROAT ROAD, EDMONTON, ALBERTA T5M 3K6 (780) 427-8776; www.yoga.ca; yaa@yoga.ca Last Name First Name Directory (For abbreviations see www.yoga.ca/directory.htm) Loca- tion Prof. Yoga Therapist, 200 hr. IYT Teacher Trainer, THRIVE! NaturallyYAA. Prenatal w/ emphasis pelvic floor awareness, strengthening,YAA. 23 yrs of practice. Cur

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