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- 1 - ====================================================== F.I.D.A.L. F.P.C.M. 20. Berglauf Terlan - Mölten Terlan - Mölten / Terlano - Meltina 17.05.2009 ====================================================== Platz |St.Nr|Name |Verein |Kat|Jahr|Pkt.|Zeit |Abstand ---------|-----|--------------------------|---------------------|---|----|----|-----------|------------ 1. 78 Zeiler Timo Deutsc

Microsoft word - comparatif listes 2004-2005.doc

COMPARATIF DES LISTES 2004 et 2005 DE SUBSTANCES ET PROCEDES INTERDITS LISTE 2004 MODIFICATIONS CONTENUES DANS LA LISTE 2005 (Arrêté du 20 avril 2004 modifié par l’arrêté du 16 août 2004) Classes des substances interdites en compétition Substances S1. Stimulants La classe S1 a comprend les substances interdites suivantes, ainsi que leurs interdites Adra

Microsoft word - 07 - fever.docx

7) Fever– A Clinical Approach - Dr. Sabir Definition • An oral temperature exceeding 37.2°C in the early morning and 37.7°C in the late afternoon or evening (Rectal temperatures are higher by approximately 0.6°C ) Diurnal variation • The mean diurnal temperature oscillation is approximately 0.5°C, with women generally having slightly higher normal temperatures than men. Te

3 endlich gewissheit - terugbetaling de_def

Aktuelle Rückerstattungsbedingungen für Arzneimittel zur Behandlung der Alzheimer-Krankheit Ein Mensch, der an der Alzheimer-Krankheit leidet, kann für die Rückerstattung spezifischer Arzneimittel („Cholinesterase-Hemmer“ oder „NMDA- Rezeptorantagonist“) in Frage kommen. Die verfügbaren „Cholinesterase-Hemmer“ in Belgien sind: Donepezil, Galantamin und Rivastigmin. Diese 3 Medikam


concessi, / e anche di timore, / ed egli mi buoi fece cuocere la carne e la diede al popo- Comunità pastorale S. Martino e SS. Nome di Maria in Milano temette ed ebbe riverenza del mio nome. / lo, perché la mangiasse. Quindi si alzò e se- Un insegnamento veritiero era sulla sua boc- guì Elia, entrando al suo servizio. Attendiamo Gesù ascoltando i profeti ca /


EL MOZO DONOSO Universidad Nacional de La Plata (Argentina) En las últimas décadas del siglo XX han aparecido investigaciones cada vez más sutiles acerca de la sexualidad intermasculina e interfemenina. Estos nuevos enfoques se empeñaron en poner de relieve que la denominación de homosexualidad arrastraba consigo el estigma del discurso higienista del siglo anterior. Efectivamente, es

1 ibs

BIBLE TEXT OBSERVATIONS INTERPRETATION APPLICATION New International Version & QUESTIONS What does the text mean to al Christians? First IBS Division: Genesis 1:1-25 The Beginning 1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. 2 Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over 3 And

Llanedeyrn primary school

Llanedeyrn Primary School ‘Together we can all succeed’ Policy for assemblies (collective worship) Some thoughts on assemblies from the children: We enjoy good stories in assemblies. We enjoy taking part in assemblies rather than just sitting. We enjoy class assemblies. We enjoy assemblies with a good Powerpoint to illustrate the main points. We enjoy special visitors

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Protezione contro le cadute dall’alto N O R M A I T A L I A N A Dispositivi di ancoraggio UNI EN 795 Requisiti e prove Protection against falls from a heightAnchor devicesRequirements and testing DESCRITTORI Dispositivo di protezione individuale, prevenzione degli infortuni, prote-zione contro le cadute, altezza, dispositivo di sicurezza, ancoraggio, spe-cifica, classificazione

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LubriTec Synthetic Lubricant Cross Reference Chart Series (Saudi Arabia) Allegheny Petroleum Altra SHL Motor Oil American Hi-Tech Super Life 9000 Premium XLM (5W-20), XLF (5W-30), XLT (10W-30), XLO (10W-40) API SM/CF, ACEA A1/B1 Auto-Sense (Canada) Prolube 100% Synthetic Caltex (Singapore) Havoline Fully Synthetic Carl Bechem (Germ.) Staroil Synergie Alpha 0W-30, 5W-20, 5W-30, 10W-30, 5W

Outline of options paper on action on smoking

SMOKING REDUCTION AND CESSATION IN THE BOROUGH Introduction Smoking is one of the major preventable causes of illness and death. At the Borough Partnership in June 2004, the Council was asked to prepare a paper to explore what more could be done locally. This paper examines the national and regional background in which smoking policiesare being developed. It describes the national, regiona

The role of topical antibiotic prophylaxis to prevent endophthalmitis after intravitreal injection

The Role of Topical Antibiotic Prophylaxis toPrevent Endophthalmitis after IntravitrealInjectionPhilip Storey, MD, Michael Dollin, John Pitcher, MD,Sahitya Reddy, Joseph Vojtko, James Vander, MD,Jason Hsu, Sunir J. Garg, MD,the Post-Injection Endophthalmitis Study TeamTo compare the incidence of endophthalmitis after intravitreal injection with and without topicalpostinjection antibiotic prophy


Salmeterol Xinafoate INKE, S.A. Salmeterol Xinafoate Salmeterol Xinafoate (INKE S.A.) EXECUTIVE SUMMARY GENERAL MARKET DATA !Product Data!Patent Situation World wide!Market Analysis SPECIFIC DATA – Salmeterol Xinafoate (INKE S.A.) !Chemical Description!Standard of Quality!Chemical Development Plan Salmeterol Xinafoate Executive Summary Salmete

Microsoft word - r1142819

Material Safety Data Sheet 1. PRODUCT AND COMPANY IDENTIFICATION : Tetracycline hydrochloride Sigma-Aldrich 3050 Spruce Street SAINT LOUIS MO 63103 USA 2. COMPOSITION/INFORMATION ON INGREDIENTS Tetracycline hydrochloride 64-75-5 200-593-8 3. HAZARDS IDENTIFICATION Emergency Overview OSHA Hazards Target Organs HMIS Classification Health Hazard : 2 Chron

Microsoft word - knowl_clrvitarx

ClerVitaRx® Acne Cream Patient and Healthcare Professional Information Please read this entire leaflet before using this medication. If you require any further information, please ask your doctor or pharmacist. This medication has been prescribed specifically for you. Do not give this medication to anyone else as it may not be appropriate for him/her even if he/she shows the sam

Microsoft word - managing_a_miscarriage_2nd_edition

Maternity Managing A Miscarriage This leaflet is available in other languages and formats, please contact the Patient Quality team on 0151 702 4160 This is a brief outline of the problem and is not intended to replace discussion withmedical or nursing staff. Managing a miscarriage Experiencing a miscarriage is very distressing and may have a great impact on you,your partner a

(microsoft word - equateur-conf\351rence_espagnol_ah_12.2005.doc)

En los países europeos el laicismo a contribuído ampliamente al proceso de Iniciaré mi intervencion diseñando brevemente algunos retratos de mujeres que marcaron la historia europea. Luego abordaré los derechos y las políticas de igualdad de oportunidades que han permitido el acceso a la emancipación (derechos civiles, políticos, sexuales y reproductivos). Para terminar, abordaré la

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A Kartográfiai Szakosztály 2012. évi munkájáról (Szakosztályelnöki beszámoló) A vezetésről Szakosztályunk ebben az esztendőben is a 2011. május 26-án újraválasztott régi elnök, Márton Mátyás és az újonnan megválasztott titkár, Gede Mátyás vezetésével működött. A működésről Szakmai előadásainkra nemcsak a Geodézia és Kartográfián, illetve az MFTTT hon-l


DEW scripts The scripts Ageism , Disability , and Sexual Orientation are the newest, commissioned for DEW in 2009. The remaining 13 scripts are from the previous EIWP project, with the titles and straplines of the DEW project. The scripts were written by Adam Duncan, commissioned by Language Training London on behalf of the DEW Project. © DEW Project 2010 AGEISM I don’t know w


Guías de diagnóstico y tratamiento en gastroenterología Guías clínicas de diagnóstico y tratamiento de la enfermedad diverticular del colon. Tratamiento Coordinador: Dr. Luis Charúa Guindic Participantes: Dr. David Mazza Olmos, Dr. David Orduña Téllez, Dr. Héctor Orozco Zepeda, Dr. Luis Fernando Peniche Gallareta, Dr. Gerardo Reed San Román, Dr. Federico Roesc

Drugs for alzheimer's disease2.doc

Drugs for Alzheimer’s disease How and where can you get the drugs? The drugs that are currently available are not a cure and do not stop the The drugs are available on NHS prescription from progression of the disease. They may, however, temporarily ease some approved hospital specialists according to strict of the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease in some people. criteria. Treatme


Determination of Acetic Acid in Vinegar using a pH Electrode Introduction What is vinegar? Vinegar principally consists of acetic acid and water. Because of its chemical properties, vinegar can be used in a variety of ways: as a cleanser, salad dressing, disinfectant, preservative, or cooking ingredient. As such, it is a very common household item. Vinegar is produced from fermentation of


The 411 on Antibiotic-Associated Diarrhea and Kefir What is Antibiotic-Associated Diarrhea? Physicians often turn to antibiotics as their first line of defense when a patient is sick with a bacterial infection. But in the process of wiping out the bad bugs that are causing our aches and pains, these prescription medications can upset the balance of good and bad bacteria in your gastroi


Lightbox Creative Software Via Laurentina 569 00143 Roma Per contatti: Davide Favaro - Pietro Conti Tel. 06 54 210 217 info@lightbox.it Lo studio Lightbox , dal 1996, si occupa dell’ideazione e della realizzazione di produzioni Lightbox offre servizi di consulenza per: • sviluppo software (ADOBE FLASH – DIRECTOR) • grafica pittorica e illustrazione digitale., •

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pickled quail eggs, cherry tomatoes and yougurt dressing with seasonal vegetables, balsamic dressing fresh mozzarella with roasted zucchini, eggplant and basil pesto with classic Caesar dressing, croutons, parmesan cheese and baked bacon fresh and roasted vegetables with white cheese with arugula,almond –crusted baked goat cheese,raspberries, pear and truffle dressing fried with

Microsoft powerpoint - immunprophylaxe,diagnostik und therapie bei hepatitis b und c

Immunprophylaxe,Diagnostik und Therapie bei Hepatitis B und C Serologische Verläufe der Hepatitis-B InfektionErstmals aufgetretene Leberentzündung durch Infektion mit Hepatitis-B-Virus(HBV)Leberentzündung durch Infektion mit HBV (Persistenz von HBsAg) und dem biochemischen Nachweis einer Leber-zellschädigung > 6 Monate• Kein Hinweis auf eine Hep. B-Inf. •5 – 10% bleiben HB


WOOLMARK SPECIFICATION All rights reserved. This work is copyright. Except as permitted under the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth), no part of this publication may be reproduced by any process, electronic or otherwise, without the specific written permission of the copyright owner. Neither may information be stored electronically in any form whatsoever without such permission. SPECIFICATION CP-4:

Pb sotto il cielo di roma

RaiFiction - LuxVide - Eos Entertainment Tellux - Bayerischer Rundfunk - Rai Trade in onda il 31 ottobre e 1 novembre su Rai Uno Sotto il cielo di Roma affronta in modo piuttosto diretto un argomento, ed un personaggio, che hanno trovato larga eco nella pubblicistica degli ultimi tempi. Pio XII, la sua figura pastorale di Papa e di vescovo di Roma, sono esaminati nel periodo dell’occupazio


KEMENTERIAN PENDIDIKAN DAN KEBUDAYAAN UNIVERSITAS JENDERAL SOEDIRMAN LEMBAGA PENELITIAN DAN PENGABDIAN KEPADA MASYARAKAT Kampus Grendeng II Jl. Dr. Suparno Karangwangkal Purwokerto 53122 Telpon/Fax (0281) 625739 Website : lppm.unsoed.ac.id dan email : lppm_unsoed@yahoo.co.id : Hasil Seleksi Tahap I ( Desk Evaluation) Penelitian BLU Unsoed Tahun 2014 Diberitahukan dengan hormat bah


Ronald L.M. Goldman, Esq. Karen Barth Menzies, Esq. Baum Hedlund, A Professional Corporation12100 Wilshire Blvd., Suite 950Los Angeles, California 90025Telephone: 310.207.3233Facsimile: 310.207.4204Cara J. Luther, Esq. cluther@baumhedlundlaw.comAttorney ID # 52545Baum Hedlund, A Professional Corporation1500 Market Street, 12th Floor, East TowerPhiladelphia, Pennsylvania 19102Attorneys for Plaint

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------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Slimming and Tissue Strengthening: Soy Isoflavone for a Perfect Body Dr. Daniel Schmid, Esther Belser, Sandra Meister ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Abstract An ingredient comprising the soy isoflavone g

Microsoft word - first aid.doc

HEALTH PROBLEMS IN HIGH ALTITUDE -Dr. Tashi Thinles Moon Land Ladakh is located at the altitudes ranging from 9,000 to15,000 feet above sea level. Traveling to this altitude in a short time can lead to acute health problems. Acute mountain sickness is commonly manifested as headache and vomiting. Other symptoms include breathlessness, sleeplessness and cough. Sudden induction to such high altitu


South China(Foshan) April 21 RMB/T,1ton≈2204.62lbs -2800 copper cathode(domestic standard) 38100-38300 -2800 oxygen free rod 8mm -2800 low-oxygen copper rod 8mm -2800 copper wire (1.13-2.52mm) -2800 copper wire2.6mm -2800 H65copper strap(0.3-0.8mm,y2) -2700 H62copper strap(0.18-0.25mm.y.y2) -2800 rod brass(14mm-120mm) -2800 clean copper clippings -2800 high grad

Innovator duty of care in the pharmaceutical industry

Innovator duty of care in the pharmaceutical industryDoes the inventor or “innovator” of a brand-name drug have a duty of care to the consumers of that drug’s generic equivalent manufactured by a competitor? The Ontario Superior Court of Justice considered this question in the recent case of Goodridge v Pfizer Canada1 and determined that, for now, no such duty exists. In that decision, th

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Bayer CropScience SAFETY DATA SHEET according to EC Directive 2001/58/EC PROPINEB WP 70R W U-WW 1. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/PREPARATION AND THE COMPANY/UNDERTAKING Product information Alfred-Nobel-Straße 50 40789 Monheim Germany Telephone +49(0)69-305-5748 Telefax +49(0)69-305-80950 Responsible Department Material and Transport Safety Management +49(0)69-305-82369/125


gente Editora ANDREA MARTINS amartins@grupomm.com.br rização do feminino ou do masculino e perpetuar preconceitos. Há um tempo, tinha uma campanha, não me lembro a marca, que a mulher fazia o gesto de pe-queninho que remetia ao tamanho do pênis. Estamos falando de um dos prin-cipais tabus do brasileiro, algo que gera problemas sexuais. O homem, em geral, tem a preocupação se o p

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The ‘Morning-After Pill’, Rape Victims and Ethical and Religious Directives for Catholic Health Care Services Anthony McCarthy “ A female who has been raped should be able to defend herself against a potential conception from the sexual assault. If after appropriate testing, there is no evidence that conception treated with medications that would preven

Microsoft word - mpt-1_franklin_v_mclain_item.doc

Read the instructions on the back cover. Do not break the seal until you are told to do so. Copyright © 2010 by the National Conference of Bar Examiners. State of Franklin v. McLain Motion to Suppress Evidence and to Dismiss Count Two .3 Defendant’s exhibit: Transcript of call to CrimeStoppers Hotline .4 Excerpts from the Franklin Criminal Code.11 State v. Montel , Franklin

Rituais do discurso crítico: betriz sarlo e diamela eltit

Rituais do discurso crítico: Beatriz Sarlo e Diamela Eltit Este ensaio busca descrever, de modo contrastivo, algunsprocedimentos que caracterizam o ritualismo textual dos discursos crítico eliterário. Tomando como corpus de análise alguns textos das obras Instantáneas , de Beatriz Sarlo, e Emergencias , de Diamela Eltit, pretendetambém apontar riscos e perspectivas de uma crítica

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Polypharmazie im Alter – Update vom 16.6.09 (JH) 1. Allgemeines Ein Grossteil der Interaktionen beruht auf Cytochrom P450-Interaktionen. Von seinen Isoenzymen ist CYP3A4 das wichtigste. CYP2D6 spielt für den Abbau von Psychopharmaka eine wichtige Rolle. Beim Arzneimittelmetabolismus spielt auch das P-Glykoprotein eine Rolle (Multidrug Resistance Gene Product 1 oder MDR1). MDR1 ist ein Au

Microsoft word - terms-pdf-word-doc.docx

By entering this promotion, entrants agree to the following terms and conditions: 1. STANDARD TERMS 1.1 Information on how to enter forms part of the terms of entry. Any entry that does not comply with these 2. WHO CAN ENTER 2.1 Subject to clause 2.2, the Promotion is open to all residents of Australia and New Zealand. 2.2 Employees and their immediate families of the Promoter an


Levitra 5 mg/10 mg/20 mg comprimidos recubiertos con película . COMPOSICIÓN CUALITATIVA Y CUANTITATIVA: CYP3A4, como por ejemplo, eritromicina o claritromicina, puede ser necesario un ajuste de la dosis de vardenafilo. La Cada comprimido contiene 5/10/20 mg de vardenafilo (como hidrocloruro). FORMA FARMACÉUTICA: Comprimido cimetidina (400 mg dos veces al día), un inhibidor inespecíf


EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGIST, 45 (1), 15–27, 2010Copyright C Division 15, American Psychological AssociationISSN: 0046-1520 print / 1532-6985 onlineDOI: 10.1080/00461520903433539Cognitive–Situative Divide and CombiningIn this article we propose that in order to advance our understanding of motivation in collab-orative learning we should move beyond the cognitive–situative epistemological di

Consent to electronic delivery of documents

CONSENT TO ELECTRONIC DELIVERY OF DOCUMENTS Lek Securities Corporation (“LSC”) is an electronic-based broker-dealer providing self-directed brokerage services. By agreeing to electronic delivery the undersigned (“Customer”) is giving its informed consent to electronic delivery of all Account Communications (as defined below), other than those Customer has specifically requested b

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DABUR INDIA LIMITED RESEARCH EQUITY RESEARCH August 10, 2009 RESULTS REVIEW Dabur India Limited Share Data Dismal monsoon to play spoilsport in near-term For Q1’10, Dabur India Ltd (Dabur) posted a healthy top-line growth of 23% yoy to Rs. 7.4 bn led by robust 16% yoy growth in volumes across its key categories. EBITDA grew by 30.3% yoy to Rs. 1.3 bn and mar

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Fact Sheet Spam emails July 2007 Why’s it called “Spam”? A famous Monty Python sketch revolved this opportunity to use this easy and inexpensive around a restaurant, which specialised in channel to sell their wares to millions of potential dishes with the meat product, “Spam”. A group of Vikings sat in the corner were 2. Everyday examples of spam

Free or reduced cost smoking cessation medication

Health Care Provider Guide To Free Or Reduced Cost Smoking Cessation Medication For Michigan Residents If your clients are having a hard time paying for medications that can help them quit smoking, there are programs that may be able to help. Michigan Tobacco Quitline April 2009: Due to unprecedented call volume, the quitline is currently only available to those in certain Med


First Time Generic (Rx-to-OTC) Market Entry Estimated Dates As of July 2011 Note: Estimated dates are subject to change due to patent litigation, additional patents, exclusivities… Year -- Period -- Brand Name -- Generic name -- Common use(s)  2012 1Q (Mar) Avandaryl® glimepiride/rosiglitazone Type 2 diabetes  2012 1Q (Mar) Avapro® irbesartan High blood pres

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Artenlisten Pflanzen Familien, Reihenfolge und Namen meist nach Flora Helvetica (4. Auflage) a adventiv (angesät, angepflanzt oder verwildert), f nur ältere Angaben bekannt (vor 1960), u unsichere Angabe (Einige unbestimmte Angaben könnten sich auf das benachbarte Toggenburg beziehen, nicht auf das Neckertal.) Selaginellaceae Selaginella selaginoides Ophioglossaceae Ophioglossu


Gebrauchsinformation: Information für Patienten Irbepress 150 mg-Filmtabletten Lesen Sie die gesamte Packungsbeilage sorgfältig durch, bevor Sie mit der Einnahme dieses Arzneimittels beginnen, denn sie enthält wichtige Informationen. - Heben Sie die Packungsbeilage auf. Vielleicht möchten Sie diese später nochmals lesen. Wenn Sie weitere Fragen haben, wenden Sie sich an I


Medications for the Treatment of Perinatal Mood Disorders • Principles of medication use for perinatal mood • Teratogenic concerns with psychiatric • Review of third trimester risks of psychiatric • Safety of psychiatric medications during lactation • Efficacy of medications for treatment of Medication Considerations in Pregnancy • Need to weigh risks and benefits caref

Acquired pelger–huët anomaly associated with ibuprofen therapy

Clinica Chimica Acta xxx (2009) xxx–xxxj o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w. e l s ev i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / c l i n c h i mAcquired Pelger–Huët anomaly associated with ibuprofen therapyand basophils carry chromatin hypercondensation The secondsuggests that pseudo PHA is not actually an abnormality in neutrophilmaturation but represents an apoptotic cell, since ultrastructurally

Having a colonoscopy

PATIENT INFORMATION – HAVING A GASTROSCOPY Patient’s name: ……………………………………………………………………………………………. Your appointment is at Royal Preston Hospital (01772 522032)/Chorley Hospital (01257) 245656 Endoscopy Unit on ……………………………………. at ………………………………………………. Ga


Judgment rendered February 13, 2014. Application for rehearing may be filedwithin the delay allowed by art. 2166,La. C.C.P. CONTRACTORS, INC. AND LUBA CASUALTY INSURANCE COMPANYOffice of Workers’ Compensation, District 1-WPatrick Fox Robinson, Workers’ Compensation JudgeBefore STEWART, DREW and GARRETT, JJ. DREW, J.: In this long-running dispute which has included a 2003 trial and thre


Cas cliniques de réanimation - Exercices de révisionsInfirmier en unité de réanimation médico-chirurgicale. Votre vacation est de 8H00 à20H00. Vous avez en charge un secteur de trois box mais seuls deux sontMonsieur PAPO, âgé de 70 ans, a été admis le 29 juin 2006 pour prise en chargepost-opératoire d’un pontage aorto-bifémoral (pour anévrysme de l’aorte abdominale). - Insuff

Current alzheimer's medications: effective treatment options, or expensive bottles of hope?

some people with early- to moderate-stage AD score may not beaccurately measureThe ADAS-Cog, according to 2 studies re-ported in 2012, is a test instrument “not subtle enough to properlytrack changes in the early stages of Alzheimer’s.A major studyconducted by Consumer Reports in 201concluded that thedifferences in scores on the ADAS-Cog for patients taking any of theFDA-approved medications


PSYCHOACTIVE DRUGS: Addiction: a physical or psychological Tolerance: it takes more than before to get Withdrawal: physical illness or discomfort Stimulants   A class of psychoactive drugs that arouse/excite CNS.   Increase heart rate, stamina, respiration, and blood Caffeine (coffee, soda…)   Suppresses adenosine (a depressant of the brain)   Increas

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Lampiran Surat No. 830 /D3/PL/2009 HIBAH KOMPETITIF PENELITIAN UNTUK PUBLIKASI INTERNASIONAL BATCH I TAHUN ANGGARAN 2009 2. The Views of Selected Respondents on EDENFT (English Dramathat is Expressed in Nusantara Folk)fabrication of hybrid polymer grattings containing organic dye lasers by interference and their lasing characteristicsAmplified Fragment Length Polymorphism-Based Genetic

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Laura Jean Healey +44 (0) 796 775 6621 Camera Assistant /Digital Technician laurajeanhealey@hotmail.co.uk London Based www.laurajeanhealey.co.uk FEATURE FILMS: All You Need Is Kill Phantom Assistant / Download Technician Phantom Gold Snow White & The Huntsman Arri 435 (35mm) World War Z Arri Alexa & Codex Onboard Arriraw Recorder Gravity A

Microsoft word - citing sources using ama manual of style 9th edition_rusty.doc

AMA Documentation Style Quick Reference This handout is designed to provide a quick reference to using the American Medical Association style for citing information sources. For a more detailed explanation of the American Medical Association style, see Chapter 2 of American Medical Association Manual of Style 9th Edition . A copy is also located in the UWC. Citing Print Sources Bo


Bedrijfsnaam Producten en omschrijving Specifieke ruimtebehoefte Zoete en hartige taart, sandwiches met lamsham. Alles huisgemaakt en tongstrelend Hoveniersbedrijf van der West & Moois uit ZwedenTuindecoraties van glas en metaal alsmede leuke spullen uit Zweden. Droge worsten van eigen scharrelvarkens, boerenjongens met biologische ingrediënten, stapstenen en muurhangers van beto


Was ist bei Kindern zu berücksichtigen? Gebrauchsinformation Zur Anwendung von Neuroplant® 300 mg N liegen keine ausreichenden Untersuchungen vor. Lesen Sie die gesamte Packungsbeilage/Gebrauchsinformation sorgfältig Es darf deshalb bei Kindern unter 12 Jahren nicht angewendet werden. durch, bevor Sie mit der Einnahme dieses Arzneimittels beginnen. 2.2 Besondere Vorsicht


Eat More : seen in menopausal women, and as they are associated t Plant-based foods, especially fresh fruits and with an increased risk for cardiovascular disease, it may be vegetables such as cabbage family vegetables – appropriate to ensure optimal intake of these nutrients either broccoli, cabbage, brussel sprouts, cauliflower, bok choy, Chinese broccoli, broccolini, Garlic and oni

Microsoft word - carambat.orientation.docx

KING, Justice, for the Court: ¶ 1. The Hancock County Chancery Court granted Stacy Ruth Carambat a divorce from James Edward Carambat on the ground of habitual and excessive drug use. Aggrieved, James appeals, arguing that the chancellor erred by granting the divorce, because his marijuana use did not affect the marriage, was not excessive, and was not akin to using opium, morphine, or othe


ACFEH Information Paper 3 Advisory Council on Food and Environmental Hygiene Regulation of Freshwater Fish This paper briefs Members on the follow up actions taken by the Administration to ensure the food safety of freshwater fish. Background Current Regulation of the Feeding of Agricultural or Veterinary Chemicals to Food Animals in Hong Kong 2. In 2001, the Administratio

Microsoft word - document

Antidepressants counteract tamoxifen’s recurrence-prevention effects Tamoxifen is an important medication used to help prevent recurrence of breast cancer. To work in the body, tamoxifen must be changed into a new molecule called endoxifen by an enzyme in the liver. The enzyme, called CYP4502D6 is genetically deficient in a minority of women, and these women do not get any benefit from u

Xpp-pdf support utility

PHARMACEUTICAL LAW & INDUSTRY ! Reproduced with permission from PharmaceuticalLaw & Industry Report, Vol. 2, No. 7, 02/13/2004. Copyright ஽ 2004 by The Bureau of National Affairs,Inc. (800-372-1033) http://www.bna.comMarket Exclusivity Options Under the FFDCA:Strategic Opportunities for Innovators of Pharmaceutical ProductsBY CAROLYNE R. HATHAWAY AND JOHN R. MANTHEIprotections ha

Andria innocenza bongiorno ha conseguito la laurea in scienze biologiche presso l’università degli studi di pavia nell’anno accademico 2004/2005

Curriculum vitae Andria Innocenza Bongiorno Andria Innocenza Bongiorno Nata ad Alessandria il 20 ottobre 1980 Cellulare: 334 9010 511 e-mail: website:Andria Innocenza Bongiorno ha conseguito la laurea in Scienze Biologiche presso l’Università degli Studi di Pavia nell’anno accademico 2004/2005; argomento tesi di laurea : “ Disfunzione Mitocondriale nel morbo di Crohn: pos




Laboratoire AMBIO A Tableau tubes 1. Objet et domaine d’application Cette instruction formalise sous forme de tableau l'ensemble des analyses (tests) qui sont réalisables, en fonction du type de tube de prélèvement utilisé. Partie intégrante du manuel de prélèvement des échantillons primaires ce tableau résume les fiches analyses du site internet du laboratoire AMBIO

Microsoft word - 137_tas_minutes-26-02-13.doc

MINUTES OF THE 137th MEETING OF THE THERAPEUTIC ADVISORY SERVICE Held on Tuesday, 26th February 2013 Apologies: Prof I Squire, Ms C Clarke, Dr L Dabydeen, Mr P Golightly, Dr P Topham, Dr A Palfreeman, Mr M Qualie, Dr B Collett, Ms L Gant, Mr D Harris, Ms J Islam, Mrs S Khalid 1 Minutes of last Meeting Dr N Langford and Ms B Pattani attended, with these additions Minutes


INSTRUCTIONS FOR USING THE S4180 SWINGING BUCKET ROTOR In Beckman Coulter Allegra 21 Series, GS-15 Series, and Spinchron 15 Series Centrifuges SPECIFICATIONS Refrigerated centrifuge. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5500 rpmNonrefrigerated centrifuge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4500 rpmCritical speed range* . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Need to realign patient-oriented and commercial and academic research

Correspondence the Responsibility Deal—eg, the need amides in young children. However, Winfred Wang and colleagues1 report for robust, independent, transparent the conclusion that these agents that hydroxycarbamide therapy can scrutiny of commitments made and can now be used in all children now be considered for all very young the benefi ts of a local approach. with sickle-cell anaemia mi

20 fluconazole

Le fluconazole Le fluconazole (Diflucan™) est un antifongique synthétique qui peut être utilisé pour traiter diverses formes d'infection à Candida albicans. Il peut en particulier être utilisé chez la mère allaitante pour traiter une candidose récurrente des mamelons, et, le cas échéant, une candidose des canaux lactifères. Candidose des mamelons et des canaux lactifères

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Name: _________________________________________________ Date of Birth: ______________________________________ Address: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________City ________________________________________________________________ State ________________ Zip: ____________ Email: _________________________________________________ Today’s D


Prescription Program Drug List / Formulary Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield’s prescription drug benefits include medications available on the Anthem drug list/formulary. Our prescription drug benefits can offer potential savings Drug list effective as of when your physician prescribes medications on the drug list/formulary. April 1, 2010 QUESTIONS & ANSWERS Q. What

Patient registration questionnaire

For office use only. Chronic Disease Check: As someone wishing to register with the Practice please answer the following questions as accurately and completely as you can. It is important that we have as much information as possible. Thank you. Home tel no: ………………………………. Mobile tel no: ……………………… Preferred method of contact: ………………………

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Your Preferred In-Network Out-of-Network Provider Access Plan CHOICE OF DOCTORS OUT-OF-NETWORK COVERAGE You can use any “preferred provider” in You’re still covered when you go out of our network without a referral. Or, when network, though your cost will be higher. (PPA) provides you wish, you can go out of network. convenient, When you receive care from a pr



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Common Illness & School Attendance Guidelines Fever: Any temperature greater than 100 degrees F is considered a fever. Children must be fever-free for 24 hours without using fever reducing medications (such as Tylenol, Motrin, Advil, etc.) in order to return to school. This applies even if the underlying cause of the fever is non-infectious, such as middle ear infections, bronchitis, urinary


SHORT TERM MISSION TRIP APPLICATION PACKET Application Form PERSONAL DATA Full Legal Name __________________________________________________________________________ Date of Birth ________________________________ Age _____________ Gender ____________ ____ Address _________________________________________________________________________________ Home Phone ______________


RADIATION THERAPY INFO Your skin in the treatment area may become red, irritated, sunburned, or tanned after afew weeks of therapy. It is important to notify your doctor or nurse of any skin changesat your next appointment. They can suggest measures to relieve your discomfort andpossibly minimize further irritation. The majority of skin reactions to radiation therapy goaway a few weeks after tr


2011 Lasker~DeBakey Clinical Medical Research Award Tu Youyou For the discovery of artemisinin, a drug therapy for malaria that has saved mil ions of lives across the globe, especial y in the developing world. The 2011 Lasker~DeBakey Clinical Medical Research Award honors a scientist who discovered artemisinin and its utility for treating malaria. Tu Youyou (China Academy of Ch


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Hoja de Datos de Seguridad de Materiales SECCIÓN 1 IDENTIFICACIÓN DEL PRODUCTO Y LA COMPAÑÍA Texaco Multifak® EP Uso del Producto: Grasas Número(s) de Productos: CPS220901, CPS220921, CPS220995 Sinónimos: Texaco Multifak EP 0, Texaco Multifak EP 1, Texaco Multifak EP 2 Identificación de la compañía San Ramon, CA 94583 United States of America Respuesta


Annals of Surgical Oncology, 10 (9):1059–1069 Combined Resection and Radiofrequency Ablation for AdvancedHepatic Malignancies: Results in 172 PatientsTimothy M. Pawlik, MD, MPH, Francesco Izzo, MD, Deborah S. Cohen, MS,Jeffery S. Morris, PhD, and Steven A. Curley, MD Background: Resection combined with radiofrequency ablation (RFA) is a novel approach in patients who are otherwise un


Lazard Global Thematic Equity Performance (Gross of fees; through 31 January 2014) Performance reported gross of fees. Past performance is not necessarily indicative of future performance. Benchmark returns MSCI net official numbers. Source: MSCI. Based on a representative account. Commentary Market Overview Equity markets swooned in January. The emerging markets fell most as capital

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Homeopathy: The Gentle Mind-Body Medicine Begabati Lennihan, RN, CCH (617) 547-8500 www.lydiancenter.com “I feel numb. I don’t feel depressed any more, but I don’t feel much of anything else either” is a common observation from my patients who are seeking an alternative to conventional antidepressants and other psych meds. In recent years Listening to Prozac (the book promoting P


Insect Bites Description Skin eruptions and other symptoms caused by insect bites or stings from mosquitoes, fleas, chiggers, bedbugs, ants, spiders, bees, wasps, hornets, scorpions, and other insects. Signs and symptoms · Red lumps in the skin. The lumps usually appear in minutes after the bite or sting. Some don't appear for 6 to 12 hours. Skin reactions fall into 2 kinds:

Managing the caffeine

Managing the Caffeine A Coaching Tool Our daily behavior is profoundly impacted by our patterns/decisions regarding sleep, exercise, exposure to light, and the consumption of alcohol, tobacco and other mind-altering drugs (including caffeine). It may be hard to assist other people until they are “physiologically-primed/prepared” for this assistance. Should a coach insist that her clie

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CATHETER ABLATION / EP STUDY What is it? An electrophysiology (EP) study is a test done in a hospital where electrode catheters (long wires) are introduced into the veins and placed under X-ray guidance into the heart. They (EP studies) are used to study abnormal heart rhythms under controlled situations to diagnose what the specific problem with your heart's electrical system may b


Leflunomide medac Patient Information Sheet Dear Patient, You have been given this fact sheet because your doctor has pre-scribed Leflunomide medac for you. Please read all of this informati-on carefully in addition to the Patient Information you will find in the medicine pack. Wanting to have a baby and pregnancy As with most preparations in the DMARDs group (Disease Modifyin


COOLOCK ARTANE CREDIT UNION LIMITED GENERAL MORTGAGE CONDITIONS (2011 EDITION) Definitions: In these Conditions unless the context otherwise requires: “Act” means the Land and Conveyancing Law Reform Act 2009; “Conditions” means these general mortgage conditions; “Secured Party” means Coolock Artane Credit Union Limited its successors and assigns being the party na

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LICENSED INSURANCE AGENTS AND BROKERS - St. Thomas Type Agent/Broker Physical Address Mailing Address 1 Agency Affiliation 1336 Beltjen Road, Suite #300, St. Thomas, 6-7 Dronningens Gade, Suite 202, St. Thomas, 3562 Hondudras, Suite #6, St. Thomas, V.I. 10-2-13 Lillendahl & Marienhoj, St. Thomas, VI Fortress Bldg. Suite # 751 G, Sugar Estate5600 Royal Dane Mall, Suite 21

Lppa 01.2014

Name / Nom /Cl.Thér. EAN-Nr / Nr.EAN ACTIVITAL forte Brause Plv orange limet Btl 10 StkACTIVITAL forte Brause Plv orange limet Btl 20 StkAMAVITA Vitacen Multivitamin Brausetabl 10 Stk ARKOCAPS Ispaghul Indischer Flohsamen Kaps 50 Stk ARKOCAPS Sojalezithine und Safloröl Kaps 50 StkBEKUNIS Abführtee tassenfertig Glas 150 ml ©Fachgrouppe LPPV / Groupe d'experts LPPABEROCCA Calc M

Submission on migration amendment health care bill - oct 2012

Migration Amendment (Healthcare for Asylum Seekers) Bill 2012 Submission to Senate Legal and Constitutional Affairs Committee October 2012 Prepared by Adam Fletcher with the assistance of Henrietta de Crespigny and Kylie Pearce The Castan Centre for Human Rights Law thanks the Committee for the opportunity to comment on the Migration Amendment (Health Care for Asylum See


SISC CO-PAYMENT REFERENCE GUIDE Medco manages your prescription drug benefit at the request of SISC. Your plan gives you the option of getting your covered medications through the Medco Pharmacy ™ mail-order service or at a participating retail pharmacy. Your plan features a list of generic and brand-name drugs called the Preferred Prescriptions ® drug list. This list includes a wide se


Press Release Nissan teams up with LeasePlan to take electric Nissan LEAF to the road LeasePlan first leasing company of ering Nissan LEAF in Europe On 20 September 2010, LeasePlan and Nissan signed an agreement to cooperate in a European- wide project to launch the 100% electric Nissan LEAF in 2011. LeasePlan is the first leasing company to offer the Nissan LEAF in Eu


Sectoral networks To improve for students the step from school to the labor market, we have chosen to set up a network of cooperation with certain industries. The sectoral networks bring actors from the educational field and the labor market together, to improve the transition from education to employment in certain industries. Based on a solid analysis we set up incentive


Congratulations on having registered in The Landmark Forum. The Landmark Forum is an enquiry into one’s relationship to life—to one’s self, family, teachers, school and peers. The Landmark Forum is designed as an opportunity for people to be more powerful, freely expressed and effective in dealing with life. • PARTICIPANTS AND PARENTS: Each one of you will have sections of this form t


YEARLY HEALTH FORM Student’s Name _______________________________ School Year _______________ Grade/Teacher ___________ Family Physician _________________________________________ Physician Phone _________________________ My child can participate in all activities including physical education. Yes ________ No _________ If no, please provide medical documentation from your child’s physicia

Bienestar de los terneros lactantes

Bienestar de los terneros lactantes: aplicación del principio de las cinco libertades – Primera parte Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona, España Introducción El término “bienestar animal” se ha definido de muchas maneras. En general, sin embargo, la mayoría de autores coinciden en los siguientes aspectos: • Resulta indudable que el sufrimiento de los animales es un as


Low Serum Testosterone and Estradiol Predict Mortality in Elderly Men Åsa Tivesten, Liesbeth Vandenput, Fernand Labrie, Magnus K. Karlsson, O¨sten Ljunggren,Dan Mellstro¨m, and Claes OhlssonThe Wallenberg Laboratory for Cardiovascular Research (A.T.), Institute of Medicine, Sahlgrenska Academy, and Center forBone Research at the Sahlgrenska Academy (L.V., D.M., C.O.), Departments of Interna

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The Management Monthly for Corporate Legal Executives A Special Section of Corporate Legal Times Insurer Has Controversial Strategy to Reduce Rx Costs LITIGATION is a poor way to settle dis-putes, especially when it takes place amongparties who have to continue doing businesswith each other. Executives are distracted,profits decline, the economy suffers, thelawyers get rich and so on.

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Bayer CropScience SAFETY DATA SHEET according to EC Directive 2001/58/EC PROPINEB WP 70R W U-WW 1. IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE/PREPARATION AND THE COMPANY/UNDERTAKING Product information Alfred-Nobel-Straße 50 40789 Monheim Germany Telephone +49(0)69-305-5748 Telefax +49(0)69-305-80950 Responsible Department Material and Transport Safety Management +49(0)69-305-82369/12588

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Your Anthem prescription drug plan is a plan you can count on. The three-tier design covers nearly any prescription medica-tion available on the market today. Typically, first Tier prescriptions are low-cost or generic drugs and Tiers 2 and 3 are brand-name drugs. You can expect to pay the most for medications on Tier 3. Visit anthem.com for the most up-to-date information about your prescript

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JLIC HALAKHA SERIES PASSOVER GUIDE 5768/2008 Prepared by Rabbi Mordy Friedman SECTION ONE: PREPARATIONS FOR PASSOVER 1. THE SELLING OF CHAMETZ - MECHIRAT CHAMETZ Guidelines for properly cleaning and koshering one’s home and kitchen for Passover SECTION TWO: EREV PESACH (*that falls out on Shabbat*) 3. TA’ANIT BECHOROT (fast of the first born) 4. BEDIKAT CHA


Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochem. Eng. Aspects 249 (2004) 115–118Studies of formation of W/O nano-emulsionsM. Porras, C. Solans, C. Gonz´alez, A. Mart´ınez, A. Guinart, J.M. Guti´erreza Departament d’Enginyeria Qu´ımica i Metal · l´urgia, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain b Departament Tecnologia de Tensioactius, IIQAB-CSIC, Barcelona, Spain Abstract In this


Common Information About H1N1 Based on CDC and FLU.GOV Background The novel H1N1 flu virus is causing illness in infected persons in the United States and countries around the world. CDC expects that illnesses may continue for some time. As a result, you or people around you may become ill. If so, you need to recognize the symptoms and know what to do. Symptoms The symptoms of no

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Bijlage 3 - 1/3 Invulformulier AS coach – baseline …………………… …………….….mg Doelstelling die voor de patiënt wordt vooropgesteld: Tijdspanne waarin ik deze doelstelling zou moeten behaald worden: □ alactisch aëroob □ lactisch anaëroob □ alactisch anaëroob Bijlage 3 - 2/3 □ licht □ matig □ zwaar □ zeer zwaar □ uitputtend

Hered 364 master.hered 364 . page254

Heredity 81 (1998) 254–260 Received 6 August 1997, accepted 2 January 1998 Distribution and reproductive effects of Wolbachia in stalk-eyed flies (Diptera: Diopsidae) AHMAD R. HARIRI†§, JOHN H. WERREN‡ & GERALD S. WILKINSON*†† Department of Biology, University of Maryland, College Park, MD 20742, USA and ‡ Department of Biology, University of Rochester, Roc

Evolutionary history and mode of the amylase multigene family in drosophila

J Mol Evol (2003) 57:702–709DOI: 10.1007/s00239-003-2521-7Evolutionary History and Mode of the amylase Multigene Family in DrosophilaZe Zhang,1,2 Nobuyuki Inomata,3 Tsuneyuki Yamazaki,4 Hirohisa Kishino11 Laboratory of Biometrics and Bioinformatics, Graduate School of Agriculture and Life Sciences, University of Tokyo,Yayoi 1-1-1, Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo 113-8657, Japan2 Institute for Bioinformati

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ROLL OF HONOUR St. Mels (Longford) (28) 1928, 1933, 1934, 1935, 1936, 1937,1938,1940, 1941, 1942, 1943, 1945,1946, 1947, 1948, 1951, 1961, 1962,1963, 1964, 1969, 1971, 1982,1987,1988, 1989, 1990, 1994. St. Finians (Mullingar) (10) 1925, 1926, 1927, 1939, 1944, 1949,1950,1953, 1960, 1966. Carmelite College (Moate) (6) Franciscan College (Gormanston) (5) 1958, 1970, 1972, 197


Abstract The psychological distress issues in college students are of great attention. General Health Questionnaire(GHQ-12) was administered among 114 male and female college students. It was found that the students hadpsychological (43.6%), physical (41.6%), studies (41.8%), interpersonal (29%), and substance abuse (12.8%)related stress at college level. The study suggested that some preven

Female history sheet

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Dear Dr. Kat, I keep hearing about Lyrica® on TV for fibromyalgia, and I wanted to know more about it. Cynthia Dear Cynthia, Television is flooded with drug advertisements with Lyrica being at the forefront. It’s one of the only drugs FDA approved for fibromyalgia (Gabapentin and a few others are used off-label). The ads are good at persuading people to call their doctors for a prescription but


The Safety and Efficacy of Chelation Therapy in Autism Statement by Bernard Rimland, Ph.D., Director, Autism Research Institute regarding death on August 23, 2005 of 5 year-old Tariq Nadama Of Pittsburgh, who was given intravenous EDTA chelation I have received many media calls regarding the above, very unfortunate matter. Although the autopsy conducted immediately after Tariq's death was inc

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ENROLLED ACT No. 441 BY SENATORS N. GAUTREAUX, AMEDEE, DORSEY, DUPLESSIS AND MOUNT To enact R.S. 14:43.6, relative to certain sex offenses; to authorize the administration ofmedroxyprogesterone acetate for persons convicted of certain sex offenses; to requirethe administration of medroxyprogesterone acetate for persons convicted of morethan one sex offense; to provide for a determination

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Medicine, Conflict and SurvivalVol. 25, No. 1, January–March 2009, 41–64Depleted uranium: properties, military use and health risksIndependent Consultant on Radioactivity in the Environment, London, UKThis article describes uranium and depleted uranium (DU), their similarisotopic compositions, how DU arises, its use in munitions and armour-proofing, and its pathways for human exposures. P




Dependentes de Viagra – Luiz Cuschni Isto É Gente - março 2003 Publicação relacionada: “Homem, um pedaço Adolescente – Adolescente, pedaço de Homem” - Sobre o Após a euforia com medicamentos contra impotência, hoje muitos homens de várias idades até adiam o ato sexual se não dispõem dos comprimidos na hora "h" É fácil ouvir histórias bem-humoradas de homens que

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APPENDIX I SUMMARY OF PRODUCT CHARACTERISTICS 1. NAME OF THE MEDICINAL PRODUCT 2. QUALITATIVE AND QUANTITATIVE COMPOSITION For the complete list of excipients, see section 6.1. 3. PHARMACEUTICAL FORM 4. CLINICAL PARTICULARS Therapeutic indications In the adult Hypercholesterolemia (type IIa) and endogenous hypertriglyceridemia in adults, isolated (type IV) or in - whe

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台北醫學大學附設醫院暨萬芳醫院皮膚科核心教材 Topical anti-inflammatory agent 一、外用類固醇 (Topical corticosteroids) 二、非類固醇類消炎劑 (Topical immunomodulator): 需長期塗抺 steroid 者可考慮使用 Topical antibiotics Erythromycin Metronidazole Mupirocin (Pseudomonic Bacitracin nd lipid pyrophosphate Æ interfere with

Los pipitos.- documentos de referencia

ASOCIACIÓN DE PADRES DE FAMILIA CON HIJOS DISCAPACITADOS DOCUMENTOS DE REFERENCIA Compendio de Necesidades Humanas y Materiales (Apoyando a los Pipitos) 1. Cooperación Técnica 1.1. Asistiéndonos con cooperantes, técnicos y especialistas que se relacionan con: Endocrinólogo Fisiatra Genetista Médicos Neurofisiólogo N

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CURRICULO VITAE Lair Geraldo Theodoro Ribeiro, M. D., F.A.C.C. EDUCATION Educational Foundation Machado Sobrinho, Medical School of the Federal University INTERNSHIP AND POSTGRADUATE TRAINING Residency in Cardiology, Pontificia Universidade Catolica of Rio de Janeiro (RJ), Brazil Research Fellow in Medicine, Peter Bent Brigham Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston (MA

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Whom may we thank for referring your child to our office I understand the above information and guarantee this form was completed correctly to the best of my knowledge and understand it is my responsibility to inform Fairfax Corner Orthondontics and Pediatric Dentistry of any changes to the information I have provided. I agree to be responsible for all charges for dental services and materials


Pág. 1/3 Cetfur Plus ENDOMETRITIS COMPARATIVO Eficacia clínica comparativa de CETFUR PLUS, suspensión inyectable de ceftiofur 5 % y ketoprofeno 10 % de Brouwer, y una cefapirina intrauterina + PG inyectable en bovinos afectados por endometritis. Mario E. LabarereVeterinaria Brandsen Entre abril y mayo de 2009 se incluyeron un total de 53 casos de bovinos HA afectados por endomet


Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy (2006) 57, 142–145doi:10.1093/jac/dki389Advance Access publication 10 November 2005First outbreak of multidrug-resistant Klebsiella pneumoniae carryingblaVIM-1 and blaSHV-5 in a French university hospitalNajiby Kassis-Chikhani1,2, Dominique Decre´3*, Vale´rie Gautier3, Be´atrice Burghoffer3,Faouzi Saliba4, Daniele Mathieu1, Didier Samuel4, Denis Cas

Significant events

Significant events Image resources • Ned Kelly paintings, Sidney Nolanhttp://www.ironoutlaw.com/html/gallery.html• View of East Side of Sydney Cove , Port Subject matter: people, objects, places and Jackson, George Raper (consider also Forms: drawing, painting, printmaking Duration: 5 to 8 weeks • Edge of the Trees , Janet Laurence and Beyond the frame • Vi

Training and motivation minutes

Training and Motivation March 18, 2007, 11 a.m. Pane room, Alexander Library, Rutgers University Session Leader Yasmin Saira Session Recorder: Michele Tokar Attendees: 13 total Representation was as follows: Patty Gaspari Bridges Princeton University Shelia Ketchum University of Pennsylvania Robert Cagna University of Pennsylvania John Weynand Harvard Susan Dennis Princeton Theresa Macklin Rutgers

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Calendar of Religous Observances and Holy Days The Center for Spiritual Life has compiled thi s calendar as a means of bringing awareness to faculty, students, coaches, and staff as they plan SEPTEMBER ‘09 16th – Laylat al-Qadr (Islam): SW out events throughout the academic year. This list is not comprehensive; S M T W Th F S 18th* - 20th – Rosh Hashhanah (Jewish): W

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DESCARTES COMMU 2 NICA 0 TION 0 PRIZE 6 Malaria, the Secret Storm A troubled region, sub-Saharan Africa, has fuelled the interest of many people over the years. One person in particular comes to mind, however. Jean Vercoutère of France, film director, has been investigating the silent killer: paludism, also known as malaria. With more than 15 years of experience und


Room Sale, 11am Thursday 13th June 2013 MICROSCOPES & CAMERAS Leitz No14 under Gallenkamp name. Monocular, twin head, brass tube, mechanical stage, mirror, condenser & diaphragm. Objective: x 10 Leitz x40 (No6), engraved 41 both brass. Eye piece: Leitz x12 Simple Microscope, early German. Brass & enamel Monocular course, focus only. Objective: "triple" power compound

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PICO and Formulating the Clinical Question: A Guided Exercise Background & Foreground Questions Many questions arise during patient care. Some are general questions about a clinical problem or a disease process, e.g. “ What is the overall best approach to trauma?” These are called Background Questions and are best answered by going to an excellent review article or respe

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Sensibilité d' Escherichia coli aux quinolones et aux céphalosporines de troisième génération dans les infections urinaires communautaires : étude AFORCOPI-BIO RICAI 2012 De Mouy D, Janvier F, Mérens A, Arzouni J-P, Bouilloux J-P, Dinnat-Courtiols N, Dubouix-Bourandy A, Fabre R, Gontier P, Grillet N, Noël C, Payro G, Pfeffer J ,Thierry J. Introduction


VOL. 57 NO. 6, JUNE 2004 THE JOURNAL OF ANTIBIOTICS pp. 400 — 402 In Vitro and In Vivo Antimalarial Activities of In vitro activities against Plasmodium falciparum strains a Carbohydrate Antibiotic, Prumycin, against K1 (drug-resistant) and FCR3 (drug-sensitive), andcytotoxicity against human diploid embryonic cell line Drug-resistant Strains of Plasmodia MRC-5


Pasá la voz - Ecografistas 1 ¿Sabías que… toda mujer embarazada quierecontinuar con ese embarazo?patriarcales, paternalistas e intrusivos. ese embarazo no es viable para esemomento de sus vidas? contexto de la relación sanitaria es: - en primer lugar , preguntarle qué le interesa saber a partir de ese estudio; - en segundo lugar , preguntarle si piensa continuar o n

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Montag, 18.11.2013 08.45 h Mama lernt Deutsch 10.00 h Französisch für Fortgeschrittene 15.00 h Treff für Ältere Worauf es in Zukunft ankommt Nicht mehr „schneller, höher, größer“: Nähe ist gefragt! Hilde Altmeyer Stadtcafé Lebach 17.00 h Hatha-Yoga für Fortgeschrittene 17.45 h Französisch Anfänger 18.00 h Deutsche Gebärdensprache für Anfänger DGS


SEXUAL ACTIVITY~ A PERSONAL CHOICE Not everyone is sexually active. It’s for you to decide when or if you wish to be sexually active. Deciding whether or not you are ready to be in a relationship or to have sex is an important decision and takes thoughtful consideration. Sexuality is a normal part of being human and should be enjoyed, but you have to keep in mind what your values are. Wha

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Heart disease is a general term that refers to any disorder of the cardiovascular system that decreases the heart’s ability to function optimally. Heart disease contributes to 40% of all deaths and affects approximately 61 million people in the US. Since yoga affects all systems of the body, it can be an effective means of mitigating the lifestyle risk factors that lead to heart disease. Before

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HIV Treatment Updates for Pharmacists                                                             Presented by: Pamela M. Moye, Pharm.D., BCPS  HIV/AIDS Glossary of Abbreviations, Defintions and Related Terms OPQRSTUWXYZ ABC ABACAVIR AE ADVERSE EVENT HAART HIGHLY ACTIVE ANTIRETROVIRAL THERAPY OBT OPTIMI

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Health Care Family Planning Sterilization Abortion The Minor and Health Care Children's Health Insurance Mental Health Access to Medical Records and Related Rights Advance Directives Long-Term Care Decision Making Emergency Medical Care Medicare Medicaid Contributing Authors: Roberta Green Dina Mohler Susan Saxe Dr. Alvin "Woody" Mos


Biostatistics Primer: Part I Brian R. Overholser and Kevin M. Sowinski The online version of this article can be found at:http://ncp.sagepub.com/cgi/content/abstract/22/6/629 can be found at: Nutrition in Clinical Practice Additional services and information for Citations (this article cites 6 articles hosted on the SAGE Journals Online and HighWire Press platforms): ©

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2012 Benefit Plan Comparison BlueOptions BlueChoice Benefits Coverage represents BluePreferred and BlueChoice Network Levels Only. Coverage represents In-network coverage only. Out-of-network is subject to the deductible and then Out- of-network is subject to deductible then Premiums Benefit Period Calendar Year – January 1 through December 31 Office Visit Copay

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42 antennas for SWLs 1/3/04 11:55 am Page 42If we forget all the theory and come down to hard practice, there are five things aboutan antenna that we can alter. Its length, height, direction, where we feed it and whatsort of wire we use. Graham Brown looks at how we can use this to our advantage. thereof are ‘bad’ is based on diagrams assuming a perfect earth. Ourradiate or receive best at


Takenaka M, Iida H, Iida M, Sumi K, Kumazawa M, Tanahashi S, Dohi S. : Intrathecal neo-stigmine prevents intrathecal clonidine from attenuating hypercapnic cerebral vaso-Uchida M, Iida H, Iida M, Kumazawa M, Sumi K, Takenaka M, Dohi S. Both milrinone andcolforsin daropate attenuate the sustained pial arteriolar constriction seen after un-clamping of an abdominal aortic cross-clamp in rabbits.


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