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Lagen om offentlig upphandling

Lagen om offentlig upphandling upphandling (LOU)•Lagen om offentlig upphandling transport och posttjänster 2007 (LUF)•Ny uppdatering, LOU, 15 juli 2010 Lagen om offentlig upphandling Kringlagstiftning • Avtalslagen• Köplagen• Sekretesslagen• Förvaltningslagen Lagen om offentlig upphandling Vad är offentlig upphandling? • Reglerar all offentlig upphandling inom kommu


of the European Society for Animal Cell Technology The 20th ESACT Meeting is approaching rapidly! meeting is raising a lot of interest, also with I respect to new membership. May I just for this reason welcome most warmly all the new completed and is available on the internet members who will receive this Newsletter for the Apart from five prominent keynote speakers and We - the "old


The Effects of Product Liability Litigation on the Value of Firms 1 Correspondence:Paul H. RubinDepartment of EconomicsEmory UniversityAtlanta, GA 30322-2240Voice: 404-727-6365Fax: 630-604-9609Email: prubin@Emory.eduhttp://www.Emory.edu/COLLEGE/ECON/Rubi.htmApril 15, 2000 1 We would like to thank Owen Beelders, John Calfee, James Cooper, Chris Curran, Sherry L. Jarrell, and JohnYun, for helpful

Microsoft word - 2007%20hc%20mco%20questionnaire[1].doc

Name of MCO HEALTHCHOICE MCO DRUG USE MANAGEMENT PROGRAM ANNUAL ASSESSMENT February 2007 The Maryland Medicaid Pharmacy Program, Division of Clinical Pharmacy Services is responsible for monitoring and approving each MCO’s drug use management program. Approval of your MCO’s drug use management program for FY 2008 will be determined by a review of your formulary and your responses

Low-energy laser therapy in oral mucositis

Low-energy Laser Therapy in Oral Mucositis César Miglioratia, Celso Massumotob, Fernanda de Paula Eduardoc,Karin Praia Mullerd, Teresa Carrierie, Patrícia Haypekf, Carlos de Paula Eduardoga Hospital Sírio Libanês, São Paulo, Brazil. b Hospital Sírio Libanês, São Paulo, Brazil. c Sociedade de Odontologia a Laser, São Paulo, Brazil. d Faculdade de Odontologia da Universidade de São Pau

Patient registration 4

B O G D A N M A D U R O W I C Z , D . D . S . PATIENT REGISTRATION PLEASE PRINT Date ___________________________ Patient Name _____________________________________________________________________ Date of Birth __________________________________ Last Name First Name Address _________________________________________________________ City __________________________ State ______


Infant Antiretroviral Prophylaxis (Last updated January 29, 2013; last reviewed July 31, 2012) Panel’s Recommendations The 6-week neonatal component of the zidovudine chemoprophylaxis regimen is recommended for all HIV-exposedneonates to reduce perinatal transmission of HIV (AI) . Zidovudine, at gestational age-appropriate doses, should be initiated as close to the time of birth as poss


2009. augusztus 5-9. Lengyelország FEELS projekt „Lengyel-magyar: két jó barát” Szakmai látogatás Lengyelországba A Fiatal Gazdák Magyarországi Szövetsége (AGRYA) szervezésében volt szerencsém azon 10 fıs csoport tagjaként szerepelni, mely 2009. augusztus 5-9. között szakmai látogatást tett Lengyelországba, szakmai tapasztalatcsere céljából. Utazásunk s


Asthma risk factors Venice Lido (Italy), May 21-22, 1999 Aula Convegni - Hotel Excelsior Lido Lungomare Marconi, 41 Friday, May 21, 1999 - Morning L. Allegra (Milan, I) Opening remarks Sessione I - GENETICS Chairmen: L. Allegra (Milan, I) C.F. Donner (Veruno - NO, I) S.T. Holgate (Southampton,UK) Candidate gene and mutational analysis in asthma and atopy


LPKF Tools & Accessories Price List Q1-14.xls EMBEDDED LOGIC SOLUTIONS PTY LTD Suite 2, Level 3 144 Marsden St ABN 44 109 776 098 LPKF Tools & Accessories Price List - Australia & New Zealand Expendable Material Price ex. Price incl. Drill Underlay Material (per pack of 10) Drill Underlay Material, DINA4: 210 mm x 297 mm Drill Underlay Material, DINA3: 420 mm x 2


Experiment Isolierung, Aktivität und Hemmung der Carboanhydrase 1 Aufgabe: Partnerarbeit • Bilden Sie selbständig Zweiergruppen. • Studieren Sie zuerst die Einleitung. • Bereiten Sie in Vierergruppen die Lösungen vor (siehe 4.1). • Isolieren Sie nun zu zweit gemäss Anleitung die Carboanhydrase aus den roten Blutkörperchen von Schweineblut (siehe 4.2). • Messen sie

Microsoft word - iu cuestionario 2012 v1.doc


Microsoft word - medicaid pharmacy changes for pharmacies and prescribers.docx

Information for Medicaid Pharmacy Providers and Prescribers Pharmacy Program Changes Effective October 1, 2011 Changes to the Ohio Medicaid Pharmacy program that will be effective on October 1, 2011: 1. Change in pharmacy billing and coverage for members of Medicaid-contracting managed 2. Change to fee-for-service Medicaid Preferred Drug List (PDL) Policy Guidance 1. Change in pha

Microsoft word - short cv english september 2013.doc

Annalisa Berzigotti, M.D., Ph.D. (Bologna, Italy, 27.12.1973) Education and Training Dr. Berzigotti received her pre-doctoral education at the University of Bologna (Italy). Here she graduated in Medicine in 1998, obtaining her degree summa cum laude. She achieved a post-graduate certificate in Ultrasonography in 1999. In 2004 she specialized summa cum laude in Internal Medicine and

Microsoft word - 27.rtf

«Los actos humanos, es decir, libremente realizados tras un juicio de conciencia, son calificables moralmente: son buenos o malos» (Catecismo, 1749). «El obrar es moralmente bueno cuando las elecciones de la libertad están conformes con el verdadero bien del hombre y expresan así la ordenación voluntaria de la persona hacia su fin último, es decir, Dios mismo»1. «La moralidad de los act

Dhs brosch schmerzmittel

Schmerzmittel Die Sucht und ihre Stoffe Schmerzmittel: Opiate und Opioide Opiate und Opioide sind sehr stark wir-kende Schmerz- und Betäubungsmittel miteinem hohen Suchtpotenzial. Währendes sich bei Opiaten im engeren Sinne umjene Mittel handelt, die Opium oder Opi-umalkaloide – insbesondere Morphin –enthalten, bezeichnet der Begriff Opioi-de alle morphinähnlich wirken

27 may 2003

11 July 2008 Funding of levetiracetam approved PHARMAC’s Board has approved the funding of the Keppra brand of the antiepilepsy agent levetiracetam for selected patients via a special access process, from 1 August 2008. The Board also approved funding of Rex Medical Ltd’s brand of levetiracetam (Levetiracetam-Rex) for all patients as soon as possible following Medsafe registration.

Microsoft word - documento

Público Dois portugueses fazem parte da equipa de cientistas Descoberto o primeiro gene responsável pela doença obsessiva-compulsiva Pensam que têm as mãos sujas e lavam-nas tantas vezes que chegam a ficar em ferida. Ou acendem e apagam a luz um número específico de vezes, quando entram numa sala. Ou pensam que deixaram a porta de casa aberta e voltam atrás múltiplas vezes.


COMO ELABORAR LA TARJETA DE EXCURSIONISTA Generales 1. Tener 14 años de edad y/o estar en noveno grado o su equivalente. a. Requisito ya cumplido por cada uno de los Guías Mayores. 2. Explicar el significado del Voto de los Jóvenes Adventistas por medio del aprendizaje e intercambio de ideas. VOTO J.A. “Por amor al Señor Jesús prometo tomar parte activa en la obra de la soci

Reglamento de cuarto nivel maestria diplomado 12 12 08

ESCUELA SUPERIOR POLITÉCNICA AGROPECUARIA DE MANABÍ “MANUEL FÉLIX LÓPEZ” REGLAMENTO PARA LA ELABORACIÓN DE TESIS DE GRADO DE CUARTO NIVEL CAPÍTULO I DEFINICIONES Y AMBITO DEL PRESENTE REGLAMENTO Para efectos de este Reglamento considérense las siguientes definiciones: a) Consejo Académico.- Está integrado por Director/a de Planeamiento, Jefe/a Académico


Combustible Gas and Vapors Combustible Gas Detector 0-100% LEL Continuous LCD shows real-time gas concentration with backlight in low light (auto); in alarm (auto) and on demand Compact (1.5 x 2.0 x 3.75 in / 38.5 x 50 x 95 mm) and Provides 90 dB tone and bright LED indication on alarm Peak value displayed on command in % LEL LOW and HIGH alarms with adjustable setpoints


Stati d’ansia: protocollo applicato in un’unità ASLIl progetto si propone di valutare un protocollo di agopuntura come trattamento degli statid’ansia generalizzati. I disturbi d’ansia determinano un elevato consumo di farmaci ansiolitici con fenomeni diabuso e di dipendenza. In particolare sono frequentemente presenti nelle persone con di-pendenza/abuso di sostanze alcoliche e, al ragg

Microsoft word - documento2

Fármacos y suicidio: Crisis en el control de los medicamentos Miguel Jara El sobrepeso nos puede conducir al suicidio y/o a problemas psiquiátricos graves, si consumimos para ello determinados medicamentos. La Agencia Europea del Medicamento (EMEA) ha decidido suspender la comercialización del preparado contra el sobrepeso Acomplia (cuyo principio activo es rimonabant), fabricado por el

Microsoft word - deductivelogic.doc

Section 558. Syllogisms may differ in two ways--Section 559. Mood depends upon the kind of propositions employed. Thus asyllogism consisting of three universal affirmatives, AAA, would besaid to differ in mood from one consisting of such propositions as EIOor any other combination that might be made. The syllogism previouslygiven to prove the fallibility of the Pope belongs to the moodAAA. Had we

DissÍdio coletivo

DISSÍDIO COLETIVO Leandro Matsumot RESUMO: O dissídio coletivo necessita da intervenção do Estado para que seja realizada a solução justa ao caso concreto. No dissídio coletivo temos a discussão de direitos e interesses abstratos de pessoas indeterminadas, para a criação ou modificação das condições gerais de trabalho, no caso de dissídio coletivo de natureza econômica


PROTOCOLOS ALTERNATIVOS PARA SINCRONIZAR LA OVULACIÓN CON DISPOSITIVOSINTRAVAGINALES EMEFUR® (Merial Argentina) NUEVOS Y DE SEGUNDO USOVenturini M¹, Daffner A², Rincón G³, Vervel D³1 - Unión Agrícola de Avellaneda Coop. Ltda. Actividad Privada2 - Merial Argentina SA. 3 - Universidad Nacional de Bogotá (Colombia)Se llevó a cabo un experimento, en el norte de la Pcia de Sta Fe, durante

Strategies for prevention of scars: what can we learn from fetal skin?

Strategies for prevention of scars: what can we learn fromfetal skin?Mohammad Reza Namazi1, MD, Mohammad Kazem Fallahzadeh2, MD, andRobert A. Schwartz3, MD, MPHFetal wound healing occurs rapidly and without scar formation early in gestation. Studying the mechanisms of scarless repair can lead to novel scar-preventiveapproaches. In fetal wounds, collagen is deposited early and is fine and retic

Microsoft word - foundation proposal bastaki 2010.doc

Estrogenic effects of perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA), a persistent contaminant found in common consumer products Maria Bastaki Statement of proposed activity My research is focused on the toxic effects of environmental chemicals that are suspected endocrine disrupters, and specifically on the subcategory that affects mammalian estrogen-based functions. I employ in vitro systems (


SINDROME CONFUSIONAL AGUDO en GERIATRIA. INTRODUCCION. El sindrome confusional agudo, llamado también delirio corresponde a una alteraciónen el estado mental que se caracteriza por ser aguda y reversible.El delirio es uno de losdesórdenes cognitivos más importantes en el adulto mayor, tanto por su prevalencia comopor su implicancia pronóstica. El desarrollo de un sindrome confusiona


ESCOLA SUPERIOR DA MAGISTRATURA DO ESTADO DE GOIÁSCAPÍTULO IX: CONTROLE DE CONSTITUCIONALIDADEIX. 1. INTRODUÇÃO.3IX. 2. CONCEITO.4IX. 3. ORIGEM E EVOLUÇÃO.4 IX. 3. 1. Evolução do Controle de Constitucionalidade no Brasil.5IX. 4. SISTEMAS DE CONTROLE DE CONSTITUCIONALIDADE.11 IX. 4. 1. Sistema Americano.12 IX. 4. 2. Sistema Austríaco.12 IX. 4. 3. Sistema Francês.13 IX. 4. 4. Sistemas Mis


FOUNDATIONS OF INDIVIDUAL BEHAVIOR Finding and analyzing the variables that have an impact on employee productivity, absence, turnover, and satisfaction is often complicated. Many of the concepts—motivation, or power, politics or organizational culture—are hard to assess. Other factors are more easily definable and readily available—data that can be obtained from an employee’s person

Microsoft word - critical _reading.docx

Critical reading involves developing a deep understanding of the content of a text as wel as how the subject matter is developed. It involves analysing the text to identify the main ideas and perspectives, but it also interprets and evaluates the text. You can read a text on at least four different levels: Comprehension: Read to find out what the text says. Ask yourself: what are the main idea

Microsoft word - mn_gnu_general_public_license_v01.doc

MN GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE v1.0 GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Copyright © 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. <http://fsf.org/> Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license document, but changing it is not allowed. Preamble The GNU General Public License is a free, copyleft license for software and other kinds of works. The licenses for most softwa

Microsoft word - drug plate.doc

YES-HU plate Preparation of HU (Hydroxyurea) Stock Solution; 1 M Hydroxyurea … MW: 76.05 @ 4 C Dissolve 0.76 g in 10 ml water. Aliquot in 1.5 ml tubes. Keep –20 C. Preparation of YES-HU plates Make 1 L of YES with 20g agar in a 2 L plastic flask with a big stir bar. Autoclave 45 min. Stir slowly until it gets cool enough to add the drug, like you can touch it with bare hands (~60


PrEoPErativE PatiEnt instructions For skin surgEry You are scheduled to have excision of a skin lesion in our office using local anesthesia – the same type used in a dental office. You will be able to drive to and from our office unless you have taken sedative medications around the time of the procedure. The following instruc-tions will help to answer any other questions you may h


Lengua Extranjera [Inglés] . Lengua extranjera. Programa de inglés Segundo grado. Unidad 1: Compras 1. Funciones del lenguaje -PEDIR Y DAR INFORMACIÓN SOBRE SÍ MISMO Y OTRAS PERSONAS -OFRECER Y PEDIR MERCANCÍA -PREGUNTAR Y RESPONDER SOBRE PRECIOS -COMPARAR MERCANCÍAS -EXPRESAR PREFERENCIAS 2. Alternativas de contextos de comunicación -Presentación del maestro y los a

E1 alcohol & drug policy june 12.pdf

Schedules Schedule 3 - Alcohol And Drug Testing 3.1 Alcohol Testing A. Screening test The Screening test is usually conducted by a Breath Alcohol Tester using an approved Breath Testing Device. If the Screening test results are less than 250 µg/L (which is lower than the legal driving limit for people over twenty years of age in New Zealand7 ), or 100 µg/L for under 20 years of ag


Multilingual Terminology Management System forTechnology for Social Inclusion: Investigation ofAlternative Interactive Installation Designed forNew algorithm to extract botanical properties forAn Addressed Based Keys Authentication andEncryption for IPv4/IPv6 Translation GatewayThe Development of Block-Based Mashup Tool Development Of Intelligent Deviation DetectionModelling and Reduction


Common Usage een maximaal resultaat, vóór gebruik de Lid Scrub™ PLUS prior to use. Soak tranquileyes oogleden reinigen met OCuSOFT® Lid Scrub™ in warm wat moeyes gel packs. Place heat pack into goggle with moistened foam. Securgelpacks activeren. Het warmtepack in de bril e tranquileyes to your face and head. Relax and met bevochtigd schuim plaatsen. De tranquileyes Ontspannen en


Consultation Response Form SCENIHR preliminary report on “The safety of dental amalgam and alternative dental restoration materials for patients and users” References / Literature Case number: 517159724081705308 Due to rare space on the online form we send our literature references in addition to our consultation response. Literature European Academy for Environmental


Giles Scientific Inc. Specifications of the BIOMIC  V3 System 1. BIOMIC V3 is of a high-resolution 1280 x 1024 pixel color digital image analysis system. 2. BIOMIC V3 contains a uniform non-breakable light source over and under the test sample, including darkfield and optional ultraviolet lighting. 3. BIOMIC V3 includes a built-in 15” touch-screen monitor to facil


Non-fermenting Gram Negative Bacilli Associated withAcute Respiratory Infections in Children in Madrasby C. N. Paramasivan, K. Sivadasan, Manjula Datta, R. S. Vallishayee and R. Prabhakar Tuberculosis Research Centre, Indian Council of Medical Research, Madras 600031, India Non-fermenting Gram negative bacilli (NFGNB) were isolated as the most predominant organism from children suffering from

Editorial checklist for epi bulletins

Department of Health and Social Services Division of Public Health Editors : Helicobacter pylori Antimicrobial Resistance and Treatment for Alaska Native People Background high prevalence of infection, reinfection, and treatment failure Helicobacter pylori bacterial infection predisposes individuals of H. pylori in Alaska Native people warrants H. pylori


Abstract: My essay is engaging with the discussion about the Father's fault, if any, in the Fall of mankind. After exploring some other works in the research library as well as the Bible itself, I compiled this work. It is obvious that the Father is not complicit in the fall of man. No excuse of man can absolve him of his guilt. “I made him just and right, / Sufficient to have stood,

Ergebnisse der literatursichtung

Projekt zur Entwicklung, Umsetzung und Evaluation von Leitlinien zum adaptiven Management von Datenqualität in Ergebnisse der Literatursichtung Dorothea Weiland Institut für Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie Übersicht • Vorstellung der Recherche-Strategie• Recherche-Ergebnis (quantitativ)• Recherche-Ergebnis (inhaltlich)– Datenqualität– Monitoring /

Laparoscopic antireflux surgery for gastroesophageal reflux disease (gerd) results of a consensus development conference

Laparoscopic antireflux surgery for gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) Results of a Consensus Development Conference Held at the Fourth International Congress of the European Association for Endoscopic Surgery(E.A.E.S.), Trondheim, Norway, June 21–24, 1996 Conference Organizers: E. Eypasch,1 E. Neugebauer2 with the support of F. Fischer1 and H. Troidl1 for the Scientific and Education

Instituto de estudios políticos y relaciones internacionales

Programa del curso: PROTOCOLO Y CEREMONIAL DIPLOMÁTICO Va lor académico: 1.5 UMA,s (22.50 horas presenciales) Profesor: Cristhian Calderón Santizo Descripción del curso: El curso transmitirá a los estudiantes las reglas de protocolo y ceremonial que rigen los actos y eventos oficiales en el mundo de la diplomacia. Mediante el análisis de la Convención de Viena sobr

Microsoft word - q&a final without removability_clean_2.doc

Commission Services document - not legally binding The document is, by nature, a work in progress, which means that it will be regularly updated and supplemented so as to take into account any further needs and questions arising. Last updated in March 2011. QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS BATTERIES DIRECTIVE (2006/66/EC) A NEW BATTERIES DIRECTIVE - A NEW SCOPE . 4 Why did we need a new Directive o

Getting to know the online world

Participants will acquire a basic familiarity with selected Web and EPIC resources, build confidence to make use of such resources in their work and leisure activities and be given an initial exposure to some of the current online developments. OBJECTIVES Participants will: Appreciate the power of deploying online resources to fulfil information needs Recognise the relevance and value of selec

Microsoft word - energydrinks1.doc

DIRECTORATE OF NUTRITIONAL POLICY AND RESEARCH Energy drinks are a category of drinks which mainly contain caffeine. In spite of their name, they do not usually contain more energy (i.e. calories) than other refreshment drinks. The term “energy drinks” is just a commercial characterization. They are marketed as drinks which enhance mental and physical performance due to the stimulants they

Solemi02: quotidiana-z_sole24ore-43 <sole -43 > . 16/03/10

Il Sole 24 OreMartedì 16 Marzo 2010 - N. 74 Finanza & Mercati 43 Industria. Ricavi 2009 in calo a 825 milioni - Risultato netto a 10,5 milioni Auto. Ft: possibile scambio azionario Utili Brembo in flessione trattanol’intesa Confermato il dividendo G liemiratiarabidifronteall’incertezzadeimercatisonocostretti Andrea Malan alla trasparenza. A più di 30 anni dalla sua

Microsoft word - 121106_medliste_banale_erkrankungen_2013_def

LISTE DER ERLAUBTEN ARZNEIMITTEL (freiverkäuflich) bei banalen Erkrankungen gültig ab 1.1.2013 LISTE DES MÉDICAMENTS AUTORISÉS (en vente libre) pour les maladies courantes valable dès 1.1.2013 Die unten aufgelisteten Arzneimittel enthalten im engeren Sinne keine dopingverdächtigen Substanzen. Alle Angaben gelten jedoch nur für Präparate, die unter dem angegebenen Namen in d


The emergence of EDI (Electronic Data Interchange) in modern trade has created the need for newarrangements in trade practices which can regulate adequately the relations between the tradepartners. The replacement of the manual way of conducting trade with the electronic one gives riseto particular legal problems. When using electronic trade the upcoming legal questions can threatento destabilise

Microsoft word - ewpo monthly report july 2004.doc

Ecofin Water & Power Opportunities Plc – July 2004 Update The following is a report on the Company’s performance and investment activity through the month of July 2004. All information is unaudited. Performance 31 July 2004 1 month 3 months 12 months Since launch* Assets Gross Assets Income Shares Income Share Price Capital Shares Capital Share Price U

Sy8204 editorial neu.indd

inzwischen festgestellt haben werden, laufen alle relevanten Themen nach ähnlichen Mustern ab, wobei man zwangsläufig nicht umhin kommt, an gewisse Verschwörungstheorien zu denken. Ich bin heute zu der Meinung gekommen, dass es gar keine Ver-schwörungstheorien gibt. Es handelt sich bei näherem Hinschauen um recht handfeste Verschwörungen, um Tatsachen, völlig ohne Theorien, mit denen wir of

Microsoft word - document

Erectile Dysfunction, Avenue Medical Practice Neat Guideline Erectile dysfunction (ED) is the inability to get and maintain an erection that is sufficient for satisfactory sexual intercourse. ED is also known as impotence. ED is a very common condition, particularly in older men. It is estimated that half of all men between 40 and 70 years of age will experience ED at least once. ED can have a

What is expected from the haccp specialist to know

Vocational excellence   ensuring food product safety,  consumer protection and  Project is funded by  competitiveness in   Europen Union.  Western Balkans  SUBJECT: Material for HACCP School of Excelence: Vocational excellence ensuring food product safety, consumer protection and competitiveness in Western Balkans What is expected from the HACCP

Microsoft word - final_programme_basis.doc

Thursday May 18, 2006 17:00 - 19:00 Registration Friday May 19, 2006 from 07:30 Registration Welcome Address 08:30 - 10:45 SESSION I Chair: Sophie Mavrogeni (Athens, Greece) Guillem Pons-Llado (Barcelona, Spain) 1: Anatomy and right planning 2: How to find the right Pulse sequences 3: Fast Imaging Sebastian

North korean counterfeiting of u.s. currency

North Korean Counterfeiting of U.S. Currency March 22, 2006 Foreign Affairs, Defense, and Trade DivisionForeign Affairs, Defense, and Trade Division Congressional Research Service ˜ The Library of Congress North Korean Counterfeiting of U.S. CurrencyThe United States has accused the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea(DPRK or North Korea) of counterfeiting U.S. $100 Federal

Enanta’s lead ns5a inhibitor candidate, edp-239, selected as one of windhover’s top 10 infectious disease projects to watch

Enanta Announces Positive Phase 2 Results From Interferon- Free Combination Studies with ABT-450 for Hepatitis C Treatment to be Presented at EASL - Poster Presentations to Include Enanta’s Nucleotide HCV Polymerase Inhibitor Program and Additional ABT-450 Data- WATERTOWN, Mass., April. 4, 2012 — a research and development company dedicated to creating best-in-class small

Microsoft word - z04310 levetiracetam rev.8.doc

LEVETIRACETAM IN PLASMA BY UV – CODE Z04310 INTRODUCTION Treatment of the epileptic patients requires a multidisciplinary medical knowledge, regarding i.e. pharmacology, psychology and social science. In this contest the various antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) are used to decrease the frequency and/or severity of seizures in people with epilepsy. Monitoring of plasmatic con

September 3, 2002

ENLOE MEDICAL CENTER EMPLOYEE PRESCRIPTION PLAN PROGRAM ENLOE PHARMACY Locations, phone numbers and hours of operation OUTPATIENT CENTER (EOC) ESPLANADE SITE The Esplanade site serves as a pick-up and drop- Best location for immediate fills off point for medications. If you need your prescription Location : fil ed immediately, take it directly to the EOC ph


Gender matters V A N I T A N A Y A K M U K H E R J E E ‘The empowerment and autonomy of women and the improvement of their political, social, economic and health status is a highly important end in itself. In addition, it is essential for the achievement of sustainable development. The full participation and partnership of both women and men is required in productive and reproductive life,

A preliminary study on elimination of colonies of the mound building termite macrotermes gilvus (hagen) using a chlorfluazuron termite bait in the philippines

Insects 2011 , 2 , 486-490; doi:10.3390/insects2040486 OPEN ACCESS insects ISSN 2075-4450 A Preliminary Study on Elimination of Colonies of the Mound Building Termite Macrotermes gilvus (Hagen) Using a Chlorfluazuron Termite Bait in the Philippines Partho Dhang Independent Consultant 2410, Hen Belarmino Street, Bangkal, Makati City 1233, Philippines; E-Mail: pa


Chronoecological health watch of arterial stiffness and neuro-cardio-pulmonary 1 function in elderly community at high altitude (3524 m), compared with Japanese Otsuka K, Norboo T, Otsuka Y, Higuchi H, Hayajiri M, Narushima C, Sato Y, Tsugoshi T, Murakami S, Wada T, Ishine M, Okumiya K, Matsubayashi K, Yano S, Chogyal T, Angchuk D, Ichihara K, Cornélissen G, Halberg F. Biomed Pharmacother. 2005

Microsoft word - 81-84

TOWARDS DEFINING CRITERIA FOR METFORMIN USAGE IN MANAGEMENT OF GESTATIONAL DIABETES MELLITUS Hamidreza Mahboobi1, 2, Tahereh Khorgoei3, Aida Najafian11: Reproductive Health Research Center, Hormozgan University of Medical Sciences (HUMS), BandarAbbas, Iran2: Payame Noor University (PNU), Iran3: Hormozgan Cardiovascular Research Center, Hormozgan University of Medical Sciences (HUMS),Banda

Uscis - víctimas de actos criminales: estatus u de no inmigrante

USCIS - Víctimas de actos criminales: estatus U de no inmigrantehttp://www.uscis.gov/portal/site/uscis-es/template.PRINT/menu. Víctimas de actos criminales: estatus U de no inmigrante Las personas y los miembros de sus familias puedan ser víctimas de muchos tipos de crímenesen los EE.UU. Estos crímenes incluyen: la violación, el asesinato, el homicidio nopremeditado, la violencia dom


HR & Administrative September 28, 2011 Key Topics in This Issue: Open Enrollment Prescription Drugs Coming Off Patent Voluntary Benefits Open Enrollment Mistakes to Avoid ___________________________ As the season for Open Enrollment and renewal of your employee benefits plans descends, a few timely reminders may help avoid enrollment mistakes that can resul


www.emsandassociates.ie Zoll AED Plus Automated External Defibrillator What good is an AED that only works half the time? When a cardiac arrest occurs, the fact is that only half of the victims will need a shock. The other half requires cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). You deserve an automated external defibrillator (AED) that helps you all the time. And

Microsoft word - psicofarmacos.doc

Psicofármacos Tener conocimientos sobre psicofármacos es esencial a la hora de realizar un Proceso de atención de Enfermería, porque permite valorar tanto el efecto positivo, como los adversos en la administración de los mismos. Autor: Lic. en Enfermería Nélida Torres QUE ES UN PSICOTROPICO ? Es una sustancia química que ingerida modifica la conducta humana. QUE ES

Mccloskey sizematters_easterday.doc

by Stephen T. Ziliak and Deirdre N. McCloskey* (forthcoming, Journal of Socio-Economics ) * Ziliak: Roosevelt University; McCloskey: University of Illinois at Chicago and Erasmus University at Rotterdam. We thank for their amazed attention to the present paper audiences at Baruch College (CUNY), the University of Colorado at Boulder, the Georgia Institute of Technology, the University of Ge

Microsoft word - genital herpes simplex.doc

Genital Herpes Simplex Virus Infection Most herpes infections are transmitted from one person who has the infection to another through sexual contact (sexual intercourse, oral sex or anal sex). If you have had more than one sexual partner it may be difficult to know who transmitted the infection, but there are tests available to determine whether this is a new infection or an outbreak of

Microsoft word - 2011-nov.doc

L3-ObGyn™ OB/GYN Residents 2011- 2012 - BOOK 2 Please visit our website under Programs of Exxcellence for PEARLS OF EXXCELLENCE to review the most challenging topics from the oral certification exams. Copyright © 2011, The Foundation for Exxcellence in Women's Health Care 2915 Vine Street, Dallas, Texas 75204 http://www.exxcellence.org USE OF LIFE

Symptom control and caring for the dying patient: palliative care guidelines

Symptom Control and Caring for the Dying Patient: Palliative Care Guidelines 4th Edition Produced byKent Palliative Medicine Forum University of Kent Dosage conversion between opioids Morphine Oxycodone Diamorphine Alfentanil Parenteral Parenteral Parent eral Parent eral Transdermal Ot he r opioids Higher doses of oxynorm and morphine are t oo large a volum

Microsoft word - abstracts_poster_jure_d.doc

ABSTRACTS EXPLORING EMOTIONAL EXPERIENCES IN THE CLASSROOM: A MULTI- METHOD QUALITATIVE STUDY Wondimu Ahmed ABSTRACT The purposes of this study were two-fold: (a) to explore students’ emotional experiences in the classroom; (b) to examine how appraisals of self-competence and task value relate to these emotions. To attain this purpose six junior secondary students were recr

Complex test simple past or present perfect, answers

– LEARNING ENGLISH ONLINE Simple Past or Present Perfect - Test - Answers A - Put in the verbs in brackets into the gaps. 1) We __ worked __ in a restaurant in May 2001. 2) Jack __ broke __ the window of the gym this morning. 3) I'm sorry. I __ have forgotten __ my diary. also correct: 've forgotten 4) Last Monday she __ checked __ her computer. 5) They __ have cleaned __ t


Epilepsia, 48 (3):464–469, 2007 Blackwell Publishing, Inc. C 2007 International League Against EpilepsyCompulsory Generic Switching of Antiepileptic Drugs: HighSwitchback Rates to Branded Compounds Compared with Other∗Frederick Andermann, † Mei Sheng Duh, ‡ Antoine Gosselin, and ‡ Pierre Emmanuel Paradis∗ Montreal Neurological Institute and Hospital, McGill University, Montr


LORACORT L.A. R Betamethasone L.A. of physiologic doses or low pharmacologic doses is not considered likely toFor most indications glucocorticoid administration provides symptomatic Children relief but has no effect on the underlying disease processes. Use of theseBecause infection such as chickenpox or measles may be more serious (ormedications does not eliminate the need for other therap

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FLUORIDE COMPOUNDS ARE: Bio-accumulating, carcinogenic, protoplasmic, poisons and enzyme inhibitors. ( Inactivate 62 enzymes) They are also teratogenic, phyto-toxic, corrosive (class 8), neurotoxic, fetotoxic, clastogenic, thyrotoxic, mutagenic, and immuno-suppressive. Fluorides have a synergistic effect with other pollutants, including radioactive isotopes. They destroy vitamins and are

Operation military kids healthcode of conductphoto form 13-14.pub (read-only)

2013-2014 4-H Youth Development Health - Code of Conduct - Photo Form Operation Military Kids IMPORTANT – The following information must be com- RECENT MEDICAL HISTORY pleted for attendance! Please check yes or no. If yes, explain (include another sheet if need-____ ____Has the participant had any recent surgeries or fractures? Participant’s Name___________________


International Journal of Medical Microbiology 296 (2006) S1, 5–10Different concepts of risk – A challenge for risk communicationDepartment of Sociology of Technology and Environment, University of Stuttgart, Seidenstr. 36, D-70174 Stuttgart, GermanyAlthough communication belongs to the everyday activities of humans, there is no common understanding of whatcommunication means. Several


How somatic cortical maps differ in autistic and typical brainsMehmet Akif Coskuna, Larry Varghesea, Stacy Reddochc, Eduardo M. Castillod,Deborah A. Pearsonc, Katherine A. Lovelandc, Andrew C. Papanicolaoudand Bhavin R. Shetha,bThe comorbidity of ‘core characteristics’ and sensorimotorabnormalities in autism implies abnormalities in brainHealth | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. developm


Men and women with chronic major depression responded differently to sertraline and imipramine Kornstein SG, Schatzberg AF, Thase ME, et al. Gender differences in treatment response to sertraline versus imipramine in chronic depression. Am J Psychiatry 2000 Sep; 157 :1445–52. QUESTION: Do men and women with chronic depression have different treatment responses to selective serotonin re


APRENDER A LER E COMPREENSÃODO TEXTO: PROCESSOS COGNITIVOSE ESTRATÉGIAS DE ENSINO Susana Gonçalves * SÍNTESE: Este artigo tem por objectivo identificar os processos cognitivos que intervêm no acto de leitura e na compreensão do texto e extrapolar da investigação algumas estratégias para o ensino da leitura e compre- ensão de texto, aplicáveis ao ensino básico. Depois de identifica

XIII JORNADA DE ENSINO, PESQUISA E EXTENSÃO – JEPEX 2013 – UFRPE: Recife, 09 a 13 de dezembro. AVALIAÇÃO DA EFICÁCIA DA ADMINISTRAÇÃO DE DEXAMETASONA EM INDUZIR OSTEOPOROSE EM RATAS Hilda Michelly Paiva dos Santos1, Ismaela Maria Ferreira de Melo2, Mariana Bruno Carvalho Cavalcanti3, Clovis José Cavalcanti Lapa Neto 4, Yuri Mateus Lima de Albuquerque5, Welma Emídio da Silva6, Ferna


Dr. Marc Lappé Dr. Marc Lappé, an educator, author, and prominent toxicologist and medical ethicist, died Saturday May 14th. He was 62. Dr. Lappé was a leading figure in the movement to integrate ethics and public policy, especially as it related to toxics and genetics. He authored or edited fourteen books, many of which predicted public health and environmental problems long before the


Federal Register / Vol. 76, No. 42 / Thursday, March 3, 2011 / Notices Poet knowingly and willfully caused the period of debarment (section SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: I. Background Section 306(a)(2)(B) of the FD&C Act services in any capacity to a person that Division of Dockets Management ( see debarment of an individual if FDA finds has an approved or pending drug ADDRESSES

Microsoft word - documento

Ministerio de Salud y Bienestar Social de Paraguay  ( 2009-07-14 ) - Situación de Influenza en nuestro país: PROTOCOLO DE ATENCIÓN Y TRATAMIENTO A PACIENTES CON INFLUENZA La guía acordada entre los referentes sanitarios para el abordaje y tratamiento de los casos de Influenza A H1N1, propone 4 escenarios posibles y da las pautas para


24 Hour Pack List Items marked with a * are required for the Personal First Aid Kit ___ *1- Container or bag suitable for kit. (commercial kits are OK). ___ *4- OTC pain reliever tablets. (Tylenol, Advil, Motrin, etc.). ___ *4- Antacid Tablets. (Tums, Rolaids, Pepsid, etc.). ___ *2- Antiseptic cleansing pads. (Betadine, Castile soap, etc.). ___ *1- Antiseptic ointment. (Neosporin Triple

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Original Article Microrganismos isolados de pacientes em hemodiálise por cateter venoso central e evolução clínica relacionada Keywords Abstract Nursing care; Clinical nursing research; Objective: To identify the microorganisms isolated on the pericatheter skin, catheter tip and blood stream of patients on hemodialysis by central venous catheter, to verify the profile of sensitivit


One of life’s simple pleasures is really quite complicated F or sheer sensory enjoyment, few everyday experiences can Coffee cultivation entails myriad variables that must be moni- compete with a good cup of coffee. The alluring aroma oftored and regulated. Once a coffee bean is grown, nothing cansteaming hot coffee just brewed from freshly roastedbe added or removed: the quality must alr

Electronic cigarette association - letter to industry

DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH & HUMAN SERVICES Food and Drug Administration Silver Spring, MD 20993-0002 September 8, 2010 Mr. Matt Salmon President Electronic Cigarette Association 1401 K Street, N.W., Suite 600 Washington, DC 20005 Dear Mr. Salmon: FDA today has taken enforcement action against five distributors of electronic cigarettes and related components, for practices which violate vari


JARECKI v. G. D. SEARLE & CO., 367 U.S. 303 (1961)Home - Site Index - Site Search/Archive - Help http://laws.findlaw.com/us/367/303.html Cases citing this case: Supreme CourtCases citing this case: Circuit Courts U.S. Supreme Court JARECKI v. G. D. SEARLE & CO., 367 U.S. 303 (1961) 367 U.S. 303 JARECKI, FORMER COLLECTOR OF INTERNAL REVENUE, ET AL. v. G.

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The Dorchester celebrates its 80th Anniversary in a unique collaboration with international charity, Trees for Cities by planting 80 “Future Great Trees” in London. Renowned for our luxurious and elegant Afternoon Tea which has been served at The Dorchester since the hotel opened its doors in 1931, the Afternoon Tea menu also features an exclusive 80th Anniversary blend of Ceylon loose

Unit i: course overview and introduction

From COMMUNITY EMERGENCY RESPONSE TEAM MANUAL FIRST AID TREATING LIFE-THREATENING CONDITIONS In emergency medicine, airway obstruction, bleeding, and shock are “killers” because without treatment they will lead to death. The first priority of medical operations is to attend to those potential kil ers by:Check airway/breathing. At an arm’s distance, make contact with the victim and sp

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™ ȱɧɫɬɢɬɭɰɿɨɧɚɥɶɧɿ ɩɪɨɛɥɟɦɢ ɪɨɡɜɢɬɤɭ ɚɝɪɚɪɧɨʀ ɫɮɟɪɢ Privatdozent Dr. habil. VLADISLAV VALENTINOV, Schumpeter Fellow of the Volkswagen Foundation, Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Central and Eastern Europe, Halle, Germany Third sector organizations in rural development: a transaction cost perspective1

Comunicare innovazione.indd

Perché comunicare l’innovazione di Andrea Granelli Questa ricerca, condotta dalla Fondazione Cotec sia in Spagna sia in Italia, cerca di rispondere a un unico fondamentale e attuale quesito: perché è importante comunicare l’innovazione?Il tema è complesso e – al di là della apparente semplicità sug-gerita da come viene enunciata la domanda stessa – apre un’am-pia riflessione sul

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VNG TEST INSTRUCTIONS Appointment is at the Exton office . Date/Time____________________________________ Proceed directly to the Audiology waiting area. **PLEASE READ ALL INSTRUCTIONS AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO TEST TO ENSURE INSTRUCTIONS ARE FOLLOWED PROPERLY. Failure to do so could result in cancellation and a $75 charge. If you are having multiple tests scheduled, THESE INSTRUCTIO


Hypertension: aetiology and pHarmacological treatment Cesare Gorruso, Hypertension: aetiology and pharmacological treatment Copyright © 2013 Tangram Edizioni ScientificheGruppo Editoriale Tangram Srl – Via Verdi, 9/A – 38122 Trentowww.edizioni-tangram.it – info@edizioni-tangram.itPrima edizione: febbraio 2013, Printed in Italy In copertina: Blood Pressure Concept , backgrou

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Décret n° 2000-2339 du 10 octobre 2000, fixant la liste des déchets dangereux (JORT n° 86 du 27 octobre 2000) Sur proposition de la ministre de l'environnement et de l’aménagement du territoire, Vu la loi n° 92-11 du 3 février 1992, portant ratification de la convention de "Bamako" sur l'interdiction d'importer en Afrique des déchets dangereux et sur le contrôle des mo

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UDALA AYUNTAMIENTO Kultura, Gazteria eta Kirol Saila 1ª CONVOCATORIA Y BASES REGULADORAS DE SUBVENCIONES PARA EL DESARROLLO DE ACTOS Y EVENTOS CULTURALES Y DEPORTIVOS A DESARROLLAR EN EL AÑO 2008 La Junta de Gobierno del Ayuntamiento de Etxebarri, acordó en fecha 4 de enero de 2008 aprobar la convocatoria y las bases reguladoras de subvenciones destinadas a ACTOS Y EVENT


Re a c t iv it y P e rs o n a l P ro t e c t io n Material Safety Data Sheet Sulfuric acid MSDS Section 1: Chemical Product and Company Identification Product Name: Sulfuric acid Contact Information: Catalog Codes: SLS2539, SLS1741, SLS3166, SLS2371, Sciencelab.com, Inc. CAS#: 7664-93-9 US Sales: 1-800-901-7247 RTECS: WS5600000 International Sales: 1-281-441-


Temas Livres Aprovados para Apresentação na Forma de Pôster 21 de outubro de 2010 (5ª feira) Afixar pôster às 8:00 h e apresentá-lo formalmente ao público e arguidores das 16 às 18 h Dimensões máximas: 90 cm largura x 120 cm comprimento. ALC - Iniciação Científica (Pesquisa Clínica) JI - Jovem Investigador (pós-graduandos) LS - Ligas de Saúde ALC001 Degeneraç


National Endocrine and Metabolic Diseases Information Service What is a prolactinoma? A prolactinoma is a benign—noncancerous— tumor of the pituitary gland that produces a hormone called prolactin. Prolactinomas are U.S. Department of Health and the most common type of pituitary tumor. Human Services hyperprolactinemia—too much prolactin in NATIONAL the blood—

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In Reaktion auf veröffentlichte Studien zum weitverbreiteten Betrug bei Fisch und Meeresfrüchten bringt Eurofins ein umfangreiches Portfolio an Analysemethoden auf den Markt 28. Februar 2013 Eurofins Scientific (EUFI.PA), weltweiter Marktführer im Bereich Lebens- und Futtermittelanalytik, kündigt an, dass die Gruppe ein Dienstleistungspaket mit einer umfassenden Palette an Analys

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Contenu de la 7e Edition La 7e Edition comprend l’ensemble des textes publiés dans la— Les informations communes entre les monographies6e Edition, éventuellement révisés ou corrigés, et des nouveauxspécifiques d’huiles essentielles et la monographie générale Huiles essentielles (2098) ont été supprimées. L’expressionPour l’information des utilisateurs, les listes ci-a

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The LPG Cellu M6 Keymodule Gets FDA Clearance for Treating Lymphedema - Free-Press-Release.com The LPG Cellu M6 Keymodule Gets FDA Clearance for Treating Lymphedema The FDA has just given the Class 1 Cellu M6 Keymodule, manufactured by LPG, Inc. (the world leader in connective tissue technology), full FDA clearance for treating Lymphedema. For_Immediate_Release: Miami, FL – A

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Multi-Stakeholder Forum in Vreed-en-Hoop, Date: 4 March 2006 Region: 3 Venue: Vreed-en-Hoop Primary School Number of participants: 17 Facilitators: Rajkumarie Singh, Cheryl Mc Clure – Cyrus, Arlene Dinally Co facilitated by: Cheryl Frank, Andrea Prescott, Yasmin Gordon, Bibi Fareeda Lall, Conversation Agenda 1. Pledge 2. Welcome & Opening Remarks (Statement of MSF Obj


Mitchell RKL Lie, C Janneke van der Woude Department of Gastroenterology, Erasmus University Hospital, Rotterdam, the NetherlandsDisclosure: No potential conflict of interest. Citation: EMJ Gastroenterol. 2013;1:82-91. Management guidelines offer clinicians clear, evidence-based and often succinct treatment advice. For ulcerative colitis these guidelines describe the use of 5-ASA, corticoster

CapÍtulo 1 actos de habla.doc

1. Introducción. Los cursos de razonamiento crítico surgieron en los EE.UU. hará cosa de 30 años como reacción a las dificultades prácticas de la enseñanza de la lógica. La denominación razonamiento crítico se refiere a una actividad y no a una disciplina, a diferencia de denominaciones como lógica formal, lógica informal o teoría de la argumentación. En consonancia, el obje


Annals of Internal Medicine Spinal Manipulation, Medication, or Home Exercise With Advice for Acute and Subacute Neck Pain A Randomized Trial Gert Bronfort, DC, PhD; Roni Evans, DC, MS; Alfred V. Anderson, DC, MD; Kenneth H. Svendsen, MS; Yiscah Bracha, MS; and Richard H. Grimm, MD, MPH, PhD Background: Mechanical neck pain is a common condition that adverse events. Blinded evaluation


RSS • Metrópoli • México • Migración • Internacional • Opinión • Finanzas • Espectáculos • Cinematografía• Comunidad y Cultura • Entrevistas con Mario Vázquez Raña • Sociedad • Turismo • Ciencia y tecnología • Suplemento • ESTO Deportes • Portada impresa La verdad, nunca como ahora el empresario mexicano -mediano y peque


Pillen & proefpersonen u i t I n d i a Wie denkt dat medicijnontwikkeling typisch is voorbehouden aan westerse landen,heeft het mis. En ook de veronderstelling dat India vooral goed is in IT-dienstverle-ning, is een misvatting. Farmaceutische R&D behoort tot de meest kostbare proces-sen en leent zich daarmee uitstekend voor verplaatsing naar lagelonenlanden. DeIndiase farma-ind


Department of Electrical EngineeringColumbia UniversityRetransmissions and failure recovery in communication networks, massively parallel computing,stochastic modeling of information systems, heavy-tailed traffic models, large deviations, game the-oretic models, social networkingPh.D. Candidate, Electrical Engineering, Fall 2011 (expected graduation: May 2015)• Dissertation Topic: “Retrans


Imagine a conductor standing in front of a symphony orchestra with hundreds of musicians. The melodious strains of music from each instrument blend together in perfect unison or shine individual in solo. With just a wave of the baton, the conductor instructs this violin or that trombone to join in or fade out, speed up or slow down, pacing the tempo with exact precision. Without the baton


Antioxidative Activity and Anti-inflammatory Effects on the Murine Macrophages of Methanol Extracts Sang-Bum Kim, Min-Ho Chang1, Sang-Hyun Han2 and Hong-Shik Oh2,* Ohyun Middle School, Jeju 690-061, Korea 1 National Park Research Institute, Korea National Park Service, Namwon 590-811, Korea 2 Department of Science Education, Jeju National University, Jeju 690-756, Korea Abstract - Oxidati

Lebenslauf von christoph berger

Christoph Berger, Publications Original Papers: 1a. Berger Ch, Holzach P, Matter P. Die Skidaumenverletzung beim Kind. Helv Chir Acta 1993;60:615- 1b. Berger Ch, Holzach P, Matter P. Die Skidaumenverletzung beim Kind. Z Unfallchir Versicherungsmed 1993 Suppl 1:222-231. 2. Berger C, Uehlinger J, Ghelfi D, Blau N, Fanconi S. Comparison of C-reactive protein and white blood cell

Telemáticos primaria

SOBRE LOS ACTOS DE ADJ UDICACIÓN TELEMÁTICOS DE PRIMARIA: Ante el anuncio de la Consejería de la implantación, el día 28 de mayo, de los actos de adjudicación telemáticos de Primaria, queremos haceros llegar nuestra postura y reivindicaciones al respecto. En primer lugar, como ya manifestamos ante la implantación de los actos de adjudicación telemáticos de Secundaria, ésta es una


CARDIOLOGY CONSULTANTS MEDICAL GROUP The Treadmill Cardiolite Stress Test is a non-invasive test used to evaluate your heart muscle and blood flow from the coronary arteries. Abnormalities in cardiac rhythm (EKG) and cardiac perfusion can be detected. The test is done in three parts, and takes 3-4 hours. Appointment Date :______________________ Arrival Time :________________ Appointm

Memo 156/gppe/2007

A UTILIZAÇÃO DA LASERTERAPIA DE BAIXA POTÊNCIA NO TRATAMENTO DA FIBROMIALGIA: UMA REVISÃO DE LITERATURA Luanna Rayanne Borges NUNES (1); Maria da Conceição Barros OLIVEIRA (2); Kaline Feitosa Alves TEIXEIRA (3); Danylo Rafhael Costa SILVA (4); Jussara de Brito SANTIAGO (5); Janaína de Moraes SILVA (6) (1) Faculdade aliança, Quadra 13 Bloco 10 Ap 202/Morada Nova, (86)


Topiramate in pregnancyPreliminary experience from the UK Epilepsy and Pregnancy Register ABSTRACT Objectives: Topiramate (Topamax®) is licensed to be used, either in monotherapy or as adjunctive treatment, for generalized tonic clonic seizures or partial seizures with or without secondarygeneralization and for prevention of migraine. The safety of topiramate in human pregnancy islargel


Environmental Affairs EMERGENCY PLANNING AND COMMUNITY RIGHT TO KNOW SCOPE : This policy includes all hazardous materials that are stored and/or used on site and for which there is an MSDS required by OSHA 1910:1200 Hazard Communication. PURPOSE : The purpose of this policy is to establish reporting requirements to provide the public with information on the hazardous chemicals used a


Antidumping Policy. Promoting or Deterring Trade in Mexico? Paper prepared for the European Trade Study Group’s Sixth Annual Conference, Nottingham 9-11 September 2004 THIS IS A PRELIMINARY VERSION AND HAS NOT BEEN EDITED OR REVISED. ALL COMMENTS ARE WELCOME This paper presents for the first time empirical evidence of the effect of antidumping duties on Mexican trade of imports. Using a

4:1 triamcinolone intra sheath injection for diabetic flexor tenosynovitis ( trigger finger - tf)

Vol:12 4:1 Triamcinolone intra sheath injection for diabetic flexor enosynovitis (Trigger finger - TF). TF is caused by a disproportion between the flexor tendon and its surrounding tendon sheath, in which smooth gliding of the flexor tendon within its sheath is restricted. The incidence in the general population is 1-2% while that in diabetics is 10 – 20%. Steroid injections for TF in

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Q…‚qˆp‡ÃDs‚…€h‡v‚Q…‚qˆp‡ÃhqÃQ…‚ƒr…‡vr†ÃP‰r…‰vr Basic Description class molding and extrusion materials createdfrom DuPont proprietary acid copolymers. Starting with selected molecular weight grades of• direct adhesion of epoxy and polyurethanecopolymers such as ethylene/methacrylic acid,DuPont adds zinc, sodium, lithium or other metal• direct adhesion


2º Exposición Integral para la Mujer Reglamento de participación 13.2. No se permite indicar precios de los artículos expuestos, salvo en los folletos entregados dentro del área alquilada. 1. INTRODUCCIÓN 7. ENERGIA ELÉCTRICA 13.3. Podrá venderse la mercadería exhibida, pero sólo podrá ser retirada del recinto ferial una vez finalizado el evento. 1.1. Esta exposición

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9/F, 10 Des Voeux Road Central, Hong Kong. Dealing: 2308 8200 Research: 3608 8096 Facsimile: 3608 6113 HONG KONG RESEARCH Analyst: Carmen Wong 28th June 2013 Main Board Listing – Research Modern Land (China) Co., Limited (01107) Sole Sponsor Joint Global Coordinators Joint Bookrunners Sector : Real Estate Business : Principally focusing in property developme



European chemical bulletin - vol. 2. no. 9. (2013.)

Synthesis and antimicrobial activities of novel  -amino acids and heterocycles SYNTHESIS OF NOVEL ANTIBACTERIAL AND ANTIFUNGAL  -AMINO ACIDS AND HETEROCYCLIC COMPOUNDS Maher A. El-Hashash[a], Sameh A. Rizk[a]* Keywords: (E)-4-aryl-4-oxo-2-butenoic acid , furanones, thiadiazoles, pyridazinones, imidazolo[2,3-b]1,3,4-thiadiazoles, thiadiazolopyrimidines, bezoxazinones, fuse


Une femme âgée de 40 ans, vous consulte pour une asthénie ressentie depuis environ six mois ; lapatiente s'exprime difficilement, répond de manière partielle aux questions, succinctement, en quelquesmots ; elle vous signale ne plus être réglée depuis 6 mois, ce qui semble coïncider avec sa fatigue. Elle acessé de travailler depuis le début de la semaine. Elle a déjà consulté à plusi


Ist Erfolg planbar?Interview mit Frank Mantek, Sportdirektor und Bundestrainer imBundesverband Deutscher Gewichtheber (BVDG) Herr Mantek, seit Ihrem Amtsantritt 1990 haben Sie viele erfolgreiche deutsche Gewichtheber betreut. 1990 sind wir unter meiner Leitung das ersteWeltmeisterschaft nach Budapest gefahren. aber in den darauf folgenden 10 Jahren warenes dann insgesamt 100 Meda

Microsoft word - full refs 12-10-07.doc

1. Del Mar C, Doust J, Glasziou P Clinical thinking: evidence, communication, and decision-making. BMJ Books – Blackwell Publishing 2006. IBSN 0-7279-1741-2. 184 pages 2. Murray S, Del Mar C, (Medical Editors). Royal Australian College of General Practitioners: Complete Home Medical Guide. Revised, Ed 2. Camberwell, Australia: Dorling Kindersley, 2006 3. Del Mar C, Murray S, (Medical Editor

Marine ecology progress series 299:55

MARINE ECOLOGY PROGRESS SERIES Vol. 299: 55–66, 2005 Published September 1 Mar Ecol Prog Ser Impact of recreational harvesting on assemblages in artificial rocky habitats Laura Airoldi1, 2,*, Francesca Bacchiocchi2, Claudia Cagliola2, Fabio Bulleri1, 2, Marco Abbiati2 1 Dipartimento di Biologia Evoluzionistica Sperimentale, Università di Bologna, Via Selmi 3, 40126 Bolo


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REUMATOLOGIA Espondiloartritis anquilosante. Etiopatogenia, diagnóstico, diagnóstico diferencial, tratamiento actual y perspectivas futuras E. Collantes Estévez*, A. Escudero Contreras y V.C. Pérez Guijo Servicio de Reumatología. Hospital Universitario Reina Sofía. Córdoba La espondilitis anquilosante (EA) o espondiloartritis anquilosantees un reumatismo inflamato

Materials and methods

Study Design The study was designed as a two arm, randomized, double blind, placebo controlled clinical trial of UDCA plus methotrexate (MTX) versus UDCA plus placebo. The primary measure of treatment outcome was transplant free survival as measured by the distribution of time to transplant or death from all causes, whichever comes first. Secondary endpoints included comparison of treatment ar


The Kingdom Fungi is composed of diverse eukaryotic andAccording to a conservative estimate, there are 1.5 millionheterotrophic organisms, including filamentous molds andspecies of fungi.2 Fungi exist and survive in almost every hab-itat,3 although less than 100 000 are formally described. FungalMost fungi have cell walls composed of rigid, covalentlypopulations may fluctuate seasonally4 and


October 2006 Editorial Olivier Forcade, president of the Academic Council and the Board of Administrators of the EFEO for the past four years, has recently been elected to the Chair of Contemporary History at Amiens University. He is leaving his responsibilities for the French Institutes Abroad at the Ministry of Higher Education and Research. The EFEO is deeply indebted to Mr. Forcade,

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da nossa salvação quis fosse consignada nas Sagradas Escrituras. (CIC Omnis Scriptura divina unus liber est, O ESPÍRITO SANTO, INTÉRPRETE DA ESCRITURA et ille unus líber Christus est, quia omnis Scriptura divina de Christo loquitur, Na Sagrada Escritura, Deus fala ao homem à maneira dos homens. et omnis Scriptura divina in Crhisto impletur. Para bem interpretar a Escritura

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PRK Post-Op Instructions DROPS (Use 3 to 5 minutes apart. DO NOT use them one right after the other.)  Artificial Tears (Purchase Over the Counter) Preservative Free Refresh Plus: One drop in each eye every 15 minutes (or more often). This is very important to your healing. You cannot over do your artificial tears!Celluvisc / Genteal / Systane Free: Start these drops after the contact


This information sheet is a short guide to tacrolimus ointment (also known as Protopic). Itcontains information, which will help in understanding what tacrolimus ointment does, how it works,how it is used and what the possible side effects might be. Tacrolimus ointment is an ointment applied to the skin. It is not a steroid. Tacrolimus ointment is animmunomodulatory drug, which means it mod


- Doctor, “ como y me hincho”. - Ahá. - Y tengo gases. - Ahá. - Y todo el abdomen me hace ruido. - Ahá - Además tengo problemas para ir de cuerpo. Soy muy estreñida. Aunque - ¿Y qué más? - Bueno, siento pesadez luego de comer, aunque no siempre. - Ahá. - Y a veces repito la comida. - ¿Algo más???? - Me duele el hígado, y la cabeza, a veces también l


Reports Benchmarking database Evaluating a benchmarking database and identifying cost reduction opportunities by diagnosis-related group SCOTT J. KNOER, RICHARD J. COULDRY, AND TANYA FOLKER Abstract: Pharmacy cost Index terms: Acyclovir; Ad- Am J Health-Syst Pharm. ospital administrators are under constant pres-Several widely used benchmarking databases have beensure to find new w

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Quick Check™ Equine Progesterone Kit Recommended For Use in Veterinary Clinics For the determination of the mare’s estrus cycle The mare’s reproductive cycle is subject to great variability. Measuring the progesterone concentration permits the most accurate determination of where the mare is in her cycle and allows planning the most effective reproductive program. Knowing the proges

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Montepio Geral renova identidade corporativa A partir de amanhã, dia 13 de Outubro, o Montepio Geral apresenta-se com uma nova identidade corporativa. Após 20 anos com a mesma imagem, o Montepio apresenta-se ao mercado com uma nova denominação e com uma total reorganização gráfica. Esta mudança consubstancia a evolução de uma instituição que este ano comemora 166 anos de

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Exelon may shut down nuclear plants, citing low power prices, as DOE worries reactor closures may threaten climate change goals Even though nuclear output hit a record level in 2013, Exelon officials said last week that some units in the company’s nuclear fleet remain unprofitable, and that the company may decide to shut these plants down if power prices do not recover. Exelon CEO Christop

Guidelines for the prescribing and administration of prn psychotropic medication

Guidelines for the prescribing and administration of PRN psychotropic medication Document Control Summary Title administration of PRN psychotropic medication. Version Control Summary Version Comments / Changes Guidelines For The Prescribing and Administration of PRN (Pro Re Nata) Psychotropic Medication 1.0 Background The use of PRN psychotropic medicatio


PP-108 Tamsulosin and terpenes in the treatment of ureteral stones S.S. Kariev, B.S. Tursunov, A.A. Gaybullaev, S.O. Kasimov Department of Urology, Postgraduate Medical Education Institute, Tashkent, Uzbekistan Introduction: Medical expulsion therapy (MET) facilitates ureteral stone passage in patients who have a newly diagnosed ureteral stone <10 mm and whose symptoms are control


FIS Medical Committee Educational Series Dr. Rasmus Damsgaard Member of the FIS Medical Committee Children in competitive sports Clinical implications Introduction Concern has been raised regarding the linear growth and pubertal development in children participating in gymnastics and ballet (1,2). Accordingly, it has been suggested that female gymnasts should decrease their training

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Systems Thinking: It’s more than you think.SM How to escape the crisis syndrome? add them to a list of pending candidate pro- What is systems thinking? When individuals or organizations act to re-jects. This need not be unpleasant, if donelieve problem symptoms, but fail to addresswithout blame using the ground rules for ef-f

Vectrix european motor show 2012 press release 01-06-12

News Release For Immediate Release Media Contact: ! VECTRIX Showcases All-Electric 3-Wheeled Model at Brusselʼs European Motor Show 2012 Lithium-powered Clean Energy VECTRIX VX-3 Li+ 2012 Model on Display at European Motor Show at VECTRIX Hall 1 Booth 1.08D from January 10 to 22, 2012 New Bedford, MA — January 6, 2012 —VECTRIX, the leader in two-wheeled electric vehicles,


Stanford Hospital & Clinics Antibiotic Dosing Reference Guide 2011 This document is also located on the SHC Intranet (http://portal.stanfordmed.org/depts/pharmacy) P&T Approved April 15, 2011 Formulas for dosing weights : Ideal body weight IBW (male) = 50 kg + (2.3 x height in inches > 60 inches)· IBW (female) = 45 kg + (2.3 x height inches > 60 inches) Adjusted BW (kg) = IB

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Sarah K. Easley, Ph.D., P.E. Senior Engineer Professional Profile Dr. Sarah Easley is a Senior Engineer in Exponent’s Mechanical Engineering practice. Dr. Easley specializes in solid mechanics, biomechanics, finite element analysis (FEA), and mechanics of materials. Dr. Easley has extensive experience performing numerical analyses of consumer electronics and medical devices. He

Apa 5th edition template

The purpose of this study was two-fold: to examine the relationship between various factors, such as age, education level, knowledge about the aging process, and attitude towards aging, and to find out if there were any significant differences between genders. Participants, which included 60 women and 26 men, ranging in age from 18 to 94, completed a three-part on-line survey. It was hypothesi

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To ensure a safe, healthful and productive work environment and to safeguard the well-being of all employees and company property, it is the policy of the company to prohibit strictly the use, sale, transfer or possession of alcohol, drugs or controlled substances while on the job or on any company property, and the reporting to work under the influence of alcohol, drugs or controlled substances


The accuracy of diagnosis of parkinsoniansyndromes in a specialist movement disorderserviceAndrew J. Hughes,1,3 Susan E. Daniel,1 Yoav Ben-Shlomo2 and Andrew J. Lees11The United Kingdom Parkinson's Disease Society BrainCorrespondence to: Professor Andrew J. Lees MD, FRCP,Research Centre, Institute of Neurology, London,Reta Lila Weston Institute of Neurological Studies,2Department of Social

Egpe club 20090424 meeting notes.xls

4/24/09 EGPE CLUB Meeting Notes STOCKs to Study : AXP / GE / JOYG / NE / EWBC; To Switch Sell: SGP Club web address: http://egpeclub.home.comcast.net Club Total Value YTD P&L 360 Switch SELL Current Cash Balance: * Economic Leading Indicators & Lagging Indicators 10 Leading indicators: (1) stock prices, (2) interest rate spread (10-yr Treasury note rate - Fed rate), (3

Buddhism in a nutshell.pdf

Buddhism in a Nutshell Ven. Narada, Thera Website: For free distribution Buddha Dharma Education Association Inc. Buddhism in a Nutshell Narada Mahathera Copyright © 1982 Buddhist Publication Society For free distribution only. You may print copies of this work for your personal use. You may re-format and redistribute this work for use on computers and computer network


Ny forskning omkring elektromagnetisk virkning på kroppens organer Elektromagnetisk intolerans og hypersensitivitet synes i stigende grad at være et problem såvel her i landet som i Europa. Talrige forskningsresultater indikerer, at der her er tale om en somatisk lidelse og ikke en funktionel lidelse eller en psykiatrisk tilstand med en tilsvarende psykiatrisk diagnose. Den Østrigske Læg

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Only  by  articulating  their  own  vision  of  a  merger—of  excellent  performance  and  corporate  and  market  structures  most  likely  to  produce  that  excellence—can  regulators  ensure  that  a  merger  is  likely  to  produce  a  result  that  is  in  the  public  interest.   by Scott Hemplingliabilities, revenues, expenses or operations.


Edwin R. Alexander, M.D. ANXIETY [GENERALIZED ANXIETY DISORDER] About Your Diagnosis Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), one of many different anxiety disorders, is characterized by exces-sive anxiety and worry about a number of events and activities, such as work or school performance. InGAD, anxiety and worry occur on most days and have been present for at least 6 months. In additionto the

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Schafwolle Allgemeine Angaben Dämmstoff auf Basis von Schafwolle in Form von Matten, Filzen, Zöpfen oder lose (Stopfwolle) Wärme- und Schalldämmung im Steildach zwischen den Sparren, in Holzständerwänden und Deckenkonstruktionen, Innen- und Außenwandddämmung (hinterlüftet); Stopfwolle zum Ausstopfen von Hohlräumen in Dach-, Wand- und Deckendämmung; W, WL [ECOBIS] Schafwolle


AQUA-RESLIN  This sheet answers some basic questions about a mosquito control product in use in Essex County. Essex County Mosquito Control, along with several other resources (listed at the end of this sheet), can provide more detailed information. What is Aqua-Reslin and how is it used? AQUA-RESLIN is an insecticide product that is recommended for Ultra Low- Volume mosquito control


EITZ CHAYIM HALACHAGRAM & SHOPPING GUIDE -- PESACH 5767/2007 The following was prepared to help ease the challenge of preparing for Pesach. Product information can be found on pages 5 through 10. If you have any questions, please contact me by phone ((516) 486-7571), or email (eschwalb@kayescholer.com). Chag kasher v’sameach !!! Shabbos Hagadol – On the Shabbos bef


Las fundaciones europeas piden a la UE un estatuto para operar sin fronteras - elCo. ElConfidencial.com Las fundaciones europeas piden a la UE un estatuto operar sin fronteras Bruselas, 3 jun (EFE).- Más de 1.000 representantes de organizaciones ysin animo de lucro han pedido hoy a la Unión Europea la creaciófundación europea para poder trabajar sin fronteras. La petición ha sido ca

Photoallergie de contact a l’isothipendyl chlorhydrate (apaisyl gel®)

Contact photoallergy to isothipendyl chlorhydrate (Apaisyl gel®) M.-C. Marguery 1,N. Bibas 2, J. Nougué 2, C. Livideanu 1, F. Giordano-Labadie 1, A. Maza 1, C. Paul 1. 1 Paul Sabatier University and Department of Dermatology, Larrey Hospital,Toulouse, France. 2Department of Dermatology, Montauban Hospital, Montauban,France. Introduction: Whereas some phenothiazines are common photoal

Edital de tomada de preÇos nº 05/2006

PREFEITURA MUNICIPAL DE EREBANGO EDITAL DE TOMADA DE PREÇOS Nº 03/2013 Tomada de Preços para aquisição de medicamentos para distribuição à população de Erebango, através da Unidade Básica de Saúde. ENIO MEREGALLI, Prefeito Municipal de Erebango, Estado do Rio Grande do Sul, no uso de suas atribuições legais, TORNA PÚBLICO , para conhecimento dos interessados, qu


Although none of the original manuscripts writ-Lord’s supper) as practiced by the early church ten by Moses or Paul or the other biblical writers prior to the circulation and collection of the New have been preserved (no doubt providentially; oth-Testament books, with their initiation as described erwise they might have become objects of worship), therein, can only be explained if the doc

Euro-short (synopsis)

Jean-Francois Timsit-Grenoble, France for the infection section of the ESICM Epidemiology and outcome of hospital-acquired bacteremia Executive committee: Alexis Tabah Stijn Blot Despoina Koulenti Maité Garrouste Jean-François Timsit Steering committee : Carlet J Brun-Buisson C Misset B Martin C Rello J Dimopoulos G Country coordinators: Decruynaere J (Belgium) Misset B (France) Koulenti D (Gr

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