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Green Brook Family Medicine EMERGENCY ADMINISTRATION OF EPI-PEN® (EPINEPHRINE) AT SCHOOL April 10, 2012 Dear Parent /Guardian: New Jersey P.L. 2007, c57. And N.J.S.A. 18A:40-12.3-12.6 allows trained delegates for students who may require emergency administration of epinephrine by auto-injector for anaphylaxis when the school nurse is unavailable. The attached form is required for your c

Microsoft word - was_sind_psychos_wert.htm

Was sind „Psychos“ wert? Über Misshandlungen durch Polizei und psychiatrisches Personal Von Johannes Baerlap Meine erste Fixierung, also das zwangsweise Anbinden an ein Pflegebett, erlebte ichin den 90er Jahren des letzten Jahrhunderts. Ich wurde aus relativ geringem Grund –vorgeschobenpsychiatrisches Landeskrankenhaus eingewiesen. Als ich darum bat, vor derAufnahme auf die geschl


Helping Patients Follow Prescribed Treatment: Clinical Applications R. Brian Haynes; Heather P. McDonald; Amit X. Garg JAMA . 2002;288(22):2880-2883 (doi:10.1001/jama.288.22.2880) Patient-Physician Relationship/ Care; Treatment Adherence; Drug Therapy;Adherence Interventions to Enhance Patient Adherence to Medication Prescriptions: Scientific CLINICIAN’S CORNER Helping Patients Fo

Microsoft word - mintatantervek_ma.doc

MAGYAR NYELV ÉS IRODALOM MESTERKÉPZÉS A Miskolci Egyetem Bölcsészettudományi Kara (ME BTK) magyar szakos képzéseinek megtervezésekor alapvetően két tényezőt vettünk figyelembe: a hagyományos magyar szakos képzés jellegének megtartását, illetve az újabban jelentkező regionális és országos foglalkoztatási igényeket. A bölcsészek elhelyezkedési lehetőségeiről, esély


Profesor clínico de práctica de familia,Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad de Illinois;director médico, Programa del Cuidado de la Diabetes, Centro Médico MetodistaDirector médico, Centro Metodista de Práctica de Familia, Peoria, Illinois. 1.FALLA AL HACER EL DIAGNÓSTICO ADECUADOEl manejo de la diabetes tipo 2 presenta muchos desafíos. Es necesario decirle a los pacientes que pad

Consensus on antiretroviral treatment

CHAIRMAN’S MESSAGE It has been 3 years since the release of the 1st National Guidelines on Antiretroviral Therapy. The feedback from the 1st edition from medical practitioners have been encouraging and theexpert panel valued all comments made. With the many new developments in HIV medicineover the last 3 years, we felt it was time for a review of the guidelines. The development of the 2n


Chapter 17 Review 17.1 : Psychoanalysis At his friends’ urging, Barney has decided to seek help for the depression he has been struggling with ever since moving away from home and starting college two months ago. He’s heard a lot about Sigmund (1) Freud’s therapy, called (2) psychoanalysis , in which patients use (3) free association to express whatever comes to mind in order to un


Consideraciones teóricas acerca del trabajo metodológico en la educación primariaTheoretical Considerations Concerning the Methodological Work in Elementary Centro Universitario “Jesús Montané Oropesa” Resumen: Las exigencias actuales en la escuela primaria requieren perfeccionar cada vez más el trabajo metodológico, como vía fundamental para garantizar la calidad del proceso ed

Microsoft word - 015-endoprothese slokdarm.doc

Maatschap Gastro-enterologie IJsselland Ziekenhuis Wat is een endoprothese? Wanneer u een slokdarmvernauwing heeft, wordt in een aantal gevallen tijdens de operatie of in een later stadium een flexibele buis, een zogenaamde endoprothese, in de slokdarm geplaatst om de doorgang naar de maag te herstellen. Deze endoprothese wordt geplaatst om de doorgang van voedsel en speeksel door de slokdarm te


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TEL 7 1 8 . 9 2 8 . 4 8 0 3 EMAIL T K @ M O N D O K E E N E R . C O M M O N D O K E E N E R . C O M TOM KEENER / CONCEPTS AND COPY / ALL MEDIA I’ve been a copywriter since 1991 and I’ve worked almost exclusively in interactive since 1994. I have extensive experience in a number of categories including financial services, home improvement, technology, automotive, telecommunications, and O


The Be Fit Minute IS LACK OF SLEEP DOOMING YOUR DIET? Do you find it’s especially difficult resisting chocolate chip cookies after a few sleepless nights? It’s not all in your head. In fact, a lack of sleep may be more serious than you think. Learn how skimping on shut-eye can make it harder to be healthy and lose weight. How Hormones are Affected by Sleep Leptin: Leptin is a


CURRICULUM VITAE ! JOSE M. DI DIEGO ! EDUCATION Buenos Aires University, Argentina Degree: M.D. POSITIONS HELD Research Fellow, Favaloro Foundation, Bs As, Argentina. Postdoctoral Fellow, MMRL, Utica, NY, USA. Research Scientist, MMRL, Utica, NY, USA. Program and Laboratory Manager, Experimental Cardiology Department, MMRL, Utica, NY, USA. ! ACADEMIC AND PROFESSIONAL HONORS

Steroid injection info 05.2013

1910 Blanding Street, Columbia, SC 29201 STEROID INJECTION INFORMATION SHEET You are scheduled to undergo a Steroid Injection. It is advisable to touch base with one of our financial counselors prior to the procedure to determine your out of pocket cost. Please notify our office at least 24 hours prior to the procedure to avoid a no-show charge (803-256-4107). Before you arrive for your ap


API LIST(3S,4R)-4-ACETOXY-3-[(R)-1-(TERT-BUTYLDIMETHYLSILYLOXY)ETHYL]AZETIDIN-2-ONE1(2H)naphthalidene)methanamine1,2,4,5-Tetramethylbenzene16,17a-Epxyprogesterone16a-Hydroxupredniso lone1-naphthaldehyde1-naphthalenimine chloride2-(2,4,6-tribromophenoxy)-ethanol2,2,3,3-Tetrafluoro-1-Propanol2-Benzylacrylic acid3-Chloro-2-hydroxypropanesulfonic acid, sodium salt3-methoxy acetophenone4-(3,4-dichlorop


The Water Economics in the Middle East Main Problems and Possible Solutions Contents 4. Water situation in each of the area’s countries. 6 5. Understandings and Treaties regarding water in the Middle East. 22 6. Means of improving the water situation in the Middle East . 26 a) Methods of increasing the quantity of water that do not require cooperation between the sides. 27 b)

Las farmacias de internet burlan las medidas de cierre · elpaÍs.com

Versión para imprimir Imprimir Las farmacias de Internet burlan las medidas decierreEn 2010 se cerraron 88 portales de la Red.- FACUA detecta 28 páginas web dedistribución ilegal de medicamentos CAROLINA GARCÍA - Madrid - 08/06/2011 La Asociación de Consumidores en Acción (FACUA) ha identificado 28 páginas web que suministranmedicamentos en España de forma ilegal. "El objet

Praxis export

MICROMD PM SETUP SPECIFICATIONS FOR PRAXIS – IMPORT (HL7) This document contains information regarding data format for the above interface. If you need any in-depth information about any of the fields within MicroMD PM, please refer to the most recent version of the MicroMD PM User’s Reference INSTALLATION This interface requires a key code, and you must instal the MicroMD PM Exports/

Microsoft word - may2011_draft v2.docx

MediKredit Integrated Healthcare Solutions (Pty) Ltd Reg No : 1995/001794/07 Head Office : Johannesburg Cape Town S wi t c hboard: Switchboard: Telkom: +27 (0) 11 770-6000 Neotel: + 27 (0) 11 589-6000 Facsimile: Facsimile: +27 (0) 11 770/589-6001 Call Centre: +27 (0) 860-932-273 Please find below a summar

Pharmacy and therapeutics committee

Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee Meeting of September 13, 2005 Kellogg Center, Michigan State University MEETING MINUTES I. Welcome and Introductions, and Approval of June 7, 2005 Meeting Minutes The meeting was called to order at 6:00PM by Richard Slaughter, Chair. In attendance were Richard Slaughter, MSc., D.VanLoo, PharmD., M. Robins DO, G. Perri, MD, Jonathan Arend, Ph

Microsoft word - rosedale dieet _nederlands_.doc

Dr. Rosedale dieet – informatie Artikel 1 Leptine (interview Mercola/Rosedale) Tien jaar geleden was ik in een kamer met 30 andere doktoren en had ik het genoegen om te luisteren naar de uitwijdingen van Dr. Ron Rosedale over de gevaren van insuline. Het was een belangrijke openbaring voor mij en heeft ertoe geleid dat ik mijn ideeën over dieet radicaal heb omgevormd. All

Biology 4th

(A more detailed list of contents is on the campus). Unit 1: Characteristics and classification of living organisms - List and desrcibe the 7 characteristics of living organisms. - Define the bionomial system of classification - Recognize the main features of: bony fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, mammals, Flowering plants (monocotyledons vs dicotyledons), crustaceans, arachnids, myriapod


Bibliografia 6 Abikoff, H. (1985). Efficacy of cognitive training intervention in hyperactive children: Acritical review. Clinical Psychology Review, 5, 479-512. Abikoff, H. & Gittelman, R. (1985). The normalizing effects of methylphenidate on theclassroom behavior of ADDH children. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 13,33-44. Abikoff, H., Gittelman-Klein, R. & Klein,

Mrsa care pathway

Lincolnshire Care Pathway Partnership Integrated Care Pathway THIS DOCUMENT MAY BE USED FOR TWO SEPARATE ADMISSIONSIs the patient following another Integrated Care Pathway?…………………….Yes / NoIf yes, record which other Integrated Care Pathway/s is/are in use:…………………………………………………………………………………………………


CHAPTER 6.1 The following diseases are transmitted by sexual contact:gonorrhoea, chlamydia infections, chancroid, genital herpes,trichomoniasis, syphilis, chlamydia lymphogranuloma,granuloma inguinale, genital warts, pubic lice, scabies, viralhepatitis B and human immunodeficiency virus,. Sexually transmitted diseases in sailors are generallyacquired through unprotected casual and promiscuo

Microsoft word - ishsko centre medical forms 2012.docx

IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII barrack yard I westport I county mayo I ireland I tel: 098-26200 I fax: 098-26202 I www.mercuryfreeentistry.eu | ishskoinfo@ gmail.com | Evelien Van Amerongen (founder, holistic dentist) CONSENT TO TREATMENT I voluntarily consent to receive dental and complimentary that all services must be paid for at the time of the visit , health care services

Microsoft word - coping with antidepressant side effects.doc

Coping With Antidepressant Side Effects Antidepressants can cause unpleasant side effects. Many of these side effects last only a few weeks and then go away on their own. Even if a side effect doesn’t go away, you can learn ways to manage it. Don't stop taking your antidepressant or reduce the dosage without first talking to your doctor or mental health provider. Suddenly stopping can

Scientific publications 2007.doc

Prof. Matías Llabrés Facultad de Farmacia Universidad de La Laguna 38200 La Laguna, Tenerife Spain Scientific publications Updated: April, 2007 MANOVA of statistical moments in biopharmaceuticals studies: a numerical example with three equally doses of amoxicillin. Vila, J. L., Matínez-Pacheco, R., Jiménez, J., Llabrés, M. Journal of Pharmacokinetics and Biopharmaceutics 8

Het voorval op de markt/de reiniging van de markt

De Reiniging van de Markt - Gebaseerd op dé waarheid; doch elke gelijkenis van figuren of voorvallen in dit verhaal met werkelijke personen of gebeurtenissen is toevallig - Wit, alles is wit; ik ben omsingeld door muren. Ik probeer op te staan van de harde rubberen mat waar ik op lig, maar al mijn ledematen voelen zwaar en de commando’s die ik uit mijn bovenkamer naar mijn armen stuur

4th quiz exam 1425-2005.doc

ﻢﯿﺣﺮﻟا ﻦﻤﺣﺮﻟا ﷲا ﻢﺴﺑ 4th Quiz Examination 4th YEAR MEDICINE DEPARTMENT OF PHARMACOLOGY FACULTY OF MEDICINE – KAAU - ACADEMIC YEAR 1425/26 H Saturday 24 – 1 – 1426 H / 5 – 3 – 2005G. 12.00 – 1.00 PM. INSTRUCTIONS 1- WRITE YOUR NAME and fill in the COMPUTER SERIAL NUMBER on the computer answer sheet . 2- Selec


BIZTONSÁGI ADATLAP A 453/2010 EK, a 1907/2006 EK (REACH) és a 1272/2008 EK rendeletek (CLP-GHS) szerint. 1. SZAKASZ: AZ ANYAG/KEVERÉK ÉS A VÁLLALAT/VÁLLALKOZÁS AZONOSÍTÁSA 1.1. Term ékazonosító 1.2. Az anyag vagy keverék m egfelelő azonosított felhasználása, illetve ellenjavalt felhasználása Élelmiszeripar,gyógyászat,fájdalomcsillapítóazonosítot felhaszná

Otc information.doc

PERPICH CENTER OF ARTS EDUCATION SELF-ADMINISTRATION OF OVER-THE-COUNTER MEDICATION Effective Monday, March 22, 2010 AHS students will be allowed to carry and self-administer acetaminophens oribuprofens on campus. This is typically Tylenol or Advil; other brands are listed below. These medications maybe brought to campus only in the labeled container in which they were purchased and must be

Microsoft word - titolo4.doc

Il Consiglio di Stato in sede giurisdizionale,Quinta Sezione Sul ricorso in appello n. 5691/2008 del 10/07/2008, proposto dall'AZIENDA ULSS N. 16 DI PADOVA, rappresentato e difeso dagli Avv.ti ALBERTO CARTIA e ANDREA MANZI con domicilio eletto in Roma, VIA F. CONFALONIERI, 5 presso ANDREA MANZI; T. SRL IN PR. E N. CAPOGRUPPO COSTITUENDA ATI, rappresentato e difeso dagli Avv.ti ENRICO MINNEI, PAO

Microsoft word - edqm.doc

MOON CHEMICAL CO.,LTD. CHINA PHARMACEUTICAL RAW MATERICAL COS/CEP Certificate Number Substance Certificate Holder Issue Date Status Shandong Xinhua Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Zhejiang Charioteer Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. CHONGQING HUAPONT PHARMACEUTICAL CO., LTD. Zhejiang Jiuzhou Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. Changzhou Siyao Pharmaceuticals Co., LTD. ZHEJIANG SANMEN HENGKANG PH


LIDOKAIN BIZTONSÁGI ADATLAP 1907/2006 EK rendelet (REACH) és 1272/2008 EK rendelet (CLP-GHS) szerint 1. AZ ANYAG/KEVERÉK ÉS A VÁLLALAT/VÁLLALKOZÁS AZONOSTÁSA 1.1. Term ékazonosító A z anyagnak egyelõre nincs regisztrációs száma, mert a regisztráció késõbbi idõpontban várható, vagy az éves gyártott mennyiség alapján regisztráció nem szükséges, vagy a R

Microsoft word - pan-arvo 2006_final.doc

Pan American Association of Ophthalmology PAN-ARVO Day Final Program Saturday, April 29, 2006 Renassaince Hotel, Fort Lauderdale G. Jimenez - IOL Power Calculation after Non-Laser Refractive Surgery G. Villanueva - Efficacy and Safety of Artisan Lens in High Myopia J.D. Larios - Confocal Microscopy Findings after PRK and Amniotic Membrane Transplantation N.J. Cortes - Topograp

Dill - happen 410030

Dill - Happenmit einer Zuckerart und S üßungsmittel Fertigwaren -Spezifikation Drews Geltungsbereich: Betriebslabor, Entwicklung, ProduktionDas Produkt einschließlich der Verpackung entspricht den jeweils gültigen lebensmittelrechtlichen Bestimmungen der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Das Endprodukt bzw. dessen Zutaten sind nicht mit ionisierenden oder ultravioletten Strahlen behandelt. GMO:

Cm-cat-innenleben 080201-en

General product description Dehydrated Culture Media are specific preparations in form of powder. To prepare culture medium, a definite quantity of this powder has to be dissolved in distilled water, boiled and than sterilized. Culture media are liquid (i.e. broth media) or solid (i.e. agar media). Culture media are combinations of complex nutrients formulated for the cultivation of a more or

Microsoft word - ocd paper.doc

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder as an Outgrowth of Normal Behavior "Let yourself go with the disease, be with it, keep company with it -- this is the way to be rid of it." Introduction In an influential paper, Fiske and Halsam (1997) begin with a description of a man in an unfamiliar country. We observe him to be dressed all in red in a red doorway, washing his hands six times in six dif


T a g d e r M e d i z i n 2 0 0 7 Befreiung von der abhängigkeit arzneimittel helfen beim ausstieg Immer bessere Medikamente helfen Abhängigen, auch dauerhaft von ihrem Suchtstoff loszukommen. Diese Chancen sollen konsequenter genutzt werden. Abb. 1: Mit Naltrexon (Nemexin®) plus Acamprosat (Campral®) Abb. 2: Vareniclin (Champix®) hilft am besten bei der Nikotin- Abb. 3: H


Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. is a global healthcare company with the corporate philosophy: 'Otsuka-people creating new products for better health worldwide.' Otsuka researches, develops, manufactures and markets innovative and original products, QUICK FACTS with a focus on pharmaceutical products for the treatment of diseases and nutraceutical products for the maintenance of everyday

Sga brochure-final draft.pub

Small-for-Gestational-Age What Does "SGA" Mean? SGA (small-for-gestational-age) general y describes any in-fant whose birth weight and/or length was less than the 3rd per-centile (adjusted for prematurity). "IUGR" is a term also com-monly used, and describes the smal infant who had poor fetal Introduction length growth demonstrated while in-utero by ultrasonography.

Clinical research experience

E-Mail Address:remendez@pol.net Date of Birth: Place of Birth:Puerto Rico, USA EDUCATION 1978 B.S., cum laude, Biology and Psychology, Tufts University, Medford, MA M.D., University of Puerto Rico School of Medicine, Rio Piedras, PR Intern in Medicine, Veterans Administration Medical Center and University of Puerto Rico School of Medicine, San Juan, PR Resident in Medicine, Veterans Adminis

Scarabs 13.pdf

SCARABS prairie dog towns, or from infected wild Don’t Catch That -or- Disease Risk Reduction & Rodent Pets can also contract plague, and plague WITHIN THIS Inquiline Collecting can be transmitted from mammal to mammal via inhalation (hence the term It has been four days since you filled kill jars with rare, inquiline Aphodius and “epizootic”) will course through


Speciale gast tijdens IDFA: Jonathan Harris Jonathan Harris (1979) is kunstenaar en computer engineer die creëerde hij met Cowbird een gemeenschap van verhalenvertel-in zijn werk de relatie tussen mens en technologie onderzoekt. lers, waarmee hij werkt aan een “bibliotheek van menselijke Hiervoor combineert hij elementen uit de computerwetenschap, ervaringen”. Harris zal op uitnod


Patient Information Sheet For Bowel Preparation I have discussed with you the need for an endoscopic examination of your large intestine. In order for this examination to be completely successful, it is most important that all foreign material be removed from the bowel. By following these directions carefully, you can anticipate a successful bowel examination. Recent studies show that splittin

Microsoft word - whisler v state edited.doc

Whisler v. State , 121 Nev. Adv. Op. 40 (July 28, 2005)1 CRIMINAL LAW & PROCEDURE – INVOLUNTARY INTOXICATION – ADMISSION OF PRIOR CONVICTIONS The defendant, Douglas Whisler, appealed his conviction for driving while under the influence of controlled substances or chemicals. Disposition/Outcome The Nevada Supreme Court upheld the conviction, finding that the district


Anesthesiology and Neurosurgery ADDITION OF TRIAMCINOLONE OR PETHIDINETO EPIDURAL BUPIVACAINE CAN NOT IMPROVE POSTOPERATIVE PAIN RELIEF INLUMBAR DISCECTOMYSEYED J. HASHEMI* HASSAN A. SOLTANI*MITRA JABALAMELI*SEYED A. MIRHOSEYNI**BAHRAM SOLEYMANI*** SUMMARY: There is uncertainty as to whether addition of steroids or narcotics to epidural local anesthet- ics improves pain control in spine s


June 2009 Department News Bulletin ALLERGY RELIEF Update 01 : Spring is the time of year when many people complain about seasonal allergy symptoms such as runny noses, congestion, rashes, itchy and watery eyes, sneezing, coughing--and just generally feeling miserable. About 16.9 million Americans had allergies in 2007, and there were 12.2 million doctor's office visits for allergie

Microsoft word - fs_naturalsshampoo fr.doc

Personne-ressource: FICHE TECHNIQUE Shampooing et revitalisant Huile d’amande et avocat pour cheveux secs/endommagés Naturals Nom du produit: Shampooing et revitalisant Huile d’amande et avocat pour cheveux secs/endommagés Naturals Description: • Aide à régénérer les cheveux secs, • Aide à redonner aux cheveux une texture Shampooing hydratant


Matrix Scientific PO BOX 25067 COLUMBIA, SC 29224-5067 Telephone: 803-788-9494 Fax: 803-788-9419 MATERIAL SAFETY DATA SHEET Transportation Emergency: 800-451-8346 1. Product Identification Catalog Number CAS Registry Number Physical Address 131 Pontiac Business Center DriveElgin, SC 29045USA Telephone/Fax 2. Composition, Information or Ingredients Hazardous

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Over 4000 killed as cyclone wreaks havoc Death toll may cross 6000; all communications, utility services snapped; thousands missing; houses crops, trees destroyed; lakhs homeless Emergency Response Programme of Gonoshasthaya Kendra : SIDR – 2007 1. Problem Statement Bangladesh dated with a night mare as cyclone SIDR ripped through the southwestern coast late Thursday Novemb

Microsoft word - min jiang teas - july 2011.doc

A delicate tea with higher concentrations of antioxidants and lower levels of caffeine than other teas Silver Needle White Peony The rarest and most spectacular of the Fujian white teas, producing a glittering pale gold liquor with a delicate aroma Picked in Spring and then dried to halt oxidation Green Tea revives the body, aids digestion and lowers blood pressure Lions Peak Dragon Well One o

Fiche tablissement sur la rubrique etudes

E-MAILLING Informations utiles : Application à utiliser de préférence : Pour le fichier html Adobe Dreamweaver – Payant – mais aide au codage automatiquement (en désactivant l’insertion automatique de styles dans votre code), lien : PSPad – Gratuit – Lien :Ne faire en aucun cas d’enregistrement html via Microsoft Word. Pour les fichiers images Photoshop par exe

Microsoft word - arthiritis article.doc

What is arthritis? Arthritis is a very common disease affecting the joints, skin and various internal organs. Chances are you or someone you know has arthritis. It causes pain, stiffness and sometimes swelling in or around joints. This can make it hard to make the movements you rely on every day to work or take care of your family. But you can take steps now to avoid arthritis or to reduce


Journal of Veterinary Emergency and Critical Care 17(1) 2007, pp 61–66Comparison of the hypothalamic^pituitary^adrenalaxis in MDR1-1 D and MDR1 wildtype dogsKatrina L. Mealey, DVM, PhD, DACVIM, DACVCP, John M. Gay, DVM, PhD, DACVPM,Linda G. Martin, DVM, MS, DACVECC and Denise K. Waiting, LVTObjective: To evaluate the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis in MDR1-1D (dogs with the MDR

Spirochetes thin walled , flexible, s.

Medfools Fungus Chart for the USMLE I Fungus Notes for USMLE I with the usual cheesy mnemonics. SUPERFICIAL MYCOSES Spherical yeasts, branched Hyphae Malassezia furfur Diseases Tinea versicolor- chronic superficial skin infection w/ hypo or Branched hyphae, spherical yeasts in KOH Selenium sulfide shampoo, imidazoles hyperpigmented areas. Asymptomatic lesions identified by


Drug Facts Active Ingredient Purpose Omeprazole 20 mg.stops stomach acid Uses temporarily relieves frequent heartburn. Heartburn occurs when stomach contents back up into esophagus Warnings Ask a doctor before use if you take blood-thinning medicine anxiety medicine antifungal medicine heart medicine When using this product Stop use and ask a do

Microsoft word - vestibo tabl._leaflet_engl.doc

PATIENT INFORMATION LEAFLET READ ALL OF THIS LEAFLET CAREFULLY BEFORE YOU START TAKING THIS MEDICINE - Keep this leaflet. You may need to read it again. - If you have further questions, ask your doctor or your pharmacist. - This medicine has been prescribed for you and you should not pass it on to others. It may harm them, even if their symptoms are the same as yours. THIS

The rbr-

Supplementary Text The RBR protein family Birgit Eisenhaber1,*, Nina Chumak2, Frank Eisenhaber1 and Marie-Theres Hauser2,* 1Research Institute of Molecular Pathology (IMP), Dr. Bohr-Gasse 7, A-1030 Vienna, Austria 2Institute of Applied Genetics and Cell Biology, Department of Plant Science and Plant Biotechnology, University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Muthgasse 18,


Palliative Care Ab wann Palliative Care? Ab wann End of Life Care? Angehörigen- Ethische betreuung Grauzonen Palliative Care Symptom- kontrolle Wieviel ist genug? Vorwegnahme von Situationen, Verfügungen Verlauf einer Tumorerkrankung End-of Life-Care P a l l i a t i v e C a r e K u r a t i v e M e d i z i n Verlauf bei ALS P a l


PRAVIN PUNAMIYA Earth and Environmental Studies Department Montclair State University, Montclair, NJ 07043 Phone: (973) 655-3457, FAX: (973) 655-6810 Education/Training Ph.D. (Environmental Management) Best Doctoral Student Research Award Thesis: Green remediation of veterinary antibiotics in soil-water systems. Chair/Advisor : Dr. Dibyendu Sarkar M.S. (Environmental

Patient name ____________________________________________ date___________________

PETER C. HOLSEN, DDS, LLC MEDICAL / DENTAL HISTORIES PATIENT NAME ____________________________________________ DATE___________________ Primary reason for this dental appointment Do you have a specific dental problem? __________________________________________________________________ Do you have dental examinations on a routine basis? Last visit_______________________________________

Microsoft word - understanding tardive dyskinesia 2012.doc

Contents What is tardive dyskinesia? What might affect the risk of me getting TD? Will TD disappear if I stop my medication? Understanding tardive dyskinesia (TD) This booklet explains what tardive dyskinesia is, the risks of developing it and how it might be managed. It is for people who are experiencing TD, or who are worried about developing it because they are taking antipsych


Current Immunology Reviews , 2005, 1, 81-90 Toll-Like Receptor Signaling: Emerging Opportunities in Human Diseases and Medicine Rabindra N. Bhattacharjee2 and Shizuo Akira*,1,21 Department of Host Defense, Research Institute for Microbial Diseases, Osaka University Japan 2 ERATO, Japan Science and Technology Agency, 3-1 Yamada, Suita city, Osaka, 565-0871, Osaka, Japan Abstract:


Mycology The ECMM/CEMM Mycology Newsletter is mailedto the members of the national societies affiliatedto the European Confederation of Medical newsletter Mycology (about 3000 in 23 different countries) European Confederation of Medical Mycology Confédération Européenne de Mycologie Médicale Our 13th anniversary Contents Last year a voting round among the Council membersh


If its consumer rates are frozen, ComEd may actually file for bankruptcy protection, with . Page 1 of 2Story URL: http://news.medill.northwestern.edu/chicago/news.aspx?id=4633 Story Retrieval Date: 8/9/2007 7:40:50 PM CST If its consumer rates are frozen, ComEd may actually file for bankruptcy protection, with broad consequences by Melanie G. Rogers Mar 01, 2007 Commonwealth Ediso

Mv news

MV Notícias 2 de Maio de 2011 económico- Aprovadas as condições de remuneração da actividade de operação financeiro actividade de pontos de carregamento operação A Portaria n.º 180/2011, de 2 de Maio (“Portaria”), estabelece o regime carregamento estabelece o regime económico-financeiro da actividade de operação de pontos de remuneratóri




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Colonoscopy preparation instructions

Colonoscopy Preparation Instructions You are scheduled for a colonoscopy in our endoscopy center on . The facility is located at 347 East 37th Street. Plan to arrive 10 minutes prior to the scheduled time of the procedure. Shortly after checking in at the front desk, the staff of the endoscopy center will direct you from the waiting room to a changing area. We provide locked storage


Regional Development VictoriaWine Industry ForumAccessing Bank Funds & Valuing Wineries in the Current Global Economic Climate3.00pm-5.00pm, 16th July 2009 Level 46, 55 Collins Street, MelbourneThis seminar is designed to assist Victorian wineries gain an understanding of the current global economic situation, why it is difficult to access finance and how winery valuations are undertaken

Fleadh cheoil na hÉireann results 2009

Fleadh Cheoil na hÉireann TULACH MHÓR  Torthaí / Results 2009 COMÓRTAS 1 FIDIL / FIDDLE Fé 12 Nell Ní Cheallaigh, CCÉ, Fred Finn Branch, Sligeach Benedict Morris, CCÉ, St.Patrick's Branch, Coatsbridge, Scotland Bréanainn Ó Mathúna, CCÉ, Niall Ó Cathasaigh, Baile an Chollaigh, Corcaigh 12 - 15 Seán Magee, CCÉ, Cleenish, Fear Manac

Family caregiving statistics

FAMILY CAREGIVING STATISTICS Published by: More than one quarter (26.6%) of the adult population has provided care for a chronically ill,disabled or aged family member or friend during the past year. Based on current census data,that translates into more than 50 million people. Source: National Family Caregivers Association (NFCA) RandomSample Survey of 1000 Adults, Funded by CareThere.co

Microsoft word - seafarers non subsidised is jan 2012 v1.doc

SEAFARERS RETIREMENT FUND INVESTMENT STATEMENT February 2012 Seafarers Retirement Fund – Investment Statement IMPORTANT INFORMATION (The information in this section is required under the Securities Act 1978) Investment decisions are very important. They often have long-term consequences. Read all documents carefully. Ask questions. Seek advice before committing your


Mycotoxins and Indoor Molds Sean P. Abbott, Ph.D. Originally published in Indoor Envronment CONNECTIONS, Vol. 3, Issue 4, 2002. INTRODUCTION included irritation of oral/ nasal passages andsyndromes include "Hepatitis X" in dogs and swine. necrotic lesions of respiratory and digestive tracts,All are characterized by congestion and hemorrhageWith a growing awareness of the

Microsoft word - behavioral health comprehensive history.wpd

Behavioral Health Comprehensive History Name___________________________________________ Date___________________ Check the best answer to each numbered symptom to indicate whether you have ever had problems related to it. In the past Currently Never Your feelings and moods 1. Depression ____ ____ ____ 2. Mood swings ____ ____ ____ 3. Nervousness ____ ____ ____ 4. Panic attacks ____ ____ __

Microsoft word - ldn-sfc.doc

Un tratamiento prometedor también para el SFC /FM / SQM Dpto. Investigación asociación MERCURIADOS (www.mercuriados.org) Estimados compañeros, En este caso me complace compartir con vosotros el conocimiento que he tenido de una nueva terapia, que creo puede ser muy prometedora para nuestras enfermedades (SFC/FM/SQM), como lo está siendo con muchas otras. Me fue recomendada por una amiga mu

Microsoft word - seizures-treatment of resistant cases.docx

Marc Kent, DVM, DACVIM (Smal Animal and Neurology) Simon R. Platt, BVM&S, MRCVS, DACVIM (Neurology), DECVN ANTIEPILEPTIC DRUGS FOR EMERGENCY DRUGS RESISTANT CASES Diazepam Diazepam ( Valium ) is not a new drug and is widely used in the Treatment Options emergency treatment of seizures. Diazepam is often used in hos- Several newer drugs are available for treating s

Microsoft word - colytegolytelynulytelyprep2-132013

COLYTE, GOLYTELY OR NULYTELY COLONOSCOPY PREP Tanya Davis, MD and Ashita Shah, P.A.-C Patient’s Name________________________________ Date__________ Time__________ Location____________ * There is a $150 fee for procedures cancelled with less than 72 hours notice. Colyte, Golytely or Nulytely and Reglan prescriptions need to be filled at your pharmacy. Dulcolax laxative tablets ar

Microsoft word - obezitatea

OBEZITATEA – O PROBLEM Ă A SOCIET ĂȚ II NOASTRE dr. Buduru Alina , medic specialist Diabet, Nutriție, Boli metabolice Spitalul Jude ț ean ”dr. Constantin Opri ș ” Baia Mare prof. Bolo ș Milica , limba și literatura română Colegiul Tehnic „Transilvania”, Baia Mare În ultimii ani, obezitatea a devenit o problemă extrem de importantă a societății noastre,

Pix110 l

FRONT (MAIN) PANEL __________________________________________________________________ READ SAFETY DIRECTIONS BEFORE OPENING OR USING Plant Growth Regulator ACTIVE CONSTITUENT: 38 g/L MEPIQUAT (present as the chloride) For the management of fruiting and vegetative growth in cotton. Nufarm Australia Limited ACN 004 377 780 103-105 Pipe Road Laverton North Victoria 3026 Tel: (03) 92


Novel Approach Against Central Venous Catheter ments were individually sonicated for 5 min and vortexed for 30s Associated Infection With Acinetobacter in 1 ml NS. Aliquots ͑100 uL͒ of the sonicated fluids and their Baumannii Biofilm dilutions were inoculated onto Mueller Hinton agar plates. Eachset of experiments was repeated three times. Bacterial colonies W. Elkhatib and A. Noreddi

Flir b620_b660

FLIR B620 & B660 specifications Field of View (FOV) / 24° x 18° / 0.3 m 45° x 34° / 0.2 m lens needs to be specified when ordering 0.65 mrad for 24° lens 0.33 mrad for 12° lens 1.3 mrad for 45° lens temperature interval on the visual image temperature interval on the visual image Resizeable and moveable IR area on visual Resizeable and moveable IR area on visual ± 1°C or ±

Microsoft word - 1821022_1.doc

UNIVERSITY OF LOUISVILLE’S TWENTIETH ANNUAL CARL A. WARNS, JR. LABOR AND EMPLOYMENT LAW INSTITUTE June 12-13, 2003 Proposed Amendment to the Americans With Disabilities Act Mark S. Dichter Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP 1701 Market Street Philadelphia, PA 19103-2921 (215) 963-5291 Sharon A. Lisitzky Morgan, Lewis & Bockius LLP 5300 Wachovia Financial Center 200 South


Phlogenzym-Filmtabletten 2. Qualitative und quantitative Zusammensetzung 1 magensaftresistente Filmtablette enthält: Sonstiger Bestandteil: 149,18 mg Laktose-Monohydrat Die vollständige Auflistung der sonstigen Bestandteile siehe Abschnitt 6.1. 3. Darreichungsform Magensaftresistente runde, bikonvexe, gelblich-grüne Filmtablette. 4. KLINISCHE 4.1 Anwendungsgebiete •


THIS FORM IS REQUIRED: Please Return Up to three weeks prior to your camp sessions: Please mail : PO Box 138, West Guilford, ON, K0M 2S0 Within three weeks of your camp session: Please DO NOT MAIL ; bring on registration day. Camper Personal Information Name:______________________________________Dates Attending:_______________________ Year:____________ Address:___________________

Edr v11-5

OSTEOPOROSIS AND EATING DISORDERS publications and education since 1980. September/October 2000 • Volume 11, Number 5 Bone Loss in Anorexia Nervosa: Mechanisms and Treatment Options Looking at Temperament Steven K. Grinspoon, MD and Elizabeth R. Thomas, NP in Anorexia Nervosa Neuroendocrine Unit • Massachusetts General Hospital • Boston, Massachusetts can be u

242454 al jja 2006 copy

PURIM (POR-im) is only a minor holiday on the Jew-impassioned plea on behalf of her people. It was thenish calendar. Yet, it is the most joyous and fun-filled fes-the king found out the people Haman planned to killtival of all. It has the merrymaking spirit of a Mardi Gras. were Jews, and that Esther was one of them. The kingWe dress up in costumes, put on plays, yell, stompordered Haman ha

Microsoft word - sintesis de medios 12_04_13

Comunicación y Medios 12 de Abril de 2013 Ocho columnas Calan a Gobierno: cierran autopista Enfrentan a EPN e IP las cuotas al IMSS Engañosa baja de homicidios en México: ONU Mondragón: “no vamos a tolerar más bloqueos” Chocan IP y Congreso por las cuotas al IMSS Avanza regulación a deuda de gobiernos No intimidan a la


Current Medicinal Chemistry, 2005, 12, 657-666 Betulinic Acid and Its Derivatives: A Review on their Biological Properties Perumal Yogeeswari* and Dharmarajan Sriram Pharmacy Department, Birla Institute of Technology & Science, Pilani-333031, INDIA Abstract: Betulinic acid is a naturally occurring pentacyclic triterpenoid and has been shown to exhibit a variety of biological

Policy name

FIRST AID AND MEDICAL POLICY Contents 1. General 1.1. Introduction 1.2. School Responsibilities 1.3. Parent Responsibilities 3.1. Aims 3.2. Strategies 3.3. Asthma Management Procedure 3.4. Anaphylaxis Management Procedure 4. Administration of prescribed & other medicines 9.1 Non-oral medication 9.2 Oral medication 5. Communicable Diseases Attachments A: Asthma Information

Normas condicionales y falacia naturalista

NORMAS CONDICIONALES Y FALACIA NATURALISTA* RESUMEN. Este trabajo muestra en qué medida la representación de las normas condicionales como «p → Oq» (la concepción puente de las normas condicionales) conduce a conclusiones paradó-jicas, por ejemplo, que un mundo proposicionalmente consistente es materialmente equivalentea mundos deónticamente contradictorios. Esta conclusión no


TITLE OF LESSON PLAN: Underwater Animals LENGTH OF LESSON: One class period GRADE LEVEL: 7th Grade SUBJECT AREA: Animals OBJECTIVES: Students will understand the following: 1. Blubber is a layer of fat beneath the skin of many sea mammals. 2. Blubber acts as an insulator, helping sea mammals to keep warm in cold waters. MATERIALS: The following materials will be requir


Republic of the Philippines PRVINCE OF DAVAO ORIENTAL Municipality of Manay INVITATION TO BID FOR The Municipality of Manay , through the Congressional Fund 1 intends to apply the sum of Six HundredThousand being the Approved Budget for the Contract (ABC) to payments under the contract forprocurement of medicine. Bids received in excess of the ABC shall be automatically rejec

Microsoft word - posters.docx

The 59th annual Montagna Symposium on the Biology of Skin presents POSTERS Ewout M. Baerveldt1,2 , Armanda J. Onderdijk1,2, Chris Wohn2, Marius Kant1,2, Eddy F. Florencia1,2, Jon D. Laman2, H. Bing Thio1, Johann E. Gudjonsson2, Errol P. Prens1,2 1Departments of Dermatology and 2Immunology, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, The Netherlands 3Department of Dermatology, University of Michigan, Ann


diabetes medications There are many types of diabetes medications which work in different ways to help you control your blood sugars. Learn about these medications and how they work so you are prepared to discuss your options with your diabetescare team. To lower the risk of complications, the goal for most people with diabetes is to get to an A1C test resultof less than 7 percent or an est

Microsoft word - #2 the glorious transformation.doc

THE GLORIOUS TRANSFORMATION “But we all, with unveiled face, behold as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory by the Spirit of the Lord.” OBJECTIVE: The transforming power of Jesus Christ changes and equips ordinary people who live ordinary lives to influence extraordinary for the glory of God. OPENING: Ephesians 1:1-14


STAT5602 ___________________________________________________________________________ Two - Way Contingency Tables Joint , Marginal and Conditional Distributions Consider X and Y two categorical response variables, with X having I levels and Y having J levels and suppose we classify each item in a population using both of these variables. Responses ( X , Y ) corresponding to

Treatment of warts

Dermatology and Laser Institute of Colorado, P.C. 9695 S Yosemite St, Ste 120 Lone Tree CO 80124-2888 TREATMENT OF WARTS Warts are benign growths caused by the human papilloma virus. Because warts are caused by a virus, they may spread on your skin or to someone else. Do not pick at your warts with your fingernails, as they may spread to your fingers or under your nails. Warts are

Microsoft word - swine flu

Swine Flu -- One of the Most Massive Cover-ups in American History By Dr. Russell Blaylock (www.russellblaylockmd.com) What experience and history teach is this -- that people and governments never have learnedanything from history or acted on principles deduced from it.” G.W.F. Hegel I have been following the evolving “pandemic” of H1N1 influenza beginning with the originaldiscovery of

2013-200418-73 brochure-v8 noc1_layout

2013-2014 STUDENT INJURY AND SICKNESS INSURANCE PLAN Monterey Institute of International Studies Important: Please see the Notice on the first page of this plan material concerning student health insurance coverage. 12-BR-CA 04-200418-73 Notice Regarding Your Student Health Insurance Coverage Your student health insurance coverage, offered by UnitedHealthcare Insurance Compan

Kleiner leberegel - dicrocoelium dentriticum

Der kleine Leberegel (LV Tiere SS’06, Dr. Kerschbaum)Der kleine Leberegel (Dicrocoelium dentriticum) zeichnet sich durch einenkomplexen Lebenszyklus mit zwei Zwischenwirten aus. Dieser Zyklus erm¨und sich andererseits enorm zu vermehren. Eine Besonderheit ist die Verhal-tensmodifizierung von Ameisen, die sich infolgedessen an Grashalmen fest-klammern und dem Endwirt pr¨Abb. 1: Der Zyklus


As the American Psychiatric Association committees begin formal work on DSM-V, we welcomebrief editorials on issues that should be considered in its formulation. Issues for DSM-V: Should Obesity Be Included Obesity (body mass index >30), has increased significantly over the past 30 years(approximately 50% per decade) (1), afflicting 32.2% of adults in the United States (2). Obesity increase


Diagnose multiples Myelom – nicht vordergründig als Drama betrachten Von Jürgen M. (033433 57085) im April 2012; 32 Jahre Erfahrung mit zunächst Smoldering, nach 16 Jahren symptomatischem MM Während eines außerplanmäßigen Krankenhausaufenthaltes im Jahre 1980 diagnostizierte man bei mir per Zufall im Alter von 40 Jahren, eine monoklonale Gammopathie vom Typ des Immunglobulin IgG


T o p T w e n T y pay- f o r - D e l ay D r u g s : H o w D r u g I n D u s t r y Pay o f f s D e l ay g e n e r I c s , I n f l at e P r I c e s a n D H u r t c o n s u m e r s T oo often, consumers are forced to shoulder a heavy financial burden, or even go without needed medicine, due to the high cost of brand-name drugs. Our research indicates that one significant cause is the practic

Asthma action plan

Reviewed & Accepted as EAF &IHP____________ (School Nurse signature) Asthma Action Plan-(To be filled out by physician prior to parent signature) optional photo Name of Student: _____________________________________ Date of Request: ___________________________ Date of Birth: __________ Grade: _____ Campus: ______ Homeroom Teacher: _______ Student ID _______________ According t

On behalf of the german society of neurology (dgn) we developed guidelines on neurogenic dysphagia (nd), which were accepted i

Guidelines of the German Society of Neurology (DGN) on Neurogenic Dysphagia (ND) Mario Prosiegel Neurologisches Krankenhaus München (NKM), Tristanstr. 20, D-80804 Munich, Germany The abovementioned guidelines were accepted by the DGN guidelines commission in September 2004 and will be published by the DGN in 2005. The main recommendations of these guidelines are as follows: ! Diagnosis o

Inventos y descubrimientos en el siglo xx

Inventos y descubrimientos en el Siglo XX INVENTOS Y DESCUBRIMIENTOS EN EL SIGLO XX Nota: Algunas fechas pueden ser diferentes a otras fuentes de información. Las fechas de inventos y descubrimientos pueden cambiar por razones de darlas a conocer a la gente (pero que antes ya se sabía), o que comienza a comercializarse, etc. 1900 Clip para papel Sismógrafo Zeppelin 1901 Má


research sarah m Dennis terry h Diamond MBBS, FAMAC, is Conjoint Lecturer, Department of MSc, PhD, is Senior Research Fellow, Centre for MBBCh, MRCP, FRACP, is Associate Professor Community Medicine, University of New South Wales, Primary Health Care and Equity, School of Public and a general practitioner, Sydney, New South Wales. Health and Community Medicine, University of New


Guide to Prescribing Topical Formulations for Chronic PainChronic nociceptive or neuropathic pain are extremely common. Both frequently co-exist. The topical administration of pain relievingagents provides specific patient benefits, including better localised effect, less systemic side effects compared to oral drug administrationand improved patient compliance. MyCompounder uses a patente

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Glossary: A Quick Guide to the MathematicalI just found this here : www.math.ucdavis.edu/, couldn’t resist sharing. • absolute maximum. The all-time, one-and-only, single, absolute andtotal maximum value of a function over a specified domain of the function. (Although it is the unique maximum value, it could occur at more thanone point, as when you have two mountain peaks of exactly the sam

Ukmi q&a xx

Medicines Q&As Is there an interaction between warfarin and proton pump inhibitors? Prepared by UK Medicines Informationharmacists for NHS healthcare professionals Before using this Q&A, read the disclaimer at Background Warfarin is the anticoagulant of choice in the UK for a number of conditions including prophylaxis of deep vein thrombosis (DVT), treatment of DV


Mædica - a Journal of Clinical Medicine Update in Diabetology Cristian GUJA, MD, PhDa; Radu LICHIARDOPOL, MD, PhDa,baThe National Institute of Diabetes, Nutrition and Metabolic Diseases „Prof. NC bThe University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Carol Davila”, Bucharest, Romania S everal important developments in the does not decrease the frequency of cardiovas-diagnosis and treatment o

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KEEP BANKING SECRECY AND PRESERVE GLOBALIZATION Avoid undermining democracy and competition IMD Chemin de Bellerive 23 PO Box 915, CH-1001 Lausanne Switzerland Tel: +41 21 618 01 11 Fax: +41 21 618 07 07 info@imd.ch http://www.imd.chKEEP BANKING SECRECY | Avoid undermining democracy and competition Keep banking secrecy and preserve globalization Global leaders at the G20 Summit in


Menopause: The Journal of The North American Menopause Society Vol. 11, No. 1, pp. 11-33DOI: 10.1097/01.GME.0000108177.85442.71© 2004 The North American Menopause Society POSITION STATEMENT Treatment of menopause-associated vasomotor symptoms:position statement of The North American Menopause Society ABSTRACT Objective: To create an evidence-based position statement regarding the treat

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Version: 1.0 Qualitätsmanagement - EEA 12.05.2011 Informationsrundschreiben zur Bestellliste Bereitschaften 05/2011 Einleitung: Die neue "Bestellliste Bereitschaften 05-2011.xls", die in Abstimmung mit der Chefärztin des KreisverbandesMünchen, Frau Dr. Monika Mirlach, erstellt wurde, ersetzt alle bisherigen Bestelllisten. Eine Aufteilung nach Bereitschaften, Fahrzeuge u

Microsoft word - dd_liste_211204_bb_dina4.doc

Potentielle biologische Kampfstoffe Antiepidemische Dekontamination BAKTERIELLE ERKRANKUNGEN Erreger Prophylaxe Umweltresistenz Ausbringung Symptomatik Infektiosität Letalität Therapie Bevorratung Erregernachweis Information Maßnahmen (Flächen/Räume) Antibiotikabevorratung (1) Brucellose • Bei diesem Erreger sind Proph


at times but damaging when used pervasively. The demand for specificity in the knowledge in school communities. These tal disorder may certainly need treatment,kids often suffer the stigma of the labelbut that’s not the point. It’s how these kidsamong teachers, counselors, other studentsand behavioral health in recent years, andthese kids as “eccentric.” That impliesresearchers co


International Journal of Innovation Sciences and Discoveries Available online at Vol. 1, No, 01, pp. 015-017, November, 2012 Research Article HYPOGLYCAEMIC INVESTIGATIONS OF MISTLETOE ( LORANTHUS MICRANTHUS ) LEAF EXTRACTS ON DIABETIC RATS 1Eze-Steven, P. E., 2Njoku, O. U., 3Udedi, S., and 4Ogeneh, B. 1Dept. of Biochemistry, Faculty of Natural Sciences, Car

Attention deficit / hyperactivity disorder (ad/hd) policy

Attention – Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Medway Education Authority Policy Framework and Guidelines for Professional Practice C O N T E N T S Policy Framework 2 Teaching Students with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder 6 Use of medication for children diagnosed as having ADHD 10 Meeting needs: successful partnership between parents and schools in the

Analisis jurnal keperawatan medikal bedah

ANALISIS JURNAL KEPERAWATAN MEDIKAL BEDAH Use of Metronidazole Gel to Control Malodor in Advanced and Recurrent Breast Cancer DISUSUN OLEH: SUPRIYADI 1111040075 PROGRAM PENDIDIKAN NERS FAKULTAS ILMU KESEHATAN UNIVERSITAS MUHAMMADIYAH PURWOKERTO PENDAHULUAN A. Latar Belakang Luka pada jaringan tumor dan atau kanker mamae mudah sekali terjangkiti bakteri dan c

Low dose naltrexone therapy in multiple sclerosis

Low dose naltrexone therapy in multiple sclerosis Y.P. Agrawal Department of Pathology, The University of Iowa, Iowa City, USA (YP Agrawal, MD PhD) Correspondence to: Yash Pal Agrawal, MD PhD, Department of Pathology, University of Iowa Roy J. and Lucille A. Carver College of Medicine, Iowa City 52242, USA. (e-m, FAX: 319-339-7148) Abstract The use of low doses of naltrexone

Alopecia areata

Alopecia Areata ¿Qué es la alopecia areata? La alopecia areata es un enfermedad frecuente que causa la pérdida del pelo de la cabeza y de otras áreas del cuerpo. Generalmente se empieza en forma de pequeñas placas redondas que pueden ser solitarias o múltiples afectando al cuero cabelludo. ¿A quién afecta la alopecia areata? Según un reciente estudio, la proporción de


Escuela Judicial Lic. Èdgar Cervantes Villalta Algunas reflexiones acerca de los actos definitivos e irreproducibles en el proceso penal Por Francisco Sánchez Fallas Sumario. La investigación preparatoria en un sistema acusatorio: I.1. El sistema acusatorio. I. 2. El sistema acusatorio y la Constitución. I.3. La investigación en el sistema acusatorio. I.4. La investigaci


PSICOFARMACOLOGÍA CAPITULO 3: NEUROLEPTICOS, ANTIPSICOTICOS O TRANQUILIZANTES MAYORES NEUROLEPTICOS, ANTIPSICOTICOS O El núcleo químico fenotiazina, fue sintetizado TRANQUILIZANTES MAYORES terapéuticas de utilidad clínica. Se encuentra La Psicofarmacología disciplina científica relacionado con colorantes sulfurosos del tipo des arrollada en los últimos 40 años,


The Caffeine Debate —Still Brewing Strong BY PAUL BEAUMONT WHAT IS CAFFEINE? Caffeine is a mild stimulant that is present in manyplants, the most popular of which are coffee beans,tea leaves, and cocoa nuts. This, of course, is howcaffeine sneaks into our daily diet, from our morningcup of Starbuck’s to that late night munch on aHershey bar. Caffeine is also ar


“You concentrate on the legal, we’ll do the medical, together we’ll have a solid case” Volume 6, Issue 1 Geriatric Medications: Dangerous Side Effects & Adverse Reactions Contributing Authors: Anne Meyer BSN, RN, LNCC, MSCC & Cathy Weitzel, APRN, BC Caring for an elderly patient in today’s healthcare environment can be both challenging and intimi

Microsoft word - list of products - without ndc.doc

List of Products For Export Only For further information please contact: Medicrane Corporation ♦ 5 Independence Way, Suite 300 ♦ Princeton, NJ 08540 ♦ www.medicrane.com LIST OF PRODUCTS - FOR EXPORT ONLY Product Name Active Ingredient Pharm Class Dosage Form Strength Transplant Drugs: TR1-1 Brief Description : CYCLOSPORINE is used to decreas

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Dear Sir or Madam! Good morning/afternoon and welcome to our hotel. We are pleased that you decided to stay with us. If you have spent at least one night in our hotel we kindly ask you to participate in a survey which will help us make your future stay here even more pleasant. The interview will take about 10-15 minutes and is conducted anonymously. 1. How did you arrive to Slovenia? (mark the ap

Pre and post treatment patient instructions

PRE- AND POST-TREATMENT PATIENT INSTRUCTIONS In order to provide you with the best possible service we ask that you carefully review these Pre- and Post-Treatment instruc-tions for the Lumenis Light Sheer Diode treatments for laser hair removal and ask any questions necessary to help you fully understand them. If you have any questions about these instructions, please discuss them with us pri

Microsoft powerpoint - mel_con eradicating racism

Assignments 1. Annotate the reading passage. Put a BOX around the MAIN IDEA. Underline or circle details to support the main idea ( names, dates, important events…) Define words or people you do not know in the 2. Write down the MAIN IDEA and 3 DETAILS 20 points 3. You will write a MEL-Con paragraph based on the following prompt: Can a pres

Microsoft word - sugar or stress.doc

SUGAR OR STRESS (SOS): WHICH IS By Brian G.M. Durie, MD on March 1, 2012 4:26 PM| Sometimes it takes very bad news to get people to make necessary changes in their lives. Someone diagnosed with lung cancer might finally give up the 2-pack-a-day habit they've had since high school. Someone who experiences a heart attack might finally cut some fats from their diet and increase their So wha

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Name: ______________________________________________ CT REQUISITION PIN#: _______________________________________________ DOB: _______________________________________________ University Hospital Victoria Hospital Bookings Central Bookings HC#: _______________________________________________ Telephone: 519-663-3212 Telephone: 519-685-8770 Address: ___________________________________

Disease problems in root trainer forest nurseries in kerala state and their management

Working Papers of the Finnish Forest Research Institute 11 http://www.metla.fi/julkaisut/workingpapers/2005/mwp011.htm Disease problems in root trainer forest nurseries in Kerala State and their management C. Mohanan, N. Ratheesh, Laya P. Nair and K.C. Rajesh KumarDivision of Forest Pathology, Kerala Forest Research Institute, Peechi 680 653 KeralaDisease survey was carried out in fores

Microsoft word - jim skinner external release 3-21-12.docx

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 3/21/12 Heidi Barker Sa Shekhem 630-623-3791 Lisa McComb 630-623-3707 INVESTORS: Kathy Martin 630-623-7833 McDONALD’S CEO JIM SKINNER TO RETIRE; BOARD ELECTS DON THOMPSON AS SUCCESSOR McDonald’s Corporation today announced that Vice Chairman and Chief Executive Officer Jim Skinner has informed the Board of Directors of his decision


Postitusosoite: Marttilan kunta/asuntotoimi, Härkätie 773, 21490 MARTTILA HAKIJAN HENKILÖTIEDOT Sukunimi ja entiset nimet (painokirjaimin) naimaton avoliitossa naimisissa asuu erillään eronnut leski AVIO/AVOPUOLISON HENKILÖTIEDOT MUUT ASUMAAN TULEVAT HENKILÖT HAETTAVA HUONEISTO Kunta Kaupungin/Kunnan osa/Kylä (jos tiedossa) Tav. vuokra-asunto Työsuhdeasunto Va

Microsoft word - leadership exchange march 2010

Q: Our meetings have been called “Corporate Sominex”. How can I make our meetings more Meetings have become the bane of business. How many of you have gone to a meeting and left asking yourself: “What was the point of that? Why was I invited? Will any actions take place as a result of this meeting?” Sometimes just getting people to meetings is a trick in itself. One company I worked w

A t t e n t i o n

A T T E N T I O N!!!! Final Examination of Behavioural Sicences 4th Years general medical students The final examination of behavioural sciences is the total examination which covers all the materials of psychology, bioethics, medical anthropology, medical sociology and behavioural medicine. In the written „ A ” exam 100 items in test form should be solved. All of t

Microsoft word - m41276-pvcm-20131007.doc

CONSEIL MUNICIPAL DE VILLEBAROU EXTRAIT DU REGISTRE DES DELIBERATIONS SEANCE DU LUNDI 7 OCTOBRE 2013 L’an deux mille treize, le lundi 7 octobre à vingt heures trente, Le Conseil Municipal de la commune de Villebarou, dûment convoqué par courriel en date du deux octobre deux mille treize, s’est réuni dans la salle du conseil de Villebarou, sous la présidence de Monsieur Jean-C

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Direct Member Reimbursement (DMR) Frequently Asked Questions What is a Direct Member Reimbursement (DMR)? At times, you may be required to submit a claim form and your receipts for reimbursement for prescriptions filled at a retail pharmacy. This process of reimbursing is called Direct Member Reimbursement, or DMR. When will I need to submit a request for Direct Member Reimbursem

Microsoft word - mbc newsletter-1-10

MBC Pharma, Inc. Newsletter: January 2006 As we begin a new year, we at MBC Pharma have much to be excited about. Based on the strong results and tangible progress from both the scientific and business fronts in 2005, we have very high hopes for 2006. Science and Intellectual Property The results of a number of experiments critical to both our osteoporosis and cancer programs came in during the


Math 146: Exercises on hypothesis tests about proportions(1) State the null and alternative hypotheses. For tests about proportions, the possible(2) Verify necessary data conditions, and if they are met, summarize the data into anappropriate test statistic. For tests about proportions:– Check that the sample is random, or can be considered random in context. Thismeans the individual respons

Selective dorsal rhizotomy: meta-analysis of three randomized controlled trials

Cerebral palsy (CP) has an incidence and prevalence rate ofabout two per 1000 in children (Grether et al.1992, Yeargin-Allsopp et al. 1992). Spasticity is a major clinical feature of over75% of cases of CP and is conventionally considered to be amajor cause of discomfort, gait abnormalities, and function-al limitations for persons with CP. Many resources have beendirected at the treatment of spa

Microsoft word - steve hayes by new harbinger.doc

New Harbinger's interview with Steve Hayes Interview with Steven Hayes on his book Get Out of Your Mind and Into Your Life New Harbinger Publications: In Get Out of Your Mind and Into Your Life, you contradict some of the most central tenets of psychology. You say for example that, “accepting your pain is a step toward ridding yourself of your suffering,” and “we assume that.suffe

Microsoft word - document

LUCAS MATTHYSSE MEDIA ROUNDTABLE QUOTES "WE'RE GOING TO BEAT EACH OTHER UP" SATURDAY, SEPT. 14 AT MGM GRAND ON SHOWTIME PPV® One of the Most Devastating Punchers in the History of the Sport, Matthysse Challenges Unbeaten, Unified Super Lightweight World Champion Danny Garcia On Record-Breaking "The ONE: Mayweather vs. Canelo'' Mega-Event LOS ANGELES (

Microsoft word - burger king calorie counter

Have you heard of the calorie shifting diet? Quick prep menus customized for you. Food Serving Prot Carb Fat Pts Cals WHOPPER Sandwich (Beef patty, sesame seed bun, tomato slices (2), lettuce, mayonnaise, ketchup, pickle slices (4), 28 51 39 16.5 670 MORE WHOPPER Sandwich w/o Mayo (Beef patty, sesame seed bun, 28 51 22 11.5 510 MORE tomato slices (2), lettuce, ketchup, pic

Ergot poses potential problem for livestock

Ergot poses potential problem for livestock Ergot is a disease of cereal crops and many grasses that is favored by cool wet weather during flowering. These conditions have predominated over much of Montana the past 2 weeks. The ergot fungus, Claviceps purpurea, produces dark purple to black sclerotia and these sclerotia are poisonous to warm blooded animals that consume them. As little as 0.


DEVELOPMENTAL MEDICINE & CHILD NEUROLOGYSurvival of individuals with cerebral palsy receiving continuousintrathecal baclofen treatment: a matched-cohort studyLINDA E KRACH1 | ROBERT L KRIEL2 | STEVEN M DAY3 | DAVID J STRAUSS31 Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, USA. 2 Center for Orphan Drug Research, University of Minnesota,Minneap


Michael Anderson is a registered Psychologist in private practice in Torquay, Victoria. He has been practicing mindfulness meditation for over 25 years. In 1990 he became increasingly interested in Buddhism and mindfulness practice, and has from this time worked to integrate Western psychology and mindfulness approaches. He has training in ACT, Without a personal practice


Acetaminophen F (Paracetamol) 5 - 25 g/ml toxisch: > 100 g/ml N-Acetylprocainamid F (NAPA) 6 – 20 g/ml toxisch: > 40 g/ml Acetylsalicylsäure F Analgetikum: 20 – 50 g/mI Antirheumatikum: 50 – 250 g/ml toxisch: > 400 g/ml Aspirinwirkung siehe in vitro Blutungszeit Ajmalin F 0,05 – 1,0 g/ml toxisch: > 5,0 g/ml Amantadin F


Term Effective: Full Title: Advanced Cardiac Life Support (limit to 50 characters including spaces) If this is a variable unit course, then the relationship between units and any difference in expected SLO’s should be explained. Student Learning Outcomes: (Enter the SLO’s in an outline format. Use the Ctrl + Tab keys to indent for subtopics.) At the conclusion of this cour


Einleitung Primäre Therapie des operablen Mammakarzinoms. Evidenzen, Kontro-Im Gegensatz zum jährlich stattfindendenSan Antonio Breast Cancer Symposiumtreffen sich Experten aus der ganzen Welt gynäkol. prax. 35, 1–12 (2011) in St. Gallen alle 2 Jahre, um zunächst inÜbersichtsreferaten und am letzten Tagdann in sog. Expertenpanels über ver-schiedene Themen der molekularbiologi-sche

Arbeit ohne ende-neu2a

Institut für Coaching, Training und Consulting Arbeit ohne Ende – Am Ende durch Arbeit? Inhalt Einleitung 1. Entwicklungen in der Finanzdienstleistungsindustrie und deren Auswirkungen 1.1. Veränderung des Marktes – der Sport 1.2. Technologische Entwicklung 1.3. Die Kunden 2. Diagnostische Einschätzung 3. Lösungen im Vorgehen der Unternehmen 4. Die Rolle des Betriebsrates E


Anwendungsgebiete von Dolormin extra Leichte bis mäßig starke Schmerzen ( Kopfschmerzen, Zahnschmerzen, Regelschmerzen) Dosierung Erwachsene und Jugendliche (ab 15 Jahren): 1/2-1 Tablette als Einzeldosis, bis 1200 mg (3Tabletten) als Gesamttagesdosis. Kinder 13-14 Jahre: 1/2-1 Tablette als Einzeldosis, 600-1000 mg (1,5-2,5 Tabletten) alsGesamttagesdosis. Kinder 10-12 Jahre: 1/2 Tablett

Cancer & blood type

Cancer & Blood Type Prepared by Dr Jason Mallia, Doctor of Integrative Medicine (Australia) What is contained here to be treated as information only and not misconstrued for professional advice. Please consult your health practitioner for more information. So what is the mainstream understanding of cancer? Cancer is a general term for a group of diseases characterized by abnormal gr

Microsoft word - mastering_tasks_of_adolescence[1][1][1].doc

CASE REPORT MASTERING TASKS OF ADOLESCENCE: THE KEY TO OPTIMUM END -OF- LIFE CARE OF AN ADOLESCENT DYING OF CANCER. Suriati Mohamed Saini* and Susan Mooi KoonTan.* *Department of Psychiatry, Faculty of Medicine, UKM Medical Centre, Jalan Yaacob Latif, Abstract Objective: This case report highlights the optimum end-of-life care of an adolescent dying of cancer. Method:


Doppingvétség nélkül A Nemzeti Sporthivatal és a Sportkórház doppingmentes felkészülést segítő kiadványaHiteles tartalom a Nemzeti Sporthivatal és a Sportkórház garanciájával. Kedves Sportolók! A harmadik Doppingvétség nélkül címû kiadványt tartjátok kezetekben, az immár bátran mondhatjukmegszokott formátumban és szerkezetben, de megújult tartalommal, ugyani


SUB-URETHRAL SLING: POSTOPERATIVE PATIENT INFORMATION You have undergone a sub-urethral sling procedure to provide support to the urethra. The goal of this sling procedure is the correction of stress urinary incontinence. Careful adherence to the following instructions is imperative to a safe and satisfying result. Patience, realistic expectations, and positive attitude always help exp

Microsoft word - bcn_qualityinterchange_jan 2007_no pg#_112806_final.doc

Quality Interchange Program January 2007 Prior Authorization or Step Therapy may be necessary for coverage of certain medications for BCN’s Commercial members. Clinical criteria, based on current medical information as approved by the BCBSM/BCN Pharmacy and Therapeutics Committee must be met, or other information must be provided, before coverage is approved for these drugs. Drugs subjec


Tetracycline* (Sumycin) GENERIC DRUGS ANTIFUNGAL AGENTS (ORAL) ________________ Ascension Health endorses the use of FDA Clotrimazole* (Mycelex) Fluconazole* (Diflucan) (QL) encourages the prescribing and dispensing of Itraconazole* (Sporanox) these generic medications whenever medically Ketoconazole* (Nizoral) Nystatin* (Mycostatin) Terbinafine*


LA MALATTIA DA REFLUSSO GASTROESOFAGEO (MRGE) Il reflusso gastro-esofageo è la patologia più comune dell’ esofago e, probabilmente, la condizione clinica di maggior prevalenza del tratto gastrointestinale. I sintomi tipici, riportati nella figura sono la pirosi ed il rigurgito acido. La maggior parte delle persone sane ha reflusso intermittente di succo gastrico in esofago; que

Microsoft word - spc-806_xp_en_ch2012-02.doc

Contraindications English translation of the Product Information Hypersensitivity to estriol or any of the other constituents of Gynoflor; endometriosis (manifest or suspected); manifest, previous or Gynoflor® Vaginal Tablets suspected hormone-dependent tumour of the breast, uterus or vagina; severely inflamed, suppurated, infiltrated vaginitis; bleeding of Composition unknown ori

Dietary phytoestrogen intake and premenopausal breast cancer risk in a german case-control study

Int. J. Cancer: 110, 284 –290 (2004) Publication of the International Union Against CancerDIETARY PHYTOESTROGEN INTAKE AND PREMENOPAUSAL BREASTCANCER RISK IN A GERMAN CASE-CONTROL STUDYINSEISEN ,* Regina PILLER , Silke HERMANN and Jenny CHANG-CLAUDE1 Unit of Human Nutrition and Cancer Prevention, Technical University of Munich, Freising-Weihenstephan, Germany 2 Department of Clinical E


A CELEBRAÇÃO DA PÁSCOA JUDAICA E AS TRADIÇÕES CULTURAIS: SIMBOLOGIA E SIGNIFICADO PELEGRINI, Sandra de Cássia Araújo (UEM/NEE/UNICAMP) A Páscoa Judaica ou Pêssach é uma festa religiosa comemorada pelo povo judeu, evocando a passagem da escravidão no Egito para a condição de liberdade, conforme evento descrito na Torah (Livro Sagrado dos Judeus). Essa festa religiosa é come


W ater & Atmospher e 17(1) 2009 Water Quality Nutrient trading to improve and preserve water quality Kit Rutherford and Tim Cox are modelling a market where the currency is nitrogen exports and the commodity is clean water. Trading in a watery market • Regions are setting limits (‘caps’) on how much here’s a lot in the news about

Microsoft word - mssa short programme.a4.doc

Physical Sciences Medical & Zoological Technical Forum Microbiology Wednesday 1st Thursday 2nd Registration – Lecture Theatre Complex Welcome & Opening – Lecture Theatre 5 Registration – Lecture Theatre Complex 27th John Matthews Memorial Lecture 20th Boris Balinsky Lecture Lecture Theatre 5 Lecture Theatre 5 Theatre 1 Theatre

Mmc clinical trials_apr05

Memorial Medical Center1700 Coffee RoadModesto, CA 95355(209) 572-7237 Clinical Trials April 2005 BREAST: IBCSG A Phase III Trial Evaluating the Role of Ovarian Function Suppressionand the Role of Exemestane as Adjuvant Therapies for PremenopausalWomen with Endocrine Responsive Breast Cancer. A Randomized Phase III Trial of Exemestane vs. Anastrozole With orWithout Celecoxib in Postmenopa

Cultus lake park board

CULTUS LAKE PARK BOARD Minutes of the Cultus Lake Park Board Meeting at the Cultus Lake Park Board Office on Wednesday, February 9, 2005 at 7:00 PM Present: Commissioner Sanborn, Chair Commissioner Geary Commissioner Meredith Treasurer Bennett Recording Secretary Lawrie Absent: Commissioner Enns __________________________________________________________________________________

Patient information

PATIENT INFORMATION Patient’s Full Name __________________________________________ Date of Birth_______________ Age_______ Sex______ Address______________________________________________City/State_________________________Zip Code___________Home Phone_________________________________ SSN_________ ____________ Email_____________________________________Names of friends or relatives who wer

Microsoft word - ki tisa - olie van blijdschap _ffoz_.doc

Olie van blijdschap Ki Tisa - אשת יכ : "When you take" Parasha: Ki Tisa - אשת יכ: "Als je neemt"Torah : Exodus 30:11-34:35 Haftarah : 1 Kings 18:1-39 Gospel : Matthew 9:35-11:1 Thought for the Week Gedachte voor de Week The Sages teach that in the month of Adar, joyDe Wijzen leren dat in de maand Adar, de vreugdeincreases. In Adar we celebrate

Acknowledgment of risk-youth.doc

Acknowledgment of Risk - CONDITIONS for YOUTH - Warning – This is an important document which may affect your legal rights and obligations, please read it carefully. If you have any questions please call our office on 8165 2033. I, (Parent’s name) ___________________ acknowledge that Venture Corporate Recharge (Aust) Pty Ltd will provide my son/daughter (Child’s Na


“Rock in Rio Lisbon – For a better World Forum”We are certainly in the right place today to talk about HIV andAIDS, because HIV/AIDS is a normal sexual transmitteddesease and sex is an issue expecially for young people. We need to start by personalising the risk and the impact ofAIDS. AIDS is not someone else’s issue, it is my issue and it isyour issue. Africa may be the hardest hit


FOGLIO ILLUSTRATIVO PRIMA DELL’USO LEGGETE CON ATTENZIONE TUTTE LE INFORMAZIONI CONTENUTE NEL FOGLIO ILLUSTRATIVO Questo è un medicinale di AUTOMEDICAZIONE che potete usare per curare disturbi lievi e transitori facilmente riconoscibili e risolvibili senza ricorrere all’aiuto del medico. Può essere quindi acquistato senza ricetta, ma va usato correttamente per assicurarne l’ef


Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco Escola Superior Agrária Susceptibilidade de Staphylococcus coagulase positiva isolados de alimentos Ana Catarina Pires de Almeida Dissertação apresentada ao Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Licenciado em Engenharia Biológica e Alimentar, realizada sob a or

Microsoft word - biology 12 biological molecules review key.doc

Biology 12 - Biologically Important Molecules! Use this repeatedly this term to quiz yourself on biologically important molecules. ____ WATER ___ ___ Glucose ___ ___ Disaccharide ___ Amino Acid dipeptide Phospholipid Fatty acid Fatty acid Triglyceride Unsaturated Saturated Neutral fat Cholesterol Nucleotide Nucleotide (pyrmidine)

Microsoft word - the use of misoprostol in midwifery practice.doc

THE USE OF MISOPROSTOL IN MIDWIFERY PRACTICE In April 2008, the Auckland College of Midwives hosted an interactive education forum, exploring the current use of Misoprostol within New Zealand maternity care. Wikipedia has this to say about Misoprostol: “Misoprostol is a drug that is FDA-approved in the United States for the prevention of NSAID-induced gastric ulcers. It is also used (a

Semen gavlin v. dhmh

DECISION STATEMENT OF THE CASE On July 21, 2006, the Appellant applied for the Older Adults Waiver (OAW) program, a program administered under the auspices of the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DHMH). On August 21, 2006, the DHMH sent a notice to the Appellant informing him that based on the determination of its utilization reviewer, he did not qualify for the OAW program. Th


Chapter 5 Going for an MoT (How a trip to the doctor’s can help you to achieve your weight-loss goals) Contents Assessing your fuel intake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 To get the most from your visit, follow a few simple rules . . 3Getting a jump start . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5Visiting an ‘obesity bodyshop’ . . . .


How can customers be made loyal to a fuel-brand :creating loyalty through gamification, urban INTRODUCTION: The Greek philosopher Plato once said you could learn more about a man in one hour of play than in a whole year of conversation. Plato was on to something. It turns out that you can not only learn more about people while they play, but that you can also enhanc

Microsoft word - Đề thi tin học vp_mb.docx

Đề thi tuyển dụng FPT – ENGLISH TEST A - đề số 3 THE CORPORATION FOR FINANCING AND PROMOTING TECHNOLOGY 50 questions Look at the table below and match the opposites. An example is given. 0. Married _____ C _____ A. Female 1. Neat __________ 2. Bright __________ C. Single 3. Important __________ D. Trivial 4. Male __________ E. Untid

Interim guidance on antiviral recommendations for patients with confirmed or suspected swine influenza a (h1n1) virus infection and close contacts

Interim Guidance on Antiviral Recommendations for Patients with Confirmed or Suspected Swine Influenza A (H1N1) Virus Infection and Close Contacts Objective: To provide interim guidance on the use of antiviral agents for treatment and chemoprophylaxis of swine influenza A (H1N1) virus infection. This includes patients with confirmed or suspected swine influenza A (H1N1) virus in


Sildenafil Treatment of Women With Antidepressant-Associated Sexual Dysfunction A Randomized Controlled Trial Context Antidepressant-associated sexual dysfunction is a common adverse effect that frequently results in premature medication treatment discontinuation and for whichno treatment has demonstrated efficacy in women. Objective To evaluate the efficacy of sildenafil for sexual dysf

Peran epw_s_int

T.038-3330222 F.038-3331878 E-mail: info@masterfloor.nl www.masterfloor.nl Description Peran EPW Sealer is a 2-component water-soluble epoxy, and is available as transparent or pigmented with a gloss or matt finish. It is applied in thicknesses of 150-250 µm. A normal thickness after two coats is approx. 175 µm. Applications Peran EPW Sealer is a simple and wear-re

Studienliste_alle studien_20121201.xls

Studienübersicht Onkologie Dezember 2012Preoperative chemoradiotherapy versus chemotherapy alone in NSCLC patients with mediastinal lymph node Bevacicumab, pemetrexed and cisplatin, or erlotinib and bevacizumab, non-squamous NSCLC stratified by EGFR-mutation status. phase II including biopsy at A Randomized, Double-Blind, Phase 3 Study of Docetaxel and Ramucirumab versus Docetaxel and Pla

Microsoft word - enzymes worksheet[1].doc

We've been talking about the kind of reactions that happen in your body (DNA, Protein synthesis, Cellular respiration etc.) and how molecules can change. You should know that It doesn't happen on its own. If you leave a blob of protein in a petri dish will it just break down to the amino acids? No. What will break down proteins? Enzymes! Enzymes are the biological substance (proteins) that act as


El ADD: ¿Una “locura” contemporánea o un nuevo dispositivo disciplinario? - Lic. Mariano Acciardi – (54 9 11) 15 41872423 – Eje Temático: Estigmatización del paciente psiquiátrico. Temática: Psiquiatría y Psicoanálisis Palabras claves: ADD, ADDH, Atención, Educación, Narrativas contemporáneas. Abstract: Asistimos hoy a una suerte de “epidemia” de lo que tranquilizadorame

Tacrofort 5 mg pi.cdr

médico se você apresentar algum desses sintomas. O tratamento com carboidratos (668 Kcal, 85% de carboidratos) fez com que a AUC e randomizados. O grupo controle ativo foi tratado com regime de Tacrofort irá diminuir a sua imunidade e você estará sujeito a contrair Cmáx médias decrescessem 28% e 65%, respectivamente. Em imunossupressão baseado em ciclosporina. Ambos estudos utilizaram

Acupuncture treatment of chronic migraine headaches: a case report

Medical Acupuncture Journal, Abstract 6 - Acupuncture Treatm. http://www.medicalacupuncture.com/aama_marf/journal/vol10_. A Journal For Physicians By Physicians Spring / Summer 1998 - Volume 10 / Number 1 "Aurum Nostrum Non Est Aurum Vulgi" ABSTRACT 6 ACUPUNCTURE TREATMENT OF CHRONIC MIGRAINE HEADACHES: A CASE REPORT By Bryan L. Frank, M.D., RC., INTRODUCTION A 40-

Professional memo

Biscayne Building 19 West Flagler Street, Suite 220 The Honorable Dr. Barbara Carey-Shuler, Chair and Members of the Board of County Commissioners OIG Investigation of Fraud Against the MDHA and Housing Recipients. Attached please find the Office of the Inspector General’s (OIG) Press Release regarding an OIG investigation of fraud perpetrated on the Miami-Dade Housing Agency (MDHA) and its


To all participants of the “Best of the West Camp” Attention: To all Modern Arnis practitioners and supporters worldwide; It is with great regret that I am writing and sharing medical health information regarding my inability to attend and instruct at the upcoming DAV seminar “Best of the West.” As most practitioners in the Modern Arnis community already know, I was involved in a motor


Once Upon A Space Time Characters in order of Appearance Space Cannibals Optional futuristic rock band Marie Curie Johnny Beefcake Spunk from the colony Billy Ray Spunkles Adolf Android Napoleon Android Max Evil The bridge of a large space craft. Upstage is a raised platform upon which is a high-backed chair. Behind this, the backdrop is a large window filled with the blackness of spac

Microsoft word - document

How Caffeine Affects Your Brain Here in the States, we just went through a major presidential election. The last few weeks, and even DAYS, our TV, radio, mail, and telephone were swamped with negative (or positive) phone messages, flyers, commercials, and ads, aimed at pinpointing the weaknesses of the other opponent. Now, this practice is common in politics. You may already know that w

Pediatric asthma & allergy

•• 9 month old with cough productive and clear rhinorrhea for 11 days low grade fevers, male vomits after cough and it is more severe at night time, wheezing in the office with subcoastalretractions although happy and content in moms lap-- remainder of exam normal, pulse ox 94% and respiratory rate 44 + daycare. What do you do as a provider? What questions do you want •• ? Steroid

Microsoft word - 2.6_stress_med_list.doc

I. THE FOLLOWING MEDICATIONS ALTER HEART RATE RESPONSE AND/OR METABOLIC RESPONSE TO EXERCISE. Therefore, we suggest that they be discontinued prior to Dobutamine and Exercise Stress imaging at the discretion of the referring doctor. (In some patients, discontinuation may be unsafe. In others, the test is being done to assess medication effects.). IT IS NOT NECESSARY TO DISCONTINUE THESE MEDICATI


CDC - Influenza (Flu) | Antiviral Drugs and Swine Influenza Swine Flu Antiviral Drugs Antiviral drugs are prescription medicines (pills, liquid or an inhaler) with activity against influenza viruses, including swine influenza viruses. Antiviral drugs can be used to treat swine flu or to prevent infection with swine flu viruses. These medications must be prescribed by a health care pro

Microsoft word - pharmacology mbbs

CURRICULUM AND SYLLABUS UNDER THE NEW REGULATIONS FOR THE M.B.B.S. COURSE OF STUDIES OF PHARMACOLOGY. THIRD SEMESTER : A. Didactic Lectures 40hrs I. General Consideration & Basic Principles 15hrs (Introduction, Historical perspective, Pharmacokinetic principles, Pharma- codynamics, Issues relating to pharmacotherapeutics, Essential Drugs concept, Steps in New Drug Devel

Swmh 1(4)jprint.pdf

SUMMARY. This article reports on two research projects and argues that current medication management research and practice does not represent the complexity of community-based psychotropic treatment. Ethnographic findings are used to demonstrate that a social grid of man- agement exists to negotiate medication ‘effect’ interpretation. Anthropo- logical and semi-structured interview data are


Jer. 35:1 ¶ The word which came unto Jeremiah from the LORD in the days of Jehoiakim the son of Josiah king of Judah, saying, Jer. 35:2 Go unto the house of the Rechabites, and speak unto them, and bring them into the house of the LORD, into one of the chambers, and give them wine to drink. Jeremiah’s record is obviously not recorded chronologically. This message from the LORD jum

Microsoft word - summary of the findings of the sfindings_laparoscopic_insemination_2013.doc

Summary of the findings of the survey conducted on laparoscopic insemination programs associated with the 2011 and 2012 lambings The SA Stud Merino Breeders Association surveyed members in late 2012 to determine the extent ofa perceived failure in many laparoscopic insemination programs and to identify factors that may havebeen responsible. There were 32 respondents and information was provided

Impressum y condiciones generales de utilización de los servicios maxtel

Impressum y Condiciones Generales de Utilización de los Servicios MAXtel Las presentes Condiciones Generales rigen un servicio de telefonía internacional Premium provisto por BeeOne Communications - Route des Jeunes 6 – 1227 Carouge, nombrado de acá en más con la marca comercial registrada MAXtel. Se utiliza “el Cliente” para nombrar toda persona física o jurídica que contrata


¿Ha sido víctima de discriminación en servicios de vivienda? De acuerdo con la ley federal y estatal contra la discriminación, es ilegal discriminar en la venta o renta de viviendas o en los préstamos o seguros de viviendas por razones de:  Condición familiar (familias con hijos menores de 18 años)  Condición como veterano o miembro de las Fuerzas Armadas de Estados Unidos  Co

Microsoft word - certificate in community health

Marks are indicated against each question. A semi-solid fluid present around the nucleus is : (ii) Urinary bladder, rectum and parts of reproduction system Personal hygine means cleanliness of our (iii) is free from tension anxieties & worries (iv) All of the above (a) Muscles store.which is as energy during movement of the (b) Vein carried .blood except the.vein. (c) Regular moderat


Clinica Pediatrica, Dipartimento dell’Età Evolutiva, Università di Hallstrom M, Eerola E, Vuento R, Janas M, Tammela O. Eff ects of mode of delivery and necrotising enterocolitis on the intestinal microfl ora in preterm infants. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis 2004; 23: 463–70. Manzoni P, Mostert M, Leonessa ML. Oral supplementation with Lactobacillus CG declares that he has no co

Sik hung ng; loong, cynthia s. f.; an ping he; liu, james h.; weatherall, ann

Sik Hung Ng; Loong, Cynthia S. F.; An Ping He; Liu, James H.; Weatherall, Ann Journal of Language & Social Psychology, Mar2000, Vol. 19 Issue 1, p26, 20p COMMUNICATION CORRELATES OF INDIVIDUALISM AND COLLECTIVISM Talk Directed at One or More Addressees in Family Conversations Conversations in 12 European and 12 Chinese families in New Zealand were recorded and a sample o

00 application for npc company registration

Non-profit Companies (NPC) Section 21 Company not for Gain Application for Company Registration – NPC – Section 21 Company Please complete in the blocks and keep a copy for your records - Fee for Private Company Registration: R550.00 al inclusive; Name of Applicant: Email Address: Address/Postal Address: Application to Reserve a Name ( Insert the proposed


Alan Lomax Toward An Ethnographic Film Archive 1 This article appeared in Filmmakers Newsletter (vol. 4 #4) in February 1971 at a time when Alan Lomax was searching with energy and determination for footage of dance and work from around the globe to analyze in his Choreometrics project. The technology and paradigms for shooting color synchronous sound in the most remote locations had

Patient registration form for medical cannabis

Natural Wellness Center Patient Registration Form for Medical Cannabis First Name ______________________ Last Name_____________________ M.I. ______________Date of birth ___/___/___ Sex: □ Male □ FemalePhysical Address ________________________________________________________________City _________________________State _________________________Zip _____________Telephone ___________

Microsoft word - 27.rtf

«Los actos humanos, es decir, libremente realizados tras un juicio de conciencia, son calificables moralmente: son buenos o malos» (Catecismo, 1749). «El obrar es moralmente bueno cuando las elecciones de la libertad están conformes con el verdadero bien del hombre y expresan así la ordenación voluntaria de la persona hacia su fin último, es decir, Dios mismo»1. «La moralidad de los act

Microsoft word - prescription medicines.doc

REDEVELOPMENT OF THE PRESCRIPTION MEDICINES COMPONENT OF THE CONSUMERS PRICE INDEX Andrew Ransom Statistics New Zealand, Aorangi House, 85 Molesworth St, Wellington, New Zealand The Prescription Medicines component of the Consumers Price Index (CPI) is being reviewed. The review was prompted by a need to update the sample of medicines and their weights, and to develop a robust stra


International Journal of COPD open access to scientific and medical researchClinical pathway for acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: method This article was published in the following Dove Press journal: International Journal of COPD28 June 2011Number of times this article has been viewed Background: Randomized controlled trials, evidence-based medicine, clinical

Microsoft word - iva-of circ 30157.doc

ÁREA DE GESTÃO TRIBUTÁRIA-IVA N.º Identificação Fiscal (NIF): 770 004 470Chefes de Equipas MultidisciplinaresChefes dos Serviços de FinançasCoordenadores das Lojas do Cidadão Assunto: IVA - ALTERAÇÃO DAS TAXAS APLICÁVEIS ÀS OPERAÇÕES QUE SE CONSIDEREMEFETUADAS NA REGIÃO AUTÓNOMA DOS AÇORESEm Suplemento ao Diário da República n.° 253, I Série, de 31 de dezembro de


Our Church at Rock Creek team consisted of seven people who had never visited Africa before. Three of us were nurses, two pastors and two who were willing to assist in any way God arranged. We were working with an existing ministry, called Light Ministries, and partnered with a team from Bellevue Baptist Church (who had previously worked with the children and teachers in the areas we were schedule


Xingke Professional Li-ion Battery Co.,ltd. Date: Approval Tel:+86-755-84715111 Fax:+86-755-84715777 Postcode:518129 Xingke Professional Li-ion Battery Co.,ltd. 1 PACK batterys' basic Specifications and standards4 Protect board component and circuit pictureNote: This specification is valid for 6 months from the date of release. Because of the corresponding process changes and o

O'donovan n, byrne at, o'connor ae, mcgee s, gallagher wm, crown j

2012 Publications Brennan DJ, O'Connor DP, Laursen H, McGee SF, McCarthy S, Zagozdzon R, Rexhepaj E, Culhane AC, Martin FM, Duffy MJ, Landberg G, Ryden L, Hewitt SM, Kuhar MJ, Bernards R, Millikan RC, Crown JP, Jirström K, Gallagher WM. The cocaine- and amphetamine-regulated transcript mediates ligand-independent activation of ERα, and is an independent prognostic factor in node-negative

Microsoft word - cv.doc

BIOGRAPHICAL DATA [November 2006] Name: John E. Damilakis Education: University of Crete, Medical School, Iraklion, Crete University of Surrey, Guildford, England Current Position: Assistant Professor of Medical Physics, Dept of Medical Physics, University of Crete, Faculty of Medicine, Iraklion, Crete, GREECE Career-related activities: 1998-2000, President of the ‘Greek

Reversi-final _claus_

published as: CLAUS Report number 5, Saarland University, February 1991 A Bottom-Up Algorithm for Parsing and Generation Abstract We present a bottom-up algorithm for parsing and generation. The algorithm is a bottom-up chart parser, whose lexical lookup phase has been modified for generation. An analysis of the algorithm offers interesting insights into the relationship between par


Good NEWS for those trying to quit smoking!! Beginning in September 2011, not only are Champix® and Zyban® covered by ODBF, but pharmacists are being reimbursed for their role in counseling and support of patients who are addicted to cigarettes. Details • People taking Champix® (varenicline) or Zyban® (bupropion) are now covered by limited use code 423 for 12 weeks a year, provided t

Microsoft word - incontro gofar _2_.doc

Incontro informativo annuale Sabato 13 Dicembre 2008 Un giorno di incontro e approfondimento delle conoscenze sullo sviluppo degli approcci terapeutici per il trattamento Programma • Uno sguardo alla ricerca dal vivo Ore 11.15: Benvenuto ai partecipanti Ore11.30 : Filomena D’Agostino ( legale rappresentante Comitato RUDI onlus- GoFAR) Introduzione

Microsoft word - agosto_2007.rtf

TRIBUNAL REGIONAL ELEITORAL DE SÃO PAULO Relação Mensal de Compras: Agosto/2007 PREÇO UNIT PREÇO TOTAL FORNECEDOR CNPJ/CPF Ácido Acetilsalicílico, em cartelas com 10 comprimidos Amoxicilina + Clav Potássio, em caixas com 18 comprimidos de 500/ 125 mg, laboratório EMS. Besilato de Anlodipino, em caixas com 30 comprimidos Besilato de Anlodipino, em caixas com 30 comprimid


Nomor Suku Cadang Nama Suku Cadang Harga (Rp) 02510-000-220 LIQUID GASKET 06381-KPH-900 ROD KIT, CONNECTING 06401-KPH-881 DRIVE CHAIN KIT 06435-KPP-901 PAD SET RR 06451-GE2-406 SEAL SET PISTON 06455-KR3-404 PAD SET FR (NA) 06530-GBG-B20 BALL ASSY,STEEL #6X23 06531-GBG-B20 BALL ASSY,STEEL #6X29 06535-GN5-505 RACE STEERING KIT 08232M99K


REPUBBLICA ITALIANAIl Tribunale Amministrativo Regionale per il Veneto(Sezione Terza)ha pronunciato la presenteORDINANZASul ricorso numero di registro generale 245 del 2010, proposto da: Razzismo Stop Associazione Onlus, rappresentato e difeso dall'avv. Michele Dell'Agnese, con domicilio presso la Segreteria del T.A.R., ai sensi dell'art. 35 R.D. 26 giugno 1924, n. 1054;controil Comune di Selvaz

What is addison's disease?

Addison's Disease Addison's disease is a rare endocrine, or hormonal disorder that affects about 1 in 100,000 people. It occurs in all age groups and afflicts men and women equally. The disease is characterized by weight loss, muscle weakness, fatigue, low blood pressure, and sometimes darkening of the skin in both exposed and non-exposed parts of the body. Addison's disease occurs when

Max gxl ingredients

Max GXL Ingredients Serving Size – 3 capsules (56 servings per box) – take 1 pkg in the am, one in the pm – comments next to the ingredients are those of a friend who likes to analyze this Amount per serving Vitamin C (as Calcium Ascorbate) – 250mg N-Acetyl Cysteine – 375mg L-glutamine – 750mg N-Acetyl D-Glucosamine – 125mg Quercetin – 37.5mg

Microsoft word - cage cul ture of south american ca tfish.doc

CAGE CULTURE OF SOUTH AMERICAN CATFISH (RHAMDIA SAPO) PRELIMINARY RESULTS IN THE SALTO GRANDE RESERVOIR (ARGENTINA) LAURA M. LUCHINI and ROLANDO QUIROS Instituto Nacional de Investigación y Desarrollo Pesquero (INIDEP) C.C. 175, 7600 Mar Del Plata. Argentina The first experimental cage culture of South American catfish (Rhamdia sapo) was carried out in the Salto Grande


Emerald | The Trouble with Markets – Saving Capitalism from Itself The Trouble with Markets – Saving Capitalism from Itself Article Type: Book review From: foresight, Volume 12, Issue 4 Roger Bootle, Nicholas Brealey Publishing, London, 2009, 276 pp. Capitalism needs foresight! Bootle’s book has three parts each with three chapters and a conclusion titled The Future of Capi


1.1 With the enforcement of the constitution on 26 January, 1950, Hindi became the Official Language of the Union of India according to article 343 of the constitution. There is a separate Hindi Section in the Department of Mines to ensure the implementation of the constitutional provisions of Official Language and also to implement the Official Language Policy of the Government of India to promot


Published in the Winter 2012 CURE Childhood Cancer Newsletter Endocrine Problems after Childhood Cancer Treatment Brooke Cherven, RN, MPH, CPON and Lil ian Meacham, MD Survival rates for childhood cancer have grown greatly over the last few decades thanks to many advances in pediatric cancer treatment. Today the majority of children diagnosed with cancer will become long-term survivors. Su

Prostate cancer

Prostate Basic description In American men, prostate cancer is the most common cancer (other than skin cancer) and the second leading cause of cancer death. The prostate gland is walnut-sized and is located in front of the rectum, behind the penis, and under the bladder. It makes some of the seminal fluid, which protects and nourishes sperm cells in semen. Most prostate cancers grow very

Haloperidol long-acting injection (haldol decanoate)

Haloperidol long-acting injection (Haldol Decanoate) Your doctor or nurse will inject haloperidol into a muscle in your buttocks. Each injection willlast for four weeks. It is important you keep your regular appointments with your doctor or nurse. There are a number of side-effects which you may experience from this treatment. If you areconcerned about any of these, you should discuss t

Microsoft word - x congresso nacional de dermatologiaprog ii2.doc

5ª feira – 13 Novembro 18h00 – Abertura do Secretariado 6ª feira – 14 Novembro 8:30 - Apresentação Casos Clínicos ( Sala Alfama ) Moderadores: Manuel Sereijo; Bárbara Fernandes (5 min apresentação+ 2 min discussão) Erupção zosteriforme como manifestação de doença sistémica Joana Antunes1, M. André1, A. Fraga1, P.L. Filipe1, L.S. de Almeida1,

Normas generales i, unidad 6

Normas generales I Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina Unidad 6: Actos administrativos singulares: normas comunes (cánones 35-47) El Título IV es el más largo de todo el Libro I. tiene 59 cánones, distribuidos en cinco Capítulos. En él se retoman algunas materias que ya estaban presentes en el Código de 1917, modificándolas en mayor o en menor medida, en algunos


Noviembre 2007. Cáncer de Pulmón 14…WOK Clinical trial monitoring method for e.g. respiratory flow meter, involves transmitting script program to remotely situated apparatus e.g. interactive television system, through communication network e.g. internet. Brown, S. J. (US2007168242-A1) 116. EMBASE Comparative study of clinical application value with CT-Orientator stereotact


MOLYTE C AUS TR ALI A , Un it 1, 9 Stee l St, Capa la ba, QLD A ustralia, 41 57 Material Safety Data Sheet ULTRALOC 3262 anaerobic Classified as hazardous according to criteria of NOHSC. Chemical Product / Company Identification ULTRALOC 3262 Thread Locker 10mL P/No. 326210, 50mL P/No. 326250, 250mL P/No 326225 Molytec Australia P/L 1/9 Steel St Capalaba QLD Australia 415

Depression and insomnia

Depression och insomni Milton K. Erman The Scripps Research Institute and the University of California School of Medicine, La Jolla, California, USA Att humörrubbningar och sömnstörningar är nära kopplade till varandra kommer inte som någon överraskning för den som är förtrogen med medicinen, religionen eller litteraturen. Redan 400 år f. Kr. kommenterade Hippokrates i sin Book o


APPLICATION 2014-2015 GLOBAL UNDERGRADUATE EXCHANGE PROGRAM IN EURASIA AND CENTRAL ASIA The Global Undergraduate Exchange Program in Eurasia and Central Asia is a program of the Bureau of Department of State and is support ed by the people of the United States. The program provides opportunities for non-degree study in the United States. In addition to course work, projects an

Microsoft word - pdf template.doc

Are Mouth Sores Getting You Down? You may have cold sores only occasionally or perhaps frequently. But did you know that they are contagious? Cold sores are caused by the herpes simplex 1 virus and are spread from person to person in saliva. Canker sores, which are inside the mouth, are not contagious, and often run in families. The good news is that a person doesn’t have to suffer with e


CRÓNICA DEL XIII CONGRESO INTERNACIONAL DE NUMISMÁTICA El XIII Congreso Internacional de Numismática, primero que se celebra enEspaña desde su creación en 1891, se ha celebrado con todo éxito en el Palacio deCongresos del Paseo de la Castellana de Madrid entre los días 15 y 19 de septiembrede 2003, bajo la presidencia de honor de SS. MM. los Reyes de España, el Patroci-nio del Minis

Microsoft word - apichat_vitta-cv-english 11 may 11.doc

CURRICULUM VITAE Name: Mr. Apichat Vitta Date of birth: 12-17-1978 Place of birth: Maha-Sarakham Province, Thailand Nationality: Thai Home address: 2/4, Nachuak-Porpan Road, Sub-district Nachuak, District Nachuak, Office Position: Department of Microbiology & Parasitology, Faculty of Medical Science, Naresuan University, Phitsanulok, Thailand 65000 Tel : +66 05

Microsoft word - enalapril.doc

Enalapril Enalapril is used to treat mild, moderate or severe heart failure and high blood pressure and is usually used in combination with other medications. It is available as 2.5mg, 5mg, 10mg and 20mg tablets. The usual dose for dogs is 0.25mg/pound by mouth given once a day. (sold per tablet) What is Enalapril? Enalapril is used to treat mild, moderate, or severe heart failure


Inflammation, Vol. 30, No. 6, December 2007 (# 2007)DOI: 10.1007/s10753-007-9041-3The Effects of High Dose Pravastatin and Low DosePravastatin and Ezetimibe Combination Therapy on Lipid,Glucose Metabolism and InflammationNecati Dagli,1,2 Mustafa Yavuzkir,1 and Ilgin Karaca1Objective. Coronary artery disease (CAD) is presently the major cause of mortality and morbidity. Anti-hyperlipidemic treat


R. Soma Sekhar Reddy Professional summary Business Process Improvement projects . Training/Mentoring . Information Systems .Team building/Leadership . Core team member . Six sigma training . Productivity Enhancement. Interviewing. Fraud detection… Ability to quickly and easily learn and use new software and hardware. Mentor staff to achieve full potential. Proven abil

Comunicato stampa -time code

THE TIME CODE SHOW curated by Fabiola Naldi and Alessandra Pioselli 3rd July – 17th August 2008 Opening: Thursday, July 3rd 2008, 6.30 p.m. The inauguration of THE TIME CODE SHOW – curated by Fabiola Naldi and Alessandra Piosel i, and conceived as a “choral” moment which retraces the stages of the TIME CODE project – wil be held on July 3, at MAMbo – the Museum of Modern Art

Microsoft word - 122711recall.doc

Date: December 27, 2011 Motrin Recall McNeil Consumer Healthcare Division of McNEIL-PPC, Inc. is recalling certain lots of MOTRIN IB 24 count COATED CAPLETS, MOTRIN IB 24 count COATED TABLETS and MOTRIN IB 24+6 count COATED CAPLETS from retailers. It is possible there may be a delay in experiencing relief. FULL RECALLED PRODUCT LIST: ACA310, ACA460, ADA407, AEA262, AFA226, AJA170, ALA


VHS 42 02566 16 min, Farbe das Medieninstitut der Länder stattfindet, wird vorgestellt. Höhepunkt istErfahren, wann und wie in einer jüdischen Familieder Sabbat gefeiert wird. Den Sabbat als einenaus der festlich geschmückten Torarolle, dieTag der Ruhe, der Freude und des Gedenkenskennen lernen. Die Bräuche und Riten bei einerSabbatfeier kennen und verstehen lernen. Nach-e

03 - hubiera participado bolÍvar.pub

DE LA PORTADA ¿Hubiera partici pado Bolívar? Sin dudarlo un solo segundo, estamos seguros de que Simón Bolívar jamás se hubiera prestado para apostar el destino de la Patria en unas elecciones organizadas y supervisadas por el imperio español. Para darle soporte fiel a nuestras más absolutas y radicales convicciones, reprodu- cimos aquí el decreto de guerra a muerte contra Esp

Motivations for seeking treatment for ed: the woman's perspective

Motivations for Seeking treatment for …From International Journal of Impotence Research Motivations for Seeking Treatment for ED: The Woman's Perspective M P McCabe; H Conaglen; J Conaglen; E O'Connor Posted: 03/29/2010; Int J Impot Res. 2010;22(2):152-158. © 2010 Nature Publishing Group Abstract and Introduction Abstract There is increasing evidence that partners have a major role


Tax Year: 2010 Page 1 of 17 Mobile Home Tax Buyer's List 2/22/2011 5:17:43 PM Madison County Mobile Home Park Mobile Home Number Owner Name / Site Address Township Square Footage Manufacture Year Current Due $61.43 Pre-Sale Cost Cur. Penalty $100.00 Post-Sale Cost Total Due $69.98 Pre-Sale Cost Cur. Penalty $100.00 Post-Sale Cost Total Due


1 Allgemeines Die Anwendung von Antibiotika bei der Parodontitis (PA) beruht auf der Erkenntnis, dass eine marginale PA durch Bakterien verursacht wird. Das allgemeine Ziel der Antibiotikatherapie besteht darin, die Keimzahlen parodontopathogener Erreger in den Parodontaltaschen zu verringern und aus der Mundhöhle zu eliminieren. Die physiologische Mundhöhlenflora sollte dabei möglichst


Dennis S. Karjala Jack E. Brown Professor of Law Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law Arizona State University dennis.karjala@asu.edu • Universities exist to create and transmit • By “knowledge,” we mean not just science and technology but also the humanities – literature, art, history, philosophy, and • All universities want more money, but in seeking it we must no

Neo emedyl dragees gi

GEBRAUCHSINFORMATION: INFORMATION FÜR DEN ANWENDER Neo Emedyl Dragees Lesen Sie die gesamte Packungsbeilage sorgfältig durch, denn sie enthält wichtige Informationen für Sie. Dieses Arzneimittel ist ohne Verschreibung erhältlich. Um einen bestmöglichen Behandlungserfolg zu erzielen, muss Neo Emedyl Dragees jedoch vorschriftsgemäß eingenommen werden. - Heben Sie die Packungsbe

Use of the internet and electronic communication.pdf

MEDICAL COUNCIL M OF NEW ZEALAND www.mcnz.org.nz Statement on use of the internet and electronic communication01 The internet, email and other methods of06 Patients who obtain information from theelectronic communication are useful tools whichinternet may wish to discuss this with theircan help health professionals communicate withpatients and one another, find information andopportuni


Funhaler spacer: improving adherence withoutcompromising deliveryP M Watt, B Clements, S G Devadason, G M Chaney. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A novel asthma spacer device, the


THERAPEUTISCHES DRUG MONITORING - TDM Im Unterschied zur Drogenanalytik, bei der der Einsatz von breiten Gruppen-Screeningtests zur Erfassung von Substanzen und deren relevanten Metabolite erwünscht ist, sollte in der Medikamentenanalytik die immunologische Nachweismethode präzise, richtig und spezi- fisch sein. Die Erfassung von Metaboliten ist hier in der Regel nicht erwünscht. Das ve

Magnolia house newsletter 2009 autumn. 4

Magnolia House Sunningdale 01344 637 800 www.magnoliahouse.nhs.uk Autumn Newsletter—2009 It’s back. W elcome to Autumn! The cooler weather, darker evenings and falling leaves heralds in another flu season. As in other years, we are now offering flu jabs to all those over 65 years and, in addition, those who have a disease or condition which places them at increased risk of gets e


PROBABILIDAD y ESTAD´ISTICA (61.06, Industriales)1. La probabilidad de que un emisor de mensajes sea fuente de spam es 0.1. El 90 % de los mensajesspam tiene la palabra Viagra, mientras que s´olo el 15 % de los mensajes no spam la tienen. Unreceptor ha recibido 4 mensajes de la misma fuente y en exactamente 2 de ellos detect´o la palabraViagra, ¿cu´al es la probabilidad de que la fuente sea


Material Safety Data Sheet Lithium Ion Cells and Battery Packs Section 1. Chemical Product and Company Identification PRODUCT IDENTIFICATION: Prismatic Lithium Ion Cells and Battery Packs MANUFACTURE’S NAME: EnerDel, Inc. EMERGENCY TELEPHONE NUMBER: INFOTRAC 800-535-5053 Environmental, Health and Safety Department Section 2. Composition/Information on Ingredients Batteries and

List of items rejected due to single qualified bid.xlsx

List of Items Rejected Due to Single Qualified BidAmoxicillin 200 mg + Clavulanic Acid 28.5 B Complex (NFI formula) Vit.B1 2mg, Vit.B2 Folic Acid 0.5mg Ferrous Sulphate 200 mg (Equivalent To 65 Cipla LtdM/s Laboratories Merck Sharp & DohmeFrance/MSD mgSulfamethoxazole 100 mg + Trimethoprim 20mg Sulfamethoxazole 800 mg + Trimethoprim Amoxicillin 0.5 gm + Clavulanic Acid 0.1 gm / vial Am

Microsoft word - malarianomore factsheet final.doc

Fact Sheet Overview of Malaria Malaria is a disease of contradiction – it is both one of the most deadly and prevalent diseases in Sub-Saharan Africa and also the most preventable and treatable. More than 1 million people die of malaria each year, 75 percent of them African children, and more than 300 million people worldwide fall ill from malaria annually. Defeating malaria is

Creating the environment for discipleship

MC LEADERS TRAINING CREATING THE ENVIRONMENT FOR DISCIPLESHIP In the Story, we watch as Jesus makes disciples, turning fishermen into fishers of men. Then before he ascends into heaven, he gives them the mission to also make disciples who obey his commands And then over and over in Acts we see how they accomplished that mission. They did basically what Jesus did with his disciples. They pro


Book ReviewsCroatian Economic Survey : Vol. 15 : No. 1 : April 2013 : pp. 115-134 Pension Reforms in Central, Eastern and Southeastern Europe: From Post-Socialist Transition to the Global Financial Crisis Igor Guardiancich London, New York, NY: Routledge/ EUI studies in the political economy of the The pension system is the important part of every country’s social security. The f

Stat 333

The instructions for using the t-distribution on the computer are the same as the instructions given for the z-distribution on the last assignment except you have to input degrees of freedom for the t-distribution. Note: some answers may be off due to rounding. 1. The length of human pregnancies is approximately normally distributed with mean equal to 266 days and standard deviation equal to 16

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MESOAMERICA Volume 25, Number 10, October 2006 Mysterious Illness Kills 21 Panamanians On 3 Oct, public health officials in Panama called in experts from the Pan American Health Organiza- tion (Washington, DC) and the Center for Disease Control (CDC in Atlanta, Georgia) to investigate a mysterious illness that already had killed more than a dozen elderly patients after they e

Microsoft word - lettera a madama cristina di lorena.doc

A Cristina di Lorena, Granduchessa di Toscana Io scopersi pochi anni a dietro, come ben sa l'Altezza Vostra Serenissima, molti particolari nel cielo, stati invisibili sino a questa età; li quali, sì per la novità, sì per alcune conseguenze che da essi dependono, contrarianti ad alcune proposizioni naturali comunemente ricevute dalle scuole de i filosofi, mi eccitorno contro non piccol numer

Árlista 2012 03 01.xls

Corden International (Magyarország) Kft. Központi Vizsgálati Árjegyzéke A vizsgálat neve A vizsgálat rövid neve, más használatban levő elnevezése Listaár Inzulin-rezisztencia index, IR% (inzulinból és vércukorból számított index). Az ár csak az index kiszámítását fedezi, a vizsgálatok pluszban fizetendők. R atio of O varian MA lignancy. HE4 és CA 125 II ér


Juan Manuel Santos Calderón Presidente de la República de Colombia Honorable Presidente Santos: Un cordial saludo: Como Directores Ejecutivos del Comité Central Menonita (CCM) en Canadá y los Estados Unidos nos dirigimos a usted para expresar nuestra preocupación profunda por las recientes amenazas e intimidaciones hacia el doctor Ricardo Esquivia Ballestas, Director de la Asociación

Hyperbark oxygen therapy committee report 2003 - skin grafts and flaps (compromised)

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy Committee Report 2003 - Skin Grafts and Flaps (compromised) SKIN GRAFTS AND FLAPS (COMPROMISED) William A. Zamboni and Himansu R. Shah Rationale Hyperbaric oxygen (HBO2) therapy is neither necessary nor recommended for the support of normal, uncompromised skin grafts or flaps. However, in tissue compromised by irradiation or in other cases where there

Razor dl leaflet xxx-iii

Horse Wormer Two (2) adult doses per syringe All horses and ponies should be included ina regular parasite control programme, with drugrotation being the key to the effectiveness of the programme. Discuss this aspect when next talkingto your vet. The actives in RAZOR Horse Wormer are Ivermectin 8mg/g and Praziquantel 100mg/g. margin at the recommended dose rates. It may beadminis

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